Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 4 Never thought about it

"what is that?"

On board the Light of Sidon, a combat officer walked into the automatic door. As he quickly passed by the window of the command room, he suddenly stopped and stared out the window in stunned silence.

In front of him, dozens of staff members stood blankly, like lifeless sculptures.

There was dead silence in the entire command hall. In front of the Skynet console and on the podium, everyone seemed to have been cast by immobilization magic. Some people looked up at the Skynet screen, some looked out the portholes, and some opened their mouths wide.

The color on everyone's face faded like a tide along with the joyful and exciting atmosphere in the hall just now.

At this moment, the second salvo of the battleship group had just been completed. The electromagnetic light from the main gun muzzle of a battleship nearby in the sky has not completely dissipated, and the main formation is still approaching the bandits' space carrier cluster. The large Skynet screen in the center of the command hall could only see clusters of colorful lights in the distance.

The wreckage of the bandit's mothership was rolling in this light. Each black wreckage is like a sunspot in the sun, looming in the dazzling fiery red light.

However, I don't know when, thousands of space fighters have risen from the fiery red clouds, flying overwhelmingly towards the location of the main formation, and behind these locust-like fleets, there are countless blue lights. Light comes out of those wrecks. Little by little at first, and then densely.

"Boom!" The Light of Sidon shook violently with a loud noise, the lights flashed sharply, and the damage control system of the Skynet console sounded a shrill alarm. The area was hit by enemy fighter missiles and was constantly flashing a light red light.

Before everyone could regain their balance from stumbling east to west, dozens of bandit space fighters had already passed through the fire net intertwined by the rotating turrets of the battleship ahead, heading towards the front of the bridge of the Seton Light. The porthole came.

The mothership's rotating turret roared, pulling out chains of energy cannon light bullets, shooting into the void, facing the mouth of the bandit fighter planes. The bandit fighter planes also suddenly dispersed, or rolled, or gracefully upward, or dived, Or turn sideways, dodge among the intertwined energy cannon lights, and fire fiercely at the light of Sidon.

When the energy shield of the Light of Sidon rippled under the attack of the bandit fighter planes, the i-vampires guarding the mothership also rushed up from behind and got involved in the bandit attack aircraft group. .

The aircraft on both sides were like seagulls frightened on the island. After a startling cry, they soared into the sky and covered the sky and the sun. Every fighter plane is as fast as lightning. They passed by the portholes and flew from the ship to the stern in no time. They chase each other and shoot at each other. As long as it bites the opponent tightly, it is unwilling to let go.

The ion light ejected by their thrusters flickered in and out of the void, drawing winding flight trajectories. The streaks of blazing energy cannons and missiles fired everywhere, flying in flight, rolled up into a mess in the air.

Oh, God! A document in the hands of the combat staff fell to the ground.

He watched in stunned silence as the two fighter planes chased each other, passed by the floor-to-ceiling windows, and disappeared behind the protruding secondary battery wings of the Seton Light. Then he suddenly turned back and looked towards the command podium.

On the podium, Sheldon stood quietly, his face bloodless. The figure that had always been tall and straight was now slightly stooped. The fierce battle surrounding the Seton's Light space carrier did not allow him to raise his head for a glance. He just stared motionless at the tactical computer in front of him. Can't believe my eyes.

In the distance, black spots wrapped in blue light in the fiery red clouds are approaching quickly.

That's not the so-called wreckage, it's a battleship the size of a cruiser or destroyer!

Yes, it's a battleship!

They have energy shields on their bodies, propellers on their tails, armor, short flying wings, main guns, and steering propellers. All these features show that these wrecks are warships! Except for the three space carriers that still maintain their original form, trailing behind to calmly recover and release fighter planes, the remaining eighteen bandit space carriers have split into hundreds of such warships. A complete group-sized patrol group was formed!

It's a trap, a perfect trap. Sheldon slowly sat down on the command chair. His two long legs could no longer support his body.

He understood that he was being played by the enemy commander!

When I thought that the space carrier of the bandit army had sent its fighters to other surrounding battle groups and there were only a small number of fighters around, the other party had actually been using more recovery and less release to hide the fighters during the pursuit. .

And when I thought that the opponent's space carrier was just a target that could be attacked at will without the protection of other warships, unexpectedly, those space carriers could actually split into warships! Sheldon laughed silently.

Of course he knows how many space battles in history were won because the patrol group finally entered the enemy's formation.

That is simply more than the stars in the sky.

Whether it is a detour or two wings moving forward, whether it is advancing layer by layer or using short-distance jumps to carry out sneak attacks. As long as the opponent's patrol group enters the formation, the powerful but clumsy battleship will be like a buffalo surrounded by dogs!

