Corrupted Nation

Chapter 437 Machine Return

Maya has the basic ability to take off and land helicopters. She played a small civilian helicopter in the winter simulation, and now she drives an armed helicopter equipped with ground attack guided rockets and air attack missiles. The large number of added instruments made her a little overwhelmed. The reason why Lin Wu could recognize some instruments was entirely because there were small words underneath the instruments, but he basically had no idea what these instruments were for.

Lin Meng, who was speechless by Lin Wu, could only huff in anger. When he was thinking about how to respond to Lin Wu, the alarm in the cab sounded again. This time the alarm was very shrill, and the radar screen kept glowing red.

Maya asked: "What's going on?"

"Radar warning." Lin Wu looked at it for a while: "It seems like something is approaching quickly from the north. There is a red text on the radar screen: Missile warning. Damn it! What is a missile? Shouldn't it be called a missile?"

Maya went crazy: "Can you focus on the key points? Use your satellite phone to call the veteran base quickly."

"No signal." Lin Wu exclaimed and said, "Three moving things appeared on the edge of the screen. The radar label identified them as F14. What kind of missiles are these?"

The little doctor really couldn't stand listening, and with a broken heart, he covered his face and said: "The F14 is a fighter jet, not a missile. It should be the offshore mothership that immediately took off the fighter jet after receiving the base information to shoot us down." He said You should be a good person and not get on the pirate ship.

Maya asked: "How to solve it?"

You fly the helicopter and I hold the scalpel, you ask me? The doctor thought for a while and said: "Judging from film and television works, they all respond to incoming missiles by flying low, traveling through canyons, suddenly flipping the fuselage, and using interference bombs and other means." I admire the calmness of these three people. Not bad, not afraid of so-called missiles at all, nor any fear of imminent death.

Lin Wu said: "The missiles will arrive in 50 seconds. Doctor, can you surrender?"

This question stopped the little doctor and he thought for a while: "Surrender? I don't know. Look for the button in front of you."

The helicopter kept flying along the river. Lin Wu, who was looking for the surrender button, saw the steel cable bridge ahead and said hurriedly: "Ahead is the village where I met Xiaohong."

As soon as Maya heard this, she immediately reduced her speed and turned left into the open area. During this period, she pressed the fire button, and the cannon continued to bombard the train station for several seconds. In a flash, the helicopter turned into the open area.

The helicopter began to land, and the pursuing missiles followed, but because they were too fast and did not have the ability to turn quickly, they hit the mountain and exploded. Lin Wu first jumped out of the helicopter, put down his night vision goggles, and shot to kill the zombies who were looking for the sound. Lin Meng dragged the doctor, who was still crossing himself and clasping his fists to thank God for not killing him, off the plane and leaned against the mountain. As for Maya, she is still fiddling with the helicopter, and turning it off seems more complicated than turning it on.

Maya joined the battle a minute later, and with absolutely overwhelming firepower, all the zombies rushing toward the helicopter were eliminated.

Soon, three fighter jets flew over the sky near the village. They lost the trace of the helicopter and returned to the mothership after searching the surrounding area to no avail.

At this time, the three of them had already gone to the cellar where Lin Wu spent the night, and the firewood and pots were still there. Lin Wu used the light on the night vision device to catch a few pieces of food near the snake house, peeled them with a dagger and took them back to the cellar. Then several people started slicing and cooking.

"No, we absolutely cannot drive the helicopter back to the base." Faced with Maya's proposal, Lin Wu refused sternly: "Otherwise, the railway bridge base will be razed to the ground."

Maya argued: "Just remove the positioning system on the helicopter."

Lin Wu asked, "Where is the positioning system?"

Maya thought for a while: "It should take some time to find it."

Lin Mengdao: "It's rare for Sister Maya to think of something like this, so just agree."

"No." Are you kidding me? Lin Wu looked at Maya and found that the iron-clad Maya actually had pleading in her eyes. His heart softened and he said: "At most, it can only fly to the vicinity of the base, and it cannot affect the base."

Maya immediately said: "Okay, okay. There is a warehouse near the handcar terminal. I can drive the helicopter in."

Lin Wu asked: "Open?"

"It's a wheeled helicopter that can travel on flat ground," Maya explained.

Lin Wu no longer objected: "Tomorrow Lin Meng and I will go get the handcart, and you can fly the plane back by yourself."

"Yeah." Maya smiled again, like a child who got candy.

The doctor asked, "Can I take the handcart?" She was completely confused about the nature of this group of people, but she knew that the handcart was definitely safer than the helicopter.

