Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 132 Deadly Shadow

A Desik↓Little Demon] reconnaissance ship ended its jump.

This is a small ship that looks like a metal snail and is only equipped with two 600 mm caliber energy cannons on both sides of its spiral body. Apart from being used for interstellar reconnaissance, it has almost no defensive capabilities and combat effectiveness.

The little demon was suspended alone in the lonely void, seeming to be carefully observing its surroundings. A moment later, two more white lights flashed, and the other two Xiaoyao-class reconnaissance ships completed their jump and appeared next to the first Xiaoyao.

After the three reconnaissance ships arrived, they turned on their thrusters one after another, dragging blue ion light streams that looked as thin as silk from a distance as they dispersed. One ship sailed straight towards the starting point of the jump channel of the next leg, while the other two drew two arcs in the air, flying towards the brown Xingsheng on the left side of the jump end channel and the white small ship on the right side respectively. planetary belt.

Everyone on the bandit warship was concentrating and holding their breath. As everyone knows, this is a routine anti-ambush investigation when the fleet jumps. The three reconnaissance ships are just the first batch. After they leave, there will be a second batch and a third batch of reconnaissance ships for repeated inspections. If met with a cautious fleet commander, this exploration can last for five or six batches.

Until the main force of the fleet enters the jump starting channel and starts the jump engine, the last batch of reconnaissance ships will leave the exploration airspace and go to the next segment.

Sure enough, after walking around for a long time and exploring the surrounding key areas where there might be ambushes, the three reconnaissance aircraft that found nothing slowly entered the jump starting channel of the second leg and began to jump to the next channel. .

A few minutes later, the second batch of five Desik reconnaissance ships appeared at the same location as the first batch of reconnaissance ships, and began a repeated and careful second round of exploration.

The first batch, the second batch, the third batch…. . . . . A total of ten batches of reconnaissance ships carefully searched almost all the places in the area where the first leg of the jump ended. Several reconnaissance ships even went around to the back of the asteroid on the left and searched the asteroid on the right. A net-like investigation was carried out in the planetary belt.

As more and more reconnaissance ships appeared, the atmosphere in the bandit fleet became increasingly tense. Everyone knows that the more reconnaissance ships sent by the enemy, the more likely it is that the main force of the Desik fleet will pass here. The ten batches of reconnaissance ships were a sign of caution to the point of timidity on the part of the opposing commander. They also confirmed that his fleet would definitely pass through here!

The staff members were congratulating each other while under intense monitoring, with uncontrollable excitement in their eyes.

No matter how cunning the prey is, it is no match for an experienced hunter.

Fatty Sir, he is a master of sneak attacks, ambushes, and psychological warfare! Not only did he guess the opponent's route, he even guessed the direction of the opponent's reconnaissance ship!

The appearance of several batches of Desik reconnaissance ships has gradually made the staff realize the subtlety of Fatty's choice of this place as the ambush location.

Although from the geographical point of view, this is the section of the entire route where the environment is relatively prepared and it is easier to encounter ambushes. For Commander Desik who is so cautious, this is definitely a key area to search. In particular, the backside of the brown asteroid and the asteroid belt on the other side of the channel were the focus of his attention. However, precisely because of this, almost all reconnaissance ships focus their investigations on certain areas.

Because they were afraid that the ambush fleet would enter the ambush site after their exploration was completed, each group of reconnaissance ships not only had to spend a lot of time carefully and repeatedly searching for the brown planet and asteroid belt, but they even had to jump short distances to farther wings. position to detect the presence of an enemy fleet.

It is these suspicious places that firmly attract the attention of the Desik people and occupy their time and energy! What they never imagined was that there was a huge fleet right above the airspace where they ended their jump!

When they complete their transition, the light from stars more than 80 million kilometers away diagonally above will shine unreservedly on their portholes.

Looking up, all they could see was a void of space, with nothing but an unobstructed dazzling light.

No one would explore such airspace. The ambush fleet may try to seize this direction after the battle breaks out to put itself in a favorable attack position with backlight. However, no idiot will choose this as an ambush location. The scanner of the reconnaissance ship will quickly capture the light of the star. The shadow of the battleship makes everything invisible.

When he saw that the tenth batch of Desik reconnaissance ships spread to the airspace at the end of the jump and assumed a warning position after the search was completed, instead of entering the next leg, the fat man picked up the communicator with a grim smile. "Charging the main gun! The silver-gray space carrier Michael slowly approached the starting point of the jump channel. Annis stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling porthole, staring at the vast universe outside the window.

Beside them, thousands of Desik warships were moving forward towards the jump channel at the same speed.

They are arranged one after another, spreading endlessly into the distance, like a group of whales sailing in the sea of ​​stars, silent, huge and majestic. "The search of the Tenth Reconnaissance Brigade is completed!" The intelligence officer's report sounded in the silent flagship hall. Annis quickly turned his head and looked at Gonzales standing on the podium.

