Counterfeit Hero

Volume 10 Chapter 59 Atmosphere

The Binary Star Corridor of the A3 galaxy is a place full of all kinds of dreamy colors.

In peaceful times, this place was once one of the famous scenic waterways among the main human interstellar waterways. The spacecraft sailing here is like entering a kaleidoscope.

The colorful nebulae in the distance, the dazzling white asteroid belt, the floating stardust and rubble, the red stars, the brown, white, green and blue planets, plus the silvery sand on the eternal black curtain of the universe. The stars form a dreamy and blurry picture.

The angle is different, and the scenery you see is different. Merchant ships, exploration ships, mining ships and interstellar cruise ships pass through this channel, whether heading southeast or northwest, the surrounding scenery changes every time they jump out of the sea. Just like a constantly shaking kaleidoscope, ever-changing and endlessly fascinating.

On this day in March 2064, with the encounter of the two main fleets of Western York and Fiji, this beautiful corridor was destined to add the most vivid color among the thousands of blurred colors - -red. The color of human blood and fire painted on the starry sky!

Outside the window of Feiyang's flagship space carrier [Heidfield], tens of thousands of large and small steel warships were like a group of sharks gathered in the same sea area, silent.

Six Feiyang [Unicorn]-class battleships surround the [Headfield]. Seven battleships are connected by mobile channels to form a huge temporary space station.

Allied officers and soldiers wearing various uniforms hurriedly walked back and forth in the corridor. The shadowless electronic lights on the walls and overhead illuminate every corner in white. The overhead broadcast sounded system notifications from time to time, and the automatic doors leading to different functional areas opened and closed amidst crisp electronic confirmation sounds.

On the long and wide walkway, the self-propelled conveyor belt runs silently. Suspension elevators take people coming and going to the high bridge, and automatic rail cars one after another slide quickly from both sides of the passage. On them are soldiers escorting supplies or staff officers holding urgent documents. .

You can see through the glass of the rooms passing by that the staff at the base camp are nervously discussing and formulating combat plans in front of the interstellar map and electronic sand table; the pilots are looking at the mission electronic board in the pre-war preparation room and listening to the commander's explanation of mission priorities; Curry's fighter plane has ascended to the ejection channel and is on standby; mechanics and ground crews are driving data detection vehicles or ammunition supply trucks back and forth, nervously making final inspections for the fighter plane and attaching missiles to replenish energy.

The atmosphere was tense and solemn.

The enemy is two million kilometers away. It was a huge fleet led by Sobor, the most terrifying enemy in the history of the Fei League, a generation of genius generals. More than two hundred A-class fleets, with a total of more than 30,000 large and small warships, were like a huge black hole lying in front of them.

It would be false to say that there is no sense of awe. As soldiers in the war era, this is a group of men who fight for their country and country at the cost of their lives. They will never lack the sincere respect for a good general. Even if this person is his enemy.

No matter how arrogant the Fei League general was, he would not dare to challenge Sobol in front of him.

Not only do I not have the courage, I also don’t have the qualifications!

They knew Sober and their track record.

In their eyes, that thin and handsome middle-aged man with eyes like an eagle is simply an insurmountable mountain that cannot even be challenged.

For more than thirty years, they have watched with their own eyes this young man from West York who was just a cadet at the military academy when Hastings was famous all over the world. He stood out from the Sober family full of generals and became a member of the army in the name of a genius. At the bottom of the ladder, he calmly and calmly reached the same level as Hastings step by step.

His steps were so determined. So determined that no one even had the slightest doubt whether he could reach his current heights!

To be able to do this, talent alone is not enough, nor is wisdom alone.

This is an enemy who is flawless in every aspect - intellect, body, and character.

He achieved today's prestige not by bragging, nor by the power and wealth accumulated by the Sobol family for hundreds of years, nor by the help of others. What he relies on is just his performance. Unabashed, extremely flamboyant yet hard to find any flaws in his illustrious military exploits!

