Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 14 Roaring Poetry

Twenty mechas charging against three hundred mechas? !

The mecha warriors of the Northern Alliance rounded their eyes and couldn't believe their retinas at all.

Are the oncoming cyan mechas a group of lunatics or a group of idiots? Do they know what they are doing?

court death!

With a burst of anger rushing to his forehead, Walker, the commander of the fourth battalion of the Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment, sneered and said sarcastically: "How bold are you to shout long live twice?" Amid the laughter of his subordinates, he waved his hand and ordered: "Kill them all. They! Leave no one behind!"

This is the core defense area of ​​the Northern Alliance. This is the Fourth Armored Battalion ranked fourth in the Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment. There is no room for a few fleas to run wild here! He didn't care how these weird, pot-bellied mechas got through the heavy defense lines of the infantry, and he didn't care how the bandits defeated the First Armored Assault Regiment of the Scarlet Mercenaries. He only knew that these mechas would fight for their Recklessness and stupidity will pay in blood!

The Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment is the most elite armored force on the planet Mars.

The tidal wave of red gusts formed an attacking triangle formation while running.

Facing the impact of the cyan mechas, they showed no signs of cowardice - if four hundred mechas were frightened by twenty mechas charging head-on, it would be the biggest joke in human history! Since the enemy is seeking death, then let them be killed! No matter how loud they scream, they are still moths flying into the flames!

The nine Rafales running at the front of the triangular attack formation were like sharp red arrows. They turned on their engines and collided head-on with the twenty cyan mechas. This tit-for-tat head-on collision brings excitement. Let the bloodthirsty ferocity appear on the face of every Northern Alliance mecha warrior.

It was a kind of pleasure of relying on the strong to bully the weak, a kind of twisted violence. They knew that behind them, there was a tide of companions, the next second. They can completely submerge these twenty cyan mechas.

Looking down from the sky, there are two attack arrows, one red and one green, one large and one small, just like two groups of crazy rhinos, running closer and closer to each other.

Eventually, when the distance completely disappears. When the two torrents collided hard. The face of Walker, the commander of the fourth battalion of the Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment, who still had a sneer on his face, suddenly turned livid as if he had been slapped hard!

A violent collision and a blood-curdling scream suddenly sounded! The nine red Rafale vehicles in front were smashed to pieces by the cyan mecha right in front of his eyes! Their casings were dented, their limbs were twisted, and pieces of external armor and broken parts were flying everywhere. Immediately afterwards. Their entire bodies were thrown away. Like a wave hitting a rock.

The dazzling triangular attack formation that was red in the morning glow changed in an instant.

But, it's not over yet. After the first nine mechas were knocked away. The cyan mecha didn't even pause. They crashed into the enemy formation at the same speed as before the impact. The red mechas were like green harvesters crushing and scattering wheat straw in the rice fields. It drew arcs in the air and fell into the group of mechas behind. The originally tight formation was smashed into pieces.

The Northern Alliance mecha warriors, whose minds were blank, almost relied on inertia to outflank the twenty cyan mechas that had crashed into the formation.

The companions behind him are still surging forward. A street more than a hundred meters wide. Being packed to the brim. On the ruins. Next to the building, you can still see the traffic signs in the middle of the road...the entire block. Like a hive full of bees, only the red mechas could be seen moving.

Many Northern Alliance soldiers could no longer see clearly the positions of the twenty cyan mechas. His sight was completely blocked by his companion's mecha. However, this does not slow down their violent heartbeats even a little bit, because they only need to raise their heads slightly to see the red wreckage and the flesh and blood of their companions flying in the chaos...

"Press up! Press up!" Amid Walker's roar, the red mechas pressed up in groups.

In the airtight siege, the cyan mechas could no longer maintain their high-speed advance. They slowed down and fell into heavy siege...

"Each of us fights!"

Following the fat man's order. Twenty Rangers suddenly jumped up and moved in all directions, far or near, fast or slow, like a blooming chrysanthemum, opening its petals and blooming in all directions.

This chrysanthemum is a bloody chrysanthemum.

"Kill!" The blood in the fat man's body was already boiling.

The cyan mecha was like a bolt of lightning, punching through the abdomen of a Northern Alliance mecha, and slapped another Rafale mecha on the head with a backhand.

This slap was so severe that it almost turned the mecha's head into scrap metal. Far-sighted devices, radars, sensors, scanners...all kinds of parts and fragments burst out like watermelons smashed by a swinging bat.

