Corrupted Nation

Chapter 413 Changes in the Sanctuary

Su Shi and Xuedan pried eight wooden boards back from the corridor on the left. These wooden boards were very strong. Although the bottoms had been soaked with water earlier, they were still qualified for chopping firewood. Su Shi, Lin Wu and Xiao Wu sent the sick people to the right corner. With the help of the fire axe, Xuedan came over with a bundle of dry firewood.

Lin Wu used a dagger to cut one of the firewood into thin strips, scraped the magnesium rod and lit it on fire. The fire slowly started to burn, and the people lying close to each other regained some of their energy. It had taken them more than half an hour to finish everything. The four of them were very tired, but no one complained and no one took a rest.

Xiaowen and Lin Meng were not in good condition. Lin Wu and Xiaowu used celebration cloth to create a space for them to change out of their wet clothes. Wearing only underwear, the two girls first helped Shana and Xiaodao put on spare dry clothes, and then put on their own dry clothes. This took a long time.

The four men in shorts had no change of clothes and they still had to do a lot of work. The first thing he did was dig out the medical kit, which was considered Xiao Wu’s highlight moment. After all, the Blue Star people are not very familiar with medicines. Although Xiao Wu is not familiar with them, the medical box contains only basic medicines, including antibiotics, gastrointestinal medicines, anti-inflammatory medicines, etc. Anti-inflammation if there is a wound, and antibiotics if there is no wound, may not be right, but this is the only way to deal with it.

Xiaodao's acute gastroenteritis was more troublesome. Seeing him moaning in pain, Xiaowu didn't know how to deal with it. Xiaowen's friend once sought medical treatment for acute gastroenteritis. According to her, she first received an analgesic injection, supplemented by montmorillonite powder, antibiotics and some gastrointestinal drugs. So the problem came again, everyone on site had no injection experience. Xiao Wu knew how to get acupuncture for professional reasons, but it was via a hanging bottle and he had never given a subcutaneous injection.

The problem was also a small one. After all, Lin Wu was here. Seeing that no one had done it before, Lin Wu took the syringe. Xiao Wu quickly stopped and told him to squeeze out the air in the syringe. Then everyone heard two screams. The sound was naturally from a knife. It was the first time in her life that she had an injection and she felt that her sitting bones were threatened. The other sound came from Lin Meng, who was half holding the knife, and his arm was pinched in unbearable pain.

After handling the five patients, Xiao Wu first put on dry spare clothes and pants, and then took a pistol and took charge of vigilance. The current situation is that the threat to survivors is very small, but it is not ruled out that there are floating zombies coming up the iron ladder. Su Shi was responsible for cooking, while Lin Wu and Xue Dan arrived at the iron ladder. After observing the water for a while, Lin Wu took a rope and put on a headlamp and got into the water.

The number of planks removed was not large, not even enough for tonight. Judging from the conditions of several patients, it will be difficult to recover tomorrow, so a large amount of combustible materials are needed. The floor can no longer be dismantled, and even if it is completely dismantled, the gap cannot be filled. The only way is to drill to the bottom of the water at a depth of seven to eight meters to search for supplies.

Lin Wu went to the bottom of the water and found the bench fixed to the ground. Lin Wu returned to the surface after observing. Xiaowu warned, Xuedan brought a wrench. Lin Wu returned to the bottom of the water. The place was completely surrounded by darkness. Lin Wu could not even see the things around him. The only light was the headlight above his head.

Lin Wu tied the bench with a rope, used a wrench to turn the three screws, followed the rope back for air, and then went back to remove the three screws, and the bench slowly floated up. Su Shi and Xue Dan pulled the bench out of the water and started to demolish it with a fire axe. Because the control space was too small, Su Shi lost his footing and fell into the water.

When Lin Wu heard the sound of falling into the water, he immediately shouted: "Diving." Zombies can't dive, so they must save their lives first.

Xiao Wu ran to the corner and saw a zombie above the water where he fell into the water. Xiao Wu didn't know whether it was alive or dead, so he raised his gun and shot it in the head. Su Shi's water skills were average, but he had a good brain. He dived immediately after falling into the water, found the iron ladder along the wall, and completed his self-rescue.

After the episode, everyone became more careful. After Lin Wu pulled up another bench, Xue Dan and Lin Wu exchanged work positions, and the work went smoothly with the cooperation of the two. When the fourth bench was pulled out of the water, the work came to an end. Next, the three men in shorts divided their labors with Xiao Wu, the one who chopped firewood and the one who cooked the rice.

Cooking was also troublesome. Although they brought wire, the top of the church was too high. The only option was to erect a chair wooden bar on the wall. Fortunately, the electric drill was powerful and there were enough expansion screws. After a while of tossing, a hanging platform was created. Hang the hanging pot with wire and put it on the fire, add the rainwater collected during these three hours, and officially start cooking. Considering there are only ten kilograms of rice, only porridge can be cooked.