Over the years, both the Western Military Academy and the Military Academy of the Fifa League have regarded Sobol and his battles over the years as an important topic. The generals in the fleet who came from different countries and graduated from different military academies had all attended the same battle case analysis class. .

The teachers who teach include professors from the academy, senior generals from the military training class, and even world-famous military strategists. They analyzed Sobol's battles, dissecting them all from large-scale regional conflicts to the micro-battles he commanded in his early years as a junior officer.

However, apart from marveling at Sobol's precise calculations in every command, being shocked by his judgment and premonitions, and being horrified by his commanding skills and ingenuity, they paid no attention to this. The Western generals who reviewed and analyzed nothing, and even felt more and more unfamiliar.

No one can see through him. He is like a rising sun. When it jumps out of the horizon, it is only red or obscured by clouds, so people cannot feel its blazing power. However, you know he is there, and then you watch him rise unstoppably into the sky, shining so brightly that you cannot look at it.

This is the difference between geniuses and ordinary people. Not to mention now, even when these officers and generals of the Fei League were still young and frivolous students, and their blood was still filled with a blood energy that even the king of heaven would not accept, no one dared to reveal their intention to surpass Sobol in front of others. of heroic words.

Because soldiers can be brave and fearless, but they cannot be arrogant and ignorant. You can bravely face your opponent's reputation, but you can't lose respect for an excellent enemy.

There is only one person who is qualified to fight Sobol.

Or it should be said that in the whole of West York, only Sobol is qualified to fight with this person.

That's Hastings. The military god Hastings, who has the reputation of being undefeated, single-handedly brought the Feyon Republic to the throne of mankind's largest superpower!

Although since going south, the officers and soldiers of the Philippine League have many doubts about Hastings. However, when the huge Western York fleet led by Sober appeared in front of them. When everyone really devoted themselves to the battle that was about to begin, and threw everything about Ryan, Feiyan, Chakna, Trefran, Meima, and Resk out of the sky, they discovered that, What a blessing it is to have this old man in a wheelchair by your side!

This was the fateful battle between Sobol and Hastings. The irreconcilable contradiction between the two camps of Western York and the Fei Alliance, the increasing depletion of resources in the human world, and the humiliation suffered by the Sobor family at the hands of Hastings thirty years ago, everything is destined to arrive today.

Under this starry sky, the two fleets were like two cavalry regiments from ancient times, facing each other in the vast Gobi. A storm is coming. In the strong wind that stirred up dust and sand, military flags fluttered. The war horse snorted, and the knight drew the sword in his hand. His eyes hidden under the cold helmet were sharp and fanatical.

You can almost smell blood in the wind.

The base camp is like a precise and high-speed engine running crazily.

Instructions were passed through the fleet's Skynet system to the tactical computers of each fleet commander. Each battle plan was developed at an astonishing speed from calculation, review and confirmation to issuance and execution.

Amidst the silent transmission of commands from the system, several Fiji fleets were swimming outside the portholes of the space carrier [Heidfield] like schools of glowing fish in the deep sea.

The current formation of the coalition forces is very different from the formation when they just encountered the Spanish fleet.

The Lane fleet located on the right side of the corridor, guarding an asteroid belt as wide as the Milky Way and a gravitational reef, has been strengthened. Under the command of the headquarters, ten Feiyang A-class fleets were added to the right wing, forming a sickle-shaped defense line with the Lane Group with a strength of thirty A-class fleets.

The center, the main force guarding the jump channel, is divided into two parts. One part was the advance fleet led by Admiral McKinley. The total strength is also thirty A-class fleets. The other part is the reserve force led by Hastings himself, with a total strength of twenty A-class fleets.

The eighty Fei Alliance fleets heading south were all allocated in the center and right wing. This also means that the bandit fleet located on the left wing has not been supplemented at all.

Those bandit warships with horns and weird shapes stayed alone on the left wing of the coalition, defending a long and narrow battle zone centered on a dark brown planet with three satellites. To their further left was a huge and blazing star. Because it was so close, every bandit warship seemed to be on fire.

