Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 23 The Third Battle of Desperation (Part 2)

Two hundred Civets, galloping through the mountain jungle, quickly approached the location of the regiment and battalion.

The route has been repeatedly determined and calculated long ago. The order given to the first battalion was also to defend on the spot after being attacked. While one regiment and one battalion were under attack, orders were issued to several other battalions. Now, each battalion is moving towards their respective target locations according to the plan. As long as you occupy the surrounding tactical points, the enemy will be unable to fly!

Zhongshan Yi was not worried at all about the enemy running away.

The other side is too arrogant. The success of successive attacks and annihilation of three armored battalions will only make them more and more crazy. They threw dozens of captured mechas to rescue prisoners of war, just to divert attention and try to eat up the regiments and battalions in one bite.

They thought that when everyone's attention was attracted by the mecha rescuing the captives, they would be able to pull off another attack just like the three previous ambush! According to the attack power they had shown before, it would only take half an hour, or no more than forty minutes at the latest, for them to complete the ambush and disappear into the mountains again!

However, they made the wrong calculation after all!

Zhongshan Yi looked at his mecha computer. Lines of reports were scrolling on the computer. Among them, there are action reports from several other battalions, information intelligence from electronic warfare units, and coordination reports that the Air Force fighter jets deliberately recovered have taken off from the airport and rushed to the war zone. As for the regiment and the battalion, there is no news about the mission.

They were indeed suppressed by electronic attacks. The opponent's powerful electronic attack capability once again showed its power. Just like the other three battalions that were ambushed, when attacked, the opponent concentrated all their electronic attacks. Even if it could not destroy electronic equipment such as mecha computers, it was enough to block the information in the entire area in the valley!

The mecha was running fast in the jungle. Towering trees that are tens of meters or even two to three hundred meters high are retreating outside the transparent cockpit. The wind roar caused by the two hundred civets running at full speed echoed in the forest. Behind them, the strong wind blew, and the dead leaves and twigs on the ground were picked up and flew all over the sky.

In less than ten minutes, they have climbed over two mountains. In just ten more minutes, this team can reach a valley mouth to the west and south of the encirclement. If the Chakna armored troops try to pass there, , they will suffer a head-on blow!

Nakayama Tsubasa sneered.

When the enemy used electronic attacks to pull up the information curtain, they would not have thought that they had set two traps, one in front of the other and one in the back! I never thought that they would take the risk to rescue prisoners of war! What I took advantage of was their arrogance and greed! When they wanted to kill their own prisoners of war, eat their own battalion, and then give themselves a slap in the face, they had already sunk in the mud!

"Speed ​​up!" Zhongshan Yi took the lead and rushed out of a hillside, leaping down the slope like a shooting star. Behind him, two hundred civets flew down like a waterfall.

Find them and kill them!


Seventy Civets poured down the hillside like a tide.

The escort mecha standing at the foot of the hillside was like a rock before a flood, colliding with the rushing water, causing waves to rise into the sky.

Artillery fire crisscrossed the hillsides. The casualties of the escorting troops were increasing rapidly. Thirty vehicles [Fushan] were originally no match for the Ninth Generation Civet. Although there is only one generation difference, in terms of performance, Civet has an overwhelming advantage.

Faster speed, more advanced mecha computers and fire control systems, more powerful firepower, energy shields with greater capacity... This gap, in a fierce battle, means life and death. Moreover, the number of attacks was more than twice that of the escorting mechas!

Thunderous explosions echoed in the valley. The surrounding mountains seemed to be shaking. The large and small rocks on the mountain fell straight down, hitting the trees and the rocks below, like landslides and ground cracking. Dozens of mechas fired at the same time, and in this relatively closed valley, the sound went straight into my head. If the distance was even slightly closer, I would feel dizzy and my eardrums would hurt.

In the valley, the prisoners of war fled in all directions, burrowing into the woods on both sides like mice. After entering the forest, they naturally gathered together and eagerly watched the battle in the valley.

Are these Jiepen mechas with several red markings on their bodies here to rescue them, or are the Jiepen people fighting among themselves?

If they were our own people, then, in the middle of this land surrounded by unattainable mountains, there would be a prisoner-of-war camp at the back and a hero in front of them.

What effect could such an attack have had if Peng had launched his attack position?

His ears were filled with the deafening sound of artillery explosions, and his eyes were filled with dense streams of white light. The Jiepen mechas that had been showing off their power just now were blown to pieces in the gunfire, and the Jiepen soldiers turned into broken limbs and pieces of meat scattered all over the sky.

