Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 110 Logic (Part 2)

What are you going to do? Mix held the fat man's arm. Fengzhao's perky and beautiful breasts were only separated by a thin layer of shirt, conveying the warm and soft touch to the fat man.

Sliding his hand into Milan's shirt, the fat man chuckled and said, "Of course it's the same as the other rampages." "You're not pretending to be a World of Warcraft anymore, are you?" Milan rolled his eyes at the fat man and twisted his body slightly. Numbness made her feel weak all over.

"In the past, we fought with small units. There were dozens of sixth- and seventh-generation mechas mixed with one 'Warcraft,' it didn't matter." The fat man's hand slid down and patted Milan's round and smooth naked buttocks, making a crisp sound. "If there is another one like this among a group of twelfth-generation mechas, it's not like this place has three hundred silver dollars." What the hell, stupid woman." The maintenance station moved to the circular maintenance station and stopped. The fat man let go of Milan, opened the railing, and walked along the steps to the bottom of the pit.

Gently caress the cold skeleton of "Logic" with your hand. The unique wood-like texture of biological two-state metal and the coldness of metal convey an extremely familiar feeling.

I was originally just a mechanic, but it was with the company of this mecha that I got to where I am today.

Rescue prisoners of war behind enemy lines, rescue Russell, capture James, fight against the Hunter Legion, and fight against Reinhardt. If it weren't for "1 Logic" at that time, I couldn't move faster than thirty or forty times, and I'd probably have died countless times. .

The fat man raised his head.

On the maintenance platform, Milan, who was only wearing a shirt, followed the fat man's gaze and looked down at his empty body. He suddenly blushed, biting his lips and pressing the corners of his shirt with his delicate hands.

"Damn fat man, don't let me go!" The slightly embarrassed voice was as sweet as Tianzhi's voice just like three years ago. This is the treasure that I need to protect with logic.

After connecting the computer data cable loaded with the biological two-state metal metal deformation program to the skeleton of Logic, the fat man took a deep breath and clicked lightly with his fingers.

The wrist-type automatic repair arm split into thousands of square metal blocks, quickly flipped over, stretched out, and completely wrapped the entire palm and forearm. On the back of the hand, a spiraling metal disk flew and split open. The metal balls inside changed into different shapes with the dexterity of the fat man's fingers.

A year ago, in the laboratory of Leray First Military Academy, Fatty was working on upgrading logic. Exiling in the world of Mars delayed this work that should have been completed long ago.

However, it is precisely because of his accumulation in Mars that Fatty is more confident about the upgrade of iLogic. There are far more technologies at our disposal than a year ago.

The skeleton of Warcraft, rampant system structure, biological two-state metallic materials, Casper micro-battleship version of the mecha engine, magnetometer, Milan-designed battleship-level powerful electronic system, instant armor defense enhancement, Feiyang's latest mecha Computers, micro mechas, enhanced ion light sabers, and new energy shields will all give Logic more power.

If the bandit army is like a dragon-slaying sword, dominating the world, then, logically, it is like a Heavenly Sword, with a shocking strike!

"Let's see who dares to mess with me!" The fat man started to take action. Everything has already been put into his mind. From the 1st generation of Hengdao to the i-Ranger, from the ninth generation of 'God's Punishment', to the tenth generation of God's Gift, to the twelfth generation of 'Thunderbolt', from the technology of Leray Military Laboratory, to Casper's Log, to the freedom of Mars Bizarre research by scientists around the world. . . . . Everything will be gathered together today to form the most powerful mecha in history!

After inputting the engine drawings into the computer of the repair station, the entire repair station suddenly became lively. The metal forming machine buzzed wildly, the data on the electronic display of the alloy fusion furnace soared, and countless robotic arms flew back and forth on the workbench.

Most of the parts were made by Fatty using Logic's own biological two-state metal. Other parts that could not be completed using laboratory equipment had long been sent to the laboratory in Milan through Fulongjian Company in the name of Yanxian. .

Milan changed his clothes and got into work. The two people cooperated tacitly, as if they had returned to the moment when logic was born three years ago. The first thing to be completed is the core engine of the mecha.

1 Logic, of course, the engine cannot be the simplified version of iHengxing used to handle orders.

The real battleship-level micro-engine technology has long been in the hands of Fatty. In the past six months, the Bandit Army Laboratory has made new achievements in the structural layout of the engine. The engine manufactured based on the layout of the Kandai battleship-class engine is more advanced in structure and performance than the engine in the Casper log a hundred years ago. Improved a lot.

In addition, Fatty uses biological two-state metal that is six times stronger than super-hard metal in key parts such as the engine kinetic energy compression chamber and the transmission pump, which have extremely demanding material strength requirements. Therefore, Logic's engine is manufactured and placed in the detector. In the first moment, Fatty and Milan were given a huge surprise.