Everyone believed that this was an obvious signal sent by the command to the bandits on the left! No matter how Hastings supported his grandson-in-law, within the coalition forces, these generals still expressed their strong dissatisfaction in this way during the force distribution meeting. .

Yes, we went south.

Come here and fight to defend the LeRae Federation.

However, this does not mean that we can tolerate the cowardice of the bandits and flee without a fight, nor does it mean that we can be at the mercy of this rogue fleet that has created many miracles but also has many criticisms.

Although this is their home field, they are the masters of this starry sky. But this is a cosmic war. We will fight bravely when facing Sobor's army, and use our own strength and courage to tell these cowards how the real Fiji soldiers fight!

There was this tense and somewhat dull and strange atmosphere permeating the coalition forces.

While everyone was working nervously, monitoring the enemy fleet two million kilometers away, from time to time they turned their attention to the ten bandit fleets, ten giant space carriers and a dozen Feiyang and Chakna, and even There was also a motley army of two Tartanian and Puditok fleets.

Did they really annihilate the Western York forward fleet led by Banning? Can their warships really become invisible, ram into enemies, break down into small warships, and escape into cobweb-like waterways? And those ten big ships, are each one really equivalent to a B-class fleet?

There is never a shortage of topics like this on this space carrier. Even though many of the answers are no longer secrets and have been confirmed in the exchange of Skynet documents, everyone is still enjoying it.

On the bridge platform of the mothership, several staff officers who had just finished their shift stopped and stood as they passed by. While they were watching the bandit fleet in the distance through the clear, water-like floor-to-ceiling windows, they were talking among themselves.

"If you ask me, the bandit army should be at the forefront in this battle." A Ryan-based staff officer stared coldly at the bandit fleet in the distance, "Kill the one-eyed python Obuen, defeat the famous Naga general Ban Ning, with such a majestic and evil spirit, how come you don’t even dare to fight when you meet Sobol, but turn around and run away? Are we afraid that we will be entangled and don’t come? Now that we are here, we don’t want to listen to the explanation. If you have the ability, go to the front and fight. Let’s show everyone the battle!”

"You're right!" Another young staff officer said indignantly: "We have already broken into the Prometheus galaxy of Desik, and there are also the combined fleets of the Tap and Pu countries to help contain it in the Zeus galaxy. What a great opportunity. It was wasted by them so casually."

He turned to look at the companions beside him and said: "If they can stay in the Prometheus galaxy for three days, we will have seven more strategic maneuvering spaces in the galaxy. Even if we lose one a week, we still have to lose it." We were just thrown here a month or two ago! With this little time, the Allies can force Suss and Jiepen to withdraw from the war at Lesk!"

"Mikami Yuuto is not something that can be solved easily," a Lieutenant Colonel Fei Yang shook his head and said: "In the situation at hand, all he needs to do is to stand firm and wait for help. That Jeppon fox will definitely not go to war with Chamberlain. It will be a head-on fight. With the troops he has at hand, it may be difficult to capture Reske, but it is not difficult to drag out the war for a year and a half."

"That's better than turning around and running in without firing a shot!" the young staff officer said loudly: "The Allied forces are already weak, and Sober's division of troops this time has hit our weak point. If it weren't for the fact that the troops were stretched thin, How could the higher-ups ask Li Fo to come back for help even if they lose face?"

The young staff officer's words made everyone present feel disinterested and depressed.

When Hastings brazenly dissolved the Supreme United Council, everyone thought they could give it a go and fight, and that the Fiji League could finally win the war with the sacrifice of its soldiers and the wealth accumulated over hundreds of years. At that time, the whole Trifland was in a prosperous atmosphere.

Everyone is preparing at Al-Aqsa Fortress, and they are gradually accepting the series of changes that have occurred in the Fei League. Even those die-hard supporters of Li Fo have shut their mouths, no longer mentioning Li Fo, and no longer argue about who is right and who is wrong.

