Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 553 Goodbye Slytherin

Secret room.

Connor once again came to the deepest part of the underground palace, but this time he came here with Dumbledore.

Slytherin, who turned into a stone statue, woke up when Connor entered the secret room. His eyes were burning with green flames, and he waited quietly for the two of them to come forward.

"Are you the current headmaster of Hogwarts?"

"Dear Mr. Slytherin, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, current Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, pays tribute to you." Dumbledore bowed body, a healing tribute to this great magician from thousands of years ago.

"Are you a disciple of Godric College?" Slytherin's eyes were filled with flames. Without waiting for Dumbledore's reply, he continued to speak calmly: "Your soul is very powerful. I believe that if you were in the same era as us, The achievements you can achieve should be no less than mine."

"You flatter me."

"So. Connor Lake, you appear here again, but you have the confidence to completely convince me?" Slytherin turned to look at Connor. Now he still has absolute control over the Chamber of Secrets, although Dumbledore It has been announced that the Chamber of Secrets and the inheritance of Slytherin have been found, but it is just a piece of pie at the moment. No one else can enter the Chamber of Secrets without Slytherin's permission.

The day Connor met Slytherin, Slytherin asked him a question, or asked him an attitude. Slytherin hoped that Connor would stand firm and always stand on the wizard's side.

As long as Connor nodded and agreed at the time, he could get Slytherin's inheritance, but Connor refused and put forward his point of view, trying to convince Slytherin in turn. He tried to prove to Slytherin that the future existed. The possibility of peaceful coexistence between wizards and Muggles.

However, Connor did not completely convince Slytherin that day. Although he took out the Philosopher's Stone and the magic generator and described the wizard's future development blueprint to Slytherin, Slytherin still could not completely convince Connor's words.

After all, Slytherin is an antique from a thousand years ago. It would take a lot of effort for Connor to let him understand what a generator is. It is obviously unrealistic for him to accept Connor's point of view all at once.

But Slytherin was not unswayed. At least he was surprised when he saw the Philosopher's Stone. Facts have proved that after their era, top talents among wizards have emerged one after another, and wizard society has not stopped moving forward.

So Slytherin made an agreement with Connor, giving Connor a second chance, and asking Connor to go back and convince him when he was fully prepared next time. As compensation and "bait", he taught Connor some knowledge about the soul. , demonstrated the value of the knowledge he possessed, and easily cured Connor's "split soul syndrome".

So when Connor comes this time, as long as he convinces Slytherin, he can still get his inheritance. Dumbledore is full of confidence in Connor, so he directly said that he has found the secret room. In his opinion, Connor persuaded Slytherin. I'm just a minor problem.

"That's natural. I came here with sufficient preparation. I never do anything I'm not sure about."

Connor smiled confidently, took out a card from his arms, and threw it into the air.

The card rotated and grew larger and finally turned into a huge "screen", on which Connor's PPT title was displayed - "Comparison of the Development of Muggle Technology and the Development of Wizard Magic"

It feels quite amazing to have to do PPT after traveling to the magical world, and the PPT in the magical world seems to be a little more advanced, because Connor's PPT is a three-dimensional projection...

"Gentlemen, before I start my formal speech, I would like to share the history of Muggle development over the past few hundred years..."

Connor took out his wand and began to lecture in front of the two legendary magicians in a measured tone.

"From the first industrial revolution to the second industrial revolution, and now to today, human technological power has achieved a quantum leap in these hundreds of years. Now Muggles are ready to enter the information age, and Our wizards’ understanding of Muggles is still in the electrical age of radio and television, and this wrong understanding may be fatal to us wizards.”

Connor's mouth was dry as he spoke, so he picked up the water glass floating beside him and took a sip, leaving some time for the two "older students" to digest the content of the class.

Dumbledore touched his beard and said with emotion: "Connor, your knowledge of the Muggle world has far exceeded mine. I have lived for more than a hundred years. Although I know that the Muggle world is changing with each passing day, I don't know. This change is so terrifying."

Dumbledore also benefited a lot from Connor's small class, because Connor listed a large number of data and details he found from the Muggle world, such as the invention of nuclear bombs and computers fifty years ago, such as fighter planes and military secrets Aircraft carriers, such as the Gulf War that overturned the world's understanding of war two years ago.

——As for where these confidential information came from, it naturally came from the partners Connor made in the Muggle world.

After reading this information, Dumbledore was naturally filled with emotion, and was glad that the "insightful people" among their wizards had seen the future, and they still had time. As for Slytherin, he had been silent, but from his perspective The speed of the green flames in his eyes could tell that he was not in a calm mood.

"You two, please look at these two pictures. I collected a large amount of relevant data and statistics. As of 1991, the productivity change rate of Muggles and wizards."

"From the picture, we can see that the productivity of Muggles has increased exponentially over hundreds of years, while the productivity of our wizards has been almost unchanged, or even declined, because later we wizards even needed to exchange from Muggles More abundant daily necessities, and this picture."

Connor used various data and charts to visually demonstrate the development speed of Muggle technology and productivity to the two of them, and then made various exaggerations and scaremongering. He also described various Muggle war weapons and biological experiments that were as evil as black magic. All virus research was discussed.

He tried his best to portray Muggles as a super evil boss who secretly develops obscenely and holds back for the sake of profit, giving people the illusion that "if we don't wake up, we wizards will be exterminated." Kang A lotus blossoms from his lips, he speaks with ecstasy, and his performance (chuan) and eloquence (xiao) are comparable to those of Teacher Ma more than ten years later.

Finally, Slytherin couldn't help but speak:

"Okay, I already understand what you mean, and I also know what earth-shaking changes have taken place in the outside world in the past thousand years. I admit that I was wrong. Now I am no longer a magician with strong strength and firm wizard blood. Just stand up. A world that can lead wizards to defeat Muggles. Muggles already have power comparable to or even surpassing that of our wizards. We should really find another way."

Slytherin looked at Connor with a faint look: "Tell me about it, I also want to know what the future you have planned for the wizard will look like."

After getting the answer he wanted, Connor smiled with satisfaction. He waved his wand and opened the second part of the PPT title on the screen: "On the possibility of the compatibility of Muggle technology and wizard magic and the development trend of the future world."

"Okay, gentlemen, let's get down to business now. Let's imagine the future."

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