Looking at the "wrecks" that were advancing very quickly and were already close at hand in the blink of an eye, Sheldon felt like a chess player who had exhausted all his mental energy to play a game of chess.

When I conscientiously played every move and defeated the opponent at the last moment, I discovered that the opponent could turn the king into a queen, fill the chessboard with his pieces without limit, and place all his pieces on the chessboard. With fifty-two kings in hand, you can use a submachine gun to duel with yourself holding a fruit knife!

This feeling of suffocation was like a stone blocking his throat, making him unable to breathe!

His gaze slowly swept around.

There was silence in the entire command room. Obviously, no one can accept the facts before them.

The gap from heaven to hell is enough to drive anyone crazy.

Just a few minutes ago, the people in the command room were in high spirits. Everyone was excited about the upcoming victory. Everyone walked with the wind. Everyone thought that they had regained the initiative of the battle in their own hands. In their hands, the eyes of everyone surrendering to the command podium were full of respect.

However, after a few minutes, they all turned into sculptures. .

Can the opponent's space carrier split into battleships?

This is such a ridiculous and sad fact!

Order the formation to retreat further, order the patrol group to cut off the opponent's space carrier's retreat, and order the formation to move forward. I thought this was a trap set by myself, but I didn't expect that it was walking into someone else's script according to someone else's script. The trap!

All of this makes everyone here feel like the one with his eyes shining brightly and his face flushed just now, roaring to charge, shouting to fight, and preparing himself for a glorious victory.

Like an idiot!

"Boom!" There was another loud noise, and the Light of Sidon shook again.

In front of his eyes, more bandit fighters broke through the fire network constructed by the battleship's turrets and joined the battle group surrounding the space carrier.

The vampires and fighters guarding the Light of Sidon, because

Outnumbered, they were shot down one after another.

The Light of Sidon is also suffering more and more attacks.

The rotating turrets on the mothership were firing at full strength, and the battleships nearby were also approaching, trying to use the traditional spherical escort mode to form a ball in the airspace around the mothership to squeeze the flight space of the bandit fighters. Crossfire sealed the airspace within the sphere.

However, there are too many enemy fighters. And the opponent's warships are too close.

A dazzling white light, like a strip of light stretched horizontally outside the front porthole of the Seton's Light, suddenly changed from short to long, rushed out of the left and right ends of the porthole, and then turned into a three-dimensional spherical light group, spreading To the entire universe.

It was a scene where a battleship was instantly blown up by concentrated firepower from a patrol group that had already rushed in front of it. The shock wave of the explosion shot the wreckage of the battleship towards the Light of Sidon like a meteor shower.

Hearing the crackling sound on the hull armor and looking at the bandit warships like a pack of wolves among the battleship clusters in the main formation, everyone turned to look at Sheldon.

"Order" Sheldon said with difficulty: "Eagle 1 Fleet, Eagle 3 Fleet, Lion 1 Fleet, Lion 2 Fleet each fight. Order the patrol group to get out of the battle as much as possible, free return port order, Glory Lion, USS Remnant Fleet Squadron "The Brave Guards, the "Flag of Fire" battleship detachment, cut off the battleship detachment and cover it."

He closed his eyes with a livid face and waved his hands heavily. "We retreat!"

The staff followed Sheldon's orders in silence.

If it had been more than ten minutes ago, there would have been no doubt about this order.

But now, is it still possible to withdraw?

"Want to run?" When he saw the Light of Sidon slowly retreating under the cover of the surrounding battleships, the fat man snorted.

Five hundred black horizontal mechas clung to the advancing battleships, and every line was taut, like a black panther blending into the darkness and preparing for the attack.

At this moment, seven Doomsday ships and eleven Miracle ships have been divided into nearly 800 cruisers and destroyers. The huge assault group composed of these ships is like a school of swordfish in the sea, moving forward under the shining stars. The front of the fleet, like the tip of a black prism, has penetrated into the battleship formation of Sheldon's fleet.

The energy shields of the Binart battleships blocking the way quickly turned red and collapsed under the fierce attacks of hundreds of destroyers. Immediately, the explosions of fire began to appear one after another on the ship's hull. When the battleship's hull and armor began to fall apart, fiery cracks quickly appeared on the hull.

Then, there was the white light of the explosion, and the exploded and broken ship hull.

In the face of hundreds of bandit warships that rushed in, this process was very short, so short that many Binart battleships didn't even have time to release their escape hatches!

In the center of the formation, nearly 8,000 space fighters have been completely winched in. Most of these fighter planes were attacking the battleship cluster, driving the battleships aside to prevent them from supporting the central command cluster. And a small half of them, about 3,000 fighters, were attacking the retreating command group.

In less than five minutes, the more than 400 vampires and fighter planes guarding the Xigu Zhiguang had been lost, and the bandit fighter planes had begun to attack other frigates in the command group.

