Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8, Chapter 76: The Myth Destroyed (1)

Bandits surrounded the 31st Army base.

This news, like a nuclear bomb, shocked the entire Fiji military.

The Supreme Command and Feiyang Military Headquarters contacted General Bernadotte immediately, hoping to prevent the situation from escalating. President Chakna Hill and President Francis also urgently summoned Ambassador Leray and the military liaison officer, requesting President Leray to use his authority to stop all the reckless actions of the bandits' 1st Armored Division and 2nd Armored Division. Behavior.

Faced with the request, Bernadotte, the first general of the Lere Military Department, and Flavio, the President of Lere, only said lightly that first of all, the bandits did not make any move to start a war with the 31st Army; exercises, and most of the soldiers are on leave.

Secondly, the bandit army is not directly affiliated with the Leray Federation, but is the army of Federation Lieutenant General Tian Xingjian. This is the private army General Tian Xingjian obtained after gaining the friendship between Mars faction and bandits. More importantly, as early as President Hamilton's term, Congress had passed a resolution authorizing General Tian Xingjian to have independent command.

Not to mention that this unit is not within the order of operations of Leray Military Headquarters, even if it is, it will be useless. The Leray government and the military had no command authority until the end of the war. The only commander of this force is General Tian Xingjian. If you want to stop all the team's actions, you must either annihilate them or wait for General Tian Xingjian to wake up and give the order.

There are two paths, choose whatever you want, Leray Federation will never interfere.

This unbelievably tough answer immediately caused the entire Fei League to be in an uproar. At the same time, Marshal Hastings's statement on this matter was even more shocking.

"Let them compete. Compared to the 31st Army, I am more optimistic about the Bandit Army."

Just when people were still carefully recalling Hastings's short words, what happened next made them understand that the storm was not coming, but had already arrived.

On November 2, a major espionage case suddenly broke out in the Feiyang Republic. A director of the political department of a certain military region in Feiyang named Jamie Foxx was investigated for a leak case. It was immediately discovered that this person was a Western spy lurking within the Republic. Over the years, the spy network he had deployed spread throughout Feiyang's military headquarters.

As soon as the case broke out, General McKinley suddenly ordered the summons of more than 300 mid-level officers for indefinite investigation. At the same time, the same number of other officers were appointed to temporarily take over the positions of the officers under investigation to maintain the stability of the army.

This punch was extremely hard and unreasonable.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is a naked revenge against Li Fo's army.

More than 300 mid-level officers are all the backbone of Li Fo's army. Regardless of whether they are guilty or not, if they are transferred with a summons, Li Fo's power will be dealt a heavy blow. Even if Lever immediately launched an attack, accusing McKinley of deliberately creating panic and demanding the immediate release of the officers under investigation to maintain the stability of the army, it had no effect.

After Li Fo's army won the Battle of Catalonia, the military headquarters, which had always been polite to Li Fo's army, immediately issued a written order, severely reprimanding Li Fo's remarks and asking Li Fo to concentrate on the war of June. If someone is not in his position, he will not seek his own government. The internal review work of the Military Department will naturally have the plans of the Military Department. As the commander of the front army, Li Fo had no right to intervene.

Lever's voice disappeared, but members of Congress immediately raised questions about the espionage case and asked General McKinley to explain the arrest of more than 300 mid-level officers. However, before the motion proposed in the morning was discussed, in the afternoon, these congressmen were arrested by the Anti-Corruption Bureau and investigated for suspected corruption and bribery.

Six congressmen, plus more than 20 mid-level officers who were shot dead for "resisting arrest" during the arrest operation, the military god raised his hand and gave Li Fu, whose wings were far from full enough to set the rules of the game, a slap in the face. At this moment, almost everyone shut their mouths. Because many people know that in fact, the military god Hastings has not yet taken action. The only one who has taken action is his granddaughter and the future heir of the Hastings line, Margaret.

This bullying style of play is simple and effective.

After Margaret narrowly escaped death from a fatal attack, some neutral forces have remained silent. The rules of the game are like this. Since you fail to kill the other party, you must bear the consequences. If Margaret dies, even if Hastings is on the throne, with his current physical condition, most forces will choose to turn to Li Fu.

However, the failure of the almost foolproof attack sent a completely different signal to others. Everyone knows that both sides have already drawn their swords, and no one is willing to place a bet at the beginning of the duel.

No matter how optimistic people are about Li Fo, they will feel an extremely dangerous omen because of this failure.

At least the Hastings faction is still very powerful now, and at least Margaret's slap told everyone the difference between her and her grandfather.

Tooth for tooth, blood for blood! It was her way of telling everyone what she was capable of.

This action not only showed Margaret's ruthlessness, but also her thoroughness. If nothing else, the list of more than 300 mid-level officers is enough to make people frightened. Who knows if there are several other lists in the hands of this witch.

The warning of retaliation this time was extremely strong. There are more than 300 officers, all mid-level officers. She didn't move at all from top to bottom. The more than 20 officers who were shot dead were well-known fanatical followers of Li Fo. For many years, they have been working hard for Li Fu. spare no effort. But now, when this war has just begun, they have become sacrifices.

