Corrupted Nation

Chapter 369 Winter Cold

It is said that only Lin Wu dares to blatantly fish in the shadows. Even though Shana was so tired that she wanted to die, she still shook the rocker without any love. Su Shi, who couldn't stand it anymore, took over Shana's job. Shana walked to the small square and lay down on the spot, not wanting to move at all. Just looking at the blue sky, she could feel the beauty of life.

The main force of the Leopard Machine is Maya and Xiaodao.

Maya has perseverance. There is essentially no difference between killing zombies, leveling, looting, building and playing Leopard Machine. They are all jobs. There is no distinction between good and bad work. Once you do it, you must do it well.

Xiaodao really finds it fun. Every time she gets a few bullets, she will be happy. Whenever a small prize pistol appears, she can feel happy. If a big prize gun appears, she can't help but get excited and shout for everyone to come and watch.

In any case, what was supposed to be an event filled with thrills and hard work has now turned into an event for early retirement. What's terrible is that he can only sleep 5 hours a day, so he didn't completely neglect the Leopard Machine.

On the fifth day, Lin Meng met Shana on the rooftop carrying a death-free card and a large number of weapons. Shana and Lin Meng agreed on some matters. The biggest variable is that after the dungeon is reset, it is impossible to determine whether the hidden portal is still in the same place. Shadow only has two death-free cards, so you may want to use one today.

The next and last transaction was scheduled for six o'clock in the morning on the eighth day.

After the fifth day, there is still the sixth day, after the sixth day, there is still the seventh day.

In the past few days, except for the zombie siege that brought everyone some happiness, the entire base was very quiet and everyone was listless. The only electronic sound that could be heard was the running of the Leopard machine. Since Shana successfully jumped off the building on the fifth day, at six o'clock in the morning on the eighth day, Shana and Lin Wu went to deliver goods to Lin Meng.

After teleporting to copy 771, the two of them sat down on the spot and unloaded all the guns. Their location is near the elevator hall on the 32nd floor, at the T-intersection. There are several offices on the right and the rooftop on the left.

Lin Wu used a bundle of spears as a pillow, leaned on it and said, "The atmosphere in the base has been wrong in the past few days."

Shana said: "There is a lack of basic entertainment in the event." Perhaps Shuguang believes that the Leopard Machine is the best entertainment. After all, looking at old accounts, it can be found that most humans will become addicted after playing the Leopard Machine.

"Is it lacking?" Lin Wu said, "Why do I feel so busy?"

"That's right, you can dry-swim, play rock-paper-scissors, and flick rocks." Shana said: "The base does not lack entertainment, but the people in the base lack the heart to discover entertainment."

A blue light appeared, and Lin Meng entered the copy of 771 from the blue light. When he saw that the scene was filled with bundled firearms, he was instantly shocked: "So many, so many, so many." He had to say three times that he was surprised.

Lin Wu smiled evilly and said, "Just wait until Shuguang checks your data and accuses you of exploiting game bugs to maliciously obtain game currency."

Lin Meng was startled: "Will it?"

Lin Wu nodded: "Yes."

"I want it too." Lin Meng smiled and took Shana's hand: "Thank you for your hard work, everyone."

Shana asked: "How many points can be exchanged for?"

Lin Meng replied: "Not sure, guns are also classified. The Aka rifle only has 150 points, and most of the 5.56 rifles can be sold for 200 points. In addition, it also depends on the accessories on the firearm. Some accessories are more expensive than the gun. On average, Each gun can be sold for 200 points."

Lin Wu asked: "How many points do you have now?" Shana also wanted to ask this question, but considering that the points belong to Lin Meng personally, it would be rude to ask rashly. Lin Wuwen didn't have such a problem, because Lin Meng had never considered this issue, and she would not make things too complicated.

Lin Meng replied: "About 25,000, this batch should have 50,000 points."

"Wow!" Lin Wu and Shana looked at each other. They didn't understand what 50,000 points meant, but before they figured it out, they let Lin Meng exclaim.

Suddenly, an evil bullet flew from the rooftop and hit Lin Wu in the head. Lin Wu fell down with a clang. Shana lay down and stretched out her hand to drag Lin Wu into the elevator area. The next second, a large number of bullets poured in, and a large number of craters appeared on the ground and walls.

Lin Meng hurriedly picked up the gun. When he looked again, he found that Lin Wu's eyes were open. He asked in surprise: "How can you be okay?"

"I won't tell you." Lin Wu, who was wearing a full-face helmet, knew he was being ambushed. The worst thing was that they didn't turn on the fog, so they could only see the passage and not the rooftop at all.

Lin Wuren leaned against the wall, raised his gun and fired blindly toward the rooftop to suppress the opponent's firepower. Shana immediately connected to the headset and called for help on the public channel: "Call headquarters, under attack." Shadow already has the ability to communicate inside and outside the dungeon.

