Corrupted Nation

Chapter 428 Waiting

After leaving the railway track and entering the city, the terrain immediately became complicated. As a vanguard, the little girl did not follow the main road, but chose the route she thought was the simplest and safest. The team followed the little girl sneaking through the factory area, only killing a few zombies during the process.

When they arrived at the gate of the factory, Huzi asked everyone to gather together, took out a raincoat and covered their heads, turned on the flashlight and looked at the map. Huzi whispered: "In front of the factory is the Heishan Branch Road. Go north 3 kilometers to the vicinity of the library base. We have entered the bandit group. sphere of influence.”

Maya asked: "Can I contact the spy?"

"No, he doesn't have a phone number."

At this point, the little girl said alertly: "There is a situation."

After turning off the lights and taking off their raincoats, they could hear the sound of motorcycles. Several people immediately returned to the factory, left the gate, and hid behind an overturned pickup truck.

Soon, four motorcycles arrived at the factory gate, and a small number of zombies came from the surrounding area. At this time, Lin Wu and the others heard the voice of Nightmare through the wall: "Each person kills five zombies to qualify."

Lin Wu looked at Maya. There was only a wall between them. Should he do anything?

Maya shook her head. The motorcycle did not turn off, which meant that Nightmare was probably sitting on the motorcycle. He was very familiar with the nearby terrain and ran away as soon as he hit the gas pedal. And the dividing wall is a dividing wall, but his exact location is not clear.

According to Maya's guess, there were eight people on the other side, four of the riders were old people, and they used the factory area as an examination room to assess the four newcomers. There are many details in the process of killing zombies, which test people's reaction, strength, courage, etc. In addition, you can also observe whether these newcomers can cooperate as a team and whether they can take credit.

Why not come during the day? See more clearly during the day. But nightmares are also human beings, and as long as they are human beings, they cannot withstand continued exposure to the scorching sun. In the next summer, going out will be preferred at night.

The four newcomers have eliminated several zombies attracted by the sound and entered the factory area. Four motorcycles drove to the entrance of the factory, and the motorcycle lights provided lighting for the newcomers.

The next wave of zombies were deliberately attracted by them. One of them, in order to avoid taking care of two zombies, pulled his zombie aside and stabbed it with blunt objects. The motorcycle light followed him and the light was far away from the team's hiding place. Just a few meters.

But he saw this man bending down and knocking down the zombie with a sweep of his legs. He stabbed the zombie's head from top to bottom with a blunt instrument, and soon his skull was broken. He then walked towards the main venue, his motorcycle lights on. Follow the move.

Fifteen meters away from the motorcycle rider, Lin Wu looked at the beard on the left and Maya on the right. Let's fight. Why are you hesitating? There is really no guarantee that four motorcyclists will be killed, but at least you can bet your luck. Then Lin Wu figured out that after the team was officially established, Maya regarded the team's interests as her main interests.

When it became known that Starlight was among the bandits, Maya's team's interests changed from Nightmare to Starlight. The reason why Maya joined the team was because of nightmares. Therefore, Maya was very hesitant in her heart. In addition, she agreed that Huzi would be the captain. She did not act rashly until Huzi did not express his opinion.

Huzi confirmed from Lin Wu and others that the core of the bandit group was not Nightmare, but Starlight. He then lost some interest in the murderous Nightmare and focused on Starlight. As a former special forces operations captain, he knows that primary and secondary goals must be clearly distinguished.

There was also Nightmare who wanted to take action, but Xuemeng touched her shoulder and signaled not to move, because she could clearly distinguish a fifth motorcycle. One is to look at the light from underneath the car. There are five beams of light, indicating that there is a motorcycle outside the factory. The second was to listen to the sounds. She could hear the engine sounds of five motorcycles.

The trial for newcomers continued, and they were very cautious. After sending away a wave of zombies, they then used sound to attract zombies out of the factory. At this time, someone had already completed four kills, and someone had completed two kills.

At this time, an accident occurred. The undercut of the crowbar held by Newcomer A missed the zombie's head, but hit the zombie's shoulder. The undercut pierced the shoulder. It could not be pulled out by direct pulling, so the crowbar could only be pushed forward. But he was obviously confused and pulled hard in his direction. As a result, he pulled the zombie in front of him, and the zombie hugged him and bit him.

