Corrupted Nation

Chapter 441 Searching for Oil (Part 2)

Xiaonvhui reported: "A zombie wearing a suit was found." Most of the zombies wore gray uniforms with Southeast Refinery hot dogs printed on them. Tanker truck drivers generally do not wear suits, and unrelated personnel are not allowed to enter the factory. Therefore, it is inferred that the zombies in suits may be management personnel. It's just that it's impossible to know how many clues it can retain under the wind and sun.

The girl added: "There is a zombie king near it."

The Zombie King is also the Big Mac. If it is shot in the head in True Hardcore, it will be taken away with one shot, but it is not easy to hit it in the head. If the distance is far away, the head will shake and the frequency of body rotation is significantly higher than that of ordinary zombies, making it difficult to hit the head. If the distance is close, because the Zombie King is more than three meters tall, he cannot see his head when he raises his head.

Xiao Wu said: "People who wear suits usually don't work, so don't pay attention to it."

Xiaodao reported: "I got a card from the zombie corpse of a plain-clothes driver, 102-proof gasoline, 24,000 liters, license plate number 54321."

Maya: "Little girl, find this car."

The little girl said: "There is nothing on the east side, I will go to the south side to check." She took the gun and ran to the south side of the rooftop, knelt down on one knee and took a telescope to check. The number of zombies in the southern area is relatively dense, and the oil tankers are arranged in a chaotic manner, and there are also car crashes at the scene. There are zombies blocking the little girl's number plate. In addition, due to the wrong angle, some license plates could not be seen clearly on the rooftop, so the little girl could only run around on the rooftop to find the best angle.

Lin Wu entered a room on the second floor and rummaged through the cabinets at will, putting lighters, knives and other small items into his pockets. This is a relatively high-end room with a separate reception room and a small bar. Various imported wines are placed on the cabinets at the back of the small bar.

Lin Wu picked up a document from the coffee table and checked it, then connected to the radio: "I found something. Here is an application for a civil airport aviation fuel supply safe operation license and a copy of the business certificate of Houtian Airport. There is also a form to apply for Aviation kerosene sales and use license. Do you still need to apply for this thing? Can’t you buy it even if you have money?”

Lin Wu pulled out a photo from the file and said, "There seems to be a tank truck specially designed to transport aviation kerosene. Look for the tank truck with aviation fuel marked on the side of the tank."

"Is there only two words for aviation fuel?" the little girl asked.

Lin Wu: "No, the words "Acquired Aviation Oil, Acquired Aviation Oil".

The little girl looked at it for a while and said, "I saw it. It was an extended tractor-trailer tanker. It was directly north of me, four hundred meters away. The density of zombies was staggering. There were at least six zombie kings."

Maya asked: "Have you seen any oil pumping holes on the ground at the location you mentioned?"

"Wait a moment." The girl flew up the drone and quickly reported: "There are two oil pumping ports, and there are three oil tank trucks in the area."

Lin Wu suggested: "Put on more oil, let's light up all the zombies." Being in oil without lighting a fire is like taking a shower without singing, or squatting in a pit without smoking.

Maya hurriedly said: "Don't listen to his nonsense." Does this guy understand that you can't smoke at gas stations?

Xiaoji said: "I think Lin Wu's suggestion is good. Underground oil depots are very safe. Oil and gas deflagration requires a certain ratio. It is basically impossible to ignite underground oil tanks through ground ignition. However, it is impossible to determine whether the three vehicles Is there any oil stored in the tanker?"

Xiao Ji said: "I suggest you first check whether there is oil in the three tank trucks. Because I found that when the tank trucks cannot start and the oil pump cannot operate, it is more difficult than I thought to get oil through a simple device. Higher."

Maya said: "Little girl, scout the attack route."


Xiao Wu reported: "I checked three tank trucks, and apart from insufficient tire pressure, there didn't seem to be any major problems. Based on my understanding of the car, I think the reason why it couldn't start was because the battery was dead."

Xiaoji asked: "How far is the nearest helicopter?"

"150 meters."

The little machine said: "Maya, Lin Wu, you guys remove the wires and we can connect the electricity from the helicopter to charge the tanker."

Lin Wu asked: "Allow me to ask, do you need one wire or two wires?" He still doesn't understand much about electricity. There is one wire for electricity, but two wires are needed to connect a lamp holder.

Xiaoji replied: "Two wires more than 150 meters long can be spliced."

Maya assigned work: "Lin Wu, you are responsible for the electric wires. Xiao Dao, Xiao Wu gather together, we are going to clean up the zombies to the west."

The girl reported: "The attack route has been planned, and the route avoids three tank trucks." It's not that we can't get close to the tank trucks, but that there are no tank trucks within the shooting range, which requires fixed-point directional shooting.

