Counterfeit Hero

Chapter 11 Clearing Obstacles (Part 2)

The silver flying car passes through the tunnel and onto the sunny high highway.

The high guardrails on the side of the highway divided the sunlight into strips, and as the flying car drove at a high speed, the spacious and luxurious carriage was reflected in flickering light.

The light curtain of the car TV is suspended in the car. The beautiful host was discussing with the guests the war situation in the southeast and the possible next plans of the Fiji League.

"Although the bandit army won the Battle of Newton in Leray and successfully recovered all the space jump points in Leray, in terms of its contribution to the Fei League, the bandit army still cannot compare with General Li Fo."

A guest with chubby cheeks and a tall, big nose was talking.


"Although General Li Fo led the twelve immigrant stars in the four major systems to temporarily break away from the control of Fei Yang's government due to suspected fraud in the Fei Yang presidential election, this does not mean that General Li Fo is willing to split. For such an outstanding meritorious service, We need to reflect on the fact that a general bent on pursuing Feiyang's interests took such a drastic way to express his anger."

There was a burst of laughter in the carriage. Several congressmen clinked glasses with each other and responded to the guest's words.

Much appreciated.

Kerry lazily clinked glasses with his excited companions, but did not drink. Instead, he set his sights on the beautiful and dignified female host.

Only he knew how charming this famous host of a TV talk show was, beneath his pure, beautiful appearance and dignified and noble temperament.

When he thought of the woman's flirtatious behavior on the bed, thinking of her raising her fair and round buttocks and shaking it in front of his eyes, a fire spread throughout Kerry's body from bottom to top.

"According to the latest news we have received, the Binart Empire's next attack target will be

It will be the Tania galaxy in the Meima star field. "

The hostess said solemnly: "Currently, this galaxy is under the control of Admiral Liver. Although it was announced that it was out of the control of Feiyang's government, General Liver's fleet is still waiting strictly at the Tania jump point, actively We are preparing to fight against the invasion of Western York. I believe that if the Feiyan government can take the initiative to clarify the doubts about presidential election fraud and eliminate the misunderstandings between the people and General Liver, we can still join hands to face the common enemy. "

"This woman is good at talking." A congressman approached Kerry and said with a half-smile.

Pun intended, Kerry glanced at him, curled his lips, and both of them laughed.

"Remove doubts?" Another guest in his sixties with neatly combed hair shook his head: "How can it be so easy? In the face of people's doubts, have you ever seen the government take the initiative to clarify? I'm afraid, it's a cover-up. It’s not too late yet.”

He sighed with a heavy expression and said sincerely: "Now, the country of Feiyang is moving in the opposite direction to democracy. No one listens to the people's voice, and no one pays attention to the doubts on the surface. Instead of asking for clarification of the presidential election, If there is any suspicion of fraud, it would be better to settle for the next best thing and talk about cooperation first.”

"Yes!" The big-nosed guest agreed: "No one can erase the contribution of General Li Fut. Even if he leaves the Feiyang government, he has declared that he will never compromise with the Western Treaty and will do his best to fight to defend Feiyang. In the end. And all of his recent actions have proven this. I think that under the current situation where Western York is under attack and the governments of Li Fond and Feiyang do not trust each other, we need the power of the alliance to stabilize the situation in Feiyang! "

"The power of the alliance?" The female host opened her beautiful eyes and pretended to be confused: "Are you referring to the Philippine Alliance troops stationed in Al-Aqsa Fortress?"

"Of course!" said the big-nosed guest: "As the leader of the Fiyan Union, Feiyang is the spiritual pillar of all Fiyan Union member states and the leader in the fight against Western aggression. Regardless of economic and military strength, Feiyang is the only level in the human world. Feiyang of the big countries is far ahead. Once Feiyang allows the Westerners to take advantage of the situation due to internal disputes, it will be a disaster for the entire Feiyang Alliance."

As he spoke, he made gestures with his hands to strengthen his tone, and said loudly and forcefully: "Therefore, as an alliance, if it is not convenient to intervene in Feiyang's internal affairs, a strong force is needed to deal with Xijiao's attack. . Once the war in the Tania system becomes critical, and the Feiyang government and Li Fut distrust each other, the Allies can plug the loopholes and avoid the tragedy of the Muse system from happening again.