When the two companions around him saw this, they immediately came to the rescue. After the wave was cleared, the world fell into silence. The motorcyclists didn't move or speak, but they already had their horizontal guns in their hands. Newcomer B glanced at the motorcycle team and said to newcomer A: "Take off your clothes." He held the weapon tightly in his hand, as did the other two newcomers.

Newcomer A hesitated for a moment and began to take off his clothes. As soon as he took off his shoulder, everyone saw that the left shoulder was bloody and bloody, which was consistent with the wound caused by the zombie biting the flesh and tearing it. Seeing the change in his companion's eyes, Newcomer A stepped back and said, "Maybe he's not infected?"

Newcomer C did not hesitate to knock him unconscious with a stick from behind. He took out a flashlight and pulled open his clothes to check the wound. This time he could see more clearly. There were teeth marks around the wound. Newcomer C took a step back, raised his stick and beat Newcomer A to death.

At this time, a nightmare voice came from outside the factory door: "What's your name?"

"Xiao C."

"Yes, you are qualified." Nightmare said: "Remember, when your companion is bitten by a zombie, he is not your comrade-in-arms, but your enemy. If you can't take action because of his appearance, then It could be you, or it could be your other friends."

Nightmare: "Xiao C, come here."

Xiao Bing walked to the door of the factory and threw an assault rifle upright from the darkness. Xiao Bing took it and checked the magazine skillfully: "Thank you, captain."

Nightmare: "The others continue."

Sure enough, there is a treacherous villain outside the factory. Lin Wu cursed in his heart.

Nightmare: Is the door not wide enough?

After a while, the other two people completed their share. Nightmare was neither dissatisfied nor complimentary. The two attendants each gave them a pistol, indicating that they were qualified. Then everyone got on the bus and the motorcycle team left.

Maya said: "To put it down, Nightmare still has a lot of ideas."

Lin Wu was puzzled, and Xue Meng explained: "If the three of them are qualified, as new newcomers, they will form an invisible bond between them, and it is possible to form a new faction or join a faction. Nightmare does this, Xiao C has a certain sense of gratitude and superiority over the other two newcomers. After the two newcomers join the bandit group, if they are dissatisfied with their treatment, the first reference target is not the nightmare or the old man, but Xiao C."

Huzi said: "It seems that there is a hierarchy within the bandit group."

Maya said: "Hierarchy is the most stable." From the military rank to the company's P position, it is all a hierarchical system. Class is not the same as class, class means that you can transcend it, and your contribution can upgrade you. Without an upgrade reward system, the middle and lower levels are prone to lack of motivation and failure. Similarly, in order to highlight the differences between classes, the differences in class treatment must be clearly distinguished.

Nightmare said: "They seem to use guns to differentiate. The high-class people use rifles, and the low-class people only have pistols."

Maya: “It’s nice, direct and simple.”

Beard: "Keep going, little girl."

The little girl nodded and got into the darkness. Everyone put down their night vision goggles and followed the little girl in formation.

The library base of the bandit group is located in a community. This community is a high-end high-end community with a total of twelve buildings, each building has 27 floors and five households on each floor. The community is walled and has two exits, the front and rear doors.

The library is located in the middle of the community, where there are also community activity centers, parks, outdoor swimming pools and other supporting facilities. The community is very large, with a lot of land, and the front and rear doors are easily blocked. The most important thing is that with such a large number of residents, there must be a large amount of supplies left. You can also clean floors and train newcomers on a daily basis. Each member can be assigned a suite, and the accommodation conditions are very superior, which cannot be compared with the railway bridge base.

Lin Wu's team will be stationed tonight at a model house two hundred meters away from the front door of the community. There is a two-story building with various types of apartments in the community. Each home has been carefully renovated for buyers to view and choose from.

There were many zombies in the model house. The girl climbed to the second floor through the water pipe, entered a house, closed the door, and dealt with the three zombies in the house. After she was done, she put down the rope, and Lin Wu and others entered the house one after another.

This is a duplex house, compared to the top floor of a residential building. There is a staircase that goes up to the balcony, which is the sun room. The sunroom faces the community and you can clearly see the library.

The reason why the library can be seen in the dark is because the library is well-lit. There are lights not only in the reading room, but also in the aisles, and even in the small square outside the library there are street lights. The library has two floors, and several bicycles and motorcycles are parked outside the lobby entrance on the first floor.

The team also saw something interesting here. A large pit was dug at the entrance of the community, and a peeled log was placed on it. To enter the community, zombies must walk through the log in the middle. There is a movable log in the middle of the log. Once a zombie steps on it, it will roll and the zombie will fall directly into the pit.