Although in the eyes of many mecha warriors, these civet cats rushing down the hillside have stiff movements and surprisingly poor control skills. However, after all, they had the advantage of surprise and quantity and performance. In just a few minutes, the escort force collapsed. Of the thirty Toyamas, five were left, and only twenty or thirty infantry were left.

However, the attackers relied on their firepower to fight fiercely and indiscriminately, but they actually suffered no losses.

Just as the attackers were chasing down the remaining personnel and the prisoners of war looked at each other, hesitantly preparing to contact them, suddenly, there was a dense vibration on the ground.

The vibrations were subtle at first, and gradually became more and more intense as distant sounds came. In the end, it was like an earthquake. Standing on the ground, people completely lost the feeling of being on the ground. They only felt that their center of gravity kept shifting due to the vibration, and their feet felt weak, as if they were stepping on a pile of cotton.

People looked in the direction of the shock in shock.

A moment later, more than a hundred civets with orange knee and elbow armors rushed out of the mountain bend like a tsunami and rushed towards them.

The valley shook beneath their feet, strong winds filled the sky with sand and dust, the sky suddenly darkened, and the whole world was left with the violent roar of the torrent of steel.

The special battalion of the Jiepen 172 Equipment Division!

When they first saw the hundreds of Jiepen mechas roaring out, the prisoners knew that the attackers were doomed.

The Chipeng 172nd Division has been fighting at the front since the troops retreated into this mountainous area. These civet cats with eye-catching orange markings have been seen by prisoners of war more than once.

They are the sharp knives of the 172nd Division. Every time they appear, they will cause huge casualties to the Chakna troops. Their hands were stained with the blood of Chakna warriors! .

If you want to repel their attack, you must make sacrifices that are ten times greater than those of ordinary Jiepen armored troops. This is the elite of the 172nd Division. Only the strongest special battalion soldiers in the 13th Armored Division can do this. A worthy enemy!

It is almost foreseeable that under the impact of this torrent, those dozens of mechas with stunning markings will soon be shattered to pieces!

The jungle is shrouded in the shadow of the mountain. The thick fog, moisture in the air, and dew on the grass leaves make the entire tree look dark and damp. More than two thousand prisoners of war in ragged clothes gathered together silently, staring blankly at outside the jungle, in the middle of the broad sunny valley bottom, where two armored forces were rapidly approaching.

A gust of wind blew, and deep in the jungle, there was a sound like a rainstorm. Suddenly, a thinly-clad corporal shivered and looked back towards the depths of the jungle with a feeling.


At the corporal's cry, the prisoners turned around suddenly.

Among the dense trees, dense bushes and grass, they could vaguely see the luster of metal and the swaying red.

Like the attack mechas outside, the [War Elephant] medium mechas and [Evil Dragon] heavy mechas with red logos, like ghosts in the dark, walked out of the jungle and appeared in front of everyone. Behind them, there are three [Black Wind] electronic mechas.

The prisoners of war were shocked and confused. More than 2,000 people quickly gathered on a hillside in the forest with the officers as the center. The two majors were the highest officers of this unarmed army. Although everyone knows that if these mechas launch an attack, these unarmed warriors will not be able to cause any damage to these mechas, and only 5% of them will be able to escape. However, the instincts developed through long-term training are still Get them ready for battle.


Like tens of thousands of thunders thundering together, in the valley outside the jungle, a far more violent roar of energy cannons erupted than before. They were two armored units of the same mecha model but with different markings, colliding violently!

Violent explosions filled the entire world. Endlessly. It makes people want to go crazy, go crazy, and make the world quiet, even for a second.

The soldiers, who had long been accustomed to the sound of gunfire and explosions, did not look back. They stared straight at the mecha in front of them, with a mixture of surprise, wariness and expectation in their eyes. The hatch of a heavy-duty mecha bounced open, and the metal door in emergency mode broke away from the control of the hydraulic stretching device and bounced heavily to the ground.

A major officer wearing a Chakna uniform walked out, surrounded by several soldiers wearing the same uniform.

"Battal Commander!" Dozens of Chakna prisoners of war suddenly started to commotion. They squeezed out from the crowd.

"Li Weiguo!" Following a loud roar, people crowded around and looked around. A dark-skinned major standing in the middle of the slope suddenly shouted, pushed aside the soldiers in front of him, and blew down the slope like a strong wind. He ran until he was in front of the oncoming major and gave him a fierce bear hug!

