Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 44 Morning Light (5)

"Follow up, keep up!"

The sweaty officer stood on the roadside, urging loudly.

It was already half dark, the setting sun had already set over the hills in the distance, leaving only a line of red in the sky. The afterglow slanting upward reflects the long clouds in the sky. In the increasingly dark twilight, the half-gold and half-black hilly area stretches to the horizon. The long queue was winding along this endless hillside.

Their vision was already a little blurry. The soldiers put down the multifunctional goggles on their tactical helmets, and the soft small lights beside their waists also turned on. Amidst the urging of the officers, rows of soldiers walked quickly with their heads down. The spotlights of the mechas speeding past one after another swayed towards them. Only the rapid breathing and footsteps could be heard.

The roads have long since disappeared. The team can only follow the path opened by the front team when traveling along the way. Although the surrounding hills are not high, they are covered by dense and tall trees, making the sight somewhat narrow. Except for the dirt under his feet and the sweat-soaked backs of his comrades in front, nothing else could be seen. Only occasionally when passing high places could he look beyond Rang in front of him. Qiu could see the sky in the distance that was red with the light of artillery fire.

The deafening sound of cannons and explosions were heard continuously from the front. The battle has begun!

The fat man stayed in the command mecha with a sullen face.

The news coming back from the front showed that the third echelon had completely contained the enemy, and the front troops of the second echelon had arrived at the battlefield ten kilometers away and began to contact the enemy. Two armored battalions and five mecha wargods including Hargrove have arrived at the front. But he could only stay in this command mecha in a daze.

"Why don't you let me go?!" The fat man stepped on Li Cunxin:

"This is where a commander should stay." The old man turned a blind eye to the fat man's anger. Load up the deduction program on your own deduction computer.

The swollen man blinked his eyes. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't figure out what the old man's logic was.

After fighting for several years, he has been on the front line and behind enemy lines. Even when he was commanding the Freedom Front and two bandit groups in Mozic, and working hard in Mars and the Northern Commercial Alliance, he never stayed in the command post to strategize and win. Thousands of miles.

He always bullies the weak and is afraid of the strong. Of course he will run away when he encounters a strong one, but when he bullies the weak, he takes the lead.

The most important thing is that he only feels safe when he is in the mecha. Driving a twelfth-generation mecha, with a hand speed of 73 movements per second and unparalleled mecha martial arts, no one on this planet can threaten him. As long as his life is not in danger, the fat man will never hide behind when he takes advantage.

I can't afford to lose that person!

"Who said the commander has to stay here? The commander here is you, what does it have to do with me?!"

"I said so!" Li Cunxin turned around and gave the fat man a cold face, "H Ge, you appointed him, you completed the deduction, and you gave the orders. What do you think it has to do with you?! You like fighting so much, When I have time, I will call ten armored divisions to fight with you. Not now! Don't chirp at me, don't talk about you, it's Russell, Mikhailovich and Bernadotte are here, I said They have to listen to everything!”

The fat man closed his mouth with an aggrieved look.

The old man is too domineering. He is Boswell's friend and Marshal Chuckner. Now almost all the servants in Chuckner's military headquarters are his disciples. General Li Hongwu is simply the old man's biological son. Ten armored divisions beating up a fat man is really not a boast.

Now this old guy has big fists.

Seeing the fat man's aggrieved expression, Pei Lisi quickly turned away.

Is this idiot really Major General LeRay? How come I couldn't help but want to punch him in that fat face even after taking one more look at him! First, let’s get a bruise and a swollen face so that you can’t see clearly.

"While we still have some free time, let's play out a game of confrontation." Li Cunxin selected a Ding, deduced the game of confrontation, and said to the fat man.

,Not coming! "The fat man crossed his legs and made a loud crunching sound. He was so majestic.

"This is an order." Li Cunxin pointed to the epaulettes of the marshal's uniform and raised his eyebrows at the fat man.

"Old man, are you sure you want to be abused?!" The fat man sat down in front of the deduction computer angrily and looked sideways at Li Cunxin. I decided in my heart to be very angry during the confrontation and beat the old man to the point where he couldn't find any answers!

