Counterfeit Hero

Volume 7 Chapter 17 The Opportunity of Longxing Meeting


The Northern Alliance soldiers didn't want to believe in Satan, but the facts before them forced them to believe it.

This battle can't be fought!

When two lines of cyan mechas strangled themselves from both wings into the formation of the Blood Shadow 4th Armored Battalion, the 4th Battalion was already finished.

Battalion Commander Walker was torn to pieces by the attacking cyan mecha at the first opportunity. The entire fourth battalion was surrounded by dozens of cyan mechas, cutting and annihilating the bloody cutting routes that crisscrossed them. The prisoners of war still have lingering fears. In front of the terrifying opponents, they are simply cheese under the steel knife!

But now, they have become the captives of this group of Satan apostles, and the leading devil is staring at them with evil intentions, discussing how to deal with them.

"We can't keep prisoners." Fatty looked at the prisoners who had completely collapsed and said calmly: "What are you doing in the refugee settlements along the No. 7 Resource Highway, the settlements in the Kalif River agricultural area, and the settlements in the Windmill Plains?" You should be very clear about what happened, now it’s time for you to repay your debt!”

The prisoners' faces turned pale. Of course they knew what the Northern Alliance troops had done in those places. Despair suddenly enveloped everyone's faces. A pair of eyes glowed with a gray and dead air.

"We didn't kill him!" Shrouded in the shadow of death, a Northern Alliance mecha warrior couldn't bear it anymore. He looked at the muzzle of the mecha's energy machine cannon aimed at him, screamed wildly, turned his head left and right, and cast his eyes aimlessly at any cyan mecha with innocence and pity. He completely forgot how ferocious he had been when he attacked.

"Aren't they just lowly civilians? So what if we kill them! If you can, kill us all!" screamed an officer who was not afraid of death. He was a survivor of the Nademik dynasty. He passionately believed in the theory of aristocratic supremacy, and the mecha warrior begging for mercy made him feel ashamed and angry for the same fear.

"We did not participate in the massacre." Another officer, in fear, tried to put on a righteous image: "As prisoners of war, we should receive corresponding preferential treatment according to the prisoner of war treaty. You killed us and those garbage who killed civilians. .What’s the difference?”

The soldiers of the Advanced Blade Company turned away their heads in disgust. In any case, they did not expect that shamelessness could be expressed in so many ways. ***As long as you look at the appearance of the Northern Alliance-occupied area in Central City, and think about the scene when the Northern Alliance mecha regiment attacked Puluo Town, you will know that it is in the hands of these people. How much blood has been spilled on innocent people.

war. No need for mercy. Any kindness is foolish. The soldiers knew that once they let these people go, no one knew how many more people would die in their hands. The best way to deal with these people is to completely erase them from this world.

However, they are warriors. Not a butcher. They can be proud of killing ten thousand enemies, but they cannot attack a surrendered enemy that is completely under their control. That kind of naked deprivation of life makes them feel evil

It is unrealistic to take these people away. All the soldiers set their sights on Fatty. This Leray soldier once personally instilled into them the Leray soldier's code. They wanted to know what Fatty would do in the face of these damn prisoners of war. This is their first lesson as a soldier.

"I will not massacre prisoners of war!" Fatty's words made the prisoners of war sigh in relief at the same time. Their eyes were wandering and dull. The focus was restored again, and a hint of joy and pride could even be seen on some people's faces.

Although these cyan mechas are powerful, they still don't understand the cruelty of war. That Le Lei fat guy is too pedantic. For the sake of their so-called honor, they were forced into a dead end in just a few words. Since they can't kill themselves, can they still take themselves away? Wait until you get back to base. What to do. What else to do. In a word, this is war!

"But, you would be an idiot to think that we should let you go." Fatty's sarcastic expression and cold voice made the prisoners of war freeze all their joy and pride on their faces: "I will destroy you." Your hands! Without your hands, someone will naturally seek revenge from you."

"I'm not a good person. If I don't kill the prisoners, it doesn't mean I won't abuse them!" Fatty's eyes lightly turned around on the faces of the prisoners of war, pointing to the two letters "s*" under the bandit army's logo: " What does this mean? Do you understand? Playing s*x is what we people love. We don’t have time today, so I’ll give you an advantage.”