The engine roared into the detector. The detector transmission rod and gear bearing that simulated the transmission of the mecha were moving crazily. On the testing computer, the engine power has exceeded the theoretical data limit by 30%, the instantaneous explosive power has increased by 75%, and the strength has increased by 300%.

boom! There was a loud bang.

Inside the overwhelmed detector casing, billowing black smoke came out, the spark flashed, and it kept making a disgusting crackling sound.

The fat man was so frightened that he quickly asked Milan on the console to turn off the detector switch.

When the temperature dropped, Fatty cautiously opened the heavy detector casing and took a look. The transmission rod inside had already broken due to overload. Broken metal components travel through the rapidly rotating gears and crankshafts, and the consequences can be imagined.

The entire inside of the detector was torn to pieces. If the fully enclosed casing hadn't been extremely strong, a big hole would have been made.

The fat man took out the engine and looked left and right.

The engine, which looks like a suitcase, is dark and ugly. However, even this ugly guy, despite such horrific destruction, did not suffer any damage at all.

With its own power, the detection system comparable to the tenth generation mecha collapsed due to overload. This is not a mecha engine, it is simply a devil's heart!

Amid Fatty's proud and wild laughter, the next thing to be completed was the mecha's transmission system.

Taking a lesson from the past experience of the detector, Fatty used all biological two-state metals in the manufacturing of the transmission system, even the screws and nuts. In this way, he still felt that it was not safe enough and the key components were not safe enough. Resized. Make it more durable. .

Milan looked on and felt dizzy.

No one knows the properties of biological two-state metals better than she does.

The components of the transmission system manufactured by Fatty for iLogic are sufficient for lifting battleships in the airport, not to mention the transmission of mechas. This prodigal son not only used Logic's biological two-state metal, but also the spare two-state metal mecha in the laboratory. It was also torn into pieces. What kind of monster does he want to create?

Despite the scolding, Milan showed no intention of stopping the fat man.

In fact, in terms of the logic of creating a relationship with the fat man's life, Milan, who wholeheartedly wants to protect the fat man, is completely in a state of supporting the feud and abuse, and is more willing to use good things than the fat man. As early as in Gary During the time of Paran, Milan used the materials to build mechas and equipment for Fatty. It always made Boswell's heart tremble.

The transmission system, drive system, balance system, control system, electronic assistance system, electronic attack system, energy defense system, and remote attack system lasted three full days. The two of them were locked in the laboratory, working day and night.

Logic gradually took shape in the maintenance station.

When the last plug-in armor was pulled on the ferocious shell of logic, Milan couldn't help but cover his head and let out a painful groan.

The appearance of Logic is the same as that of 1Hengxingi. However, the tattered shell looks like it has just been bombarded by 100,000 energy cannons for a whole month, and then beaten by 100,000 mechas. For a whole year, I suffered from a bruised nose and swollen face. The original World of Warcraft had this kind of virtue, and now Fatty Fatty is doing it again.

Seeing the fat man touching Logic's body, his eyebrows slightly raised, his eyes blurred, and his nostrils dilated, Milan couldn't help but laugh when he thought about the camouflage system that he helped Fatty assemble in this mecha.

This damn fat guy will never change his nature. No matter how insignificant he is, how he can make his enemies look down upon him, that's how he comes. Only enemies who actually get to grips with him and are confused by the appearance of logic will know how bad this guy is!

Is he really the lieutenant general of the Leray Federation, the partner of the military god Hastings, and the leader of the bandit army?

Milan, who had countless goosebumps all over her body, made up her mind shyly.

If this guy touches me with the same behavior in a while, I will beat him to death!

When he walked into Boswell's laboratory, the fat man had a black eye, a bruised nose and a swollen face.

"Didn't you assemble your mecha in Milan?" Boswell raised his head from the experimental computer console and asked in surprise: "How did it happen like this?" The corners of the fat man's mouth squirmed twice, feeling aggrieved. .

I don't know what's wrong with Milan. Just when he wanted to make out with her, he got a heavy beating. Didn't you just stick it on and touch it twice? I was quite gentle at that time. At most, I had a warm smile on my face, and I was a bit begging for nothing but still feeling ashamed.

Seeing that the fat man was mumbling for a long time and was speechless, Boswell waved his hand in a funny way: "Except for Milan, no one can beat you like this." The fat man laughed dryly and changed the subject: "Teacher, space Have you completed the test experiment of jumping technology?" Boswell leaned on the back of the chair for a long time, smiled slightly, stood up, and walked towards an automatic door in the laboratory: "Follow me." Seeing Boswell's brisk steps as if he were decades younger, the fat man's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. .

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