Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 370 Morning at the Weasley House

"Obviously, the Ministry of Magic underestimated the 50,000 people for this Monster Cup! It's almost as fast as the Quidditch World Cup, but they didn't activate the Portkey plan."

"Fortunately, the arena is built in Hogsmeade Village, and there is a branch of Lake Experience Store there. Otherwise, I don't know how they could get through these 50,000 people."

"If you ask me, this is entirely a problem of the current International Magical Cooperation Department's own lack of ability. This generation's members are not good enough."

"Ha! The ministry was still arguing over whether the Sports Department or the International Department should be in charge of the Monster Cup. After all, this is the first time, so some confusion is normal!"

When Harry returned to the Burrow after his morning run, he saw Percy chatting with a slim, middle-aged man who looked very kind. When he saw the trademark sparse red hair, Harry could probably guess Who is this person?

"Hey! You are Harry! A healthy young man!" Harry was enthusiastically grabbed by the man's hand as soon as he walked in. "Welcome to my home! I am Ron's father, Arthur! Arthur Weiss Len, I'm glad you can be Ron's friend. That kid always talks about you when he comes home."

"Hello, Mr. Weasley." It was difficult for Harry to get used to the Weasley family's enthusiasm, but he also enjoyed this enthusiasm.

"I heard that you came back in a car that I modified!" Mr. Weasley said mysteriously: "How about it, that car is pretty good, it took me a lot of effort to make it fly. "

Percy, who was reading the morning paper next to him, rolled his eyes, waved his wand, and Harry saw a large mirror in the living room suddenly start playing a picture, which seemed to be a news program.

"Is this a TV?" Harry asked curiously.

Mr. Weasley clapped his hands excitedly and said: "Ha! Muggle TV! I have always been curious, how do you broadcast videos without magic!? What kind of electricity do you use? Mysterious energy?”

This kind of question was really difficult for Harry to answer. He finally figured out that Mr. Weasley was obsessed with Muggle things.

"Arthur! You are not allowed to secretly buy Muggle machines anymore! How much money did you waste buying that shabby car! You even secretly modified that car! I am really worried about when you will lose this Work!"

Mrs. Weasley's voice came from the kitchen. Mrs. Weasley was making breakfast, and Harry admired her skill at waving her wand to make bread.

Mrs. Weasley walked to the dining table with the meal and greeted Harry: "Good morning, dear, look at how sweaty you are, go take a shower and come down for breakfast."

"Oh, okay." Harry replied quickly.

"Hurry up, we have to pick up Charlie later." Mrs. Weasley hurriedly walked to a speaker next to the kitchen and shouted inside: "Wake up! Little girls and boys! Come down and have breakfast!" "

Harry vaguely heard an echo from upstairs.

Then Percy suddenly said: "Oh, no, Mom and Dad, I think our plan needs to change."

"What's wrong?"

"You watch the news——"

Harry looked towards the magic TV. He saw a familiar scene on the TV. A reporter was standing in front of a very familiar building. Behind him was a sea of ​​people. Harry recognized where it was. , this is Diagon Alley! In the crowded Diagon Alley, the reporter was reporting in a hurry:

".As you can see, behind me is the Lake Experience Store in Diagon Alley. Now we can see that it is full of people, and wizards from different countries are coming one after another. Inside, the Ministry of Magic People are scrambling to expand space and build makeshift fireplaces.”

Percy shrugged: "It seems that we can't go to Diagon Alley. Let Charlie meet us directly in Hogsmeade Village."

"Merlin's beard, why are there so many people?" Mrs. Weasley covered her mouth in surprise, "Then Arthur, tell Charlie to go directly to Hogsmeade, and we won't go there. "


Mr. Weasley got up to get Facebook when Ron came downstairs, followed by a little girl that Harry had seen at the station last year. That should be Ron's sister Ginny.

"Harry, haven't you checked Facebook? Someone in the college group has already gone to Hogsmeade Village. I heard that it is very lively there now."

"Really? I wasn't watching. I just finished my run and I'm going to take a shower first. I'm so sticky and uncomfortable." Harry and Ron clapped their hands and smiled at Ginny as they passed by her going downstairs. nodded.

Ginny said hello a little reservedly, and after waiting for Harry to go upstairs, she stuck out her tongue and said to Ron: "He is really like you said, he is a strange person."

"Harry just prefers to exercise, so he's not a weirdo." Ron frowned and defended Harry.

Ginny spread her hands: "Famous people are very weird, just like Connor, aren't they?"

Ron couldn't refute this.

"So when will our family leave!?" Ginny said excitedly: "Will we go with Ivan and the others?"

"No, the Lake family probably left early in the morning," Percy answered Ginny's question: "But our seats are next to theirs, so we will bump into each other sooner or later."

"Eh? Why don't you come with us?" Ginny was a little disappointed, then she thought of something and turned around and ran upstairs.

"Ginny! You've had breakfast, where are you going?" Mrs. Weasley shouted as she brought another large plate of bread out of the kitchen.

"I'm going to get Facebook, soon-"

"Bang——!!!" At this moment, a violent explosion suddenly came from upstairs, and the next moment, Mrs. Weasley's roar penetrated the Burrow: "F———————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——!!!"

"Mom, that was Percy farting just now-" Fred yelled from upstairs.

"If you don't hurry down now, you two will stay at home and guard the door today!"

Then there was another sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets upstairs.

When Harry walked out of the bathroom wearing a vest and wiping his hair, he saw the twins making some weird deal with Ginny.

"Ginny, take this, we made it with great difficulty, it is very precious!"

"Yes, and this thing is very practical! You are definitely the most beautiful girl in the room tonight, I said it!"

Fred handed a small pink bottle to Ginny, who happily accepted it, "Thanks, Fred George."

"What are you doing?" Harry walked over curiously.

George held up another small pink bottle and winked at Harry: "[Charm Potion]! Harry, do you have a girl you like? Using this will make your charm soar! Tonight is a rare one. What a great opportunity! We are so familiar with each other and it’s cheaper. How about giving you a gold galleon!"

Harry shook his head and waved his hands repeatedly: "No, no, I'm not interested in this."

woman? Can women make themselves stronger? Harry looked calm on the outside, but he was thinking disdainfully on the inside.

"How long are you going to stay up there!! Come down and have breakfast!!!" Mrs. Weasley's voice sounded like she was on the verge of exploding.

The morning at the Weasley family passed in a bustle.

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