Maya: "Very good, you will direct the battle."

All the work was carried out in an orderly manner. The small machine responsible for the technical aspects first checked two wires, connected the wires to the tanker and the helicopter, and started the helicopter to charge the battery of the tanker. The voltage of a helicopter is 115 volts, while the voltage of a tanker truck is 24 volts. Direct charging is definitely not possible, and small machines will not make such a mistake.

After fiddling with the small machine for a long time, a tanker truck was successfully ignited. After checking the vehicle, as Xiao Wu said, except for the insufficient tire pressure, the other conditions were good. Next, Xiaoji began to study the oil pump device attached to the oil tank truck, as well as the operating system of the oil pump inside the oil tank truck.

Excellent at one thing and another, Xiaoji is very confident in his learning ability.

On the other side, the combat team led by Maya made good progress and quickly captured the first oil tanker. When the small plane successfully started the tanker, they had already occupied the second aviation fuel tanker.

Lin Wu became the driver of a tanker truck and drove the tanker to the vicinity of the first aviation fuel tanker. The small machine got out of the car and connected the batteries of the two tank trucks with wires, allowing the tank trucks to charge the aviation fuel tank trucks. After charging for a while, Xiaoji started the first aviation fuel tank truck. The instrumentation and operation of this truck were different from ordinary tank trucks. It took some time. Xiaoji regrets to tell you that the first The aviation fuel tanker truck was empty.

While everyone continued to eliminate zombies, Xiaoji studied the operation method of the oil pump of the aviation fuel tanker.

Although all three aviation oil trucks were empty, the team already had all the conditions to pump oil. The only regret is that too many bullets were consumed in order to capture this area.

The helicopter hoisted the small oil tank to the designated location, and the tank truck's oil pump was connected to the underground kerosene storage tank, and the kerosene was continuously pumped up. First fill the oil tanker, then connect the oil tanker to the small oil tank, fill the small oil tank, and then fill the helicopter with oil. After finishing the work, the small machine takes away the battery from the tanker truck and can directly bring a fully charged battery for refueling next time.

The weight of the small 5,000-liter oil tank combined with the weight of the tank reaches three and a half tons. The situation is not optimistic. The maximum load capacity of the helicopter is 11 tons, and the empty weight is 5 tons. Including fuel, missiles and small oil tanks, the calculated weight is close to 11 tons. Xiao Dao, Xiao Wu, Xiao Ji, Lin Wu, Maya and Xiao Nu weigh nearly 1 ton plus equipment.

Maya put everyone aside for the time being and flew the helicopter back to the base. The team members closed the underground aviation kerosene gate, took an ordinary tanker truck to the small building, and waited on the rooftop.

About two hours later, the helicopter arrived and everyone piled onto the plane and returned to the base. During the flight, Xiaoji contacted Bald Head by phone, and Lin Wu contacted Shitou. Shitou drove a tractor to the veteran base to pick up Bald Head and three other people and a batch of equipment.

At seven o'clock in the evening, an after-dinner tea party was held at the railway bridge base. There were a total of five participants from the Veterans Base, all of whom were the first batch of Veterans Base personnel. In addition to the bald man, the little machine and the little girl, there is also a boy and a girl, respectively a mechanical expert and a sharpshooter. The topic of discussion at the meeting was naturally the arms on the second floor of the basement of the Veterans Club in Midtown.

Baldhead Drawing: "Target Building A has three floors above ground and two floors underground. The first step of the combat mission is to lure the enemy. We have brought five Bluetooth speakers, which must be located close to the ground but will not be destroyed by zombies. The hanging locations are: The top of the outdoor three-story, 15-meter-high bronze statue in Building B... adopts a helicopter rappel operation, which is a more dangerous process and requires higher requirements on the driver. The small aircraft will serve as a co-pilot to assist Maya throughout the process."

Bald Head: "Step 2: Land in Building C. The distance between Building C and the target Building A is 30 meters."

Xue Dan asked: "Why not land directly on the rooftop of Building A?"

The bald man replied: "There is no barrier door on the rooftop of the Veterans Club. It can be speculated that there are a lot of zombies on the rooftop. If the helicopter lands directly, we may be trapped and die in the helicopter. The club covers a large area, and our purpose is to occupy a position first. .Building C has a sloping roof, so there will be no zombies.”

The bald man said: "First clear away the zombies in Building A in Building C, then use the rope-throwing gun to fly to Building A, and the commandos will speed-skate to Building A."

Bald Head: "Everyone uses carbines and fires at will on the rooftop. Low-noise pistols are used on the stairs from the third floor to the first floor. The most important thing is on the first floor. Only pistols can be used, and they must be used with Bluetooth speakers to prevent a large number of outdoor zombies from being attracted indoors."