"Lokita!" Li Weiguo smiled and punched the dark major: "***, you are still alive!"

"You won't die, how can I be willing to die!" Major Lokita punched him with his backhand without any disadvantage: "You still owe me money... I also owe you my life!"

The two men looked at each other and hugged each other tightly, with tears in their eyes.

They have been best friends since they entered the military academy at the age of eighteen. After graduation, they were originally assigned to different units. Who knew that they would be transferred around and ended up in the 13th Armored Division again!

Since the war began, Li Weiguo, the commander of the first battalion of the Second Regiment, and Rokita, the deputy director of the division's operations department, have fought side by side. Li Weiguo once saved Lokita's life. The two of them are life and death friends!

On the way to escape, their units were far apart. They just followed the large army all the way to the west, and never met each other.

When the first line of defense fell, the troops were in panic and the organization was in disarray. Many troops were captured because they were too late to escape the roundabout encirclement of Jepen's armored forces, and they were among thousands of captured personnel. I thought I would never see him again. Who knew that in such a twists and turns, they would meet again under such circumstances.

"Battal Commander! Battalion Commander!" The soldiers squeezed out of the crowd and quickly surrounded Li Weiguo and others.

The soldiers of the Second Regiment and First Battalion were so excited that their eyes were red. They all turned around on the cliff of death. When they saw their commander, it was like seeing their father and brother. Several soldiers' throats were clogged and they suddenly choked up.

"Don't fucking embarrass me!" Li Weiguo, whose eyes were red and hazy with tears, glared and shouted: "Second Regiment and First Battalion, my soldiers, when have they ever cried?!"

With that said, Li Yiguo patted the shoulders of the soldiers beside him, pushed aside the crowd, and walked up the hillside. Looking at the pairs of surprised and excited eyes around him, he said loudly: "Brothers..."

After just one sentence, Li Weiguo's voice choked up. This battle was really hard. From the beginning of the escape, for a full half month, the total number of two fully armored divisions, together with soldiers from other troops who escaped from the city base, and local troops who joined along the way, exceeded 50,000, and now, I am afraid that even Less than 20,000 people.

Along the way, there were corpses everywhere, a charred battlefield with an entire layer cut off, broken limbs and broken arms, and the remains of weapons and mechas. This mountainous area by the Karachi River can be called a hell on earth. In front of him, these two prisoners of war were extremely tired and weak.

However, their eyes are still bright. In this dark and humid jungle, it is like thousands of dazzling stars!

"Time is running out!" Li Weiguo gritted his teeth and said, "We have to escape! In that direction!"

Li Weiguo pointed his hand toward the west: "We don't have enough weapons and few mechas, so we have to walk. For ten kilometers, this will be a very difficult and difficult road."

"In the direction of our advance, there is a full armored battalion of the enemy! Behind us, the enemy who fell into our trap of diverting the tiger away from the mountain may soon react and pursue us at a cross-country speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour! "He is dead

He clenched his fists and looked around: "And we only have these dozens of mechas! We have less than a company of troops guarding you, opening the way for you and cutting off your rear. Are you afraid!"

"Don't be afraid!" Tears flashed in the soldiers' eyes, and their roars exploded in the jungle like thunder. .

Coming to rescue his comrades, there were only dozens of mechas from less than one company. They could have not come, they could have turned a blind eye to these two thousand infantrymen whose mobility was extremely slow. But, they still came!

Everyone knows how dangerous and difficult the ten-kilometer journey ahead will be with these two thousand prisoners of war.

Behind him, the violent explosions and gunfire reached a higher level again, becoming more intense and violent. The soldiers didn't even dare to look outside the forest. They are afraid that if they turn their heads, they will see their comrades falling under the attack of the Jie Pen Special Battalion. They are afraid that if they turn their heads, their tears will fall!

With the total death! Is there any way out?

These comrades made a stupid choice! They just came to him, and together with him, they embarked on this destined road of no return.

"Why did you come to save us?" Lokita looked Li Weiguo in the eyes and roared in a low voice: "You don't have to show up! Do you know what a company of mechas means to the division commander and the others? !”

"Don't worry." Li Weiguo patted the friend of life and death on the shoulder. He knew that Lokita was worried about him. A proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Look at your back..."

Lokita looked outside the jungle, and the soldiers' eyes also turned outside the jungle at the same time.

In the dust of the sky, in the countless white lights that swept across the earth, the two armored forces were mixed together like two black dragons. The Jie Pen special forces were rushing forward desperately, while the mechas with red marks were fighting and retreating.