"Of course." Lin Wu asked with concern, "Little doctor, how is your health?" Not to mention that all the investment was in vain.

The doctor replied: "I understand that my body is weak and easily fatigued purely due to malnutrition."

Lin Wu said: "Lin Meng, please introduce the situation of our base to the little doctor." Damn it, Maya is obviously there, why did he become the captain? Looking at Maya again, she didn't care about the little doctor at all. She was looking at the fire and thinking in a daze, with her heart completely fixed on the helicopter.

The devil's deal is rejected by mortals simply because he gives the wrong deal.

The next day, the doctor was the last among the four to get up. Lin Meng had already cooked snake meat for breakfast, and they took the pot outside together.

The doctor said to Lin Meng: "Last night was the best night I slept in these months."

Lin Meng understood and said: "When you arrive at our base, you can sleep well every day, and we don't have to arrange for someone to stay on duty at night."

Unexpectedly, the doctor asked worriedly: "Aren't you planning a night watch?"

Lin Meng comforted: "Don't worry, you will know when the time comes."

When the two came out, Maya was communicating with people at the base via satellite phone. Shana sent Xiao Wu, Xue Dan and Su Shi to clear the warehouse to make room for Maya's helicopter. Maya then contacted the veteran base and learned how to fly an armed helicopter on site. The other party told Maya to turn off the active radar and positioning system and keep flying at a low altitude of about 100 meters. Unless the aircraft carrier dispatched an early warning aircraft, the flying helicopter would not be discovered.

Experts from the veteran base explained the meaning of each instrument and the use of fire control radar. What is more troublesome is that armed helicopters use kerosene, and aviation kerosene is difficult to obtain among civilians. As far as the veteran base knows, there is an oil refinery in the southeastern suburbs of Houtian City, about 20 kilometers away from the city. It is not clear whether there is aviation fuel. If you have the opportunity, you can go and check it out.

Maya focused on learning how to drive a helicopter on the ground. After learning everything else, she crashed the helicopter.

After the meal, Lin Meng and Lin Wu walked along the railway track to the maintenance station to get the hand crank. The doctor and Maya, who was scratching their heads, stayed behind temporarily. While waiting, Maya spent most of the time on the helicopter studying the helicopter until she called the satellite phone with 90% battery until it ran out of power.

On the other side, Shuanglin worked slowly, and the two of them chatted, walked and played like they were on an outing. During this period, they made a comprehensive evaluation of the small doctor. After all, they were the ones who brought the small doctor back and they bear certain responsibilities for the quality. Originally, the interview was Maya's job, but now Maya has no psychological understanding and can only be evaluated by them. If it's not suitable, then we can only have some accidents on the way back, so as not to make Xiaowen and Xiaowu uncomfortable by doing anything again at the base.

Lin Mengdao: "Quiet personality, tenacious will, polite, cultivated, mature and stable."

Lin Wu said: "Well, she has many advantages, and her qualities are good in all aspects. Judging from what I know about her experience, I'm worried that she has a fatal flaw: White Lotus."

Lin Meng disagreed: "As long as the person in power is not a white lotus, there won't be much of a problem. On the contrary, I think this is the advantage of small doctors. Doctors should have a white lotus heart. And I think you have misunderstood the concept, everyone What I hate is people who ask others to do good deeds, but I don’t hate people who do good deeds themselves.”

"For example, if a refugee shelter appears near our base, the veteran base is willing to devote everything to helping them. Even if we think their behavior is inappropriate, we should respect them. If the veteran base advocates helping each other and encourages others to fund refugee shelters, this will Such people are the real bad guys.”

Lin Wu pointed his finger: "Do you want you to reason with me?"

"Huh." Take a small notebook and write it down, and settle the accounts together when we get to Earth.

Basically, both of them agreed with the doctor. They have little contact with him so far, so they can only draw conclusions about the specific situation later.

The anxious and exhausted Maya finally saw Shuang Lin during lunch. Seeing Maya about to get on the helicopter, Lin Wu grabbed her and said, "We haven't had lunch yet."

"I won't eat."

"You haven't prepared anything?"

Maya: "No."

Lin Wu dragged Maya away: "Go wash the pot, I'll catch the snake, the doctor will fetch water, and Lin Meng will get firewood."

Maya was speechless and said: "I don't want to eat." She had a lot of things in her mind ready to be practiced during the flight.

But Lin Wu didn't let her go, and Maya could only go to the small ditch to wash the pot. After eating and drinking well, washing the pots, packing her bags, and watching the three of them get on the handcart, Maya was able to board the plane. The flight was uneventful, with no sirens and no fighter jets.

