Counterfeit Hero

Volume 8 Chapter 116 Departure

"The bandits..." Chen Fengxi stood in front of the electronic sand table. He stopped holding the electronic pen in his hand, feeling a little dazed. The roar of cannons in the distance was like thunder rising from the ground. The lights in the underground bunker flickered on and off amidst the violent vibrations.

On the electronic sand table, the blue arrow representing the Su-Jie coalition is moving little by little with the continuous and automatic replenishment of Skynet information. Dozens of blue arrows are constantly dividing and advancing, like poisonous snakes in the mountains and hills, devouring towns and all strategic points along the way. The defense line of the Philippine Alliance represented by red is shrinking and retreating under the powerful attack of the blue arrow. As the battle reports from the front line came in, the number of casualties on the map on the left was rising.

What role can five armored divisions play? !

Chen Fengxi rubbed her brows that were stiff from frowning for a long time and sighed in disappointment. The electronic pen in my hand wanted to continue working on the electronic sandbox, but my mind was blank for a while and I didn't know where to start.

He put down his pen dejectedly and paced back and forth in the room.

He knew that the bandits were very powerful. Knowing that the leader of this unit once led nine bandit mecha warriors, they fought a miraculous battle on Canglang Star.

However, that doesn't mean that five divisions can solve Leifengxing's troubles!

The battle on Canglang Star and Reske's current situation are completely two different concepts. To escape, all the two divisions need to do is run, just break through, without worrying about gains and losses in any place. What's more important is that in the final battle in the northern mountainous area, the Allies actually had the advantage in strength. Li Hongwu's troops were in the sky above Canglang Star!

Leifengxing is different.

Now the enemy and we are fighting in a vast area with a total area of ​​several million square kilometers. There are high mountains, hills and lakes, plains and rivers, and roads and towns scattered throughout them!

This is a large-scale battle with the strategic goal of annihilating the opponent's effective forces and attacking the opponent's military strength. There are more than a hundred divisions on both sides, and they are intertwined. You are among me, and I am among you. After every day of fighting, the casualties are astronomical. Once the whole body is affected, the gain or loss of every strategic point will affect hundreds of kilometers around it.

What role can five armored divisions play in a battle that consumes more than one division of troops every day?

There are only a dozen divisions left in the reserve team for his audience. This is still transferred from other places in Leifeng Star. If it weren't for the Chamberlin fleet, it would still be able to contain Mikami Yuuto to some extent, but the defense at the rear would have been weak to the critical line. It will collapse in an airdrop in Western York regardless of casualties.

Western troops are still arriving in a steady stream.

In the hands of Rosenberg, the famous general of the Binart Empire, there are at least forty or fifty divisions. Coupled with Bellev's Northern Army and Antonescu's Southern Army on the front line, the current strength of the entire Western York army on Leifeng Planet has exceeded that of the Feiyang coalition. More importantly, they were able to concentrate on this battle, while the Fei League had to garrison the entire Leifeng Star!

It was originally thought that the third increase in troops would be supplemented by at least fifty divisions or even hundreds of divisions. In that case, with the geographical advantages that we now have in our hands, we can press the Westerners to the west of the defense line, making them unable to move. Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, what he was waiting for turned out to be...

"Your Excellency, Commander," followed by a voice, a brown-haired middle-aged man wearing the uniform of Lieutenant General Fei Yang strode into the room: "The reinforcements have already set off?"

Chen Fengxi raised his head, and what appeared in front of him was Lieutenant General Pierre of the Feyanda La Peia Military Region, who had arrived in Resque half a year ago, and the chief of staff of the Allied Leifengxing Theater Command. Chamberlin's deputy. Currently, the four divisions of Feiyang's 33rd Army under his command are fighting hard on the front line of the Sherlocks Mountains, 300 kilometers west of Phoenix City in the northern theater.

Several towns in the Sherlock Mountains guard two resource highways leading to Phoenix. Once it falls, the Soviet-Japanese coalition forces can march straight in and cut the Phoenix City's western defense in half. Therefore, Sherlock's defense has always been a top priority. Because of the brutal fighting, Pierre was most concerned about the situation of reinforcements from the rear.

Seeing Chen Fengxi handing over an electronic document with a wry smile, Pierre's heart suddenly felt like an ominous premonition. He quickly opened the file and glanced at it twice before his expression changed drastically.

After a long time, Pierre put down the folder in his hand, looked at Chen Fengxi feebly and said: "Your Excellency, Commander, as the chief of staff of the theater, I think it is my responsibility to propose that the theater command formulate a new strategic plan... .I suggest that we abandon the western front of Phoenix City, block the attack with a small number of troops, retreat across the entire line, and establish a new line of defense in the Eastern Hemisphere."

Chen Fengxi was suddenly startled. If we abandon Phoenix City, the 600-kilometer plain will be undefendable. This also means abandoning half of Leifeng Star and suffering heavy losses during the retreat!

"Are you crazy?" Chen Fengxi said in shock.