The men in shorts discussed the next work. Someone must keep vigil, not only to guard the zombies, but also to catch the rainwater. It is best to fill all six buckets. So it was divided into up and down night shifts.

In addition, there is a lot of detail work, such as using a waterproof cloth to build a simple changing room on the left corner of the corridor, and using a fire ax to cut off one of the wooden boards to turn it into a toilet, which can be drained directly through a small pit. Remove the wooden planks on the left side of the U, and widen and reinforce the lower right corner of the corridor.

They are all shoddy projects, and after many attempts and adjustments, the living space area at the right corner has been greatly expanded.

After cooking the porridge, everyone encountered another problem. They only brought a few pots and a few large spoons, but no bowls, pans, or cutlery. I had no choice but to use other pots as bowls and spoons as cutlery. It was already 12 o'clock in the evening, and Lin Wu and others began to conduct the second round of physical examination on the patient.

The worst condition was that of a stone, with a body temperature as high as 39.8 degrees, some confusion, and chills. Next is the knife. I groaned for several hours, and the dry clothes I changed into were soaked with sweat from the pain. However, it was somewhat better than before the injection, at least I could bear it. Although others still have fever, their body temperature is lower than 38.5 degrees. Among them, Shana was depressed and her fever did not have much impact on Lin Meng and Xiaowen.

Lin Wu and Xue Dan took big spoons and fed each of the patients a spoonful of porridge. Su Shi and Xiao Wu were responsible for guarding and the other for the water collector. The water collector is a large funnel that can be stuck on the mouth of the bucket. You can also increase the funnel area by making a homemade soft iron sheet or waterproof cloth. The bucket is a common drinking water bucket of nearly 20 liters.

Su Shi and Xiao Wu ate first, followed by Lin Wu and Xue Dan last. I sat down, leaned against the wall, and ate hot porridge while warming myself by the fire. I felt like my whole body came alive. But being alive is not necessarily a good thing. After the body is comfortable, the senses are more acute, and the mixed stench coming from the water is disgusting.

After a full stomach, Lin Wu fell into a deep sleep. During this period, he heard noises, but he could not open his eyelids. It was early morning when I woke up again. Lin Meng and Xiaowen changed shifts in the middle of the night to make up for Lin Wu and Xue Dan, allowing them to have a good sleep. As for the noise, Xiaodao had diarrhea. He went to the bathroom in the dark and kicked over a pot of boiling water. Fortunately, the temperature was low and he was not burned. However, Xiaodao had no dry shoes to wear.

Breakfast was still porridge. Shitou and Shana's condition improved. Compared to Shitou who was half-dead, Shana regained some energy. I slept well in the middle of the night under the knife, and my abdominal pain was greatly relieved in the morning. But Su Shi, who was on duty last night, had a fever and fell ill.

The happiest thing about Lin Wu in the early morning was the light, and he could clearly see the situation inside the church. The water level was about one and a half meters away from the platform they were on, and there were at least twenty zombies floating in it, as well as several human corpses. The water is turbid and there are a lot of floating objects on the water, including foam, wooden boards, plastic chairs, etc.

Everyone's mood was not high, but there was no negative attitude. It was just that there were few words, and it seemed that everyone had exhausted all their strength. Turning on the radio and listening to the music played on the Dot channel, two people ate porridge with a spoonful and a pot.

After finishing the meal, I looked at the time and saw that it was already past the eight o'clock live broadcast time in the morning, so I couldn't get the weather forecast, and I didn't know how long the damn rain would last.

Xiaowen took the initiative to clean the tableware. Lin Wu and Xuedan pulled up a rope on the left and right sides of the corridor, 50 centimeters from the bottom of the corridor. Together, they spread out all the soaked clothes and hung them on the rope to dry. Turn any wet shoes upside down and dry them by the fire.

At around 8:30, the Diandian channel finally went live again, but the news was bad news.

There was a riot at the shelter last night. The reason is that there are too many people in the shelter, far exceeding the controllable range, the living conditions are extremely poor, and there is a lack of food and drinking water. Several soldiers hid food and secretly delivered it to their relatives late at night. This scene was discovered, which led to robberies targeting the soldiers' relatives in the early morning.

Then someone took the lead in attacking the military base warehouse, and the soldiers were forced to open fire, killing some people. This led to riots in the shelter, and many of the soldiers' friends and relatives were attacked. In fact they do have more supplies than anyone else.

The base dispatched more than ten teams to suppress and control the situation, trying to restore order in the shelter. One of the noncommissioned officers discovered that his fiancée had been beaten to death while leading a team on a mission. In a rage, he used the machine gun of an armored vehicle to shoot at the nearby crowd indiscriminately. Although he was quickly stopped by soldiers from the same team, he also caused huge casualties. However, the order in the shelter was temporarily stabilized.