In the horrified eyes of the prisoners of war, the bandit soldiers licked their lips and rushed forward, painfully executing Fatty's order. \\Destroy the hands of these people, and they will no longer be able to hold guns or drive mechas. In the hands of an angry people, they will pay the price of their evil deeds. .

Amid the screams of the prisoners of war, Wei Jianshan walked up to Fatty and asked: "Colonel, the armored battalion that the enemy came to reinforce has stopped ten kilometers away from us. What should we do next?" "

"The commander of the Northern Alliance is very cautious." A sinister smile appeared on the corner of Fatty's mouth: "He lost one battalion before finding out our details. He will not send the second battalion up. To avoid the same defeat, he must tie the remaining two battalions together and then he will find that his calculation chips are getting fewer and fewer."

Wei Jianshan said nothing. From the time he first met Fatty to now, 45-year-old Wei Jianshan feels as if he has become a different person. Whether it is the pursuit of mecha martial arts or the grand blueprint for Mars to become a truly "free world", this is what Wei Jianshan wants. He has witnessed too many miracles, so he has no doubt that Fatty is capable of carrying out his battle plan.

Lingchi! The meaning of this operation codename is not to capture the brains of the Northern Alliance and torture them, but to dismember the entire Northern Alliance!

Fatty is making calculations with the enemy commander. Troop deployment, time, combat effectiveness and everything. Both sides stood at a height overlooking the entire Mars battle. The Northern League wanted to completely annihilate the bandit army and capture Puluo Town. And fat. In a tit-for-tat confrontation, he wants to take advantage of the enemy's weakness in the central city's lack of troops to put the entire Northern Alliance to death!

With fifty mechas, making such a plan would be fanciful to anyone. But after this battle, Wei Jianshan and all the bandit soldiers of the Sharp Sword Company understood that this was not a delusion. Fat is making it a reality. At least it seems so now. In Central City, the enemy has unknowingly incorporated the rhythm of their footsteps under Fat's baton.

Another of their armored battalions stopped ten kilometers away from here. One can imagine how shocked and confused their commander was at this moment. ****Northern League's defense line. Already messed up. Three armored battalions are relied upon. One has already been annihilated. And now, they haven't even touched the sharp knife company.

While Fatty was planning how to dismember the enemy's defense forces, he also did one more thing. He spread the real-time situation map of the central city taken along the road through the civilian network.

Even if the Longxing Hui in the north and the three major factions wandering around in the east don't take advantage of the situation, the Northern League can only be on guard! And as the Sharp Knife Company continues to attack in the core area of ​​the Northern Alliance. The cowardly Northern Alliance will lose their troops bit by bit. After a while, this temptation will make any force staring at the Northern Alliance intolerable!

"It's the next target's turn." Fatty sneered, paying no attention to the Northern Alliance armored battalion ten kilometers away. He set his sights on the Central City's First Airport, south of the Northern Alliance's main base. It is not only an important material transshipment center of the Northern Alliance. It is also the troop transfer channel of the Northern Alliance!

"It seems that we need to learn more about the bandit army. Such a motley army was able to annihilate a Suss armored regiment and two Blood Shadow armored battalions in one night. Its combat effectiveness was far beyond our previous expectations. "

After a period of silence in Su Kezhou's study room, the silence was broken by Cheng Zhixuan, Chief of General Staff of the Operation Department. The colonel directly sent by the Chakna Military Headquarters sighed and continued: "However, I don't think the bandit army has won. possibility."

Cheng Zhixuan walked to the map. There are several arrows pointing around the town of Plo. He said to everyone: "As you can see, the intensity of the Northern Alliance's attack on Puluo Town can be described as excessive. Obviously, the Northern Alliance's operations department fully considered the combat capabilities and accidental factors of the bandits. The tactics they used , it is the strength of Mount Tai that defeats skill. But now the bandit army only has a stronghold in Puluo Town, which does not have enough strategic depth. Therefore, it trades space for time, eliminates the enemy's effective forces in the battle, and finally launches a counterattack. Way, they don’t.”

Cheng Zhixuan put his hand on Puluo Town: "Their roots are here. Without Puluo Town, the faction mutual aid alliance will be in disarray. Weapons, equipment and teams will become less and less, and this newly formed alliance will only split.** **The Northern League saw this clearly and forcibly attacked Puluo Town."

