Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 31 Bobette

The light from the virtual screen jumps and flickers in the room, and the colors change.

In the low speakers, there were the sounds of explosions and cannons, the intermittent voice of the Jie Pen who recorded the scene, and the communication sound with some sharp noises in the communication channel.

The battle was fierce, with countless mechas swarming into a group and strangling each other.

The camera kept changing direction and shaking.

What is piled up on the screen is the shaking ground, running mechas, mud being lifted up like water splashes, and among the burning mechas on the pitted ground, the broken and charred soldiers. body.

This picture was taken from the battle record of a Chi Peng mecha. It was not known how long it was played. Finally, the picture was frozen in a messy scene.

The broken leg of a mecha at close range, burning flames, and billowing black smoke were all condensed in the picture. And the screams from the speakers seemed to still echo in the room.

The room with the lights turned off was extremely dark. The solemnity and solemnity deliberately created by the dark brown wooden wall skirts and dark patterned wallpaper turned into the cold silence of the ice cellar in this gloom.

More than a dozen Jiepen officers sat quietly. The dim light from the frozen screen image reflected on their faces as if reflecting on lifeless statues.


Next to the sofa at the far end of the rectangular room, an antique desk lamp emits a soft light with the flick of the pull switch.


The lights came on again.

Amidst the lights that flickered on and off, there was a voice. Like the cold wind crossing the Palmas Plateau, it swept through the conference room.

"Who can give me an explanation?"

The silence continued, the lights flickered on and off... Although only a second or two had passed since the voice asked the question, to all the officers, this second or two was as long as a century.

Maggie, who looked pale, stood up.

He almost exhausted all his strength to allow his arms on the armrests to support his empty body, which was almost without blood.

Parent, the commander-in-chief of the Canglang Star Army, was sitting next to Maggie.

General Jiepen, who leads a total of forty armored divisions and sixty infantry divisions currently landing on Canglang Planet, and has command authority over the two armies of the Allied Suss Army, when Magee stood up , not even daring to lift it up.

He lowered his head and sat on the chair, his expression not much better than Maggie's. The fine beads of sweat on his forehead and the constantly beating corners of his eyes made this powerful man who always dealt with things without fear look a little pitiful.

"His Royal Highness Prince Bobbet," Magee's voice was like a cracked bamboo Xiao, hoarse with a hint of trembling sharpness: "I bear all responsibility for this defeat. I underestimated my opponent and caused the Imperial Army to suffer such humiliation. I am willing to accept any punishment."

Maggie spoke mechanically, like a bad actor reciting his lines on his first stage.

The officers around him all looked straight at the table in front of them, as if the lacquered surface of the conference table flashing in the flickering lights hid some secret worth exploring.

No one dared to look up at the sofa, and no one dared to look up at Maggie with a sympathetic look. Everyone knew that Maggie's entire body had entered hell.

What's left outside is just a heel.

In fact, that night on the Karachi River was not a major defeat. The total loss of four armored battalions was only the size of an armored regiment. For this war that swept the entire human world and cost the empire all its investment, an armored regiment was simply negligible.

However, who said that the one who annihilated these four armored battalions was a remnant army that came down from Highland 347?

Who let these damn infantry sneak attack an integrated armored battalion, seize the mechas, and then conduct a long-distance attack to annihilate two armored battalions one after another. Finally, they mobilized the utterly stupid Zhongshan Wing, rescued two thousand prisoners of war, rushed through the blockade, and marched arrogantly. Destroyed the Chakna people's defense line? !

Thinking back on the news they received after the war and the entire step-by-step deduction of the Skynet system, the officers felt like there were layers of cold sweat on their backs.

This is not a major failure, but it is a major shame.

And all this actually happened when Prince Bobet, the younger brother of Emperor Nicholas V, arrived! This alone is enough to sentence Magee to death.

It's not just Maggie. Perhaps, there is also the command system of the entire Canglang Star Jiepeng Northern Expedition including Parent.

The desk lamp flickered on and off in a rhythmic crackle. Finally, with a snap, the nerve-wracking switch game was over.