A mecha collapsed, the orange armor on its joints bright and eye-catching. Another mecha fell, also a touch of orange in the sand and gravel... Beside these mechas that fell one after another, dozens of the same orange mechas fell to the ground. Scattered on the ground are all remains with joints of the same color!

Yes, everyone read it correctly. The ones retreating were the red-marked mechas, but those who fell were those crazy Jepen special armor soldiers!

Because, there are ten red shadows, leaping and moving among the orange mechas.

Where they passed was like hell. One after another, orange mechas fell down or turned into balls of fire in front of them. In their lightning-fast attacks, Jie Pen's most elite special mechas were like sluggish puppets. These ten red mechas kept scattering, converging, and cutting among the mecha group!

A Chuckna mecha warrior moved his fingers and suddenly froze, his whole body cold. He subconsciously simulated fighting, and the result was that he was unable to block the three moves of these red mechas! If you were on the battlefield, if you were approached by these red mechas, you would be dead after three moves!

How can this be? ! In a daze, I saw five orange civets starting an unstoppable charge. One after another, they rushed toward a red mecha.

The red mecha, whose companions were far away, not only did not want to escape, but instead advanced instead of retreating.

I saw a dazzling movement of its long arms, and it actually caught the first orange civet that jumped in the air. When several other Jiepen mechas just got up after the run-up, it had already slammed the first opponent to the ground, then stepped forward, suddenly crouched and then shot up into the air, facing the opponent. Another Jiepen mecha.

The soldiers all had an illusion at this moment. It seemed as if what he saw was not a mecha, but an anti-air missile that shot out of the launcher and hit a fighter plane passing by at low altitude.

The red mecha double retreated and kicked. The kick was so fast that even the air was ripped out.

Amidst the huge sonic boom, there was only a sound of gold and iron that was as dense as five pipas. The Jiepen mecha in the air turned into a ball of fire and fell apart in the explosion! Countless wreckage fell in all directions like a goddess scattering flowers.

Several mechas passed by each other in the air.

When the other three Jiepen mechas that were attacking in mid-air landed, the red Civet also landed in the opposite direction at the same time.

Just as it landed, everyone saw that the dust on the ground beneath its feet was stirred into a circle. The red mecha that had just landed kicked off its feet and jumped out. Like a discharged cannonball, it crashed into three Jiepen mechas.

The screams erupted.

The red phantom flashed and was already fifty meters away. He drew out a backhand punch and struck it hard on the chest of another orange Jiepen mecha.

The mecha itself is flying at extremely high speeds, and this punch accelerates even faster. Only a ray of light could be seen flashing through the sky. Before the Jiepen mecha even had time to react, it was sent flying backwards.

When it fell heavily to the ground, its chest cockpit had become a big bloody hole! At this time, the violent collision sound rolled in like thunder.

Three of the five orange mechas that rushed towards me were destroyed in a snap!

In the jungle, there was silence. Two thousand Chakna warriors, in the cold wind penetrating the jungle, quietly watched the ten red figures galloping invincibly.

The strength displayed by these red mechas has exceeded their knowledge and their appearance.

They are like a solid embankment that blocks the flood. No matter how the enemy attacks, they are as stable as a mountain! And once you take action, it will be killing!

The enemy in front of them is like a native chicken or a war dog!

You can let them wreak havoc, you can let them slaughter!

What's even more frightening is that these unknown masters not only have superb control skills, but also have a complete set of combined attack techniques.

Even though they were just relying on the strong to bully the weak, they still naturally and unnaturally cooperated with each other during the battle. Eight of the mechas fought head-on and were able to defeat thousands of troops. The other two were wandering among the mechas like ghosts. Opponents often just prepare to deal with the mecha in front of them, and then they touch it and seal their throat with a sword.

The Jiepen people not only had to deal with the close attacks of ten red mechas, but also the artillery fire coverage of dozens of mechas in the distance. Those fifty or sixty red [Civets] seemed completely confident that their companions could avoid the fire. They were spread out in a fan shape and just fired like crazy! There were at least thirty orange mechas that fell under their fire!

Of the one hundred Jiepeng 172nd Division's most elite mechas, there are now less than thirty left. As for the red mecha, only four were lost!

The sorrow has disappeared like the wind.

Confidence is budding! As confidence grows, there is endless power!

In my ears, the voice of Major Li Weiguo came: "We have annihilated three armored companies of Jipeng! If they want to stop us, they must pay a higher price. Brothers, it's time for us to go home!".

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