Li Cunxin was very happy. This was the first fat man who dared to talk to him like this in his life.

He sneered and tapped the keyboard hard, and the confrontation began.

Li Cunxin chose a head-on confrontation on the plains. The commanders of both sides each commanded four armored divisions and six infantry divisions to meet in a narrow road.

This was completely different from the confrontations Fatty had played before.

When fighting against Fang Xiang, most of them chose interstellar combat, and ground combat only accounted for a small part. The confrontation with Margaret was mostly an attack and defense by small forces.

So far, Fatty has never played more than one division at most. Who would have thought that Li Cunxin was used to fighting and being a marshal, so he naturally chose to fight against ten divisions.

This is no longer a command at the tactical level, but a duel at the strategic level. If ten divisions want to annihilate enemies of the same size and with completely comparable combat capabilities, they must strive to gain an advantage in the grand strategy, accumulate every local victory, and finally break the opponent's critical line and annihilate them with overwhelming force.

Among them, the most important thing is to look at the overall situation!

Pei Litong, who was standing aside, couldn't help but glance at the old marshal. The old marshal's thoughts had been exposed in this confrontation.

Play big? !

The fat man was stunned for a moment and then became furious. The old guy bullied the fat man for not having read a book!

In the past, the fat man was born as a mechanic, had never attended a military school, and had never learned any systematic military theoretical knowledge. If a non-professional commander is challenged, he will definitely jump up, beat the opponent up in anger, and then run away angrily.

However, after becoming Russell's disciple, experiencing the hardships of the war in the past few years, and receiving the guidance of Magzunt, the fat man was pained and happy in countless deductions and confrontations that tried to minimize casualties. , is no longer a rookie in military command.

Especially on the Canglang planet, because the cargo hold of the armed merchant ship was hit and all the mechas were destroyed, they still had to find a way to lead a dozen exhausted infantrymen and more than 200 prisoners of war to turn the tide of the war. , creating a glimmer of hope for the entire besieged army, forcing his tactical level to soar like a rocket.

It was at that time that he truly learned to interpret the battle situation with a commander's eyes and find the key points of the battle situation. It was also at that time that he integrated his years of combat experience, Russell's battle examples, and Margaret's military theories and military command skills with the imprint of Hastings! .

Maybe he is not a military strategist who can command a battle like a textbook. Maybe he cannot complete a formal military examination or a basic theory paper.

However, the battles in the past few years, the countless escapes from death, plus what he learned from Russell, Margaret, Fang Xiang, Karl, etc., he learned from each step of deduction and confrontation with his opponents. Things, combined with his personality, are enough for him to truly form his own tactical thoughts in this crisis of Canglang Star!

He is like an old farmer. Although he has never attended an agricultural university and does not understand theory, he can farm better than anyone else!

The game reaches its climax at the beginning or eight.

The red and blue troops quickly rolled together like two tides of different colors. On a two- to three-hundred-kilometer-long front, the troops from both sides were intertwined and strangled each other.

Li Cunxin's Blues carry his distinctive style imprint. To attack, the blue team is fierce and fierce; to defend, it is indestructible; to retreat, it is clean and neat!

In the eyes of Pei Lisi and others on the side, the old marshal, who has been fighting for a lifetime, has really reached the point where he has returned to his original nature in the art of military command. The Blue Army's troops are impeccable both at the strategic level and at the local tactical level. It gives people the feeling of being as stable as a mountain and as mighty as a river.

On the other hand, all fat people are sweat holes.

In this large-scale battle, forced by opponents like Li Cunxin, it is impossible for a commander to hide his own style. It can be said that the style displayed in this battle is the embodiment of the commander's own character and military thinking!

In everyone's opinion, this fat man's character and his military ideas can only be described as vulgar!

This is a person!

