Counterfeit Hero

Volume 6 Chapter 62 Taking off clothes

Volume 6 Chapter 62 Taking off clothes

The fat man's voice sounded extremely clear in the silent and empty fighting gym hall.

Cooper's face turned blue and white. On his bare forehead, veins popped. The fierce eyes were bloodshot at this moment.

No one has ever dared to insult him like this, never!

After he became the first-level mecha commander and took over as Tailiu, no one dared to be disrespectful in front of him. Not to mention such a shame and humiliation.

Cooper has always believed that in this world of survival of the fittest, he and the Tailiu he leads are the lions standing at the top of the food chain! When a group of powerful and violent lions gather together, any beast can only stay away.

As for those ordinary people at the bottom of the food chain, Cooper never regarded them as opponents - they were just food.

Food that you can attack, bite, and devour at will!

After a full meal, perhaps, you can also play around with it.

Everything is justified.

This was originally the cruel law of the jungle.All kindness and mercy are a kind of folly. This is a cruel world, and only dripping blood is the answer to all problems.

But now, the cruel and powerful lion was scornfully pissed on by a fat white pig!

This feeling of being despised and ridiculed drove Cooper crazy. What followed was a surge of anger with blood rushing straight to the top of his head.


Cooper, who was already filled with smoke, was so angry that he laughed. He gave the fat man a thumbs up and said, "Okay, you are indeed a hero. You have the talent!..."

When Cooper's laughter rang out, the expressions of all the people in the phantom flow changed, including Old Smith. Cozmo and Thomas couldn't help but take a step forward.

Everyone knew that Cooper was angry.In countless legends, this Tailiu sect leader sent each of his opponents to hell in laughter like this.

Looking at the field, Cooper's teeth were clenching.His cold eyes had already sentenced the fat man in front of him to death.

"It's a pity, you didn't expect that you would..."

Cooper's voice, filled with a murderous aura, suddenly stopped.

In full view. The fat man slapped Cooper away impatiently and muttered with disgust as he walked in: "The most annoying thing about this kind of pretense is that he really thinks of himself as a person... he still laughs after being scolded. , return a hero to a young man, bah, silly*. ”

No one dared to believe their eyes and ears. If the fat man's ridicule to Cooper just now made everyone extremely shocked. Now, everyone is stupid. Even Cooper, who was staggered by the push, stared blankly.

What is this fat man's mouth made of? So mean!

Cooper stood blankly, watching the fat man pass by him with his nostrils pointing upward.

There was dead silence.

"Kill him!" Cooper's face muscles twitched, and he burst into a hysterical roar: "Kill him! Kill her!"

Amidst the roars that echoed in the hall, the six thugs rushed toward the fat man like lightning, and even the Tailiu warriors rushed forward. Although he is not good at unarmed combat, he is.In this case, they can only rush forward. Cooper's red eyes made it impossible for them to stand still and watch the fun.

"Stop!" Old Smith yelled. He couldn't watch a young man who signed up die tragically in front of him.

The disciples of Phantom Flow also became commotion, and they surged up one after another. Here, it was still the Griffin Knight Fighting Gym, and they couldn't watch the fat man who made them so happy fall in front of them... the fat man's words.This is what all Phantom Style disciples want to say but dare not say.

Roars, noises, shouts, and calls to stop were all mixed together. No one paid attention to Old Smith's stop. A Tailiu thug who was running at the front suddenly kicked off the ground, jumped into the air, and kicked the fat man in the heart with a cloud-piercing leg. ….

This is the most proud move of this thug.As a fighter with a background in underground black boxing, the effort he puts into his legs is unimaginable to ordinary people.

Kick sandbags, kick stakes and even rocks. His legs were already as hard as iron rods. Once this kick is confirmed, ten of them will die. There is no way to survive.In countless previous battles.An opponent who is kicked in the right position has only one ending. That means vomiting blood and falling to the ground and dying!

Without any hesitation, Tailiu's men had already killed him.

In the free world, the death of an ordinary person is definitely not a big deal.For the ruthless Tailiu, killing such a fat man is as easy as killing a dog!

The thug's feet were already in front of the fat man. Seeing that the fat man was about to be kicked to death, the disciples of the Phantom Style all let out a cry of surprise.

In the midst of stone fire and lightning, the fat man suddenly stretched out his hand.

He was like a giant bear, waving his claws.The thug who was kicking the ground in the air was caught by his leg like lightning... he dragged it, shook it, and swung it back. The poor thug was like a broken sack. The fat man picked it up and made a big windmill, then smashed it to the ground.

One...two...three times.

Everyone was shocked by what happened in front of them

"He's trying to kill me! I'll throw you to death!" As the fat man gnashed his teeth and cursed, every time he heard a loud sound caused by the collision between his body and the ground. Everyone couldn't help but shiver.

When the fat man stopped, the thug's upper body, which he had held by his legs and lifted in his hand, was lying limply on the ground. He didn't know how many bones in his body had been broken. His head had been dented when it hit the marble floor. There was a big piece of it, blood foamed at the mouth, the whole body was twitching, and he looked dead.