The fat man stared closely at Logic's telescope. On the screen, more than three hundred space fighters were divided into three triangular attack formations and turned around from the outside. Each flew past the space carrier Sidon's Light at different angles.

That was the attack formation led by Niya. They were like ocean currents in the sea. No matter how fierce the battle was around them, no matter how many warships and fighter planes were trying to intercept them, they were not distracted and only focused on moving along the planned path. The trajectory is approaching the huge Sidon's Light space carrier.

Around them, there are naturally other fighter jet groups fighting with the enemy and escorting them.

The fat man clenched his fists unconsciously.

The patrol group has completely broken into the battle group. The vanguard of the fleet moved between the huge Binart battleships to attack, while the central fleet carrying five hundred vehicles was getting closer and closer to the Light of Sidon.

"Fat man, when are you going to do it?" Niya's voice came from the earphones.

Fatty was calculating the position of Niya's wave of fighters and Sidon's Light, while also calculating the distance between himself and the mothership.

"The fleet is ready for salvo, three, two, one fire!"

After a few seconds of waiting, following Fatty's order, hundreds of destroyers and cruisers beneath him fired at the Light of Sidon at the same time.

The white light gathered into a white dragon and swept through the void.

Although the firepower of the patrol group was not as good as the main battleship formation, the Light of Sidon was also protected by dozens of Binart battleships in front and around it. However, in this salvo, there were still many accurate Mingzong lights, which turned the energy shield of the ship's body red.

"Long live! It's time to look at us!" Niya cheered from the earphones.

Now, without waiting for the fat man to give the order, Niya, who had already led the fleet to approach the Light of Sidon, quickly chose a bomb channel near the injured port side of the Light of Sidon as an attack point and ordered the attack.

Hundreds of energy cannons and hundreds of missiles were fired suddenly.

Chains of energy cannon light gathered on the energy shield of Sidon's Light, creating dense ripples. One missile after another, like an arrow from a string, exploded into clouds of red flames on its hull.

Finally, as a ray of light twisted on the Sidon's Light hull, her energy shield completely collapsed. A large hole was also blown near the port side.

"Come on!" the fat man shouted!

Five hundred black devil mechas activated the auxiliary thrusters on their backs at the same time. Taking advantage of the inertia of the advancing battleship beneath him, he pounced on the hole in Sidon's Light like lightning. .

"Come in!"

In front of the TV screen, people were talking excitedly.

Although in the live broadcast of this battle, they only saw bright lights, dazzling fighter planes, and fleets from both sides strangled each other.

However, their inability to understand the battle situation does not prevent them from understanding that the bandits are fighting and have the upper hand!

As the Binart warships exploded one after another, and as the Binart squadrons were divided and surrounded, the people's emotions became increasingly high.

The people of Lelei have been looking forward to this day for too long.

Before that, all they had received was news about the annihilation of a certain fleet and the news about which generals died heroically for their country. They knew that in order to defend Newton's jumping point, the Leray Federation fleet could only rely on old warships to fill in the jumping point.

It is not only the battleship that is filled, but also the lives of the soldiers!

Is there a day when thousands of names are not added to the bulletin boards in the streets?

Which day does the black car used by the military to deliver death notices not appear in every corner of the city?

Listen to it yourself one day

Not that heartbreaking cry?

Today, only today, what I heard were cheers, what I saw was the bandits suppressing those damn Binart people, and what I waited for was them fighting for countless sacrifices at the Newton Jump Point. Lei Youth takes revenge!

Now, Fatty and five hundred vehicles ran amok and rushed into one of the opponent's space carriers. Although they don't know if this space carrier is the opponent's flagship, everyone believes that since General Tian said he was going to beat Sheldon, he will definitely do it! They also have no doubt that in front of these mecha war gods of the bandit army, any resistance is like an egg against a rock!

"Kill!" Following Fatty's cold voice, black mechas spread out on the camera and flew along the lane of the mothership.

Dozens of Binart soldiers armed with energy guns and portable energy cannons appeared. As soon as they turned the alleyway, they were blown to pieces by energy cannonballs fired by five running vehicles.

The red flesh even splashed onto the lens!

More than a dozen Binart guard mechas appeared. Three of them ran sideways and staggered, dodging the enemy's artillery fire, and rushed into the mechas like ghosts, chopping melons and vegetables, and killing them all.

It was just a blink of an eye. Before everyone could recover, they only saw the sideways mechas flying past, and only a dozen exploding fireballs.

The people stared blankly at these devil mechas.

Have you ever seen Death reaping life?

This is!

These black devil mechas, in small groups, attack every area in an organized and planned manner. Along the way, there is no grass growing and rivers of blood flow.

