Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 343.5 If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight (extra)

(p.s.1. This chapter and chapter 343 both belong to the volume of Philosopher's Stone. (_) I got the volume wrong. Chapter 344 is from the next volume. Although no one may have noticed, it is a bit forced. The treatment made me very uncomfortable, and I can’t change it after it’s released (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻)

(p.s.2. This chapter is considered a free extra. Like the previous Gryffindor Stone Lion, because the previous chapters borrowed a lot from the original text, this chapter is used as compensation_(:з」∠)_)

[She is neither as passionate as Gryffindor, nor as ambitious as Slytherin, nor as approachable as Hufflepuff. She is aloof, and is always climbing higher. She only has eyes for her. Her footsteps will never stop in the far places she has never reached, and she will keep moving forward throughout her life...

——"The Big Four of Hogwarts, Rowena Ravenclaw\

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