So how do humans and cars get in and out? There are two steel hanging boards on the other side of the hole. The hanging boards can be stowed and lowered by shaking the winch. One of the suspended panels is one meter wide and suitable for human walking. There is also a hanging board five meters wide for car traffic.

Six columns were erected in the hole. After the hanging board was lowered, it just rested on the columns. It was visually estimated that it could withstand at least five tons of vehicles entering and exiting.

Seeing this, Hu Hu couldn't help but said: "The designer is a talent."

The entrance and exit cannot be broken through, so the only way is to climb over the wall. The wall is 2.5 meters high, with four wires attached to it. Although there is a sign warning of high voltage danger, everyone knows there is no electricity. The four wires face outward at a 45-degree angle. To get over, you not only have to go up the wall, but you also have to bypass the 45-degree wires, which undoubtedly adds a lot of difficulty to the infiltrators.

Huzi said: "If they place two sentries on the rooftops of the first and last two high-rise buildings with night vision infrared telescopes, almost no one can approach the community without being discovered. My dear, let's use the drone for high-altitude reconnaissance. Let's go back."

Back in the room, Huzi took out an exquisite small kerosene lamp from his backpack and lit it on the table. Everyone sat down on the sofa and chairs. Huzi said: "Guys, my idea is to snipe Xingguang, but I don't know what Xingguang looks like. From the information we know, the core reason why the bandit group is highly aggressive and has strong organizational capabilities is because of the existence of Xingguang. .”

Nightmare said: "We are not interested in Starlight, or even the bandits. We are only interested in Nightmare."

Beard said: "We have an eight-fold scope sniper rifle and an M4 with a four-fold scope that can also be used as a sniper rifle, but I don't think they will appear outdoors at the same time and give us enough time. So we only discuss A goal. Killing Starlight will stop the bandits from continuing to do evil. I am willing to provide you with another batch of bullets."

Maya said: "Kill the nightmare, 10 boxes of instant noodles."

"10 boxes?" Huzi was stunned for a moment and asked, "How many packages?"

Maya said: "There are 25 packs per box, 5 small packs per pack, 1,250 packs of instant noodles. Three meals a day, one pack for each meal, can last for 416 days. Even if there are 10 of you, you can eat for 41 days. With these 41 days, you can Planting and breeding should yield certain results.”

Beard thought for a while and shook his head: "I can add a few more rifles."

Lin Wu bargained impatiently and threw out Wang Zha: "50 boxes of instant noodles, on condition that you come and get them yourself."

Huzi asked in surprise: "Do you have so many?"

Lin Wu sighed: "Yes, I ate until I vomited." Lin Wu didn't tell Huzi that there was still a carriage of instant noodles that had not been moved.

Beard thought for a while and said: "Let's do this. Within 24 hours from now, if Nightmare appears, kill Nightmare. You will provide 50 boxes of instant noodles. After 24 hours, Nightmare appears and kills Nightmare. Starlight appears and kills Starlight. If Starlight appears, kill Starlight. , we offer bullet rewards.”

Maya looked at the nightmare, and the nightmare knew that Maya had agreed before asking for her opinion, so she said: "Okay. It's two o'clock in the morning, let's start the clock."

Huzi said: "My daughter and I can serve as snipers, but we need observers."

Maya said: "Nightmare and I can serve as observers."

Xue Meng said: "My brother and I take turns on guard duty."

There were three people in a shift, and Lin Wu went to work first. He slipped out and set up a surveillance camera outside. Then he came back and lay on the sofa watching a silent movie while watching the surveillance camera. The surveillance was naturally provided by Vegetable Meat. It was originally their hunting tool. Since it was also needed at home, they only brought one out.

Compared to Lin Wu, Xue Meng was much more dedicated. She controlled the drone and flew around the model house, identified two exits, and then found several retreat routes along the exits. After she was done, she went back to sleep.

Maya and her little girl were in class. They built a bunker out of broken sofas and bookcases in the sunroom on the rooftop. Maya removed a board from the bookcase, sat on the broken sofa, and monitored the library through the removed board. After adjusting the preview, the little girl lay quietly on the table, waiting for news from the observer. Her shooting hole is also the shooting area exposed by removing the board from the bookcase.

Maya found some moss and green plants from the surrounding area to further cover the bookcase. No target was found that night, but Maya just watched it all night.

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