Unexpectedly, with the evolution of the war situation and the formulation and implementation of the southward strategy. In the end, Li Fu returned, and the fleets gathered under Hastings turned out to be an abandoned and lonely army.

Since the outbreak of the Trifland System Battle, the logistical supplies of the southbound fleet have been interrupted. Not a single Allied transport ship had arrived at the fleet these days. The transport ships and escort fleets that used to flow endlessly were like dry rivers, suddenly disappearing without a trace.

Although the supplies of the fleet itself are enough for everyone to live in the universe for a year or two, and energy ammunition and military supplies such as medicine skins and repair parts are enough to support one or two large-scale battles, this feeling of being abandoned still makes everyone An Allied soldier feels uncomfortable. .

Now, many people are afraid to even turn on the TV. They were afraid of hearing the news about the fall of the Trifland system, afraid of the people's scoldings, and even more afraid of hearing everything about the Li Fo fleet.

The army that had made great achievements and returned as the savior was enjoying the glory that originally belonged to the main coalition fleet of the Fiji Alliance.

This kind of thing is uncomfortable for anyone!

"Fight early," a staff officer said fiercely: "If we win, we will go home, if we lose, we will risk our lives, and it will be over. Anyway, I hate this damn place!"

"Ask, who the hell likes it here?"

"I'm not afraid of losing. I'm afraid that because of some people's irresponsibility, I will lose my life here. I will leave this sentence here. If anyone doesn't believe it, make a bet. If one day our defense line It collapsed, there must be something wrong with the left wing!”

A group of people were chatting and talking. Suddenly, the young staff officer said: "Look, it's the shuttle of Lieutenant General Fujii Tsuyoshi of the Lane Fleet. Look, there is also Lieutenant General Macchia."

"Lian's new generation of talented generals, Lieutenant General Machia, is he not yet thirty-five years old this year?"

"Lieutenant General Machia is thirty-four years old, and Lieutenant General Fujii Tsuyoshi is even younger, only thirty-two years old!"

"Lieutenant General Machia is the future member of the Ryan Republic and the proud disciple of General Juris. Lieutenant General Fujii Tsuyoshi is a good friend of Lieutenant General Machia, although his record is slightly worse than Lieutenant General Machia. But when he graduated from the military academy, Lieutenant General Fujii's grades were still ahead of Lieutenant General Machia."

"Is the one with black hair and square face the one Fujii Tsuyoshi?" A staff officer stared at the glass of the shuttle cabin that entered the passage below from less than 20 meters away. His eyes were on the two heroic young generals Ryan. Swirl: "Looks very serious."

"It's strange that these two people with completely different personalities and temperaments are actually good friends."

The Ryan-based staff officer introduced: "Lieutenant General Macchia is the Prince Charming in the eyes of all women in our country. Even if he is not wearing a military uniform, with his long flaxen hair and artist's temperament, he can charm everyone." Quite a lot of people. Lieutenant General Fujii is a typical soldier who was born for war. His idol in life is General Lee Fond. A few months ago, in the Catalan galaxy, he had served as General Lee Fond. Fight under the command of the general."

Staff Officer Lane said, paused and said: "In terms of ability and talent, he is not inferior to Lieutenant General Macchia, but his character is a bit more stubborn and radical. This kind of character is not popular among the upper echelons of the military, but among lower-level officers However, he is very popular. In the Republic of Lane, Lieutenant General Fujii is the leader of young officers."

"Are you coming to the flagship at this time to prepare for a meeting?" A staff officer looked out the window strangely, and suddenly pointed into the distance and said: "Look, the shuttle of the Feiyang Seventh Fleet... is still there..." There are Chakna and Siliyak federations..."

"It seems that the marshal has convened a meeting..." Staff Officer Ryan turned his eyes, his eyes suddenly solidified, and his face gradually darkened.

Not far away, a black shuttle appeared in front of the staff like a ghost.

Bandit army!

These guys are finally here!


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