Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 34 Breakout!

Pei Litong stood on the top of the mountain, holding a miniature far-sighted device and looking down the mountain. 3 Hot Spring Town was right in front of him.

This is a small town in the mountains, famous for the hot springs with the best water quality in Canglang Star. Many years ago, this was a mining area. Originally, after the minerals were exhausted, the town should be like most similar settlements, slowly being After being abandoned, the hot springs discovered deep underground and the increasing population of Canglang Planet allowed this town to continue its previous prosperity.

Hot Spring Town is an ancient town surrounded by water. Several small streams in the surrounding mountains and a tributary that meanders into the Karachi River wrap this small town that looks like a heart in the center.

The river is restricted outside the town and flows into the ditch built with bluestones in Bu Town. Countless stone bridges span the ditch, giving the town a classical charm. If it is peacetime, in early winter , this place should be crowded with tourists coming for vacation. The rows of villas hidden in the green shade, the hotels with attentive service, and the hot springs scattered around the small town should all be overcrowded. But now, The entire town has turned into a military fortress, silent and silent. The miniature far-sighted device is constantly twisting in the electronic interference. When the optical mode is activated, the far-sighted device is nothing more than a primitive telescope, which can only be used with a fixed Observing with a narrow field of view, it is impossible to get a glimpse of the reality inside the town. However, what he saw in front of him was enough to make Pei Litong feel cold. The Jipeng people obviously had no intention of hiding anything. Their defense line started from the town. Arrangements began on the outside. The nine-story building with the highest lock entrance was turned into a firepower point. The surrounding houses built along the river were surrounded by trenches like iron barrels. Isolation nets to prevent infantry attacks, and fortresses built with quick-setting cement and combined metal bulletproof walls, stretch out piece by piece. In addition, what is vaguely visible are the rows of ruin-like houses behind the position. , in the house, there are the mechas and soldiers running back and forth, as well as two closely protected energy supply towers in the south and north, a base-type electronic jamming tower, and even large-scale energy towers on the outer walls of the two camps. The shield generator, such a careful arrangement, not to mention the two integrated armored regiments of Jie Pen stationed here, even if there is only one infantry regiment, if you want to rush over, you will have to pay an extremely high price, "General Pei", Balmer was anxious He looked at the time: "We can't hide for long. The deception mode of the electronic system has been used to the extreme. The enemy has begun to be alert. The patrol mechas and scouts sent have also expanded their patrol range. Look."

Pei Litong also looked at the time subconsciously. They looked at each other again, the old Marshal Li Cunxin who had been silent, and they were worried about this. After the troops left the mountain 5 highlands, they marched all the way, and finally met up with Balmer's former army at the scheduled time. Now, the Thirteenth Armor All the main forces of the division and the 51st Infantry Division have been gathered here, waiting to break out in one go.

The northwest of Wenquan Town is a vast world, while the southeast of Wenquan Town is a narrow prison. If these 20,000 people continue to form here, the entire army will be wiped out in less than ten hours. By this time, all worries will disappear. Being left behind, you can only move forward.

However, after all, there are two armored regiments on the front, and they are protected by positions, and on our side, all put together, there is only one armored regiment, many of which are ordinary light mechas used for the maintenance of local garrison troops. The performance of the shackles of law and order is extremely poor. Most of them are fifth- and sixth-generation mechas that have been eliminated by the army. Not only do they have no close combat capabilities, but even the power of the energy cannon is extremely small. When they meet Jipeng's Yashiro Toyama, they are simply killed by one shot.

If Le Lei's Major General Tian and his nine God-of-War-level pilots were here, the certainty of this battle would at least be doubled. However, this Major General Tian was determined to stay behind and stationed at Zhi 5 Highlands. Due to the launch of Before attacking, communications must be kept silent and the electronic mecha's electronic jamming and camouflage systems must be relied upon to deceive the opponent. Therefore, even though he was anxious at the moment, he could not get in touch with Tian Xingjian.

Time passed by, and no one knew what was happening to Yin 5 Highland, which had only one battalion. If the position is forcibly broken through by the enemy, if Major General Tian is defeated and flees, the danger will increase exponentially with every minute of delay here. Look at the time. According to the battle plan, it is time to launch an attack. "I hope not Put it all on others!" In the end, it was the old marshal Li Cunxin who made up his mind. His face was like iron, and he waved his hand: "Hit! If one-fifth of the 20,000 people can get out, it is a victory! ".

Once the determination was made, the troops who had already completed the preparations immediately began to take action. There was only one chance to break through. They wanted to use one armored regiment to attack the positions guarded by two armored regiments, annihilate them and occupy them, and then let the main force take it easy. It is impossible to break through. The only way now is for the armored regiment to open the way and attack in one go, aiming to penetrate the opponent's defense line and spread it to both wings to form a passage. The main force will follow closely behind and plunge in as soon as the passage is formed. Go in, consolidate the occupied area with a strong attack, and break through as many as you can!

If you can't penetrate the defense line, you will be killed here!

The communication system cannot be used, and orders can only be issued to each combat unit by running mechas.

To the east of Hot Spring Town lies a mountainous area of ​​several square kilometers with lush forests. Towering row upon row, soaring straight into the sky, the huge village crown, like a handful of assembly, blocked the sky. More than 20,000 Chakna warriors hidden in the jungle, after receiving the order, quickly took action, and the sun shone from the forest. The moist air was filled with the smell of dead leaves and rotting leaves. Companies and platoons lined up in neat lines. While checking equipment and counting the number of people, they listened to their commanders carefully explain the combat requirements.

Every small group remained silent. A few tens of meters apart in the jungle were a group of Chakna soldiers lined up. This line stretched far into the distance. The farthest one is even on another hilltop. Although the battle has not started yet, no gunfire can be heard yet. However, the tension of the impending war still made the soldiers' hearts beat faster involuntarily.

Everyone understands that they only have one chance. After the forward attack begins, the troops will move forward quickly according to the predetermined number. When the armored regiment opens a gap, the main force must keep up and support the armored regiment to expand to the two wings. And once the enemy counterattacks back, or the main force is unable to penetrate the defense line, then what awaits this team is hell. The entire battlefield east of Hot Spring Town will become the graveyard of 20,000 Chakna warriors!

For a different reading experience, please go to Piwang z anan Bijia mouth m. Time passes minute by minute. The soldiers looked at one! Diao Kanming's mecha ran back and forth in the jungle, looking at the maintenance mecha behind him and the transport plane moving "q" in the moonlight. He watched groups of comrades passing by him amidst rapid commands and rushing to the forward attack position. , when a few birds suddenly flew out of the forest, and the hissing sound of the communication channel being opened came from the earphones on both sides of the helmet, the soldiers knew that the electronic mecha had been activated at full strength, and a cannon sounded from the mountain. came from the other end, and immediately, the sound of countless cannons rang out, shaking the valley and basin in silence.

Hayato Ohno stared at the location of the Yin5 Highlands, which was hidden by the towering mountains on both sides. The officers were doing their own things and did not even dare to speak loudly. Outside the base, mechas appeared one after another. Running back and forth, picking up the debris scattered after the war, the engineers were nervously repairing the broken base, and the medical soldiers were busy beside the flowing stretchers. The morale of the troops had dropped to the extreme after the First World War, and the swordsman's few Although the camp is in disarray, the correction of the troops is not much better.

The minds of the soldiers have become active, and their brains, which should have only thought of fighting, have been occupied by various thoughts.

The fact that the whole Falcon Battalion was dispatched, but was killed by ten mechas like melons and vegetables, was unacceptable to everyone. Private discussions, various speculations and rumors were like an undercurrent. Although invisible, everyone is influencing each other in the turbulent waves. Even if the officers try their best to restrain it, even if they have ordered to strictly prohibit discussion and complaints, the dilapidated base in front of them, the mecha troops wandering around the outside of the base as if they are faced with a formidable enemy, and The debris scattered outside the base and the wounded soldiers crowded in field hospitals are all reminders of what just happened to these soldiers.

No language communication is needed. As long as they look at each other in silence, the soldiers can see the panic, shock and frustration in each other's eyes. The words of Major General Leray before leaving were like a big stone, suspended in everyone's mind. No one knows when that death-like mecha will launch another attack. Everyone only knows that it is already a fantasy to capture the heavily guarded high ground of the Chakna people in a short period of time. Speaking of the sword master's failure here, not to mention the terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the shadow of that mecha alone is enough to scare people away. On the flat ground, under the siege of three thousand mechas, they all If you can kill most of the Falcon Battalion and approach it calmly, how many lives will it take to fill up the steep and narrow Hill 45? ! .

For the first time, these battle-experienced Jiepeng warriors felt an inexplicable fear.

The components of this fear are very complex. On the one hand, it is the worry that the mecha may launch an attack at any time. As the saying goes, you are not afraid of thieves, but you are afraid of being noticed. The feeling of being stared at by a beast hidden in the jungle is terrifying. On the other hand, this kind of fear comes more from a kind of confusion. Since the outbreak of the war, the soldiers of these two divisions have also fought many tough battles. For them, the battle mode of this war was originally different. They are all familiar with it. Even in the past two years, mechas have become more and more agile due to energy shields and mecha agility, and the decline of long-range attacks and the rise of close combat have not made them feel uncomfortable. As early as many years ago, this trend It has been confirmed by the Imperial Military Department that the development of new mechas and the training of close combat combat have been following suit. There is no "relaxation, tenth generation, mecha violence". This is Jie Pen's epoch-making product in close combat mechas. In terms of combat skills, the military also invited many masters and specially revised the mecha control rules. Before this, everyone was full of confidence in their mechas and combat methods. They are familiar with everything they have mastered, whether it is long-range fire strikes or close combat, whether it is electronic jamming suppression or alternating formation cover, they are all familiar with it. The opponents they met before also used the same combat method. However, the battle just now completely overturned everyone's understanding of war. The sight of the white figure invincible in the mecha group at Pudu Morning Zhanzhao Festival, and now I think about it. It was like a nightmare. There were more than 400 tenth-generation mechs, and the most elite Jie Peng mechs would be cut to the ground like melons and vegetables as soon as they got close to them.

What about stepping forward to punch, what about leaping through, what about half-rotating side kicks, what kind of T-block... The combat methods that I was originally familiar with, in front of the phantoms pulled out by those mechas, in front of their small disks, in front of them. In front of their incredible pace and endless moves like the Yangtze River, there is also Taran's mecha that is useless!

For a different reading experience, please go to PISHOUZDAIJIKAKOU. As long as I think of the terrifying speed and power of this mecha, and the energy shield of this mecha like the deep sea that can never be filled, everyone will It was just a heart palpitation. The tenth generation of mechas were like a pile of junk in front of these mechas! That’s an unprecedented gap measured in “generations”!

How many such mecha warriors are there in the Fei League? How many such mecha warriors are there in the Fei League? In the future, if I encounter such a fighter again, will I just be the target of massacre? In the war that is yet to come, where should we go? Is there still a place for Jie Peng among the final victors? All kinds of questions were weighing on my mind like dark clouds.

"General." A staff officer from Jiepen walked up behind Hayato Ohno and bowed: "The intensity of the opponent's nose attack has increased again. How many times has it been?"

Ono Hayato turned around expressionlessly and looked at the staff officer with a embarrassed expression. His dark brown eyes were like a lone wolf in the wilderness, numb and ferocious, unable to see any human emotions. 'The sixth time, The general's staff swallowed hard, his Adam's apple rolling up and down.

Because the pedestal electronic jamming tower of the base was destroyed, the electronic advantage is now in the hands of the Chakna people. Every increase in the intensity of the electronic attack means a panic alert. The entire base has been shaken. People, His mouth was panicking, this is a game of cat and mouse." Ono Hayato half-closed his eyes. "Originally, we were cats, but now, we have become mice under other people's paws. The Hayabusa camp has been defeated in one battle and has lost its face. . And you, who own nearly a hundred electronic mechas, are allowed to be invaded and interfered by the enemy again and again."

The Shaanxi Cover Festival was released by zurujicbisizhendie. Said, Hayato Ohno opened his eyes and said to the staff officer sincerely, "Prince Bobet", the sail is behind us, Magee is finished, he This is a lesson learned from the past. 3" down the mountain, is it me?"

The staff officer was sweating profusely and explained, "General, the other party is a master. He is very familiar with our electronic systems. These six attacks all exploited our vulnerabilities. Our base-type jamming tower was damaged in the attack and is now being attacked." Emergency repair, if the emergency repair is done well, I guarantee that the other party will not even have a chance to take action! Our electronic storm will suppress everything here. "Are you sure?" Hayato Ohno walked up to the staff officer, patted his shoulder gently, and asked pleasantly, "I'm sure!" The staff officer gritted his teeth and lowered his head resolutely. He said, "But it's too late." Ono Hayato waved his hand calmly, indicating to the guards to drag down the frustrated staff officer. They had just received news that Chuckner's main force had launched an attack on Hot Spring Town. In other words, the Shan 5 position in front of him was just an empty shell. In the distance, the roar of mecha bows and violent footsteps came from the distance. Hayato Ohno knew that it was the armor dismantling division coming, and he quietly He looked quietly to the northwest without looking back. No one knew when the punishment order from Prince Bobet, who was tens of thousands of kilometers away, would arrive. He had already wasted too much time to get from here to Hot Spring Town. , The remaining few hours are his final salvation. As long as the two divisions can arrive before the Chakna people break through the hot spring town, there is still room for redemption! .

…………………………………………………… “…”… “Up, up!”

The dust-covered officers kept urging, and groups of Jakna soldiers rushed out from various parts of the forest. In the rain of bullets, in the mushroom clouds of explosions that shot up into the sky, In the mud that fell like a torrential rain, he quickly rushed towards the front line where the killing sound was loud. The fusion grenade hung by Zaiyu Shiyou released zn kapi am, beating the skewed tactical vest, and the combat uniform was full of In the smoky traces, a soldier fell down while running, and was immediately pulled up by his companions. He staggered and continued running forward. From time to time in the crowd, someone was hit by stray bullets and fell, and the charge exploded violently. Suddenly, there was a bloody storm. The soldiers on both sides of the team had opened the safety of the automatic energy rifles in their hands. The tall assaulters holding portable missile launchers and energy cannons also put their weapons on their shoulders. As the tattered isolation net and the criss-crossing trenches filled with wreckage and corpses approached, they began to open fire on both flanks. The sound of gunfire was deafening, and a huge flow of dark green people gathered from all directions. Rush towards a gap.

The soldiers were breathing heavily, their chests heaving violently, and they ran as hard as they could. They surged forward along the steel building laid on the trench by the engineering mechas in front. The densely packed boots made the steel plates tremble and bend when they stepped on them. Unable to squeeze in, they could only swarm down the trench and climb up again.

In the front, there are armored regiments desperately moving forward, and in the rear, there are thousands of infantry following closely. The entire team is like a huge spear tip. The front is stabbing desperately, and the rear is spreading to the two wings to consolidate. Each line The trenches and every fortress are all fierce attacks and defenses. Looking down from the sky, there are dense chains of guns and light crisscrossing everywhere. They are all fighting and fighting, and they all die together. At this time, no tactics or plans can be ignored. Already forgotten, only forward, forward, the forward assaulting mecha group was advancing almost inch by inch. The Jiepen mechas that were all around were counterattacking wildly, and they and the infantry behind them were beaten with their bodies. Use artillery fire and fusion grenades strapped to your body to push away.

Jie Peng's defense is just to the east of the town entrance. If you rush over and enter the town, you can spread out and break out to the hilly farmland behind the town. If you go further, you can get into the northern part where even the gods can't find it. To experience it, please come to your home to experience life and death, right between your breaths!

How about it? ! "In the command mecha, Li Cunxin has lost his previous composure. Even though he has experienced hundreds of battles, this time is also one of the most dangerous battles in his life. There is siege in front and pursuit behind. The armor strength is only that of the opponent. One-half or even one-third, and what's more terrible is that the entire Canglang Star is under the control of the opponent. In the previous blockade, the main force of the army still has enough space to roam, and there are enough dangers to resist. . The opponent can't find any trace of the troops, but now, the entire main force is exposed here, and they must concentrate their efforts to make a desperate move. At this time, it is no longer hide and seek, but the speed of life and death. Time is too precious for the Chakna Army. According to According to calculations, within three hours, Jie Peng can mobilize their transport ships and airdrop one or two armored battalions to this area. Within four hours, Jie Peng's army pursuing from behind can follow them. If the troops cannot rush out at one go, the consequences will be disastrous.

'Can't open it.' Pei Litong's voice has become extremely hoarse. He looks haggard, and his lips are dry and crusty. His eyes are like bright candles in the dark night, staring at the Skynet battle report without moving. , 'A group was stuck in Area 5. It couldn't be rushed through three times. The stable positions on both wings were compressed by 20%. The electronic advantage has reached the critical point and may collapse at any time. When will we rush to the third area? Four times?!, Li Cunxin was wandering back and forth like a trapped animal, reading back the exhausting chapter, please go to the mush m Hongxun Ruhou c boron is rushing!" Balmer on the side gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "There are already two A company broke in. The Jiepen people built a lot of staggered fire points on that section of the defense line. The fire blockade was very powerful. The soldiers were trying to kill each other bit by bit. If they can't rush through this time," Balmer didn't say any more. The terrifying result made him My heart ached.

Li Cunxin stared straight at the battle report. On the real-time simulation situation map, a red arrow repeatedly hit the blue line of defense. Behind the red arrow, numbers that had been kept a little distance from each other had gradually piled up. , on both sides of this passage, countless blue attack arrows are still squeezing into the middle. The atmosphere in the command mecha is dull, hot, and extremely tense, making everyone here tense. . On the Skynet screen, the ever-surging red arrow tugged at everyone's hearts. Suddenly, there was a roar in the sky, and a Jie Pen fighter jet roared past. Then came the second and third one. .

A whole squadron of ten fighter planes flew over at low altitude, firing missiles and energy cannons at the crowd of running Chakna soldiers. After shooting down two of them with a "flare-like" anti-aircraft missile, these fighters rolled and flew into the distance. , Sails, N volumes turned back, divided into two teams, and launched intensive attacks on both wings of the passage.

A staff officer in front of Skynet turned his head.

Li Cunxin closed his eyes, Pei Litong stared at his clenched fists, and Balmer gritted his teeth and lowered his head. They did not hear what the staff officer's trembling voice said. They knew that the fourth attack would It has failed. The troops who fought desperately failed to break through the defense line of the Jiepen people who gathered frantically. The two companies at the front were all killed, and no one survived. In the sky, the fighter planes that had released all their missiles were still swooping down and wreaking havoc. At this moment, the whole world turned into black and white, white light, black smoke, and exploded. And the fallen soldiers in the energy machine cannon light chain………………… “…”……………………, 'Boom! "

The energy bomb rubbed against Lawn's mecha, causing a large hole in the ground. The violent explosion shock wave was like a violent blow on the mecha. The energy shield changed from light red to dark red, Captain! , Two mechas protected Lawn, one on the left and one on the right. While they fired at the surrounding Jiepen mechas, they asked urgently: "What should I do?" ! ,what to do? rush! , Lao En stabilized the mecha with all his strength, and said with red eyes: "We will fight to the death here today!" "

boom! , a missile pulled out a winding tail light in the air and hit a Chakna mecha. The mecha, which had already lost its energy shield, immediately fell apart. Raun looked around through the overwhelming mud. , countless Jiepen mechas are rushing here from the two flanks, and the soldiers under his command are fighting desperately.

They shot at each other with the enemy, fighting in the mecha trenches and in the smoke. Only half of the regiment remained. The infantrymen from behind also rushed up. They used their bodies to fight against the Jiepen mecha. When the portable missiles were gone, they used portable energy cannons. After the energy cannons were fired, they used their guns to focus on the leg joints of the enemy mechas. From time to time, some people Holding the bundled fusion grenade and rushing forward, "Follow me!"

With red eyes, Raun suddenly pulled the control stick and rushed into the enemy's formation. Behind him, hundreds of Chakna mechas followed desperately, regardless of the fierce fire from both wings, 'Kill! kill! "Laun destroyed the cockpit of a Jepen Toyama with one punch, and then swooped up like a hungry tiger and struggled desperately with another Jepen mecha. The sound of the mecha's fist hitting the external armor was... It's like the saddest and most desperate cry.

Yes, there is no hope anymore. More and more Jiepen mechas are flocking to this area.

This is the last section of their defense line. They are desperately trying to defend this place. Kill! After smashing the Jiepen mecha into pieces, Lawn rushed towards the next n mechas crazily. He didn't care that his mecha was already scarred. Killing one was enough, but killing two was profitable. Compared with the infantry brothers behind him, I had already made a lot of money, much more!

The charging team was blocked tightly, and the strangled battlefield could not even expand at all. The Chakna mechas who were desperately killing the enemy rushed up like crazy, but there were always more Jiepen mechas rushing up. Blocking them tightly, Raun's mecha staggered and half-knelt on the ground. The external transmission rod of the mecha's left leg had been broken. Now, the mecha only had basic mobility. Raun raised his head. , looking at the warriors fighting around. Tears couldn't help but well up in my eyes and couldn't be washed away.

‘Stand up, charge, charge! "

In the haze, a ray of white light flashed before his eyes, and two Jiepen mechas instantly turned into exploding fireballs. Then, he vaguely heard a rolling sound, ringing in his ears. Raoun was startled, and the sound was like It was already far away. When he listened carefully again, he heard another voice, a more powerful and thundering voice! That was the cheers, the cheers of countless Chakna warriors!

zn Jiapi Am Xinjing Huijinni was the fastest and again, a few rays of white light flew by in front of their eyes, and they rushed into the group of Jie Cai mechas, like white sword lights! Shatter, explode! The Jiepen mechas in front of him fell one after another in front of this white light. Before Raun could recover, a Chuckner mecha passed him and rushed to the front. Then, another one, and another one, ,,Commander, let’s go! let's go! , amidst the general shouts from his subordinates, Raoun saw white mechas rushing through the group of Jiepen mechas, and Chakna mechas rushing past him like a tide, following closely behind him. Afterwards, read back to the Zizhanmiao Festival and invite the shy m Hongxun Ruka c boron' to kill! ! ! "The Chakna infantry swarmed past, drowning Raoun's sight. Amidst the deafening shouts of killing, he saw that Jie Peng's thick defense line was chaotic and collapsing. God! A stream of blood rushed to the top of his head. , Lawn pulled the control stick, and the mecha suddenly stood up.

In front of me, an overwhelming torrent of Chakna soldiers followed the white arrow, heading west, west!

Shaanxi Cover Festival was published by zkouruhoucbisizhendie……………………“…………, ‘………………………………,, listen””

In the silent command mecha, a staff officer suddenly raised his ears, Pei Litong raised his head, Balmer frowned and listened carefully, and Li Cunxin suddenly rushed out of the mecha.

Moved! Moved! , a staff officer pointed at the red arrow on the Skynet screen and yelled like crazy. In everyone's unbelievable eyes, the red spring head slowly but firmly broke through the enemy's defense line. It kept breaking through, getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a raging torrent!

Everyone rushed out of the command mecha, and tides of Chakna warriors surged to the west, shouting for kill and cheering, covering up the sound of cannons and explosions, resounding throughout this mountain forest, this town, this place. The sky, the sky!


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