Pei Litong and others have never seen anyone's command method be such endless traps, endless ambushes, endless sneak attacks, endless harassment! On the vast battlefield, the Red Army troops were divided into hundreds of groups, like more than a hundred cunning wolves, attacking in all directions, constantly making detours and looking for opportunities to bite the Blue Army. If he misses a hit, he will immediately run away. And for every attack, there were Red Army supporting troops nearby, covering, feinting, blocking, and harassing.

This is not a vast, majestic, and upright battle. This crazy fat man used a crazy way to forcefully turn this battle into a 18-moment!

At first, Pei Litong was dissatisfied with Fatty's tactics.

In a war duel, you need to consider factors such as troop strength, intelligence x logistics, morale, technology, strategy and tactics, and even luck. The tactic of winning by surprise is just one part of it.

Although in history, there have been many battles that were won by surprise, and there have been many stunning classic battles. There are many examples of defeating more with fewer enemies and finally winning with one strategy, but this is definitely not the whole story of war.

The real top military leaders always fight with superiority. With sufficient preparation and strong front, crush the opponent without giving the opponent a chance. The way to use troops is to take advantage of the high ground strategically, to focus on positive tactics and to use surprise as a supplement, and to be careful and cautious.

In this large-scale battle of commanding ten divisions, no one can do it like Fatty! "Not leek"

This is not in line with military theory, not upright and strong enough, and more importantly, no one wants to spread out their forces and take the risk of being defeated individually!

You must know that on a battlefield where the situation is constantly changing and the situation is changing rapidly, it is impossible for the supreme commander to control everything.

No one considers the tactics and combat situations of small units. Their eyes couldn't focus on anything at all. After all, the specific frontline combat command is completed by the commander of the frontline troops. Below the corps-level commander is the division commander, below the division commander there is the regiment commander, and there are countless combat staff officers at the division and regiment headquarters and battalion headquarters.

These people are the specific decision-makers for countless battles throughout the campaign. Even Hastings cannot interfere in the frontline battle.

What they need to control is only the overall strategy, which is to interpret the entire battle situation, issue combat orders based on their own interpretation, and then conduct deployment and command in the most critical battles. The operational coordination and guidance of lower-level combat units is the matter of the huge staff and grassroots officers.

But fat people are different. This family ambush is not only full of conspiracy, harassment and sneak attacks, but also the specific command, even down to the company and platoon level combat command!

Pei Litong became more and more frightened as he watched.

If the fat man's dirty tactics initially made him think they were heresy, playing tricks, and indiscriminate, then when this crazy harassment attack, crazy detours, crazy ambushes and feints, hundreds of people were attacked at the same time. When a combat unit becomes a continuous and interrelated piece in the entire war zone, things are not that simple!

The Blue Army was completely handcuffed by the Red Army!

Every inch of advancement will face the Red Army's traps, and every battle must be guarded against the Red Army's siege and sneak attack.

Hundreds of Red Army troops were strangled in the early stage and scattered on the front, rear, left and right of the Blue Army. The shadow of the Red Army troops was everywhere on the hundreds of kilometers of fronts. Some of them are fighting in the front and outflanking, and many of them have already used the gap to get into the hinterland of the prison!

No one knew what deduction method Fatty used. He only used a very small part of the functions given to the staff by the system. So when the status of the staff of the Blue Army's staff has reached the red alert line, the staff of the Red Army's staff is still full of blue status. It's like I'm on vacation.

Most of the work of the system staff was taken over by the crazy fat man who was typing furiously on the keyboard!

His crazy harassment tactics, supported by his deduction skills, completely subverted the military understanding of Pei Lisi and others.

In modern warfare, the role of the general staff is very important.

They formulate plans, analyze battle situations, conduct deductions, and gather and interpret intelligence. Their role is to provide advice to the commander at the top and command and coordination at the bottom.

An excellent staff department is the guarantee for winning a battle. It can be said that behind every famous general in the world, there must be a staff headquarters who can understand his intentions, implement his orders, and give him important opinions on combat plans and deduction commands. In various countries, the power of staff members under famous generals is much greater than that of other officers at the division level!

