Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 503 Birthday Morning

Connor lived a miserable few days.

Every day, his aunt took him to meet various guests, including high-ranking officials from foreign ministries of magic, patriarchs of magic families, and famous wizards. Of course, the ones Connor greeted most were their female relatives.

As a young boy, he became famous, had extraordinary abilities, and had a good skin. Coupled with his charming passive skill that could not be turned off, Connor successfully exceeded the task assigned to him by Camilla - to bring those young ladies (also Many old aunts) were fascinated by it.

Unfortunately Connor was not happy.

In the past few days, he had been pretending to smile so hard that his mouth was frozen. He was obviously very bored but still forced himself to smile and chat with others. He suppressed his impatience and pretended to be a group of people wearing masks. This feeling was really unpleasant.

Sure enough, all human troubles are troubles in interpersonal relationships.

Compared with this complex real society, it is more comfortable to stay in the ivory tower of school

But Connor can't escape his responsibilities, and even his birthday can't be completely controlled by himself.


1992.12.24. Connor’s 14th birthday.

Connor, who came home very late last night after being busy, got up early. After washing, he dressed up under the service of the devil.

What appeared in the full-length mirror was a young man with black hair, blue eyes and a tall and tall figure.

The confidence that inadvertently overflowed from the boy's brows, and his unique aloof temperament made it difficult for people to believe that he was only a 14-year-old child.

Connor patted the dress with satisfaction and said with a smile: "Stop hiding there, why did you get up so early today, Blanche."

The door with a slight crack was slowly pushed open, and the little cousin Blanche walked in with a normal expression, without any embarrassment of not catching the voyeur.

"Happy birthday, Connor."

"Thank you, oh? Is this my gift?"

"Yes." Blanche handed over the small gift box in her hand and looked directly at Connor: "Blanqi is number one."

"Haha, thank you Blanche, let me take a look. Um, is this a key?" Connor opened the box with a smile and found that there was a key inside. The icon seemed familiar.

"Well, it's the latest Cadillac." Blanche tilted her head: "I heard from my classmates that boys all like cars, and Connor seems to have been studying cars before, so I used my pocket money to ask my father to buy it. Don’t you like it, Connor, that the car is parked in the company?”

"Uh, I like it." Connor weighed the key and was confused. He didn't know what a wizard would do with a Muggle car, but after all, it was his little cousin's wish.

Blanche glanced at Connor for a few times, then lowered her head slightly in frustration: "I'm sorry, Blanche thought Connor would be interested in the car."

"No! No, I'm really happy! Thank you Blanche!"

Connor spent a lot of time coaxing Blanche. The two of them walked downstairs laughing and chatting. The first thing they saw was Camilla lying inelegantly on the sofa on the first floor. The magic TV on the wall was not turned off. and empty wine bottles on the table proving what exactly happened last night.

"." Connor covered his face speechlessly: "Is this guy always like this at home? No, the house she built herself is over there in the tower, right? Why did she come here?"

"Aunt Camilla doesn't like to live alone," Blanche said with a neutral expression (but no expression), "When she was in London, she also liked to come and play with Blanche."

Connor stepped forward and pulled the blanket that the devil had probably covered Camilla with: "It's morning, Camilla, wake up."


"." Connor suppressed the slap he wanted to throw at someone's butt, took a deep breath, and said calmly: "Grandpa, you're here so early."

A certain delinquent elder with poor water quality stood up on the ground like a conditioned reflex, and said sleepily: "Dad, I'm not stealing."

"Huh?" Camilla looked around blankly, glanced at Connor and Blanche, and said in a daze: "Good morning, children."

"Hurry up and clean up. You smell of alcohol." Connor rolled his eyes: "Get ready for breakfast. Mom and grandfather will probably arrive soon. There are a lot of things to do today."

"Yawn~" Camila didn't care about her somewhat revealing attire and stretched out: "I know, I know, what's wrong with drinking some wine? It's rare to have time to relax."

Camilla yawned as she walked to the bathroom. Coco, wearing a chef's uniform, ran over. The elf's big eyes were full of joy: "Master Connor, Miss Blanche, breakfast is ready Ready and ready to eat.”

Because of the relationship with the golem maid, the elf, who is on the verge of unemployment, will not let go of any job opportunity.

"Thank you for your hard work, Coco, please wait a moment, Camilla is not recovered yet."

"Bang bang bang" there was a knock on the door outside the tree house. Before Connor could move, Blanche had already ran over. Flora and Old Devin would not come in through the door, so the only ones who would knock on the door at this time were yes.

"Dad, Mom!"

"Good morning~my baby!"

Second aunt Elena and Blanche gave a big hug, and then waved to Connor with a smile on their faces: "Happy birthday ~ Connor!"

Because Ciel didn't like to use the Floo Network, Elena usually took him to apparate here.

"Thank you!" Connor stepped forward and hugged the two of them, and said happily: "Why are you here so early? We haven't had breakfast yet."

"Let's help arrange the party tonight~ And it's a rare time for the family to get together." Elena covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Come in, it's cold outside."

"Huh? Are Flora and Ivan not here?" Elena said, looking at the tree house.

"Mum had work to do late last night. She said she would be back in the morning. Ivan is still at school. He will probably come over with the Weasley family."

Connor had just packed the coats for the two of them, and Camilla happened to come out of the bathroom. They exchanged pleasantries again. The cabin in the woods had become lively early in the morning.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles were watching magic TV in the living room, while Connor and the others were having breakfast in the dining room, chatting and laughing from time to time, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

[——A few days ago, the idol Helen’s large-scale meeting held at the Pantheon in Rome attracted tens of thousands of wizards——] (News)

"By the way, what are we going to do later? For the party, just put up the tent, right?" Camilla nudged Connor while biting a piece of bread.

"We need to build a few temporary fireplaces, and install snow-proof and temperature-control magic around the house. It's a lot of work to clear away the snow outside. After all, this time is more troublesome, and there are many people invited." Connor answer.

"Eh~ Forget it, it's the cocktail party thing again anyway. Really, after finally taking a vacation, I still have to work overtime. I'm tired——"

"Ha, I feel the same way about this, but there's nothing you can do about it. What's supposed to come will always come."

"Hehe, but the birthday party doesn't have to be so serious. Let's see if I can meet some handsome guys! Connor, all those rich girls will come this time, right? And your little girlfriend will come too, right?! Haha! Can your little girlfriend handle it?"

"Why do you look so excited? You don't like the fun, and Alice"

"Connor, Blanche doesn't want to eat this."

"Oh, okay, give it to me, don't waste it"

"To be honest, I'm kind of looking forward to tonight's party, hahaha, Connor, you have to work hard!"

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