The Veterans Base sent an expert to the warehouse at the hand-cranked car terminal and used a baton to guide Maya to land the fighter jet in the most suitable location. Based on her teachings, Maya drove the helicopter into the warehouse. The two of them sat in the airplane cabin, chatting until Lin Wu and the others came back.

Shana, Shitou and everyone welcomed the little doctor at the railway bridge base. Lin Wu made an introduction. Shana took over and accompanied the little doctor to the base with Xiaowen. The doctor is very satisfied with the facilities of the base and is very grateful to the Railway Bridge Base for taking him in. After checking the medicines in stock, the doctor made a list and hoped to replenish the medicines on the list in case of emergency.

It was evening, and the doctor went to the mountain base to meet with the flowers, vegetables, and meat, and asked them about the herbal medicine in the mountain. He didn't come back until very late. Also returning to the base was Maya. But the story has already been told by Lin Meng at the bonfire party.

The railway bridge base has temporarily returned to its former peace, and the only work is the list of medicines prescribed by the small doctor. The list includes various drugs for muscles, bones, antibiotics, hormones, etc. The base also lacks equipment such as plasterboards for treating trauma.

The doctor posted hygiene requirements, requiring the daily duty staff to spray and disinfect the accommodation and other carriages with the disinfectant she prepared, requiring the garbage to be cleaned up on the same day, etc.

Since Lin Wu and the others were out for a fun trip, the task of searching for medicines was left to Xiao Wu and the others, and even Shitou signed up to participate. The search area has been surveyed by drones from the veteran base and is highly secure. So on a sunny morning, the tractor pulled up the carriage and took Shitou, Shana, Su Shi, Xue Dan, Xiao Wu and Xiao Dao out. The distance was 17 kilometers. If you go quickly, you can get home in two hours.

Lin Wu and Lin Meng watched them leave. Lin Wu said, "We have to find a way to get a motorcycle."

Lin Mengdao: "We have searched all around, and even the veterans' base has no motorcycles. According to Xiao Wu, motorcycles are banned in the West City and motorcycles are prohibited from being on the road."

Lin Wu asked: "What if we hit the road?"

Lin Meng was asked and asked Xiaowen: "Xiaowen, what will happen if a motorcycle is found in a motorcycle-free area?"

Xiaowen came over and answered: "For impoundment, a vehicle will deliver the motorcycle to the designated parking lot. After the owner pays the fine, he can go to the parking lot to take the motorcycle back."

Lin Wu asked: "Where is the parking lot in Xicheng?"

Xiaowen replied: "Motorcycles are prohibited in West City, so all motorcycles will be sent to the Zhongcheng parking lot."

"Midtown?" That place is hell and you can't go there. There are millions of zombies in Midtown, and there are countless zombie kings. Although there are helicopters at the base, Maya is reluctant to consume precious fuel. Therefore, to use helicopters, we must first solve the fuel problem. Solving the fuel problem requires a trip to a refinery in the southeastern suburbs.

It’s fun to go to the Western Peninsula to see the scenery and explore the game. It's different when going to an oil refinery. The environment is harsh and the air is filled with stench. Thinking about Southeast Oil Refinery, one of the top ten oil refineries in the world, there will be a lot of zombies in its factory area.

The workload of the project is too big, forget it, just hang in there, there are only more than 80 days left anyway.

But today's field team encountered some troubles. They first walked south along the railway track. When they got near the block, they turned around. Su Shi stayed on guard while the others headed for the block. What surprised them was that there were no zombies in this neighborhood.

After ransacking a pharmacy, people from the Survivor Alliance showed up, claiming that this was their territory, and rudely asked Shana and others to get out. Shana and others immediately pulled out their guns and got out of here. But ten minutes later, two pickup trucks carrying more than a dozen gunmen arrived, and the two sides faced off thirty meters away.

Shana communicated with the opponent's leader at the center line and learned that the Survivor Alliance had cleared all the zombies in this neighborhood three days ago. According to their logic, this neighborhood was liberated by them, so all the supplies should belong to them. all. Shana knows how to adapt. After negotiation, Shana and others can take away all the medicines they have raided the two stores, but they are not allowed to enter the sphere of influence of the survivor base in the future.

Shana asked about the opponent's sphere of influence. The opponent's leader was also an honest man and drew it on the map according to the territory he currently controlled. Although this was outside the scope of the field plan, Shana still fought for enough benefits. Just when the negotiations were over, the boss of the Survivor Alliance arrived at the scene.

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