At three o'clock in the morning, the team that completed the suppression mission returned to the base.

A major led 12 armored vehicles, eight large trucks and more than 100 soldiers to re-enter the shelter at 5 a.m. The major explained to everyone through the loudspeaker that the soldiers at the base learned that relatives had been killed, which caused the morale of the soldiers to be unstable. Therefore, their trip was to confirm the safety of the soldiers' relatives. Please understand. The major, in the name of the general, the top commander of the base, promised that enough water, food and medical supplies would be provided to everyone by this evening.

The major shouted through the loudspeaker and asked who were the soldiers' relatives and friends. When someone came forward, someone would check their identity. They would contact the base via radio. After confirming their identity, they would let these people get on the truck and conduct a physical examination on them. During this period, someone raised a question, and the major replied that it was to prevent the troops from losing morale and asked the refugees to understand.

The truck made several trips until 7 a.m., when the major led a team to evacuate, taking away more than 300 refugees in total. To everyone's surprise, after the last truck returned to the base, the base closed the gate, set up machine guns at high altitudes, and laid barbed wire fences in the gaps around the perimeter to drive away the dignitaries and social elites living in the base.

The four staff members of the Diandian channel who originally lived at the base stayed because of the protection of an officer who was a fan of Diandian. After communicating with the officer, Diandian learned that the base had been occupied by rebels.

The base is adjacent to a canal on one side and a highway on the other. They continuously receive resources from the outside world. With the global outbreak of the zombie virus, the base's daily resources have continued to decline. As early as two days ago, there were discordant voices among the base's top brass. A young military officer believes that politicians can no longer dominate the work of the base, and that the military should take over all affairs.

He proposed the establishment of a semi-permanent shelter and took advantage of the base's geographical environment to plan a five-square-kilometer shelter. They can sustain the refuge over the long term through fishing and planting. This plan must eliminate useless people and control the initial population of the shelter.

In this officer's view, shelters do not need to develop high technology and do not require advanced knowledge of physics and mathematics, so the hundreds of thousands of refugees waiting for food are of no value at all. It's not that the soldiers don't know how to farm or fish. There are also military doctors in the base, so they can be completely self-sufficient.

The young officer supported his views, but the general who controlled the base and the mayor of Houtian City thought his remarks were dangerous and ordered his detention.

On the second day after the incident, politicians and soldiers living in the base clashed because the mayor's wife had three dogs and the food rations were not enough. Later, lawyers filed a formal protest with the base. They did not ask for more supplies, but during meals, they always received worse and less food than the soldiers. Some people also protested that when they were sick and sought medical treatment, military doctors ignored them and refused to provide basic medicines.

This wave of skirmishes ends in a victory for the elites, with the general demanding that the base treat all people equally, not just politicians and soldiers, but also those in the asylum. It also states that no additional food will be provided to any pet.

The general was a fair and just man who believed from beginning to end that the military should be neutral and protect the people no matter what the circumstances. However, this conflict caused undercurrents in the base. The general worked hard to control the situation until early this morning when a riot broke out in the shelter, stormed the base, and the noncommissioned officers attacked civilians indiscriminately.

At four o'clock in the morning, the young officers took control of their superiors. Instead of using the radio, they explained the situation to all the soldiers in squad units by radio. The soldiers have two choices. One is to declare their position to the commander, join the rebels, and build a permanent shelter together. One option is to do nothing and stay in the dorms until the situation stabilizes. Any behavior beyond this is considered a hostile act and will be shot to death on the spot.

On D6, the South Dam collapsed. On D7, the East Asylum was closed.

D refers to a starting point in time, and Lin Wu’s starting point on D-day is the 1st. The starting point of D-Day in Houtian City is No. 2, where the zombie virus broke out.

While crying, Diandian said on the radio that the number of people in shelters exceeds 30,000, and the number of people queuing up outside the shelters waiting to enter the shelters is expected to exceed 200,000. Because the base has withdrawn the soldiers who maintained order and checkpoints, the 200,000 unknown people outside the perimeter are likely to flood into the shelter. She said she could foresee the tragedy that was about to happen in the shelter.

Diandian called on everyone to leave the East Shelter as soon as possible. As for where to go, Diandian didn't know. She used a satellite phone to contact her colleagues. Her colleagues in East Town had already learned about the collapse of the East Asylum.

Dong Town, about 20 kilometers away from the shelter, is urgently issuing instructions asking all townspeople to move toward the mine. They plan to use the environment of the mine to build East Town's own sanctuary.

The decision-makers in Dongzhen knew very well that it was impossible for the people in the Dongshelter to return to the city. Most people would just continue walking eastward. Dongzhen, with only more than 2,000 households, could never support the consumption of hundreds of thousands of people.

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