The host and other guests all nodded in agreement.

"Now) what I'm worried about is..."" The big-nosed guest looked worried: "From all aspects of the situation, the Allies are likely to invest their troops in the southeastern star field, which is not dangerous at present.

"Southeast Star Region?" The host covered his mouth and exclaimed exaggeratedly: "Didn't the Lere Federation just declare a great victory? Compared with Feiyang, which has been invaded by the Binart Empire, Lere The situation is not critical. Moreover, Feiyang and Leray Federation's role in the alliance of thieves is not comparable at all. Losing Leray is just losing Southeast, but if Feiyang fails, we may lose this What a war!”

The host's words made all the guests present look at each other and smile bitterly. Between their brows, they seemed to be quite helpless that a truth that was so simple that even the host understood it was not accepted by those in power.

The elegant guest in his sixties sighed: "This is a very obvious truth. However, judging from the actions of the Feiyang authorities and the coalition command during this period, they obviously turned a blind eye to this."

"Let's just talk about the series of decisions made by the coalition command some time ago." He tilted his head towards the big-nosed guest: "First of all, I don't understand why the alliance insisted on paying to equip the bandit army with ten weapons despite the strong opposition of the Supreme Joint Council. Second-generation mecha. Even Feiyang’s Double-Headed Eagle unit did not get a single twelfth-generation mecha, but they planned to equip the bandit army with ten armored divisions!”

He shook his head heavily: "It is said that most of the technologies of the twelfth-generation mecha were obtained through the joint cooperation of research institutions from various countries in Feiyang. Now, all the orders have been given to Chakna's Vol. Dragon Sword Company. . What is even more confusing is that after the new president of Feiyang, Zhao Xi, came to power, the first resolution he passed was the cooperative assistance plan for the Chakna and Lele federations, which cost a trillion Fijian dollars. This was unprecedented in the history of Feiyang. This has never happened before, it’s so generous that it’s shocking.”

"I often think," he sighed: "If Feiyang invested all these in his own army, let alone the elite double-headed eagle troops, even those first-level troops would probably be able to achieve better results than the current bandit army. Even greater achievements. After all, as we all know, the main members of the bandit army are Leray soldiers and mercenaries from the free world of Mars, pirates and ordinary youths. In terms of military literacy, they are better than the Fei who have glorious traditions and systematic training. It's still far from being a regular army...

"Not bad." In the carriage, a congressman clapped his hands and said to Kerry, "With this kind of guidance,

As a result, the public has questions and disagreements about the whereabouts of the coalition forces.

As long as we do a little bit of work, it will be a voice of protest that no one can ignore. Fiji

There are not many people in the Wu family who are willing to be beaten themselves, but spend money and effort to help others win*!"

Kerry shook his wine glass, sneered, and said solemnly: "The Filipina League is a democratic government after all. Who dares to risk the disapproval of the world? I'm afraid even Black Jintings would not dare to have such an idea. If they want to play, we will Play with them. They are lucky to have successfully cheated in the election, but when it comes to guiding public opinion, they are still a bit immature."

The flying car turned into the branch road, rotated down the overpass j1 like intertwined ribbons, and drove onto the road leading to the city. Six escort mechas and four identical flying vehicles followed closely behind.

Kerry turned his head and looked out the window. More than two years after the war broke out, Feyandou Heidfield, the seat of the Fijan League Joint Parliament, was still bustling.

Only a few people know what has happened in this city since January until now.

The presidential election was defeated, all the major forces in Feiyang fell to Hastings, Barbara was killed, and Li Fu ran away with hatred..." "Everything that was originally under control, in the end, was just a reflection in the mirror.

The complacency, feasting, laughter, and infatuating power of the past have all disappeared. Whether they were those who followed Li Fo, or those who had already lost the struggle and could only be cautious with their tails between their legs, or even those who had been thrown into prison, they still feel like they are dreaming when they think back to the past.

It was like falling asleep one night, falling into a spinning nightmare, and never waking up again.

Fortunately, the side that had just won had no time to attack Li Fo. Fortunately, Li Fu made the right decision to leave the Republic of Lane, gaining a glimmer of hope for himself and the group.

Kerry doesn't know much about military affairs, but he knows that over the years, Li Fo's record against Xiyue has been a 100% winning rate!