"The Operations Department has conducted detailed deductions." Cheng Zhixuan looked at Su Kezhou and said: "The armored troops of the bandit army are too few and are completely insufficient to resist the Northern Alliance's multi-channel offensive at the same time. Their infantry will definitely not last for twenty-four hours! There are too many places in the long defense line of Puluo Town that may be broken through by the Northern Alliance. Moreover, their armored forces cannot complete the task of annihilating all enemy troops. Most of them can fight to the death together. The Northern Alliance should still have enough follow-up troops. Commit to the attack. Even if the bandits destroy all the attacking troops, they will eventually be crushed by the Northern Alliance."

Cheng Zhixuan's words resonated with the officers. They have already done this kind of deduction. Judging from the current situation of the bandits in Puluo Town, there is really no other way out except leading the armored troops to jump out of Puluo Town and throwing away the accumulated foundation to fight guerrillas. But in that case, the bandits can also announce their withdrawal from the Mars competition.

"This also reminds us!" Cheng Zhixuan said: "The enemies we are going to face are not civil organizations like the three major factions. Judging from the information given to us by the Domestic Intelligence Department, the Sixth Army of the Siliyak Federation defected Major General Fairer is now in the Northern Commercial Alliance. This offensive deployment to Protown has his influence."

Cheng Zhixuan frowned, lit a cigarette, and continued: "I know something about this man. He is very good at troop deployment and calculation. Every detail in the battle will be calculated and exploited by him, almost to the point of comparing every penny with penny. , in terms of the use of troops, he pays attention to every detail, the overall situation and the local area are linked carefully and meticulously, which is extremely difficult to deal with. Judging from the six-way offensive he deployed, there is already a huge leeway. If there is still a back-up, the bandit army will be difficult to deal with. Escape."

Cheng Zhixuan's words caused silence in the room.

After a long time, Cage whispered to Su Kezhou: "President, speaking of it, Colonel Tian from Lelei can be regarded as one of us in the trenches. Why do you feel that the headquarters is always on guard against others? Their Vice President Flavio is still Tianbao is in our Presidential Palace. To be honest, it is not easy for people to fight like this with bare hands. It is a bit unjustifiable to refuse to save them. Moreover, the Northern Business Alliance has been destroyed, no matter from any angle, the bandit army cannot compete. Us?"

Su Kezhou sighed. ***** shook his head with a serious face, noncommittal to Cage's words, and asked Cheng Zhixuan: "Colonel Cheng, where is the mecha team that attacked the central city? If they can successfully kill the Bei Alliance Brain, what will the battle situation be? Isn’t it different?”

Su Kezhou's words made all the officers stunned at the same time. That mecha team belonged to the bandit army, and they knew it. After all, in the image data just sent back. Those dozens of weird fat mechas were almost exactly the same as Fat LeRay. However, in everyone's opinion, it was almost a joke. In other words, it was Fatty Le Lei who had no choice but to stalk him.

It is simply impossible for fifty mechas to complete the brain-destroying operation against the closely protected Northern Alliance. Don't tell me that the Northern Alliance is near the base. Three battalions of the Blood Wing Armor Regiment are also stationed. Even without these three battalions, just rely on their mechanized infantry divisions and defense lines. It would cause these dozens of mechas to hit their heads and bleed with blood.

Moreover, judging from the progress of the action, this bandit mecha team has lost a good opportunity. I don't know if it was an intelligence error. After they relied on a sneak attack to break through the enemy's outer line of defense, they did not take the opportunity to take a direct route to the Northern Alliance base. Instead, they inexplicably passed through the inland river bridge and took a large detour to the north. Everyone still doesn't know what happened next, but based on this mistake, it is obviously impossible for them to complete the killing operation.

"When I received this information and made inferences, I felt that Colonel Tian's actions were simply nonsense." Cheng Zhixuan smiled bitterly and shook his head: "After all, with fifty mechas, I want to successfully execute the attack on the Bei Alliance Brain To kill, we must rely on ships to airdrop directly into the core area of ​​the central city and kill with one blow. For the current bandit army, this is simply an impossible task!"

Cage on the side smiled and said: "If they can really succeed, it will save us trouble. We have already established victory without even fighting a battle. From now on, we just need to let the autumn wind sweep away the fallen leaves and sweep them all the way."

