Cosmic Invincible Loading System

Chapter 424 Selling Ice and Fire Essence (Part 2)

Not to mention those people below, even Deacon Jia who was standing next to Qi Fan was stunned.

what's the situation?

Selling an Ice Fire Essence for one billion star coins?

Are you crazy about money?

If you are short of money, you can sell me! How dare I pay two billion!

Deacon Jia was so regretful that his face was almost blue, he swore that he really didn't know that Qi Fan called everyone here to sell the essence of ice and fire.

"Everyone, be quiet." Qi Fan pressed his hands, signaling for everyone in the commotion to quiet down.

Then he said: "From today until we arrive on Haas Planet, I will take out ten Ice and Fire Essences for sale every day. The rules are as I just said. Whoever raises his hand first will have a chance. However, the price will vary." Incrementally, for example, the brother just bought one billion star coins, then the next Ice and Fire Essence will be priced at 1.1 billion star coins."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes lit up.

There is such a good thing?

"I, me, me! I buy it!"

"I want 1.1 billion star coins!"

"You poor ghosts, get out of here, I will offer 1.5 billion star coins, sell them to me!"

Suddenly, almost everyone raised their hands high, afraid of missing the opportunity.

"I have already explained the rules, the price will be as I said just now, and the sale will start now!"

Qi Fan stood on the table, and at this time another piece of Ice and Fire Essence appeared in his hand.

However, the atmosphere at the scene was somewhat uncontrollable. These people wanted to raise their hands in front of Qi Fan, for fear that he would not see him.

Several times, Qi Fan couldn't see who raised his hand first, and felt that the movements of these people were too consistent, even more consistent than that of the army.

It took a long time, and finally sold out all twenty ice and fire essences.

Those who successfully bought the Ice and Fire Essence were all ecstatic in their hearts, feeling that they put the Ice and Fire Essence in the storage ring, and were deeply afraid that other people would plot evil.

They don't have Qi Fan's ability, after buying the essence of ice and fire, they immediately went back to their room to practice.


Ten ice and fire essences, the price increases from one billion.

In other words, Qi Fan sold a total of 14.5 billion star coins.

It is said that it is profitable, but in fact it is not, but it is a bit of a loss.

Because a pebble-sized Ice Fire Essence, the price must not be worth more than a billion star coins and you can buy it.

However, Qi Fan must do this now.

He now has a lot of Ice and Fire Essence in his hand, the big ones are kept for himself, and the small ones will be sold.

If he didn't do this, Qi Fan would definitely not be able to refine all the ice and fire essences. Even if he sells ten pills a day, there is still a lot left.

However, he converted the essence of ice and fire into star coins, and then the star coins can be exchanged for pretense value.

That is to say, 14.5 billion star coins can be exchanged for 14.5 million acting value.

As for the pretense value, you can buy star stones in the system store, and the purchased star stones, Qi Fan does not need to refine them by himself, and can directly absorb them.

In this way, he saved a lot of time.

As a result, the cultivation level continued to improve.

Although it is a bit of a loss, it can speed up your own cultivation speed.

Following this method, within a week, he estimated that he could reach the tenth level of Nebula.

Because he unreservedly converted all the pretense points into his own strength, only when his strength increased, he could keep the essence of ice and fire in his hand.

Of course, Qi Fan also wanted to increase the price of the Ice Fire Essence.

But they are now in space battleships, and it is impossible for many of them to carry so much cash with them.

So he can only lower the price, and first empty the pockets of these people.


Afterwards, Deacon Jia approached Qi Fan privately, claiming that he was willing to pay 14.5 billion star coins to directly buy ten ice and fire essences from him.

Now that Deacon Jia has opened his mouth, and everyone knows that he has a lot of Ice and Fire Essence in his hand, Qi Fan simply sold it.

Anyway, it's all about making money, and it doesn't matter if you sell it to anyone.

However, he gave Deacon Jia a discount and only charged 14 billion yuan.

Interestingly, more than one person found Qi Fan privately.

Many people who had cash in their hands found Qi Fan secretly, wanting to buy the essence of ice and fire.

Qi Fan did not refuse at all, but purchased privately. Except for Deacon Jia, everyone else directly sold 2 billion star coins.

After all, the number of snap-up sales in a day is only ten yuan, and many people simply cannot grasp the opportunity.

Although the price of 2 billion is very expensive, there are still people who can afford it.

Don't forget, almost all of the star-hunting team are star-seekers.

And the star seeker is a well-known profession of local tyrants.


A week later, Qi Fan obtained pretense points in this way, and then used the pretense points to buy starstones in the system store, and his cultivation base soared like a rocket.

Now, he has been successfully promoted to the ninth level of Xingyun, and he has finally recovered to the peak cultivation level of Lan Qifan back then.

However, Qi Fan now is naturally much stronger than Lan Qifan back then.

"Hey! It's a pity that the time is too short. If you give me another ten days, I am confident that I will be promoted to the tenth level of Nebula in this way." Qi Fan felt helpless.

If you reach the tenth level of the Nebula, then you can start to hit the Star Forging Realm.

Once a breakthrough is made, even the Muyu family will start to be afraid.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, there was a rumbling sound from the space battleship.

Afterwards, the broadcast in the battleship sounded.

"Are you there? It's about to land." Qi Fan frowned slightly.

Mu Lanyun has worked very hard these days, but the refining speed of the ice and fire essence is too slow, which makes her a little worried that returning to Haas planet will be very dangerous.

In the end, the space battleship successfully landed.

In the end, I went out to have a look... what the hell?

"What's going on?" Qi Fan looked puzzled, and then ran to the cockpit to ask the staff.

"It's like this, there is something wrong with the space battleship, so we are forced to stay on this planet. I am really sorry for the inconvenience." The staff told him.

At this time, the space battleship stayed on a second-level civilization planet.

Moreover, this is a planet with a relatively developed economy, which is comparable to that of Wanshouxing.

Qi Fan looked at the map and found that this planet was not on the route back to Planet Haas at all.

Deacon Jia came to Qi Fan and said with a smile: "Why do you stay on this planet, don't you still understand?"

Qi Fan was a little confused, shook his head and said, "I really don't want to understand."

Deacon Jia raised his hand and pointed, and many people left after getting off the battleship, and they seemed to be in a hurry.

"They all went to get the money."


When Qi Fan heard the words, he suddenly realized.

He understood that these people, in order to buy more ice and fire essence from him, deliberately deviated from the course and came to a second-level civilization planet, and then immediately went to withdraw the money after disembarking from the battleship.

Huaya Starfield has a bank named "Huaya", which was established by the federation.

Huaya Bank is almost all over the entire star field. As long as it is a planet with a second-level civilization or a third-level civilization, there must be a Huaya Bank.

Many people didn't have any cash in their pockets, so they deliberately planned this out, just to buy ice and fire essence from Qi Fan during this trip.

Because, they were worried that once they arrived on Haas planet, Qi Fan would sell the ice and fire essence to the public.

By that time, the number of people rushing to sell must be hundreds of times more than the number of people on the space battleship, so they probably won't have a chance.

After all, such a cheap Ice Fire Essence is simply hard to come by.

Furthermore, if Qi Fan is robbed by a certain force, the essence of ice and fire will not fall into their hands.

At that time, they will not be able to buy it even if they have money, and they will really cry!

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