Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 313 The Secret of Ravenclaw

"It's... beyond my expectation. I didn't expect to see you again so soon, Connor Lake." Ravenclaw said as if he was surprised, but his face was cold and he couldn't hear anything. What emotions.

"So, have I passed your test? Ms. Ravenclaw." Unexpectedly, in a twist of events, Ravenclaw really appeared. Connor's idea was indeed right. He could pass the level by breaking through the roof.

("Are you really Rowena! Are you not dead yet?!")

"In fact, I didn't consider the possibility that you would reach the top floor through the castle, let alone that it only took you just one day to get here. The puzzles I set should not be for your age. A wizard can unravel it.”

Ravenclaw said something like a sigh, but there was still no expression on his face.

"Why do you say that?" Connor proudly put his hands on his chest and raised his neck: "I am not an ordinary wizard. Your puzzles will not trouble me."

Being able to surprise the witch who represented "wisdom" in legend, Connor felt that he was not too proud.

("Hey! Rowena Ravenclaw! I'm asking you a question!!")

"Did you rely on this girl... to pass the level I set? It's really amazing magic. It has traces that don't belong to our magic system. It's fused with Eastern magic. It's really amazing."

Ravenclaw's eyes stayed on Angel, and Angel blinked and looked at her. These two beauties with the same knowledge are probably the most knowledgeable "people" in the world (magic side).

"Although the way you passed the test was beyond my expectation, since you have come before me, you are qualified to be recognized by me, Connor Lake." Ravenclaw returned his gaze to Connor On the body.

"Eh?! So I passed the test, right!" Connor's face was happy. Now there is nothing wrong with him. He misses his dear Weasley brothers very much now, and he no longer wants to stay here. Here it is.

("Hey! Connor brat! Ravenclaw! Do you hear me!!!")

Ravenclaw shook his head and waved to Connor: "Come here, Connor Lake, you have been recognized by me, Rowena Ravenclaw, I recognize your ability and will work with you You make a contract.”

"Um, okay." Connor ran all the way to Ravenclaw and knocked away the female ghost in front of him.

("Hey! Hey!!!")

Ravenclaw held Connor's right hand. She closed her eyes and recited: "I, Rowena Ravenclaw, hereby testify that Connor Lake is qualified to bear my crown."

It seemed like something happened, but it seemed like nothing happened. When Connor came to his senses, Ravenclaw had already let go of him.

"Is this... the end?" Connor scratched his head. Gryffindor seemed to have done the same thing back then... was it that simple? Forget it, keep it simple, Connor's body can no longer withstand the torture.

"So, can I leave here now?"

Ravenclaw looked at Connor deeply and said calmly:

"The contract has been completed, so follow the ancient contract. I will not stop you from leaving here, but you still have to find the way out of here by yourself."

("Can't you see me!! Hey!! I'm right in front of you!")

Connor's eyes widened: "???Why! Haven't I already got your recognition? Why are you still refusing to let me go?!"

"It's not that I won't let you go... Well, just think of this as your unfinished test." Ravenclaw said calmly: "This is the rule set by [I] back then, and now [I] also It’s not easy to violate.”

"What...what do you mean?" Connor was a little confused.

"The puzzles in this castle were actually set up one by one by me over the past few hundred years, especially the levels leading to the top floor. They are not something that ordinary wizards can solve at all. If you want to understand and apply that knowledge, It will take at least several years of research."

"Eh?" Connor somewhat understood. Did he mean that he had cleared a map that was not within the game's open range?

Ah, this...I...I'm not cheating!

"So what you're saying is...this is not the set route to clear the level in the first place. Is there another way to get your approval?"

("Asshole!!! You should pay attention to me!")

Ravenclaw nodded and said: "Yes, but although the process is different, the result is the same, so you have my recognition. In short, I will not interfere with your subsequent actions. I believe that you can When you arrive here, you can easily find the stairs to leave."

"..." Connor's face hurt, mmp, I hate you Riddlers the most, let me go! ! Labor and management don’t want to play anymore!

Now Connor's joy was gone, and he sat aside feeling desolate.

Angel tilted her head, walked over, put her little hand on Connor's head and touched it, her expression was the legendary innocence of a girl: "If you are unhappy, just touch your head."

awsl, although the road has gone astray, Connor still feels that this wave of blood is profitable...

At this time, Ravenclaw finally turned to look at Helena, who had been jumping around for a long time...

"Helena, I didn't expect you to be here. It's been a long time."

"Is that why you noticed me now!!!" Helena screamed frantically. Her former elegant lady image was gone forever.

Her expression was terrifying, like a ghost (even though she was one): "Answer my question, Rowena! Why on earth did I turn into a ghost."