Gonzalez, who had always looked serious, raised his head after repeatedly confirming the safety of the channel, his eyes met the eager sunlight of Anis, nodded slightly, and loudly ordered to the coordinator: "Every ship starts the jump engine, Use the spindle array to enter the jump channel. The jump interval of each moving division is one minute. Five-minute jump preparation timer." "Yes! Your Excellency, Commander." The coordinator-officer turned around and loudly ordered: "Five-minute jump countdown..." "Coordination The officer's roar echoed in the command hall.

"Perhaps I am too cautious." Gonzalez lit a cigar, walked to Anis's side, and looked at the starry sky and fleet outside the window side by side with him, mocking himself: "The older a person gets, the less timid they become. It makes His Highness laugh." "I understand.

"Annis smiled slightly: "You did it right. Safety is the most important thing. As long as we can successfully reach the jump point of the Longbow Galaxy, we will have won more than half of this battle! Gonzalez nodded approvingly.

The flagship is wrapped in the spindle formation of the Dercek fleet. The huge roar of the jump engine and the clearly felt vibrations are reminding people that the battleship is about to enter the gravitational jump channel. Outside the window, the tail thrusters of countless battleships have been fully activated. .

The thick and bright ion streamers grew longer and longer, as if the missile under the wing was about to break away from the tail flame of the launcher, giving people a sense of speed that it would be ejected in the next second. Although the Dersik Fifth Group Fleet, judging from the designation, is just a group fleet.

However, because Gonzalez has a total of six 0-level fleets under his command. Moreover, each A-class fleet still adopts a large fleet organization with more than 200 main ships, the same number of frigates and dual aircraft carriers. This makes the number of ships in the fleet far exceed that of most group fleets today.

This kind of large fleet actually began to be phased out ten years ago. The warships built in the later period have more advanced performance, stronger independent combat capabilities and survivability. Therefore, the frigates equipped beside them are basically eliminated.

The West German Sik Fifth Group fleet is somewhere between the old fleet and the new fleet. Most of the fleet's active warships are seven or eight years old. Their performance exceeds that of the old warships, but is not as good as the new warships after the outbreak of the war. They can only continue to maintain the same number of frigates to increase their combat effectiveness and survivability.

Although the huge fleet still has an overwhelming advantage in front of the small countries around Desik, in the eyes of many big countries, the combat effectiveness of this fleet can only be called medium 1

When dispatching the Fifth Group Fleet and the Western and Southeastern Allied Forces, the royal family did not actually consider how much benefit it could gain.

In addition to the fact that the troops are stretched thin and can only or only want to bring out a group fleet, more of it is just to express an attitude.

But no one expected that now that Suss and Jie Feng were trapped in Reske's war quagmire and the Sheldon fleet entered the most critical period of attacking the Newton system, the Fifth Group fleet would have a chance to make a huge difference!

The [Michael] space carrier named after the archangel started up and accelerated suddenly, making people under the protection of the reaction force suddenly feel a kind of oppression.

The scenery outside the window has begun to distort. The stars in the distance are quickly moving away. Aurora-like gossamers were wrapped around the bow of the ship, on the hull armor, and even on the floor-to-ceiling portholes in front of Anis and Gonzalez, like the tentacles of a glowing jellyfish.

Even though they were used to seeing such scenes, Annis and Gonzalez held their breath, dazzled by the sun.

The reconnaissance ships in front are still sending back news of the safety of sections of the waterway. By the time this short journey is over, the Desik Empire will become a star in Western York by virtue of the performance of the Fifth Fleet. And with this great achievement, he will reach the pinnacle of power! No more resistance!

This opportunity is rushing towards Saji as the battleship accelerates!

Time passed by minute by minute.

Half an hour later, the short jump ended with the coordination officer's order to slow down. The distorted scenery in front of him and the wandering light filaments disappeared without a trace when the battleship's jump engine stopped working. The starry sky outside the porthole window, like a broken TV screen, suddenly magically became clear and normal.

When the brown planet on the left and the asteroid belt on the right come towards us. The bright and blazing light of the star also shone diagonally from behind, casting the shadow of the bridge and a brilliant golden light on the long upper deck in front of the porthole.

Just when Anis and Gonzalez were dazzled by a piece of metal armor from the energy secondary battery on the front bridge of the battleship, suddenly, a huge black cloud appeared above their heads.

They watched as the reflective metal armor disappeared into the endless shadows, and watched as the warships that were originally bathed in light were shrouded in endless black. "Enemy attack!!!" accompanied by a shrill voice. '1 sound, Anis and Gonzalez turned around in shock.

In front of them, the staff officers in the command headquarters were raising their heads blankly, looking at the strange-shaped bandit warships above the transparent dome of the command hall, like black demons with teeth and claws, silently moving from Emerging in the void.

They smiled ferociously, spreading their bat-like wings, blocking the last ray of light from the fiery red stars shining on Desik's fifth fleet.


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