"What's the matter, Tiedan, am I not happy to see me?" said Principal Sikong with a blank face.

Jiang Ming turned around and stood up, with a smile on his face, but the smile was even uglier than crying.

"Principal Sikong hasn't seen you for a long time, I didn't expect to see you here today!"

"Ah! Tiedan, I didn't find it just now, but now as soon as you turn around, I find out, are you getting dark again?" Principal Sikong said in surprise.

Jiang Tie Dan Ming: I suspect you just eavesdropped outside the door, otherwise why did you target me so much.

"Tie Dan, ......

" "Uncle Sikong, I'm not called Tie Dan now, my name is Jiang Ming." Jiang Ming said weakly.

"Okay Iron Egg, I know Iron Egg. Principal Sikong walked over to the empty seat and sat down.

Lu Qin saw that the principal was back, and felt that there was nothing wrong with him, so he quietly retreated.

As soon as he retreated, he was squeezed by Jiang Nan next to him.

Lu Qin looked over with doubts in his eyes.

Lu Qin: What's wrong?

Jiang Nan shook the mobile phone in his hand.

His lips opened lightly, and he said silently: "Look at the mobile phone group."

Lu Qin quietly took out her mobile phone and clicked on the class group for the third year of high school preparations, this group was pulled in by Jiang Nan before Lu Qin came, and it was instructed by Teacher Zhong.

According to this, the preliminaries of the three grades of their school have been added by her.

Since the establishment of Huaisu Lingzhi High School, she may be the only one.

The first thing Lu Qin saw when she opened WeChat was the 99+ little red dot.

When I entered the group, it was really lively.

The recent news is all about the down-to-earth name of "Iron Egg".

[Ginger Nangua Jiang Nan: Hahahaha...... I'm laughing to death, our principal is really amazing]

[Ordinary life Zhao Ping: I heard that Teacher Jiang Ming's parents and the principal are good friends, and the principal can be regarded as watching Teacher Jiang Ming grow up.

[Tomatoes and tomatoes Chen Xixi: @平淡人生赵平, do you want to prove to us that Teacher Jiang Ming used to be called Tie Dan≡ω ≡]

[Ginger Nan Melon Jiang Nan: Goose Goose Goose ~ I heard that the principal named his son Tieqiu, this is even more absolute.

[Shangshan Ruoshui Shangheng: I've heard of this, and I think it's very likely that we heard from one person.]

[Jiang Nan/Shang Heng: Grandma Bu of the school/principal of his mother.] The

two sent messages at the same time.

Lu Qin was very happy to see the news in the group, and giving his son the name Iron Ball was something that the principal could do.

It may be that the joys and sorrows of human beings are not the same.

The students here were chatting in the group, and Jiang Ming over there was about to cry.

"Uncle Sikong, I think that talents like Lu-san should be Xi in your school, after all, they have a wise and martial headmaster like you. Jiang Ming's heart was aching when he said this.

That's a student who will become a C-level spiritual planter in the third year of high school! Failing to recruit their school is a loss to their school.

But looking at Principal Sikong, who finally showed a satisfied expression on his face, Jiang Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

That's it, so be it, the other party's combat power is too strong, let's go back and talk to the principal, let the principal worry about it.

When the experience was over, Jiang Ming, who knew that Lu Qin had really become a C-level spirit planter, regretted not being at the beginning.

I knew this earlier, let alone facing Uncle Sikong, even if his own father came, he would also snatch people back.


On the first day, it is the registration time, and on the second day, the exchange meeting officially begins.

The process of the exchange meeting is very simple, that is, the lottery elimination system.

Mercenary groups with the same number of draws are opponents of each other, and those who win are promoted, and those who lose are eliminated directly.

Before each play, the mercenary group has to decide which five members to choose to play, and the list of members needs to be handed over to the referee in advance, and no substitutions are allowed in the middle.

The order in which the five players will appear can be agreed upon, but there is another very interesting part of the exchange meeting.

It's a relay ride-like setup.

If the first person to play wins the first game, he can choose to continue the second game until someone beats him.

Of course, if you win the first game, you can also choose not to continue and leave the opportunity to others, but as long as you get out of the ring, you can't go to the ring again.

All of the above Lu Qin only learned yesterday.

Yesterday they had already drawn lots, and it was the eleventh of the sixth field.

The number 11 means that no matter whether the first few games are fast or slow, it will definitely be their turn this morning.

Now they're talking about the opponent and putting those five people on the pitch.

"Your opponent is the Qingshan Mercenary Group, which is not very famous, it has only been established for two years, and it is estimated that it is the same as you, and I want to see it for a long time at the exchange meeting. The assistant to the principal's son stood in front of the principal and placed the information he had investigated on the table.

After putting it away, he stood there and looked at the principal.

"I'm not going to participate, old man, so what do I do? The principal pointed to the students standing in a row.

The assistant principal turned to Lu Qin and talked to them.

"There are a total of seventeen members of the Qingshan Mercenary Regiment including the leader, among which there are two C-level spirit planters, and the others are all D-level spirit planters, no accident, those two C-level spirit planters will definitely play. "

One C-level spirit planter is enough for them to deal with, and there are two more here, I'm afraid they won't be able to enter the secret realm this afternoon to practice.

"I don't think they're going to be able to play two spirit planters. Lu Qin, who has been very silent, said.

"Coincidentally, I think so too. Gu Yanze said with a smile.

Lu Qin: "We will investigate them in advance, and they will definitely investigate us in advance."

Gu Yanze: "After they get the results of the investigation and know that we are students of Huaisu Lingzhi High School, they will definitely feel that we are not afraid."

Lu Qin: "Then, in order to give the rest of the group a chance to play, they will definitely choose to only play a C-level spirit planter."

Gu Yanze: "So as long as we win that C-level spirit planter, it is not certain who will advance in the end." Lu

Qin: "So ......

" "So what, why so, you two sing double reeds, and you both sing and harmonize, both of you will play for me." The principal settled two people in one sentence.

Lu Qin: Doesn't this look at the atmosphere is too dignified, and I want everyone to be happy.

Gu Yanze looked at the nail marks on his hand and smiled, isn't this someone too nervous to ease the atmosphere.

"Zhao Ping, Chen Xixi, Shang Heng, the three of you are on this scene, as for the others...... There's still a chance to come. The bell tower directly set the remaining three people.

No one has a problem with that.

As the homeroom teacher of the preliminaries class of the third year of high school, Zhong Lou is definitely the one who knows them best.

But isn't the phrase "there is a chance ahead" to imply that they will definitely win this game.

The students in the third year of high school know their homeroom teacher and know that he will never be untargeted, and he has said so, which means that the probability of them winning this game is not ten out of ten, but nine out of nine is still there.

Only Lu Qin's eyes were full of incredulity when he looked at the bell tower, and he felt that this teacher was too daring to say it.

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