The fat man pushed the control stick, and the mecha attacked forcefully.

Home, country, life, freedom, and life, each word, was tumbling in Fatty's mind. In this deformed and twisted world, countless people die every day! On the battlefield in Leray, and also in the refugee settlements around the town of Pro! They fell at the gunpoint of the invaders and those bastards who killed innocent people indiscriminately.

The blood is flowing, and the bastards are laughing triumphantly. Do you have any other choice? !


A man must use a more violent attitude and retaliate in kind! Why do men have dicks? It is used to rape all perpetrators! A man who doesn’t dare to fuck you back is not worthy of peeing standing up! No matter how powerful your opponent is, even if you are definitely beaten to death by the enemy, before you die, you must spit on him with blood!

Ranger No. 01 has penetrated deeply into the Northern Alliance mecha group. The fat man suddenly burst into laughter. There were enemies on all sides... Is there anything more satisfying than this?

"Listen to me reading a poem to you!"

The fat man gave a backhand punch, and the huge mecha fist was like a hammer. He smashed the head of a red Rafale into pieces and howled at the top of his lungs: "The bright moon of Qin Dynasty... the pass of Han Dynasty..."

The sound soared into the sky. Echoing among the ruins of buildings spread by the morning glow. The hoarse and broken voice has no beauty at all, but it has a kind of primitive roughness.

The ranger kicked his feet repeatedly. He kicked the two Bei Alliance mechas that rushed towards him and knocked them out. His body twisted and spun in the air, and he heard the deafening sound of gold and iron like firecrackers. In the blink of an eye, the ranger had already rushed towards the densely packed red mechas around him. Attack with dozens of punches.

"......The long march of thousands of miles....No one has returned." The fat man's neck was stretched red and thick, and the veins were exposed. .

Seven or eight red mechas. In the crazy attack of the Cyan Ranger. It turned into a ball of blazing fireballs.

The Northern Alliance mecha warriors resisted desperately. They were completely stupid. All their violence and arrogance turned into panic and humiliation in front of this arrogant mecha.

That cyan mecha is pressing them down! God, it's true. No one understands why his movements are so fast and so cruel! No one can keep up with him, and no one can stop him. He is like a wolf that pounces on the sheep. Rush left and right, bite when you open your mouth!

And his roar accompanying the attack shocked every Northern Alliance soldier. The heart is shaken and the soul is wandering. There was a kind of shocking magic in that hoarse voice, and a kind of terrifying anger! It makes people feel that what is locked in that cabin is not a human being, but a ferocious beast, a howling wolf!

"Kill him, kill him!" Battalion Commander Walker roared. Command batch after batch of mechas to pounce on them.

The Northern Alliance mecha warriors rushed upward desperately. Trying to drown out the screaming mecha, but. No matter how they attacked it, this mecha was like a raging fire, burning more and more intensely.

"But the Dragon City...the flying general is here..." A roaring voice broke out from the flying red mechas, like a sharp sword, thrust straight into the sky. !

Looking down from the top of the nearby building, the entire neighborhood has been plunged into chaos.

Twenty cyan mechas, twenty surrounded circles, and twenty flowers blooming with blood and fire.

Amid Fatty's roar, the attacks of the bandit mecha warriors became more and more fierce. Hot blood burned their eyes, and in this fiery world, their ears only heard the hoarse roar! The roar was constantly stimulating their adrenaline secretion, making their bodies tremble uncontrollably.

At this moment, they had already put life and death aside!

In this life, if you can fight like this, it's worth dying!

"The first combat team is in position!" Wei Jianshan bit his lip.

"The third combat team is in position!" Colt's hand holding the control rod was trembling slightly.

Behind them, twenty Super Blade Company soldiers listened quietly, listening to the roar that echoed between the ruins and the building. Their hearts were beating violently along with the hoarse voice. There was an energy in their bodies that was eager to burst out. They had never been so eager to fight!

"...Don't teach Huma... Duyinshan!" The fat man roared. The Ranger's legs drew a strange arc, sending a Gust in front of him flying away. In the flames of the mecha's explosion, the Ranger's shaking figure was reflected red! Beside me, more and more Northern Alliance mechas turned into burning wreckage on the ground...

Walker has completely lost his ability to think...