"I obviously don't have any obsession! When Barrow killed me, all I felt was relief! I have no nostalgia for this world! But! Why didn't I disappear! Why did I become a ghost! Could it be that I didn't disappear? Is this also your curse on me! Rowena!"

Helena was now in front of Rowena and asked loudly, as if she wanted to vent out the emotions accumulated in the past thousand years: "Do you know how I got here after so many years! I became an untouchable thing. , a ghost that can’t taste but can’t die! I’ve had enough!! Why do you torture me like this! Why!!”

Connor carefully stepped aside. Now he didn't think about how to leave for the time being. Helena looked really miserable. Although Connor thought she was lazy, stupid, and useless...but after all, he was supporting her all the way. Friends who came over...

So Connor is still very willing to eat this melon, and he also has some vague guesses...

Connor reached into his space pocket and found that the treasure bag was actually usable. He quickly took out a few cantaloupes and sat down to eat them.

"Hmm! Dad, I want to eat too." Angel puffed her mouth.

"Yes, yes, yes, Daddy, I will draw it for you right now..."

On the other side, Ravenclaw looked at the furious Helena quietly for a few seconds, and then said in a very cold tone: "Absurd, stupid."

"What did you say!!?"

"You are not a ghost, Helena, and I have never cast any curse on you."

"Not a ghost!? Impossible! If it's not a ghost, then what is this body of mine!!"

Facing the evil Helena, Ravenclaw remained calm, as if nothing could make her emotions rise and fall.

Two women who look similar, and even have the same soul, have the same origin, but they give people completely different feelings.

"You are me, and I am you. Have you forgotten Helena? We are actually the same person, and our souls are equally powerful. How can we die so easily?"

"! Yes, that's right! I...I'm not your Horcrux! No...that's not right! How can a Horcrux continue to exist without a prop! must be lying to me!" Hearing that he was actually a fake ghost, Helena was so "excited" that her words became incoherent.

"Why not?" Ravenclaw said indifferently: "It seems that you still don't understand the relationship between us. Nearly a thousand years have passed, but you haven't changed at all. You can't even figure out whether you are a ghost. Hailian Na, you are really too lazy."

"What...what do you mean?"

"What do you think the function of a Horcrux is?"

"It's... it's to... separate the soul and escape death..." Helena stammered.

Ravenclaw shook his head: "Only those who are greedy for life and afraid of death will use Horcrux as a tool to escape death. This is an insult to this magic."

"I once told you that in order to pursue the limits of knowledge, I conducted a soul transfer experiment. The experiment was very successful. The fact that I am standing here is the best proof."

"But that's just one of the purposes of this experiment." Ravenclaw's indifferent eyes made several people feel a little uncomfortable: "I split my soul and created you, not just to prove that this experiment can It can’t succeed.”

Ravenclaw suddenly changed the subject and said: "A wizard's power consists of four parts: blood, soul, belief and knowledge. Blood and soul determine whether you have the ability to cast spells, while belief and knowledge determine your ability. upper limit.”

"Back then, the four of us would often quarrel over which of the four was more important..." Ravenclaw paused, then continued: "And I always firmly believe that knowledge is the most important to us wizards. .”

"What on earth are you trying to say!? Are you making fun of me for not being as smart as you!!"

"I don't mean this. I just want to reiterate that I have been pursuing the ultimate in knowledge throughout my life, and I have made a lot of efforts to achieve this goal."

"I separate my soul and refine a body that can accommodate my soul, all so that I can have more time to pursue more knowledge and witness more possibilities."

"However, it is not just our bodies that have a lifespan. In fact, our souls also have a lifespan. After injury, our body's lifespan will be shortened, and violent emotional outbursts will consume the lifespan of our souls."

"So, in order to prolong my [life] as much as possible, I separated all my emotions, and the other half of my soul that was born is you, Helena."

Ravenclaw's voice was frighteningly cold: "You are the part that I have separated from you, the part that I don't need. Without the emotional distress, my soul will hardly be consumed anymore, and my [life] will change." If nothing happens, I will be able to exist forever and even witness the end of this world."

After listening to Ravenclaw's words, the top of the tower suddenly became silent, and everyone was shocked by her "ambition", including Connor.

Connor marveled at her wisdom, lamented at her boldness, and was also shocked by her "greed"... So, is she worthy of being a Ravenclaw who calls herself a raven?

Ravenclaw looked at the stunned Helena and continued:

"Shortly after you left the castle, my body [died], and I transferred my soul into my alchemy body. So far, I have been studying magic in this hanging garden for 957 years..."

"Helena, you are another part of my soul that I have feelings for. Your [lifespan] may be much shorter than mine, but under normal circumstances you will not die easily. But unfortunately, you always think that you are a human being." Just a ghost, wasting nearly a thousand years in vain."

Ravenclaw's words were like knives cutting into Helena's body.

"So your pain and confusion are all your own fault."

"How stupid."

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