The light shines through a creamy yellow cloth lampshade. Emits soft light. Prince Bobbet's face, sunk in the large leather sofa, was half exposed in the light, while the other half continued to be hidden in the darkness.

This is a young man with light brown hair. She has clear eyebrows and a slender figure. With his fair skin and slightly thin shoulders, he didn't look dangerous at all.

However, all the officers present knew that if the Jiepen Empire voted for the three most terrifying people, this thirty-one-year-old prince was definitely one of them.

He is the prince of the empire, the closest and most trusted brother of Nicholas V. At the same time, he is also the highest chief of the Imperial Supervisory Office.

The Office of Supervision, an institution that represents terror in the eyes of all Jiepen people, seems to be born to belong to this person. Since he took over the Office of Supervision at the age of twenty, his name has been integrated with this organization.

Mysterious, cold, ruthless, violent, bloody, powerful, elite, Royal First Guard... These words are the impression that comes to mind when Chipeng people or other national intelligence agencies mention the Chipeng Supervision Office.

It is difficult to choose one word from these words that can fully represent the feeling given by the Office of Supervision. If we have to find a representative, a general and comprehensive impression, then these words are mixed together. That's one person's name - Bobette Satchel.

Six years ago, due to an intelligence leak, Bobet directed the Office of Supervision to arrest 13 senior military generals and more than 100 school-level officers in Jepen, and executed them all.

Three years ago, during another purge, another 260 government officials and officials, including a duke and a general, and 79 military officers from six military regions were placed under his supervision. Special Prison in the Hall. Legend has it that no one came out of that horrific prison intact. Those who can get out of prison are basically crazy.

And now, he is here in person.

The functions of the Office of Supervision are not just as simple as her name. At the same time, she is also the most powerful armed force of the imperial royal family. The reputation of the First Guard. Even above the three major super fleets! At least, before Yuuto Mikami's three super fleets became famous, the First Guard was already famous. .

Like the royal guards in most imperial countries, all members of this behemoth are the most loyal followers and devout believers of the royal family. They have firm beliefs, fight bravely and tenaciously, and are not afraid of sacrifice. They were the force behind the rule of Emperor Nicholas V of Jepen.

And the appearance of Bobet and his Inspectorate. It means that the royal family of Jiepen has made a sound that cannot be lost in the battle of Lesk.

Under such a tone, one can imagine how angry Bobette, who had just arrived at Canglang Planet, would be in anger at the humiliation of four battalions being annihilated by a group of Chakna rogue soldiers.

In the silence, Bobette stood up and slowly walked towards the virtual screen.

His footsteps were loud and clear in the empty conference room.

"Who are they?" Bobbet's hand. Passing through the virtual screen, a Civet mecha with a red logo in the corner of the screen was swinging up and down, and the mecha was twisting in his palm.

After a moment of silence, he turned to look at Maggie, his green eyes narrowed slightly: "Don't know?"

Maggie's body was trembling like chaff. It can be said that he has experienced many battles and tried his best to control it. But couldn't control it. impending doom. His spirit almost collapsed.

His weak body could not support him to face the person in front of him. What frightened him even more was that he really didn't know where these damn mecha war gods came from!

"It's not surprising that you don't know him." Unexpectedly, Bobette smiled faintly and clapped his hands.

The shadowless electronic light on the top of the conference room lights up, and the entire conference room is brightly lit.

A supervisory sergeant strode forward and stuffed the electronic folder in his hand into the player. The image on the virtual screen suddenly shrank to the center into a colorful ball of light, and when it expanded again, the image had turned into a fat man wearing a Leray uniform.

"This man's name is Tian Xingjian." Bobette looked around the crowd and said calmly: "He is twenty-seven years old this year. He joined the army in 2059. He has never been to a military academy and is a mechanic. He accumulated military merit and was promoted from corporal to major general."

There was an uproar in the conference room. He never went to a military academy and was promoted from a mechanic corporal to a major general in four years, even though he accumulated military merit during the war years. That’s rocket speed too!

Two officers who knew this man stood up suddenly: "Is it him?!"