The bald man put on a piece of paper: "This is the staff position I have made. You can see if it is suitable."

Shana asked: "I will stay on the rooftop and be responsible for controlling the speakers?"

The bald head nodded: "Yes, the power consumption of the speakers is very high. The five Bluetooth speakers use ordinary batteries. Optimistically, they can be used for 25 minutes. The minimum usage time we have tested is only 20 minutes. The range of the remote control is limited. Switching the speakers on and off When you need to move on the rooftop."

Bald Head: "There are many obstacles on the rooftop. It is an anti-terrorist assault training ground we built for recruits Danzi to join. There are walls, wooden doors, windows, etc. Helicopters can only land on the east side."

Xiao Dao asked: "What is the purpose of Xuedan and I's rooftop group?"

The bald head said: "Guard the safe passage and protect the safety of people and materials. Your mission is very important. If there are hidden zombies, Shana and the transport personnel may be attacked. There is a roll of fluorescent tape here. You must post a safe entrance and exit to the helicopter. The road to passage.”

Xuedan asked: "Are we going to operate at night?"

The bald head nodded: "Zombies can see far away during the day and are sensitive to moving objects. We are equipped with night vision devices, which can take greater advantage during night battles."

Maya said: "Leave two people on the first floor to ensure smooth passage. Why not clean up the zombies on the first floor?"

The bald head replied: "The sound time is limited, and our bullets are also limited. It's not a big problem from the third floor to the first floor. Just occupy the stairs and block the fire door. There is no fire door on the first floor, and we have to guard the stair entrance to the basement for 70 seconds. meters of safe passage. In my plan, the first wave of all pistol volleys will be used to clear out the zombies near the passage under the cover of the loudspeaker, and then two people will be left to patrol, using pistols equipped with silencers to ensure the safety of the passage."

Maya said: "I think Lin Wu can join the commando team."

Baldhead replied: "You may have misunderstood. After our discussion, we believe that the pressure on the first floor is the greatest. Compared to pistols, we are better at using rifles. Therefore, it is the best choice to let Lin Wu stay on the first floor, except for Lin Wu I need your recommendation for a first-level candidate. The requirements are: proficiency in using pistols, stable shooting, concentration, and good at adapting to changes."

Lin Meng habitually introduced himself: "Me."

The bald head looked at Maya. Maya was calculating the resources of her team, and only Xiao Wu and Lin Meng were left. Xiao Wu is a policeman and has received professional pistol shooting training. Lin Meng had received intensive training in actual pistol combat during the winter.

Lin Wu said: "Since it is more dangerous, leave it to Lin Meng. If Xiao Wu dies, I will be sad for several minutes."

Baldhead and the others couldn't understand, so Maya decided: "Okay, just Lin Meng."

There are ten people participating in this battle at the railway bridge base: Lin Meng, Lin Wu, Maya, Xiao Dao and Xue Dan, all from the Shadow Team. Veteran base: little girl, little sniper, baldhead, little machine and little specialist. The battle time is tomorrow night at eight o'clock.

After the combat meeting, Shana took the people from the veteran base to the guest room to rest. During this period, she had a private communication with the bald man outside the car. They chatted for nearly two hours before saying good night to each other.

During the day the next day, everyone was very busy. The combatants were conducting simulated operations in the warehouse at the end of the rickshaw. The non-combatants are responsible for ensuring logistics. In addition to food, they also tear washed zombie clothes into strips of cloth to enhance the defense capabilities of combatants.

As the captain, Baldhead supervises and guides everyone's understanding of their positions.

He first expressed his dissatisfaction with the performance of the rooftop team. He believed that Xiaodao and Xuedan did not cooperate well and that the two were too separated. Although they had the idea of ​​​​sacrifice to protect each other, they lacked the awareness to protect each other.

"Don't worry about what Xiaodao saw or what he was shooting at. You have to consider that Xiaodao's gunfire may attract lurking zombies. You put your vision in the front, who will be responsible for the rear? Trust Xiaodao, and you, too, Xiaodao Believe in Xuedan. But this doesn’t mean you can’t ask for help. When faced with an adverse situation, you must decisively ask your companions to join the fight immediately.”

"During the cleaning work, one person is the main person and the other is the auxiliary. The auxiliary should be responsible for guarding and supporting tasks. Do not open any cabinets. That is the job of the main C. Control your curiosity."

Baldhead has mixed reviews for the first-floor duo.

"Lin Wu, this kick is very good, it opens up the field of vision and shooting range." Bald Head criticized: "Lin Meng, after being kicked down, you should guard the front immediately, don't stand up, and don't look back for a long time. Teammate. You have to believe one thing: if he kicks you, he must have a reason for kicking you."

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