"It's not that I'm crazy," Pierre said loudly, "it's that the headquarters is crazy. Five divisions are all our reinforcements for the next month. Do you know what this means..."

He strode to the electronic sand table. He grabbed the electronic putter in the hands of a stunned staff officer and drew a big arc on the electronic sand table: "This means that if we don't make plans early, we will use up our last remaining strength here and then collapse. Let Xiyo sweep across the entire Leifeng Star within half a month!"

There was dead silence in the room.

Chen Fengxi and his staff stared blankly at where Pierre's putter was pointing.

Blue arrow, spreading.

Determined and fierce.

*************************************************** ******************************************

Heavy rain washed away the entire city. The buildings of the coalition base glowed in the rain. Between the sky and the earth, there is just a piece of white rain, blowing left and right in the messy wind.

The distant mountain scenery can no longer be seen clearly. Standing on the building, all the officers and soldiers from various countries could see was the troops standing silently in the rain in the bandit base.

The news that the bandit army was taking the lead in the expedition was only received a few hours ago. By this time, there was no doubt. Using binoculars to look at the silent troops in the bandit base, the various officers felt a variety of emotions in their hearts.

At this point in the war, the Fei Alliance mobilized its troops for the third time. The bandit army, which is still under the drag of various governments and is not on the list of additional troops, is already ready to go.

Some rumors about the bandit army have been self-destructed by this time. Talking about sitting on the mountain and watching the fight between tigers, waiting for the battle situation to turn around, and then grabbing the credit. Looking back now, it is like a slap in the face of some people - not only did they go, but they also walked in front of everyone. .

No haggling, no publicity, just embark on the journey on this rainy day.

in this era. The soldiers in this coalition base are far more pure than the domestic politicians who are tens of thousands to millions of light years away.

While those people were still talking nonsense, adjusting their own calculations, carelessly burying urgent material allocation reports at the bottom of the document, and busy bargaining over who would pay more and who would pay less, they gathered in Han Dynasty. These soldiers in Beijing only want to join this war.

The mission of a soldier is to fight. Since we are living in this era, life and death have long been ignored. At this point, it is nothing more than devoting all your strength to win this war and create a future for your country and future generations.

Going to the battlefield is not scary. Spending time here, anxiously watching the increasingly severe war reports coming back from the front line every day, is a kind of terrifying torture.

The officers all know that if these ** countries in the Filipina League continue like this, they will only lose this war. However, they are powerless to deal with this behemoth's stubborn disease. Disappointment with the politicians on the rear and concerns about the war situation made them hope that someone would step forward and give this aging alliance some hope.

So, they now stand here, staring at the army in front of them.

In the heavy rain, each mecha was washed until it shone brightly. The mecha queue filled the entire bandit base neatly. They stood there silently. The rain and silence made these cold metals exude a cold murderous aura.

On the auditorium of the building on the left side of the team, a skinny Hastings sat quietly in a wheelchair. Beside him, Marshal Li Cunxin of Chakna stood upright and his eyes were bright. Behind the two marshals, the senior generals of the Chakna military department and the generals of Tatania and other closely allied countries were lined up and standing in awe.

Through the rain curtain hanging in front of the transparent sun shed on the viewing platform of the building. In the field of vision, a fat figure stood out in the swaying rain.

"Today, we are ready to set off. Go to Resk and fight the Xyo bastards there!"

The fat man's voice echoed over the base shrouded in heavy rain. The rainwater flowed down his face along with his military cap.

"In Leray. We fought with them. In Mars, we fought with them. In Salega, we fought with them. This time, we will beat them until they cry in Resque! "

In the heavy rain, the fat man stepped forward and said loudly: "For our family."


"For our freedom.".


"For our glory."


Every time the fat man roared, tens of thousands of bandit soldiers responded. The sound became louder and faster, and finally, it was like a thunder with infinite power, rolling over the base.

"As a man..." The fat man roared with all his strength, almost hoarse.


Thunder finally exploded at this moment, the base was boiling at this moment, and the roars of the bandit soldiers resounded through the sky!

"Long live LeRae!"

"Long live the bandits!"

Dragons roared and tigers roared, mountains hummed and valleys responded. The strong wind carried the chaotic rain and the violent sound waves spread crazily around, sweeping everything. Even the clouds in the sky were turbulent and turbulent at this moment like the waves of the river and sea.

All the officers and generals who were watching the ceremony felt as if the hairs on their bodies were going up, and an electric current rushed down their backs to the top of their heads. For a moment, they were so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

Rolling iron streams began to surge towards the airports distributed around the base.

Everyone in the coalition base stopped in their tracks and what they were doing. The mechanics who were immersed in repairs got out of the mecha, the staff officers who were leaning in front of the electronic sand table straightened up, and the soldiers who were training in the rain stopped and listened...

They heard sounds coming from the bandit base.

The neat and heavy footsteps and the roar of the engine are the most shocking notes of this era.

January 1, 2064. Hanking, rain.

The bandit army swore to fight.


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