More than twenty kills, no failures, no loopholes. The evidence of corruption and bribery charges against six congressmen is solid.

Margaret wouldn't have been able to slap her without sufficient preparation. And not only did she fight, but she also made everyone else tremble with fear.

This slap has reminded everyone to reconsider their decisions.

The upcoming conflict with the 31st Army is even more concerning. As friends with an ambiguous relationship according to rumors, and as a unit that even Hastings specifically approved to be equipped with the first batch of twelfth-generation mechas, what kind of revenge do the bandit army want to carry out for their leader? !

For a moment, everyone held their breath in concentration.


Catalonia, Ivy Galaxy.

In the Feiyang military base, soldiers, mechas, and military trucks were passing back and forth. From time to time, stern scoldings, neat footsteps, and the deafening roars of JJ and mechas during the battle were heard from time to time on the training ground. roar. .

The soldiers of the Li Fo Corps who had just ended the battle in Catalonia immediately entered into more rigorous training. In the future, there will be more difficult battles waiting for them.

On the balcony of the base building, a figure stood like a sculpture with his hands behind his back. Every time they see this figure, the morale of the soldiers becomes higher and higher.

That is because they are afraid of idols and it is their spiritual belief.

Li Fu quietly looked at the soldiers roaring like a tsunami in the training ground downstairs. His brows were furrowed on his face, which was almost sickly white.

Everything that happened in Hanking and in the country had given him a smell of danger.

He had been trying to challenge Hastings for years. In his view, Hastings had long lost his qualifications as a military leader. This old man has been relying on his achievements thirty years ago, and under his leadership, the Feiyang Army has become more and more like a mediocre army. The soldiers blindly worshiped this so-called military god, and the army was filled with a large number of officers with low abilities.

The entire Feiyang Republic is content with the status quo. In addition to relying on its status as a superpower to gain some benefits in regional conflicts, it had no enterprising spirit at all, so much so that it was overtaken by the Binart Empire at superhuman speed.

Li Fu has always believed that if the leader was not Hastings after the heavenly war thirty years ago, the current Feyon Republic would be in a different situation. There would be no such war because there would be no opponent who could provoke Feiyang.

A victorious army must rely on constant victory to keep its blood flowing, and Hastings had lost the desire to win thirty years ago.

However, Li Fu had no intention of taking action at this time.

In his opinion, Hastings, who was already terminally ill, had lost the favor of time. When anyone cannot gain a time advantage, it is very foolish for his enemy to take action first.

At least, Li Fu didn't plan to take action until he could wait enough to launch a fatal blow.

Everything that happened in Chakna's capital was not at his command. This is a spontaneous and turbulent wave, coming from Vice President Chakna and the National Security Advisor who want to keep Chakna out of the matter, from the opposition parties who join them in opposing the President and the military's hard-fought political power, and from the radical youth at the bottom The officers came from the big bosses in Feiyang who could not wait to enter the post-Hastings era and re-divide the power.

Once their wishes converge on the same person, a reaction like nuclear fusion will inevitably occur.

Li Fu wouldn't risk getting himself hurt to control this reaction. He just watched quietly. Standing in the middle of the battlefield between the Lane Republic and the Naga Federation, controlling an army of his own, he didn't care what happened elsewhere.

But I didn't expect that the fat man from the bandit army was also in that car. Unexpectedly, Margaret escaped this disaster and quickly fought back.

Li Fu did not care about the more than 300 military officers arrested in the country. At least now, even if Hastings takes action personally, it is impossible for him to get his hands into the Republic of Lane.

What he cares about is the bandit army and the 31st Army!

The signal sent by the bandit army is very simple. They don't need a war. They just need to peel off the invincible skin of the Lee Fo Corps' invincible army bloody with the 31st Army, which is a first-level unit of the Lee Fo Corps! They want to tear apart the bones of this iron army in front of everyone and beat them into a mangy dog!

And this is precisely what Li Fu cares about most.

This is not only related to the so-called honor and reputation, it is also related to the belief that maintains the entire Li Fo Corps!

Thinking of the information he had obtained, including the video of the battle of the ten bandit mechas on Canglang Star, Li Fu's eyes became deeper and deeper.

"Tell Fassett," Li Fo said without looking back, and asked the staff officer behind him who had been highly focused to quickly take out the record book and record Li Fo's instructions. "Conflict is inevitable! Concentrate your strength and try to win with one blow. , Don’t give the other side any chance to get entangled. Refuse to engage in small-scale contests, and if necessary, fire first. Since they are coming to your door, you might as well make a big fuss.”


In the study, looking at President Hill and General Feng Zhi with wry smiles in front of him, Hastings and Li Cunxin, who had just rushed back to Hanking, looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Pass my order to immediately seize all the weapons of the 1st and 2nd Armored Divisions of the bandits. At the same time, seize all the weapons of the 31st Army. Both sides can keep the mechas with the weapons removed."

Hastings put down a chess piece on the chessboard and said with a smile: "Then, don't worry about it and let them make trouble."

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