Counterfeit Hero

Volume 10 Chapter 64 The Key to the Battle

The office was quiet.

The young staff officer's eyes were dull, as if he had been lost in the little girl's clear, spring-like eyes.

"Colonel." Sober's voice came to his ears. Moore was startled and turned back quickly.

"Don't be surprised by what you see," Sobol glanced at him and said calmly: "Perhaps you have heard a legend about the empire possessing artificial intelligence."

Moore nodded mechanically.

This legend is no secret. In fact, this legend has existed since the Binart Empire was defeated by the Feyan Republic thirty years ago and began its miraculous rise more than twenty years ago.

No one takes this legend seriously. Just like the UFO records in human history, those who believe believe it, and those who don’t believe it don’t.

But now..........

"I think you can get acquainted."

Moore followed Sobol's gaze and looked toward the porthole.

At that time, the fleet outside the window had just made way for a gap, and golden light fell in front of the window. The slanting beam of light is like the holy light of heaven. The girl curled up on the sofa. The beam of light from the round porthole seemed to spread out a large golden skirt around her little white dress.

Moore noticed that at some point, the little girl turned her head toward the window again.

It seems that from beginning to end, she lives in a still and beautiful picture. He didn't talk to Sobol, and he never looked back at him. Everything that just happened was just my illusion.

However, Sobol's voice came to his ears. Every word hit his heart.

"She is our legend."

Moore's breathing stopped suddenly. The blood suddenly rushed from the upper part of the brain, and there was a buzzing sound in the brain, which went blank.

"Her name is little girl, and she is the biggest secret of the Binart Empire. There are only eight people who know and confirm her existence." Sobol said, walking out from behind the desk and standing side by side with Moore. , looked at the little girl and said calmly: "You are the ninth."

"General." Moore suddenly turned his head and looked at Sobol excitedly.

Beside him, Sobol stood with his hands behind his back. The clear-cut side profile looks like a marble sculpture that looks like a knife and an axe.

Moore had the urge to bend down and worship. The man in front of him is the most noble and powerful general in the entire Western Military Alliance, and is recognized as a military genius in the human world. Under his command, there are more than hundreds of fierce generals and tens of millions of soldiers

But at this moment, he was standing next to her, telling herself such a big secret in such a relaxed tone.

Seemingly sensing the excitement and gratitude of the young colonel, Sobol smiled slightly, patted his shoulder lightly, walked to the sofa, made a gesture to Moore and said, "Sit down."

Moore sat down as the little girl looked back curiously.

The little girl looked at him curiously, and he looked at the little girl curiously. The young, round-faced staff officer looked no more mature than a child at this moment.

"Colonel," Sobol asked, "how did you guess that the bandits would set up an ambush on the left flank?"

Moore sat up straight, was silent for a moment, and replied solemnly: "General, to be precise, I did not draw this conclusion from our intelligence and deductions. The reason for making such a judgment is entirely based on my understanding of the bandits. understanding of military combat styles and vigilance against them.”

"Well," Sobol nodded and said thoughtfully, "You continue."

"Yes, General." Moore continued: "I analyzed all the battles of the bandit army. Including the information we can find about their free passage period in Mars. I believe that the bandit army is not a cowardly and incompetent force. An army willing to take risks. In fact, this army is brave, tenacious, cunning and changeable, and the most adept at taking risks. This is their nature and the gene they have been born with since they were formed."

"But this time, when facing our Western-Jordan coalition forces, their behavior seemed a bit abnormal." Moore lowered his eyelids and looked at the coffee table in front of him with a faint, fiery gaze.

For him, the bandit army is the only factor that makes him become Sobol's staff, and it is also the biggest enemy when marching to the southeast.

These days, he has spent almost all his energy on understanding and analyzing the bandit army. The more he got to know this army, the more terrifying he found it.

This is an army that cannot be judged by deduction and experience.

Their combat power, ship technology, ferocity and cunning are beyond the imagination of ordinary people. And most importantly, their legendary fat commander left such a deep mark on this army. You'll never even guess what these guys are going to do next. .

They are cunning and mean. But brave and fearless. Just when you think they will fight for their lives, they will run away without hesitation. And just when you think they will run away, there may be a trap waiting for you on your way forward that will drive you crazy.

He considered his words and continued his analysis: "Judging from the situation of the Fiji League, Hastings going south has been under heavy pressure, and the bandits have attracted more public attention. Whether it is the officers and soldiers of the Fiji League or the people, For an army that flees upon hearing the news is obviously not worthy of respect."

"But, they still ran away." Moore couldn't help but reveal a wry smile on his face. In fact, before that, he had always thought that the bandit army would choose to use some way to delay Sobol's southward movement. From Desik's Prometheus Galaxy, to the Hera Galaxy, to the Metis Galaxy, and finally here. Along the way, he had thought countless times that he would see that army at the next flight segment or jump point.

But every time, he was disappointed.