However, unlike in the deduction program, these "staff officers" only make judgments based on common sense in military theory. Although the staff officers in reality will have more inspirations and will often formulate a classic combat plan, the staff department But there is a problem and flaw that can never be solved! .

That is, a collection of battlefield conditions!

You must know that everyone's thinking is different after all. This difference is reflected in the difference in the formulation of tactics, interpretation of intelligence, and judgment of the situation in war!

A war, so much complicated information, and such a rapidly changing situation, no one can digest it at the same time. These things can only be broken down, interpreted and analyzed by staff members who are incompetent and incapable of thinking, and finally submitted to the commander's hands. In fact, in this process, they have changed.

Not to mention that the commander himself makes mistakes. Even if he doesn't make mistakes, in fact, he makes mistakes without knowing it.

Therefore, the most basic ability of an excellent cutting commander is the ability to gather battlefield conditions. And those commanders who control the battle situation by relying on the different opinions of each staff officer, relying on analysis and judgment that usually rely on arguments, compromises, or even reaching consensus based on their position, are just mediocre!

However, even military gods like Hastings, Sobol, and famous generals like Yuuto Mikami cannot control so many battlefield conditions! If any one of them can replace a staff, or even only a small part of it, then he will definitely be the ultimate enemy!

With so many intelligence conditions in his mind, he has extremely powerful control and foresight!

Although he found it unbelievable, when he saw the battle progressing to the final stage, he had to admit that there was really someone in this world who could do this!

Like a big net, the Red Army looked fragmented and scattered, but under the command of Fatty, these troops seemed to be connected by an invisible thread.

Strong frontal attack, frontal blockade, flanking detours, sneak attacks, and ambushing hundreds of red troops, cooperating with each other in time and space, and covering alternately.

No one could believe that this crazy fat man could interpret and utilize so much battlefield intelligence and deduction conditions, but the facts spoke for themselves. Without powerful deduction capabilities that far exceeded Li Cunxin's eight-star deduction level, Fatty would never be able to support such a tactic!

Li Cunxin was furious after being harassed by the fat man.

The officers on the side saw the old marshal's angry eyes and clenched teeth, and then looked at the deduction screen. The Red Army soldiers who were stumbling around everywhere felt the same way.

When meeting such a wretched opponent, I felt like my hands and feet were tied, and I was placed in a cage where I couldn't stand up or sit down. I could only squat half down, and my face was touched, my chin was touched, my breasts were squeezed, my buttocks were pinched, and I was teased in every possible way!

It makes people crazy!

No wonder the fat man said that the old man wanted to be abused. This guy is simply a scumbag!

The Blue Army's heavily armed group has become a trapped beast. In front of the Blue Army, the Red Army's position was impregnable. Fatty is definitely an expert in positional warfare. Facing the repeated attacks of the two armored divisions, an armored regiment was able to defend tightly without leakage. The company- and battalion-level troops of the Red Army scattered all over the mountains and plains, chewing up the heavy Blue Army group with bruises one after another.

This is simply a replica of the 415 position. Pei Litong had no doubt that if the team had not been in such a desperate situation and if this unit had sufficient combat effectiveness, Fatty would have been able to defend the 415th position and defeat the enemy just like he did when he dropped three armored battalions in one night. Eat it all in one bite!

An angry Li Cunxin clicked and admitted defeat.

The command mecha, which was already approaching the front line, stopped. Violent gunfire and explosions, just..."

in the ear.

The entire command mecha was silent.

The fat man closed his eyes. The old man was not an ordinary person. His fierce offensive once made him confused. This fierce pushing style is like a heavy tank, crushing everything in front of it. And he finally survived in front of this tank and defeated it!

Now that I have the confidence to command the bandit army, it's time for the bandit army to step onto the stage!

"Yiyi, Your Excellency Shuai." A staff officer turned his head: "There is news from the electronics camp that a large number of fighter planes have been discovered! They are approaching us!"

I should have updated it last night, but I thought about it over and over again and fell asleep. Not finished yet. I rushed out again in the morning. Also, the previous chapter name was wrong, sorry.

Just skip Chapter 4 for this chapter. .

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