Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 349 The First Generation of Dark Lord

[I refuse to succumb to it anymore. 】

This sentence made the blood of many wizards boil a few decades ago.

This sentence comes from the mouth of a wizard who dares to challenge the entire wizarding world - Gellert Grindelwald.

Connor learned from a lot of information that the wizarding world a few decades ago was far less enlightened than it is today. The International Statute of Secrecy at that time strictly prohibited wizards from having contact with Muggles.

At that time, wizards were very strict about keeping the magical world secret. Intermarriage between wizards and Muggles was prohibited. Anyone who did anything that might expose the magical world could even be sentenced to death.

This kind of harsh law is simply unreasonable in the eyes of many wizards.

We are wizards who can do magic! We are far more powerful than the Muggles! We have powers that Muggles will never have! But why, why do our laws protect Muggles? We have great power, but we can only live like rats in the gutter. We cannot even live openly in this world. Why? ? !

This is the inner dissatisfaction and question of many wizards, but in the past years, no one could give them answers, no one dared to make changes...

At this moment, Grindelwald appeared. He called on those who were unwilling to succumb to wizarding laws and wanted to fight for the freedom of wizards to stand up! Walk with him! Build a world where the "tyranny" of Muggles is overthrown, wizards are allowed to lead Muggles, and wizards can walk freely under the sun!

Of course, he failed. In the legendary duel in 1945, he was defeated by Dumbledore.

His revolution failed, and as a loser, the world called him the first Dark Lord.

This is Gellert Grindelwald.

After being defeated by Dumbledore, Grindelwald was imprisoned in Nurmengard. Forty-seven years have passed.

Then, today, Connor met this legendary figure in a very special way.


"What are you doing here? This filthy prison is not the place where our great white wizard Dumbledore should be."

At the entrance of Nurmengard, Connor and Dumbledore were stopped by an old man with white hair.

This is an old man who looks to be about the same age as Dumbledore. However, compared to the kind-faced Dumbledore, this old man looks not to be trifled with. He has an unshaven beard, fierce eyes, is not angry and has a strong body. Very tough, maybe even able to box.

This was completely different from the emaciated old man that Connor saw in the movie. Connor even suspected that he was not Grindelwald at all. Could this be a prison guard? Didn't it mean that the old man was imprisoned at the top of the tower?

Dumbledore sighed with a complex expression: "I remember I told you on Facebook that I was coming over."

Well, Dumbledore denied Connor's boring speculation. This is indeed the legendary hunk Grindelwald.

"Huh? Who in their free time would remember to read that kind of crappy book every day?"

"I remember we had a pretty good chat last night."

"Why don't I have this kind of memory? I haven't spoken to anyone in more than forty years. How could I have such a good conversation with a big shot like you!?"

"." Dumbledore sighed heavily again, "Long time no see, Gellert."

"." Grindelwald opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing. He waved his sleeves, turned around and walked into the tower.

"." Connor looked at Grindelwald who was walking away, and then at Dumbledore who was silent. They were both older than him. This weird atmosphere made him feel uncomfortable all over.

"That Professor Dumbledore?" In the end, Connor couldn't stand the numbing atmosphere and pushed Dumbledore next to him. This was the first time Connor had seen him lose his temper like this. It seemed that Some gossips are extremely reliable.

"Ah, I'm sorry for making you laugh. Let's go. He's waiting for us inside." Dumbledore came to his senses, showed an apologetic smile, and walked inside with Connor.

When I walked inside, I discovered that there was no guard in this tower. Is this really a prison? Connor couldn't help but ask: "Professor Dumbledore, is Mr. Grindelwald the only one here?"

Dumbledore nodded with some emotion: "Yes, there is no prison in this world that can hold him. The only one who can hold this man is himself."

Wow. Are you so domineering? Connor stuck out his tongue and recalled the reports he had read. This great master was able to manipulate the Aurors of the International Confederation of Wizards who captured him into applause. I have a lot of experience in escaping from prison. Even without the magic wand, it is not something that ordinary prisons can hold.

"This prison called Nurmengard was used by him to imprison those who opposed him." Dumbledore said in a nostalgic tone: "He chose to trap himself in it after losing to me. It was also one of the conditions for his surrender.”

The legendary duel between Dumbledore and Grindelwald, where the future of the wizarding world was decided by the outcome of the two, was indeed a magnificent scene worth remembering.

Although he met the legendary celebrities and learned about the boss's awesomeness, Connor still didn't understand what Dumbledore was going to do when he brought him here to meet Grindelwald.

According to Grindelwald, Dumbledore has not been to this place for more than 40 years, but today he came here with him, and the two had a meaningful (da) meaning (qing) not (ma) ) Ming (qiao)'s conversation, and then walked away without looking back. Connor said that he really couldn't understand this operation.

Dumbledore looked very worried and had no intention of explaining to Connor. It seemed that he could only take one step at a time.

The two slowly walked to the top floor and saw Grindelwald standing beside the hard bed, looking into the distance. The living conditions of the Dark Lord did not look very good.

"The scenery here has changed a lot compared to fifty years ago."

"You also have a share of credit for this."

"But that's not what I wanted to see."

"The world will always get better gradually."

"Ha" Grindelwald turned around and said with a sneer: "This [good] may not be what we want."

"." Dumbledore was silent for a moment and pushed Connor out beside him: "I am here today to introduce you to someone. This is Connor Lake, my student."

"Uh" Connor was pushed inadvertently and staggered. This was the first time that Dumbledore said that he was his student in front of others. Connor scratched his head and said with a silly smile: "Ahaha, hello, Grinder Mr. Waugh, this is Connor Lake."

Grindelwald laid his eyes on Connor for the first time: "Are you the kid who created this crappy book?"

Grindelwald pointed to the Facebook next to his bed, his tone not so friendly.

"Ah, yes, yes." Connor continued to giggle. He had not yet decided what attitude he should adopt to face the great god in front of him.

Then, Grindelwald's eyes were attracted by Connor's earrings, because they were printed with the symbol of the Deathly Hallows, which was his symbol. His "Revolutionary Army" used this symbol back then. Grindelwald A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Ha, didn't you expect that I have such a young admirer?"

"Ah? Ah! No, no, no, please don't misunderstand." Connor waved his hands crazily to prove his innocence: "I just randomly found a picture from a fairy tale book and put it on. I'm not your admirer. I really no!"

"." Grindelwald's smile froze on his face. He turned his head and said to Dumbledore: "Albus, did you bring this brat here just to make me happy?"

Dumbledore smiled, shook his head and said, "Of course not, I just took in a good student to show off to you."

"Connor's a good kid, and he's a lot like you."

Connor: "???"

Grindelwald: "???"

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