In front of him, the red gust of wind was no longer as brave as before. Outside many encirclements, they were walking timidly, avoiding, and no one wanted to rush forward. Some despicable guys, in order to escape, even ignored their companions and fired at close range with energy cannons...

And in that encirclement spread out like plum blossoms, there was no terrifying demon king, it was just a cyan mecha---not long ago, I calmly ordered a cyan mecha not to be left behind!

Suddenly, Walker seemed to hear something, and he turned back quickly...

A voice billowed in the air, like a herd of beasts. Like muffled thunder, it shook the air, and then exploded in his ears.


Wei Jianshan and Colter jumped up.

Behind them, the warriors whose blood was already boiling were jumping up and down one by one! Two green arrows quickly inserted into the rear formation and flanks of the fourth battalion!

"Has the Third Infantry Division been transferred back?" at the Northern Alliance headquarters. Thelwall has lost his previous calmness, and even Fairler's stern face has lost the calmness it had at the beginning...

A mecha squad that suddenly appeared has turned the hinterland of the Northern Alliance upside down. The mechanized infantry division that first fought against them suffered heavy losses, with casualties expanding to 2,000 people, and their mechas and armored personnel carriers being destroyed. defensive position. There are countless firepower points. Even the Inland River Bridge, an important transportation point, was bombed!

This is tantamount to a loud slap in the face of Bei Meng! Dozens of mechas were unable to defend themselves. When the news spread, the Northern Alliance was really embarrassed! What's more, what's even more annoying is that until now, we haven't figured out what the other party is.

The Puo Zhen bandit army, the Longxing Society secret combat unit, or the three major factions...the Northern Alliance, which occupies 70% of the Mars planet. There are enemies all around! Especially after the Suss Empire participated in the Battle of Freeport, it was the most critical period of the entire war situation, and the enemy was eager to jump over the wall. There's no guarantee that something will happen.

"The 3rd Infantry Division has detoured around the Inland Navigation Bridge and returned to assist in the defense. It is currently fortifying the east-west direction of the Qixing Garden Block to compress the enemy's movement space. In addition, the 4th Armored Battalion has already captured the enemy on the Champs Elysées. The armored battalion is on its way, and I believe it won’t be long before the invading enemy is completely wiped out..."

"Let them hurry up!" Thelwall said angrily: "Dozens of mechas started from Perfume Street and passed through twelve blocks. They blew up the inland bridge. It was only blocked now and two armored battalions were used. . He also asked a mechanized infantryman to return to defense and spread the word..."

Thelwall snorted with a dark face and did not continue. He waved the staff officer away.

In fact, being embarrassed or not is the next best thing. Thelwall is worried about what is hidden behind the appearance of this mecha team.

To be honest, compared to the past, the defense of Central City is much weaker now.

Most of the troops are scattered in various port cities and transportation arteries occupied by the Northern Alliance. Most of the remaining mobile forces were invested in the attack on the bandits in Puluo Town. Currently, there are only five battalions of the armored troops stationed in the central city of the Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment. Among them, only three battalions defend the central city base, and the remaining two battalions are stationed in the northern industrial area three hours away.

Coupled with the Northern Alliance's outer positions, two mechanized infantry divisions, and three battalions of armored forces, there is no problem in dealing with general attacks. However, it will be somewhat stretched to deal with large-scale enemy attacks.

And now the arrival of this mecha team has to make Thelwall sufficiently vigilant and associated. What is the enemy's purpose and why do they appear here at this time...

If they are allowed to turn the core defense area upside down, it is conceivable that no matter what the enemy's initial purpose is, they will have further plans! Taking advantage of the situation is a method used in the free world. Dozens of mechas can run around, but what about hundreds or thousands of mechas? This temptation cannot be given no matter what! This mecha squad of unknown origin must be quickly annihilated to scare the stalking enemies.

Thelwall turned his head and looked at Feiler, who was immersed in the defense map, and couldn't help but feel a little worried - in order to attack Protown, Feiler would always be used to defend the Bering Port Longxing Society. The 1st Armored Regiment and the 2nd Armored Regiment of the warrior mercenaries were mobilized. There were only two armored regiments left there, just in case..." Perfume Street broke through and made a big circle to the northeast. , blow up the inland bridge, and then go all the way south..." Feierle, who had been staring at the defense map, didn't know what Thelwall was thinking. He frowned and muttered to himself: " What on earth does this armored team want to do... passing through these defense zones, could it be...".

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