After understanding the basic situation, Maya immediately led people and supplies into the dungeon. While preparing the supplies, she laid out tactics and assigned tasks in the headset without wasting a second.

30 seconds later, Maya appeared in copy 771 with a snow egg and a knife. When she saw the three people, she asked: "Are you ready?"

Everyone replied: "Ready."

Maya looked at Lin Meng: "You stay."

Lin Meng: "Why?"

Lin Wu: "Because you are a burden."

Lin Meng: "I'm not a burden." Angry, everyone has a gun, okay? I'm not as good as you, but I'm not much worse than you. Why should I look down on myself?

"Lin Meng, follow Shana closely and don't fall behind." Maya originally planned to explain that Lin Meng's fighting ability could not keep up with Shadow's rhythm. On second thought, it would take a lot of time to explain clearly. Besides, it didn’t matter whether Lin Meng lived or died. He would be resurrected in ten minutes, so Maya did not persuade him, but just explained it seriously.

Maya patted Lin Wu's shoulder, who was ready in front of her: "Let's get started."

Lin Wu stretched his gun out of the corner and fired towards the rooftop. Unlike his opponent's cold shot, he was playing a hot grab with the purpose of emptying the magazine, one magazine every 7 seconds. After he finished, Shanna stepped forward and fired under the cover of the snow egg shield. While Shana was changing magazines, Lin Wu seamlessly connected to the shooting rhythm under the cover of Maya's shield.

In this way, Shadow relied on firepower to forcefully advance to the edge of the rooftop and occupied the junction of the passage and the rooftop. The left and right walls at this location were quite good temporary bunkers.

Maya waved her hand, and she and Xuedan continued to protect the front with their shields. Xiao Dao, Shana, Lin Wu and Lin Meng threw countless shock bombs and smoke bombs from the heads of Maya and Xue Dan to the rooftop. Throw as much as you can. After throwing them away, the six people went out with guns equipped with thermal imaging accessories.

Although the rooftop is not small and it is an open rooftop, it cannot withstand a group of losers. Smoke billows from the entire rooftop and visibility is less than two meters.

Lin Meng followed Shana into the thick fog, and lost the team without paying attention. Standing in the thick smoke, she could only hear gunfire in her ears. Weak and helpless, she could only stand there and whisper: "Where, where are you? Oops, I was shot, I'm dead."

Lin Wu took a look at the gun he got and was suspicious. Why was there a shrimp cracker sticker on the gun? The thought flashed through him, and he didn't have time to think too much. After all, there were more important things. The shadow team formed a circle, advancing in a large fan shape under the leadership of the shield hand, searching through the imager in the sight, and destroying the thermal bodies when they saw them. During this period, Shana was hit in the head once, and her full helmet blocked the damage. Xuedan was hit by several bullets. Wearing a body armor, he used the full healing card without hesitation.

Fortunately, the attacker couldn't see him. If he could, he would have jumped to his death. The Shadow Team combines offense and defense. From a defensive point of view, they are simply a group of weaklings who cannot be killed. From an offensive point of view, the firepower was extremely ferocious. Bullets were sprayed in all directions as if they were free. Regardless of whether they saw the heat source or not, they were constantly emptying the magazine, and the sound of gunfire never stopped. .

In 30 seconds, the loop search ended, five heat sources were killed, and five sets of equipment were obtained.

After the war, Maya counted the people and asked, "Where is Lin Meng?"

"Are you going to die? The enemy is too powerful." Lin Wu secretly tore off the shrimp cracker sticker on a certain gun, thinking that this silly girl wouldn't be able to recognize it.

Sure enough, Lin Meng was resurrected ten minutes later and returned to copy 771. When he was carrying the gun, he didn't even notice that there was one of his own guns inside. What if I knew it? After all, he was left behind. The bad guy Lin Wu has even thought of his lines.

However, Lin Meng's behavior made Lin Wu somewhat ashamed. Lin Meng solemnly said to Lin Wu: "Although your words are ugly, what you said is the truth, and I should apologize to you. Currently, I am indeed a burden in the shadow team. "

If you are killed by the enemy or delay the progress of the team, it can indeed be called a burden. But in fact, Lin Meng's position in this battle is insignificant.

Lin Wu would not follow Lin Meng's words and be polite to her. Not only did he fully accept Lin Meng's apology, but he also expressed his approval of Lin Meng's apology by nodding: "It's good to know, and I'll be obedient next time."

He couldn't stand such a bully, so he squeezed Lin Wu away and stepped forward to help Lin Meng organize his guns. The shooting incident was postponed due to the sudden attack.

After sorting it out, Lin Meng took his firearms and left the dungeon. The Shadow Team also returned to the base. Shitou greeted them and asked, "Can you confirm who the attacker is?"

"Can't see clearly." Lin Wu said: "But judging from the suits they got, they should be four poor specials. They only have basic body armor, rifles and pistols. There is no night vision device, and even the firearms only have auxiliary aiming. Kit.”

Shana asked: "Isn't it five sets?"