Whether it was a regional conflict in peacetime or after the outbreak of war, the troops under his command in the Lane Theater he commanded were like sharp swords, piercing through the defenses of the Westerners again and again.

This won him the status of the successor to the military god in the eyes of the people. In the minds of many people, even Hastings could not compare to this amazingly talented and white-skinned man in terms of command.

Many people expect that after the death of Black Jintings, Li Fu can take charge of the Fiji League and lead the Fiji League to win one victory after another. Even after he became a great figure, the majority of the people still sympathized with and trusted him.

As long as he can produce a convincing record, as long as he can obtain the recognition of the governments and military of the member states of the Fiji League, and win the support of the people with continuous victories, he will still have a lot of potential after Hastings's death. Opportunity to become the new leader of Fei League!

In this era of war, even Feiyang President Zhao Xi, who had no famous generals under his command who could compete with Li Fo, could not fight against Li Fo.

When Li Fu won the recognition of the Fei allies and led his troops back home, everything just fell into place.

However, this requires a prerequisite. That is, before Hastings died and before Li Fu won the support of everyone, no threatening challenges and competitors could appear.

Especially monsters like General Lelei Tian Xingjian and armies like the bandit army cannot appear!

Kerry felt cold all over when he thought of the news of LeLei's victory in recovering the southeast.

The people are always easily led.

But this does not mean that they do not have basic discernment.

For people who have been tortured by war, whoever can bring them victory and save them from suffering is their hero and the leader of the alliance.

Especially an almost miraculous victory like the Southeast Victory, the shock wave it generated was even far greater than ten major battles.

After this battle alone, the streets and alleys were filled with the name of bandit Wada Xingjian. Coupled with the help of some people, the bandit army was simply blown up to the sky.

If this situation is allowed to continue, and the Philippine Alliance Command is allowed to invest the allied forces gathered in Al-Aqsa into the southeastern theater, then the better Li Fu fights, the more beneficial it will be to the southeastern war situation.

Li Fu would never do anything like making wedding clothes for his enemies.

However, if he fails to do so and the bandit army achieves a similar victory again, then his status in the minds of the people and the importance in the minds of the members of the Fiji League will lag far behind that designated by Hastings. The real successor!

Li Fu saw this clearly.

After receiving the news of the bandits' victory, he discovered the key almost immediately and gave instructions, asking the members of the Fiji League's Joint Parliament who had remained silent to delay the Fiji League at all costs. The footsteps of the coalition forces moving south.

Kerry swung the wine in his glass with a smug smile on his lips.

The greatest advantage of a democratic country is that it allows the expression of different opinions.

In just one day, the MPs who were able to contact the House of Lords worked together to block the urgent proposal submitted by the Fiji Alliance Command, and quickly contacted the media to form a public opinion offensive. Without the strength of many years of operation, it was even more difficult to even think about it!

On the TV screen, the beautiful host and guests were still chatting. Kerry smiled slightly amid the chatter and laughter of several congressmen riding in the car.

Suddenly, his smile suddenly became stiff.

In front of me, the automatic armor on the window of the bulletproof car slowly rose up, blocking out the sunlight bit by bit outside the window. The automatic door lock also suddenly retracted, locking the entire carriage tightly.

"What's going on?" the MPs screamed, and they all pulled the isolation window of the cab.

Car door handle.

However, no matter what they did, the flying car made no movement. They could only rely on their feelings. They felt that it seemed to drive onto a platform and then stopped. There was a heavy closing sound of automatic doors from all around.

Kerry's face turned pale at this moment.

He knew that things were developing in the direction he thought was most impossible.

The screen in the carriage became intermittent due to the weak signal, and the picture was distorted.

The talk show hasn't ended yet, but the signal has been interrupted. It was the same image that appeared on every channel of every television media.

Pictures of Hastings!

The old man sat quietly in his wheelchair, his eyes like two faint flames, directly

Shot into the hearts of the MPs.

"I declare that the Fijan Republic has entered a state of emergency and implemented martial law, first-level martial law and curfew. Anyone who disobeys orders will be deemed as rebellion. At the same time, the upper house of the Supreme United Parliament of the Fiyan Alliance is dissolved. Parliamentary functions are completed by representatives of the lower house. "

After the old man finished speaking this incredibly short sentence, he turned around.

"There's no reason.


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