Connor's Hogwarts

Chapter 555 The affirmation from Slytherin

"Don't worry, Connor, you won't fight alone, at least"

Dumbledore smiled: "And I am standing with you. As long as I am alive, I will always protect you. You have enough time to realize your plan."

"Professor, what you said is so touching. It's an honor to fight alongside you."

Connor also shrugged and smiled, then looked at Slytherin aside:

"I used a small experiment to prove to you that cooperation with Muggles is feasible. I think I can answer your previous question now."

"I never deny that I am a wizard, but I prefer to think about problems from a [human] perspective."

"But this [human] refers to humans including all wizards and Muggles."

"I understand your concerns, Mr. Slytherin. A genius who cannot face his identity as a wizard is likely to bring disaster to the world. You will not give your power to such a person."

"But it is not enough to face up to our identity as wizards. We must also face up to our identity as [human beings], because the future of wizards can only exist after cooperation with Muggles."

"I hope that one day the term [wizard] will disappear from the world, because by then our group will be the same [human beings] as everyone else."

"This is my answer. I am a [human], just like all wizards."


Slytherin looked at Connor in silence. It was obvious that the answer the child gave him was completely opposite to the answer he wanted at first, but now he was more convinced of the choice he originally thought was the wrong one.

The answer sheet that Connor handed him was undoubtedly more perfect, especially after seeing what Connor showed him about the development of Muggles in the past thousand years.

Yes, a thousand years have passed, and many things are different, right? Maybe I shouldn’t use the “correct answers” ​​from back then to judge the present a thousand years later.

Maybe I was wrong this time

"I understand," the flames in Slytherin's eyes jumped again:

"Connor Lake, you passed my test."

"Thank you, it's a great honor." Connor smiled, bent down and saluted.

"Then, as agreed, I will give you all the knowledge I have learned. Come on, kid, you deserve this. I believe you will use this [power] in the most appropriate place."

Dumbledore smiled broadly and nodded encouragingly towards Connor.

Connor stepped forward and stretched out his left hand. He seemed to be very skilled at this.

Similar to the previous two rituals, the "Command Seals" on the back of Connor's hand soon became three.

He is already a complete Master! (no)

As long as Connor concentrates his magic power on the back of his hand, he can let his consciousness swim in these three "knowledge libraries". The names of these three libraries are [Transformation], [Magic Pattern] and [Soul].

Although it is impossible to pour all this knowledge into the brain and understand it instantly, even if it only exists in this way, this knowledge that has been accumulated for thousands of years is precious.

After leaving the knowledge to Connor, the fire in Slytherin's eyes dimmed a lot.

"In this way, as long as you pass Helga's test, you can get the final treasure we left behind. It's a pity that the four of us don't know each other's arrangements. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind giving you a little hint, and it would be rare for you. You are actually recognized by Godric and Rowena. I am very optimistic about you, Connor Lake."

Slytherin looked at Connor deeply, and then prepared to retreat: "Now that the matter is over, I will also——"

"Wait! Mr. Slytherin!" Connor quickly called out to Slytherin who was about to run away.

"Is there anything else? Don't worry, you can use this secret room as you like without asking my opinion. I will probably rarely show up in the future."

"Well, Mr. Slytherin, I actually want to ask you to do a favor."

"Help?" Slytherin's eyes flashed green:

"Don't think that I can do anything other than use this body to say a few words to you. I can only retain a trace of my sanity in this secret room. I am already a dead person and should no longer be I'm afraid I won't be able to help you much by getting involved in the affairs of younger generations like you."

"No, no, no, we can help, and only you can help us." Connor and Dumbledore looked at each other, and the main show began.

"Oh? Tell me." Slytherin asked curiously without leaving.

"You remember what I said before, if we want to realize our plan, we will inevitably fall out completely with most of the vested interests in the wizarding world. It may be a civil war in the wizarding world. No one wants to see this situation. The power of our wizards should not be lost due to internal friction."

"You're right, but how can I help? I'm just a bad old man who has died many years ago. Even though I have some influence from the ancients, I don't think my reputation will be good in future generations."

"No, of course we won't ask you to come forward to solve any problem. What I want to say is that there is actually no way to prevent this civil war among wizards."

Connor raised his head and said confidently: "Since we can get their top management to stand with us by binding the interests of Muggles, then this method is also applicable to wizards. As long as all possible objections are bound as much as possible, Just get on our chariot."

". A very bold idea, but wizards are always different from Muggles. We wizards can give Muggles things they don't have, but what can you give other wizards?"

"Yes, you are right. With the development of wizarding society today, all the cakes have basically been divided up. It is difficult to redistribute the original cakes, so we have to make the cake bigger. That’s right, we need to make the cake so big that all the wizards can’t eat it!”

"Oh? It seems that you are well prepared. Let's talk about it and let me hear your thoughts."

Slytherin stood back up, his interest thoroughly piqued.

"This thing. It's called Facebook. It's a little invention of mine that allows people to communicate thousands of miles away through the connection of a double-sided mirror."

Connor handed Slytherin a Facebook book and told him to try it out. Slytherin took it and studied it twice before smiling:

"A very interesting and useful invention, Connor Lake, you are indeed a very talented wizard, so what do you want to use this Facebook for?"

"My Facebook is actually just a semi-finished product. Its function is still very limited. It can only communicate between people who know each other and have exchanged lenses. It is not that convenient."

"Huh? Isn't this convenient? This gadget would have been a treasure in my time." Slytherin said slightly surprised.

"But think about it, if all the wizards in the world can communicate by holding a Facebook, and there is no need to meet in person, wouldn't such a Facebook be more convenient?"

"Well, it is indeed a very bold idea, but can this idea be realized?"

Connor smiled slightly: "Yes, in fact, wizards have found this method thousands of years ago, and that is - magic painting."

"Magic painting?" Slytherin was stunned and asked in confusion: "How can a magic painting do this?"

"In fact, the internal worlds of all magic paintings are connected. Just like different magic paintings can visit each other, the world of magic paintings is actually another low-dimensional world different from our real world. The world, everything in that world is interconnected.”

Connor waved his magic wand and opened the last part of the PPT: "The combination of the mirror world and the magic painting world - the final idea of ​​the magic network"

Connor smiled and stretched out his hand: "Mr. Slytherin, are you still interested in hearing my next topic?"

_(:з」∠)_This book will probably be updated at such a slow frequency from now on (because I have opened a new book). Anyway, you can read it when you have time. I will update more when I have time (3[▓ ▓]

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