"It is difficult for us to take advantage of this battle, or in other words, we cannot place too much hope on this opportunity, which will cause our own plans to be disrupted." The speaker was Gao Yizhen, commander of the Longxinghui Armored Division, who was standing next to Cheng Zhixuan. . This big man, one hundred and ninety-five centimeters tall, with a square face and thick eyebrows, has a pair of small eyes that are very inconsistent with his thick eyebrows. At this moment, in deep contemplation, he habitually drooped his eyelids, making it appear that there was only one line left in his eyes: "Ferler's offensive planning, on the one hand, seems to be toying with the bandits. On the other hand, he is also preparing for the next stage of the global war." Deploy the offensive."

"Hmm!" Su Kezhou pondered and made a gesture: "Go on."

Gaoyi Town pointed at the electric map and said: "Although the Northern Alliance deployed a large number of troops to besiege the bandit army, judging from the composition of their troops, their Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment's five armored battalions still remain in the central city. . Two of the battalions were motionless in the northern industrial area, which was obviously to guard against us. The troops attacking Puluo Town were left due to the north, with three and one missing. In addition to avoiding leaving their backs to us, they We also want to drive the bandits towards us to prevent the bandits from jumping to other places and disrupting their overall deployment. If we move now and attack the central city, they can hold on for forty-eight hours until the troops who completed the Battle of Puluo Town turn back and head north. Form a pincer offensive against us, and even outflank our retreat."

Gaoyi Town looked around at the crowd and continued: "Ferler is proficient in calculations. When he attacked Puluo Town, he also considered the possible relationship between us and the bandits, and he designed this possibility into the overall strategy. . In other words, the only chance they leave us is to reinforce Puluo Town. If we join forces with the bandits, then we will inevitably need to break through their defense lines and rescue Puluo Town. In that case, two problems will arise."

"First, we can't be sure whether Fairle only planned these six-way offensive against Pro Town. If we jump into the trap rashly and the Northern Alliance has enough backup, then even if we don't die, we will fall. Layers of skin!" Gaoyi Town raised his second finger solemnly and said: "Second, we don't know how long the bandit army can last! It is very likely that they have collapsed before we arrived in Puluo Town, and Once we engage in firefights with Northern Alliance, we will no longer be able to hide our strategic intentions and strength. From a situational point of view, we have just entered a passive situation of fighting the enemy at the place and time specified by the enemy. This is for us, Very disadvantageous.”

"What if we launch a large-scale attack on Central City and Protown at the same time?" An officer suddenly interjected.

His proposal was quickly rebutted by his companions: "That must be based on whether we are sure that the bandit army can win or persist until we reach Puluo Town. Do you think this is possible?"

There was silence in the room again. The officers stared at the electric map that they had seen countless times, trying to find an overlooked path, but in the end everyone still looked at each other and shook their heads. After the analysis by Cheng Zhixuan and Gaoyizhen, everyone understood that Feierle had already calculated everything that should be calculated.

"Everyone's analysis is correct." Su Kezhou's voice broke the silence.

The officers looked up. To everyone's surprise, the expression on the old man's face was completely opposite to their solemnity, and his tone was quite relaxed: "However, don't forget that Fairler is also a human being. He is not omniscient and omnipotent. God. There are some things that He cannot grasp by deduction and calculation."

Under the surprised eyes of the officers, Su Kezhou took out an electric folder and stuffed it into the electric map reader. With a strange expression on his face that he could not explain, he said to everyone: "This is what I just received." Battle report. Let’s take a look first. This is why I called you here!” The map on the virtual screen became two copies. The one on the left is a defense map of the central city of the Northern Alliance drawn up by the Longxinghui Intelligence Agency. Everyone present has seen this picture hundreds of times and is already familiar with it. The officers only glanced at it and focused on a map on the right.

Then, everyone's eyes widened and their mouths opened.

This is also a defense map of the Northern Alliance Central City, a map that is in sharp contrast to the one on the left.

Su Kezhou's fingers followed the map on the right, which was so messed up that it made people want to attack immediately, all the way south, and finally landed on the Champs Elysées. He said slowly: "The bandit mecha team, just now Here, the fourth armored battalion of the Northern Alliance Blood Shadow Mecha Regiment was completely wiped out!"

There was a buzz, and the whole room was in an uproar. The roof seemed to have been lifted off by these unbelievable sounds.

Cage's voice was particularly loud among them: "God, you mean total annihilation?!"

"I'm not God. You heard me right." Su Kezhou nodded heavily: "Annihilate them all!"


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