Lin Wuda laughed: "Yes, yes, five poor people, look at my memory."

"It doesn't matter." Shitou stretched out, straightened his spine, and said: "There's still one hour left, I've had enough of this hellish place. Everyone, come out, come out and see the whole picture of our temporary base, take a look Our results these days.”

Since there was nowhere to waste the materials, the base was built with two power grids. The eight shops along the street have all been built into forts, including one Gatling fort, two high-level forts, two second-level forts, and three ordinary forts.

Everyone stood in the small square chatting and cursing for ruining the event. There was nothing to eat, not even tea.

The time finally arrived at seven-thirty.

The system broadcasts to announce the activities. The most dazzling one in this dungeon activity is of course Shadow. They are the only base that has penetrated the Hell Mode copy. Followed by Cedar Base, they were not affected by the results of Shadow Base and instead challenged the Hell dungeon. They penetrated three difficult dungeons in total. However, it was the same copy three times. Secondly, there are more than 20 bases on the list. Except for three bases that have cleared difficult dungeons, the others have cleared ordinary dungeons.

To everyone's surprise, by the end of the event, there were still 1,400 players alive.

Shuguang frankly stated that the difficulty will be increased in the future, and at the same time provided everyone with a huge benefit, that is, from now on, points will no longer be deducted for hardcore players who die.

After giving the carrot, Dawn drew the big stick: starting from eight o'clock, unless they have special props, players will leave the hardcore mode once they die. Although Fortress Agents will not leave hardcore mode when they die, their resurrection time will be increased from 24 hours to 48 hours.

Second point: In the last three quarters, Homeland will replenish standard zombies, thereby canceling the zombie refresh mechanism. For example, Zuo County originally had a population of 600,000, but after calculation, Zuo County had 200,000 zombies. Except within the coverage area of ​​the blood heart, zombies will no longer spawn, and the system will no longer increase the number of blood hearts. Blood plague zombies will only move within the blood mist and will not leave the blood mist.

This is equivalent to giving players a more realistic world, and the behavior of zombies will become chaotic and illogical. They will attack any creature except their own kind.

In addition, except for some special personnel, being scratched by zombies will definitely be infected with the virus. At the same time, the method of making serum has been changed. It is necessary to extract 200 ml of blood from the blood heart as the basic material to make a bottle of serum. All serums currently in the game will expire after three months, and new serums have no shelf life.

Point 3: Considering the number of players, a base reset event will be held after winter. Since there are no surviving bases in medium-sized cities, the system will provide a county and two villages and towns as a new scene called New Home. Players can apply to move the entire base to a new home.

It is recommended that players who find it difficult to survive relocate.

Point 4: Cancel the kitchen recipe making method. The kitchen only provides complete kitchen utensils, and the kitchen utensils may not be used for other purposes.

Point 5: The output of farmland and other facilities has been reduced. If you plant a pumpkin, you can only get one pumpkin, and you will no longer enjoy system bonuses. For example, if rice is grown in large grids on farmland, an average of 10 kilograms of rice can be harvested every day without any plug-ins. After the update, the actual planting density will be calculated while the maturity time remains unchanged. Normally, 5 kilograms of rice can be harvested every day. Low density, low yield. High density may not necessarily result in high returns. Whoever can grasp the optimal value is an excellent farmer.

In addition, opening land for farming and breeding on your own will be affected by real weather, pests, germs, etc. Non-pet and mount animals raised by yourself will produce feces and will starve to death due to lack of food. All calculations are performed using realistic methods.

In other words, if there are no real farmers in the base, it is best to build systematic farmland honestly. If there is a farmer at the base, what you can grow and raise is your own ability.

The good news is that the time for animals to give birth and the time for chicks to be born are greatly shortened. A chick can grow to normal size in 10 days after birth, provided that you provide the chick with enough food.

The last one, the system reminds everyone to pay attention. Because of the movement of the sun, the earth will enter an ice age in winter. The highest temperature throughout the winter will not exceed minus 15 degrees. There will be continuous cold waves throughout the winter, and the lowest temperature will reach minus 71.2 degrees.

The radio is particularly informative. Minus 71.2 degrees is the lowest temperature in a permanent city on earth. In other words, people on earth can survive in such low temperatures, and players should be able to survive with the convenience provided by the system.

Good news: All members will be teleported back to the base at eight o'clock, and the temperature will remain at around 20 degrees until sunset. This gives players plenty of time to prepare firewood, and also allows everyone to consider keeping warm during the winter as much as possible when redeeming points.

The bad news: Of the three winter months, the second month is extreme day and the third month is extreme night.

Any player who can't stand it can escape from the hardcore mode by dying during the rest of the game without deducting points.

After saying the above, the broadcast announced: You can now start redeeming points. The rules for redeeming points this time are quite special. People in the same base can communicate and discuss, but the transaction time is only 20 minutes. After eight o'clock, the points will be cleared and everyone will leave the instance.

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