Amidst the exclamations of everyone in the phantom stream, in the center of the hall, the fat man who looked timid and cautious just now was already involved in the surging crowd of Tailiu like a strong wind. The whole hall rushed with him. Suddenly he fell into a frenzy.

Before the crowd's exclamations of surprise could be heard, the fat and white figure had already greeted the second thug who was rushing towards him like lightning. Faced with the thug's heavy fists, he remained silent and punched him brazenly.

The collision of two fists in the air was like thunder ripping through the air. With a loud noise and a shrill scream, the thug's arms were as thick and hard as rocks. Suddenly it turned into a burst balloon - the entire arm was broken inch by inch and hung limply. The broken bones even penetrated the muscles and exposed them.

No matter how miserable the thug was, the fat man turned around and struck the third thug with a tornado kick. The opponent's entire body was as if it had been struck by a battle ax coming from the air. The arm protecting his side has no function at all, like a piece of firewood cut in the shape of """. The ribs were also broken.

The fourth thug who jumped on the ground was already close to the fat man, and with a vicious move, he was about to succeed.However, Fatty didn't give him a chance. Two fat hands were grabbing randomly in the air. The thug's arm was grabbed and twisted out of joint by him like a chicken. Then he hit the thug's heart with a kick.

When the fourth thug spurted out a mouthful of blood. When he flew far away and landed on the ground, everyone saw that the chest of the thug who was trying to sneak attack had completely collapsed.

The fifth...the sixth...

Old Smith, along with the three elders of the Phantom stream and thirty disciples, were completely confused.

The fat man in front of them. It's simply a humanoid killing machine.In the Tailiu crowd, he was like a thunder that exploded, glaring from south to north.

No one has ever seen such a fighting style. ….

Stepping up and hitting with knees, bending and elbowing, side kicks, tornado kicks - his entire body has turned into a flying iron hammer.Punching, kicking, hitting, pushing, and jostling anyone who came close to him.The hands and feet are constantly cut off. For a time, the hall of the fighting gym was filled with wailing and screams.

Dazzled. This almost brutal killing lasted only five minutes. Except for Cooper, who stood beside him blankly, Tailiu and the others, who had just entered the fighting gym and were arrogant, were all lying on the ground, wailing and rolling.

Cozmo and Thomas looked at each other, horrified.

How could such a person be able to survive a hundred battles in a hail of bullets, become a country's war hero, and do so many earth-shattering things in blood and fire? How could such a person be offended by a bunch of thugs? What are they? They are special forces!

Cooper deserves to be unlucky, and it’s not easy to offend anyone, but he has to offend such an evil god! After three years of war, this fat and white-looking hero of Le Lei had no idea how much blood was on his hands!

At this moment, Decub had completely lost his ability to think.

As one of the directors of the underground boxing circle, he has seen countless brutal fights. Over the years, one arrogant strong man after another has been fighting each other in front of him.It was a real life-and-death bloody fight, and they had no reservations about any tricks they could use.The purpose of every punch is to make the opponent a mortal enemy.The result of any reservation may be the price of life...

However, he had never seen such a person.A fat man who is white and fat, but uses his body like a subway hammer to swing wildly. His body is agile and his strength is unimaginable.

Even though he was used to life-and-death fights, Cooper still felt palpitated by what he saw in front of him.

A dozen men were lying on the ground rolling and wailing, almost all of them disabled by the fat man's blow. Just look at their deformed hands and feet, and look at the blood on the ground, and you will know how hard and heavy the fat man's fist is.This is not true, this is a nightmare!

Seeing the fat man walking towards him, Cooper wanted to run, but his feet were too heavy to lift. All the strength in his body was drained at this moment - looking at the fat man's honest face, Cooper suddenly felt a sense of fear.

He is a first-level mecha commander, and maybe he will become a three-pole mecha war god in the near future!

However, there are no mechas here. Damn the Griffin Knight Fighting Gym, there isn’t even a training mecha in the hall!

You know, there are dozens of mechas on display in the lobby of the Tailiu headquarters. Among them are the new private mechas developed by Tailiu Research System, as well as the prizes or trophies won in previous competitions and challenges.Everyone who comes to Tailiu is shocked by the new or rotten mechas.

Unfortunately, this is not the Tailiu headquarters.

Cooper almost broke his teeth. He knew that compared with the six thugs under him who had backgrounds in black boxing, his two moves were nothing.

What were the previous records of those thugs lying on the ground? Without a winning rate of more than thirty games, and without data of directly killing opponents more than twenty-five times, how could he become his own bodyguard? How could I let myself spend so much effort to snare him?

Six of them were beaten down at the same time, how could he win?

The fat man looked at Cooper coldly.

In fact, he didn't expect that he would meet the Tailiu sect leader here.

Is this considered a clear act of justice?

The fat man looked Cooper up and down with his eyes, which made Cooper feel frightened.

"There are two ways for you." The fat man giggled: "Either, I will kill you now..."

There was silence in the hall, and even the painful groans on the ground seemed much smaller.Everyone listened with bated breath as Fatty pronounced the verdict on Cooper.

"Either..." The fat man stuck out his big, red and thick tongue, rolled it around his lips with saliva, and said with an impatient expression, "Take off your clothes and let me take some nude photos."






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