One channel was occupied by them. Cabins one by one were cleared by them. Any resister who stepped out of the camera was either beaten to a pulp, smashed into scraps of metal, or blasted into explosive fireballs.

There is no pity, no mercy, only cold and precise killing that is almost mechanical.

The main camera follows Fatty and the twenty rampaging mechas beside him.

While his men were wreaking havoc in the huge space carrier, he just led twenty of them along the central passage toward the bridge command room.

No one knows how many people these twenty-one mechas killed along the way. They were like wild boars that broke into the cornfield, running rampant along the tea road. Whenever there are intercepting escort mechas and soldiers in front, they will step in. Twenty-one mechas pulled out hundreds of phantoms, passing through the mecha group and running over the crowd. Regardless of whether it is a gun or a steel body, except for the splashing blood and the mecha parts that exploded like a goddess scattering flowers, there is no one complete.

They swept the entire aircraft carrier in silence. Except for the footsteps of the mechas, the sound of energy cannons, explosions and the screams of the enemy, no matter which group of black mechas were in that area of ​​the battleship, they did not speak from the beginning to the end. .

The only thing that has been echoing in the hearts of the people is the word that the fat man said when the five hundred rampaged into the space carrier - kill!

Finally, after killing a full fifty escort mechas, twenty-one, already covered in blood, ran rampant and blasted open the automatic iron door of the bridge command room.

There was silence in the huge command room. Perhaps they saw the killings of the bandits through the internal monitoring system. When the relatively weak staff officers in the command room appeared on the screen, all of them turned pale.

The fat man drove the mecha and walked to the command podium.

The twenty mechas behind him quickly spread out and took control of the command room. They disarmed everyone and gathered them in the corner in front of Skynet to take care of them.

Throughout the entire process, no one resisted. Facing the wreckage of the fifty mechas at the entrance of the command hall, all the courage to resist had disappeared.

The staff members walked over automatically, and the command podium, deduction room, tactical conference room, and combat officers, coordination officers, intelligence officers, and liaison officers in front of the Skynet console, as well as List and other generals, also walked over.

In the middle of the empty hall, only broken logic and Sheldon sitting on the command seat were left, looking at each other.

With a soft sizzle, the mecha's hatch opened.

Looking at the unfamiliar yet familiar face in front of him, Sheldon looked calmly: "General Tian Xingjian, we finally meet."

"I must admit that the tactics of the bandit warships are very novel, and the warships are also very advanced. And the traps arranged around this kind of warship are even more clever. I lost, and I am convinced." He smiled slightly, stood up, and raised his Chin said: "However, if you think that I will order the fleet to surrender like Humphrey, you are wrong."

The fat man jumped off the mecha and without saying a word, slowly walked up to the command podium and walked towards Sheldon. Sheldon is two meters tall. When he stands up, he is much taller than the fat man who is 1.79 meters tall.

Seeing the fat man walking towards him, Sheldon stood proudly, his body upright.

As a general of the Binart Empire, he would never lower his proud head. In this battle, he suffered the loss due to the incompetence of Desik and other Allied forces and their unfamiliarity with the bandits.

However, it will definitely be helpful to Admiral Sober to get the details of so many bandits.

When Binart's army arrives, the star field that he failed to capture will also be crushed!

In front of the TV screen, the people were silent.

Every Lele person in front of the TV screen in the streets, squares, and offices clenched their fists. They were all too familiar with this look on Sheldon's face. Four years ago, when the Great Patriotic War broke out, those in Western York had this look on their faces when they demanded a ceasefire from the invaded Leray Federation, or accused the Federation of massacring civilians. .

They seem to be always aloof, always so arrogant, and so shameless!

On the screen, the fat man walked faster and faster. Suddenly, he started running. In just two or three steps, his speed increased to the extreme.

"Fuck your mother!"

In Sheldon's suddenly widened pupils, the fat man's figure transformed into a raging lion, and he kicked him in the stomach, sending him flying out of the command seat.

"This is the place you can come to"

Before Sheldon could get up after falling to the ground, the fat man who followed him roared, grabbed Sheldon's head, picked him up from the ground, bent his knees and lifted him up, from bottom to top, fiercely The ground hit Sheldon in the face.

"Did you dare to come to this place?" Flowers splashed on the fat man's knees in front of Sheldon's face, blood droplets flew far away, and his whole face was blurred.

The fat man let him go and let him stand unsteadily, with a ferocious smile on his face.

"Are you worthy of this place?!"

As he spoke, the fat man suddenly turned around and struck Sheldon directly in the face with a swinging leg like a swinging axe. Sheldon's whole body was whipped into the air, and he fell to the ground with a thump like a broken sack.


In front of the TV screen, there was silence.

All I heard was the fat man spat hard on the unconscious Sheldon's face.

"I never thought of accepting surrender!"


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