"Having dealt with LeRay for such a long time in Bermuda, you should have heard of this person." Bobette nodded lightly, looked up at the screen, and continued: "This is a very interesting person. He His experience is very complicated. Leray's military exploits since the outbreak of the Patriotic War are also incredible. According to reliable intelligence, he was the key figure in Mirok's rebellion against Russell and the treason, and was also the culprit that led to the demise of Gacharin Morton. .”

Bobbet sat down on the swivel chair on the top of the oval conference table, leaned sideways, tapped the table with his fingers, and said to everyone: "Emperor James Gacharin was his prisoner, the second prince Bruce, the third prince The death of Prince Stephen was directly related to him. It can be said that he single-handedly brought down the entire Gacharin."

Although it was not the first time for some of the people present to hear such rumors, the words coming from Bobette's mouth still made them tremble.

"A few months ago," Bobbet looked at the screen coldly: "This man took over the entire Mars Freeport with the force of a destroyer. A few days ago, he captured Bee in the Longbow Galaxy. Duke Humphrey, forced the surrender of Humphrey's fleet."

There was dead silence in the room.

News of Humphrey's fleet's defeat has reached Canglang Planet. The officers present had made various guesses, but the specific situation was never clear. Now I heard Bobette, who never liked hearsay, tell me such an inside story. Everyone was speechless, looking at the fat man on the screen as if they had seen a ghost.

Is this guy a human being? ! How come he is here?

As if he knew what everyone was thinking, Bobette turned around and said calmly: "Combining the intelligence obtained by the empire, as well as the spacecraft with the bandit logo that crashed near Highland 347, and the combat methods of these people... ...You don’t have to doubt that he was the one who led the ten mecha war gods and ate up your four armored battalions.”

Parent let out a long sigh of relief. The officers looked at the dumbfounded Magee, no longer showing pity. Judging from what Bobette meant, maybe he didn't want to be held accountable.

In the silence, Bobette stood up, walked to the virtual screen, and stood facing the fat man on the screen. The two people seemed to be staring into each other's eyes.

Bobette said coldly: "This man, if he were in any of the major Fei League countries, would have been famous all over the world. But in Leray, he was actually out of everyone's sight. However, from today on, This person can no longer be hidden. No matter how much he likes to act crazy and keep his reputation secret, he is also a key figure in the intelligence systems of various countries."

"A very interesting opponent, isn't it?" Bobbet looked directly into Fatty's eyes and laughed.

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly. He turned around with a cold face and said solemnly: "But this is not the reason why you, with nearly a hundred divisions, cannot fully control the situation on Canglang Star, and why there are so many wars! After half a month, you still have excuses for the two divisions of Chakna! The war is about to begin, and your behavior is enough for me to send you to the gallows!"

The officers jumped up in unison. Standing upright, his face is ashen. At the same time, the door was pushed open, and a few soldiers from the Office of Supervision, led by an officer from the Office of Supervision, strode into the conference room.

"Take off his uniform and escort him back to the country." Bobet pointed at Maggie and said coldly: "Your vacation is over. Since you can turn this war into a vacation, you will be like this for the rest of your life. Have a lot of fun in the Inspectorate of Prisons!"

Maggie didn't make a sound until he was held up by two soldiers and dragged out of the conference room.

His pale face and deathly eyes. In front of all the officers, it was replayed over and over again. This was far more heart-numbing than his explanations, begging for mercy, and screams.

"The Northern Expeditionary Army will be under my command from today on. Now, I should give you slow idiots the first order..." Bobet raised his chin: "Immediately execute the clearing plan, mobilize all the troops, and kill everyone." I will sort out all the rebels in every city and town. Within a week, I want a Canglang Star under complete control!

In addition, the 59th and 194th Armored Divisions and the 203rd and 281st Infantry Divisions were ordered to step up their attacks and break through the defense line at all costs. Order the 117th Armored Division to move to Hot Spring Town to prevent the enemy from escaping to the northern mountains! "

"Yes!" Amidst the thunderous orders and chaotic footsteps, Bobet turned his head and looked at Fatty LeRay on the screen, with a cold and disdainful smile on his lips.

I admit that your record is surprising, but this is my home court!

You chose the wrong opponent! .

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