"They had countless opportunities to attack us along the way and hold us back from going south. However, they gave up the flight sections and jumping points suitable for combat." Moore said: "When our army follows their footsteps When I arrived at the Double Star Corridor and encountered the Fiji Alliance forces, I noticed the terrain of the Double Star Corridor. I suddenly realized that this was the battlefield chosen by the bandits."

"So, do you think the bandit army will make some fuss here?" Sobol showed a satisfied smile.

"Yes, General." Moore nodded: "When our army and the enemy began to confront each other, I re-examined the bandits' route of action."

He turned on the recorder on his forearm, projected the electronic interstellar map on the coffee table in front of Sober, and pointed at the bandits' retreat route.

"I think that although the bandit army seemed to be in a panic along the way, there was no time to stop. However, precisely because they did not meet us from the beginning to the end, we were unable to monitor every one of their warships. The bandit army had to retreat. , covering up a problem, that is, when everyone is laughing at them for fleeing, they ignore that they actually still have the initiative."

"As long as they are not entangled by us, they still have the initiative. They can choose to turn around and fight, or they can choose to continue to escape." Moore said clearly: "Of course, they can also choose to ambush."

"Not bad." Sobol nodded, with admiration in his eyes. Even the little girl on the side looked at Moore with clear eyes and listened carefully.

“If you look at the progress of the Hastings fleet going south, the conflicts exposed within the Fiji League, and the bandit army’s choice of this place as a battlefield, I think the possibility of them setting up an ambush here is as high as 90%. "

Encouraged, Moore became more and more confident the more he spoke: "The initial target of this ambush fleet was not entirely our reconnaissance fleet. Their more important task was to contain us if the Filipina coalition failed to arrive in time. Here. Moreover, I have reason to believe that this fleet has already separated from the main force of the bandit army when it was still in Metis and came here to set up an ambush."

"Because the Fiji Alliance forces arrived in time, the target of this fleet's attack became our reconnaissance fleet." Sobol and the little girl looked at each other, then turned to look at Moore: "Really?"

"Yes, General. If the Fei Alliance fleet has not arrived, the bandits will definitely not continue to retreat. They will try every means to deal with us. Attacking our reconnaissance fleet is just a way for them to do so without being exposed. mission." Moore nodded and said: "It's just that General Brazier and our reconnaissance fleet have been confused by the coalition's early offensive."

"The thinking is very clear." Sober stood up with a smile. Walking to the Skynet console, he called up the video of the bandit ambush fleet besieging the Xijue reconnaissance fleet.

"Colonel, if you don't mind, I'd like to hear your evaluation of the combat effectiveness displayed by the bandits in this battle."

"Of course, General" Moore stood up hurriedly and walked to Sobol's side. To his surprise, the little girl who had been curled up on the sofa also came to him.

She raised her head, and her beautiful face looked like a white porcelain doll under the light.

The virtual light curtain spread out in mid-air once again showed the bandits' lightning-fast attack. Black bandit warships jumped out of the void one after another, rushed into the reconnaissance fleet and started killing. Although this was the second time he saw the same scene, Moore still couldn't help but feel palpitations. .

On the screen, two bandit destroyers were attacking the five Western destroyers in a straight formation from the flank. Although they were at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, the two black bandit destroyers used their high speed, agility, and precise positioning to repeatedly seize the attack position.

When the bandit army activated the energy main gun on the bow of the ship again and again and opened fire at the West York warship, the West York warship was like a few clumsy bison with sharp horns on its head. It could only turn its bleeding body in vain. Once again, he watched helplessly as his target slipped away from his gun.

A bandit destroyer circled to the stern of a Western destroyer.

When this cunning hungry wolf quickly straightened its bow and emitted a dazzling white light, the Xyo destroyer that turned left urgently could not escape the thirty-degree aiming area of ​​its energy main gun.

The results are obvious.

A large hole was directly opened on the left side of the West York battleship near the tail. The power of the bandit destroyer's enhanced main gun with a caliber of more than 300 mm is no worse than that of an old battleship. The Skynet computer can easily calculate the energy contained in the white light based on its diameter and brightness.

Looking at the main gun data popping up on the screen, Moore found it hard to believe that it was fired by a destroyer.

Compared with the warships of the same level as the bandit army, the West York destroyer is completely at a disadvantage.

Whether it is the firepower, defense, speed, agility of the battleship itself, or the tactics and positioning coordination between the battleships, the two sides are obviously not on the same level.

On the other side not far away, a bandit fleet consisting of two cruisers and four destroyers had already intervened after bombarding a group of Western York warships in trouble. Their sailing route was so clear in the chaos of battleships, and so deadly.

Moore didn't need to read further to know that when the bandit fleet moved to the left wing of the five Western York warships entangled by two bandit destroyers, it was the time when these Western York warships were destroyed.

He also knew that if he was standing on a high command podium on the ever-changing battlefield at that time, he would have no choice but to stand on a high command platform. He might never be able to figure out the tactical intentions of this bandit fleet that suddenly came in. