Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 327 Back to school

Neither the [Magic Cards] nor the [Magic Pen] that Connor had half-researched were released so quickly, but just the new version of Facebook has already caused a "turmoil" in the magic world.

Just as Connor expected, a few days after the new version of Facebook was released, the newspapers began to follow up and report on this new product of the Lake family. As for Connor's previous awards, they had lost their popularity.

The following is what some wizards interviewed by the Daily Prophet said about Facebook:

"The latest version of Lake's [Facebook W1] is great! As an old Facebook user, I have bought every version of Facebook, but I still have to admit that this new version of Facebook is far better than before. ! This is a brand new and disruptive product! I like it very much! No, I love it to death!"

"Facebook? Of course I bought it! And I also recommended that all my friends and colleagues buy it! Now we have established several group chats and chat in them every day! I love this feature so much!"

"Are you talking about the new version of Facebook? I like it very much! I am obsessed with dressing up my little fox every day. What? Don't you know this function? Of course the little fox can be dressed up! I named it [Lily], I can dye its hair, wear different hats, wear cute clothes, and live in a nice house, huh? This is of course very important! Only by dressing up your little fox differently will you not be confused in the group chat. Get confused.”

"I bought it! I bought it! I also asked my classmates to buy it! Now I am waiting to go back to school to exchange lenses with them! I have never looked forward to going back to school as much as this time! I can't wait to talk to my friends Let’s show off my fox! My fox once picked up a sword from outside! I guarantee that no one will be as lucky as me!”

"This is a rubbish product! Why can my fox only bring back a few broken leaves every day!? I suspect this broken Facebook is targeting me! I won't say anymore, I will buy a new one and change it to one with better luck. fox…"


The new version of Facebook suddenly became popular not only because of its group chat function, but also because of the little fox Mira in it!

When Connor was researching Facebook, he was originally researching in the direction of smartphones. If he wanted to make wizards fall in love with Facebook quickly, a pet-raising game would play a very terrifying role in promoting it.

Connor had the idea of ​​building a magic network a long time ago, and in fact he has already succeeded more than half of it. The Facebook connections between two people have actually formed a crude version of the "magic network." ".

A large number of little foxes [Mira] who can shuttle between different Facebooks are the "cornerstone" of this magic network!

Just like when you meet three people, you get to know people all over the world. Mira, the little fox who can only connect to two Facebooks on the surface, can actually connect to all Facebooks through constant cross-connection.

This is a social network woven by the little fox Mira. Connor realized and took advantage of this and planned to cause trouble on it.

We can think of all the little fox Miras as low-dimensional creatures in the same "flat world" at the same time. Connor gave them the ability to move freely in this flat world. The little fox Miras are in this flat world. Communicate and interact.

And Connor is currently the only "god" in this flat world. He can constantly put supplies into this "flat world". For example, he drew a bunch of swords, armors, and clothes in his spare time ( The kind used by foxes) paintings

Then connect this painting to the "flat world" belonging to Facebook, then this pile of supplies will appear in the world of this group of foxes. In this way, a certain fox may pick up something strange when he goes out to "hang out" weird stuff

Connor can manage this "network" to a certain extent in this way, and for those Facebook users, their foxes can bring back something new when they go out for a few rounds from time to time, which gives them a sense of belonging. What it’s like to have a “real” pet.

And this pet can not only talk and interact, but is also very obedient. It will do whatever it wants, wear clothes when it is dressed, and transform when it is... Well, this cannot be changed.

This pet-raising game, full of unknowns and fun, makes wizards, especially young wizards, very interested. They are addicted to dressing up little foxes, and then go to the group chat to show off to their friends if they get something rare. There may also be py transactions for props

Yes, it can be traded, and the little foxes can also exchange supplies with each other. The young wizards are very energetic in exploring new things. In a few days, they have basically figured out the various hidden functions of the new Facebook, and they have even played with it. All kinds of new tricks.

For example, as far as Connor knows, some rich young masters offer hundreds of gold galleons for a sparkling sword that he drew casually. You know, a Facebook page only costs less than six gold galleons.

In short, the new version of the Lake family's Facebook has achieved unprecedented success. The sales volume has almost exceeded the sum of the previous versions. The Lake family has made a lot of money again.

Of course, the wizards will not know that they are being treated as leeks by Connor. What they think is the most perfect version of the Lake family's new version of Facebook is actually a test subject destined to be eliminated.

Then, after a relatively peaceful Easter holiday, Connor had to leave his beloved magic laboratory and embark on the journey back to school.


"Ah ah ah~ Why did the vacation go by so fast! Why do I feel like I just had a vacation a few days ago?!" The twins wailed beside Connor. The twins, Cedric and Connor, the four of them are now On the streets of Hogsmeade, walking back to Hogwarts.

"By the way, what are you two doing on vacation? You didn't bother me much." Connor looked at the twins in surprise.

"Because we know you won't pay attention to us even if we go to your place," George muttered, "and we also have something to do, okay!"

"Yes! We have made several magic props this holiday! For example, this fake wand has the same appearance as the real wand, but when your hand touches it, the wand will turn into a toy made of rubber or tin. Also There's this punching telescope, which looks like a normal telescope but when you twist it, it spits out a fist that leaves an imprint when it hits, and there's this toque."

Fred took out one strange prop after another from his arms and introduced it enthusiastically.

Cedric was speechless for a while: "Can't you guys study something useful? What's the use of these things besides being funny?"

"It's just for fun! Our dream is to open a joke shop!" Instead of feeling ashamed, the twins replied proudly with their heads held high.

George continued: "Of course it's not all funny things. For example, this telescopic ear can be stretched to hear sounds from far away, and there is no magic fluctuation. There is also this witty answering quill, which can automatically write questions. The answer! Of course, if we don’t know it, we can’t answer it.”

Connor raised his eyebrows. No wonder they came to ask him about magic patterns before. It turned out that they had already started making their magic props.

"If you ask me, these things of yours are not as interesting as Mira on Facebook."

The four of them were walking and chatting. As soon as they returned to the school gate, they found two stinky younger brothers standing at the gate eagerly.

When Ron and Ivan saw Connor and the others, their eyes lit up and they ran over quickly, each grabbing an elder brother:

"Connor Connor, where's my Facebook!" "Fred George, where's my Facebook."

Connor smiled and touched Yi's head, ruffling his hair into a mess: "I brought it with you, can't you wait so much?"

Connor handed the prepared Facebook to Ivan, while the twins on the other side were teasing Ron, whetting his appetite and making him scream in anger.

"We just couldn't help it when we saw the Facebook posts of those who went back to school! You couldn't tell from the newspaper that this is so fun!" Ivan said excitedly: "Ah, my mother and grandfather both have lenses. , Thanks Connor! Ron, let’s exchange lenses quickly!”

A few people walked towards the castle talking and laughing. Suddenly, George pulled Connor, pointed behind him and said, "Connor, do you think that is Professor Quirrell?"

Connor turned around and saw a turbaned figure limping into the school.

"What's wrong with Professor Quirrell? Does he feel like he's walking?" Cedric also noticed Quirrell.

Connor thought thoughtfully, is he injured? Could it be that Voldemort went hunting unicorns because he was injured during the Easter holiday? It looks like the plot is about to begin.

Connor pulled Cedric, who was looking back: "Let's go, let's go, what's there to see? The professor may just be awake, so leave him alone."

"Let's go, let's go. I also want to exchange lenses with my brothers."

"You're right, I can't wait to see [our] group chat."

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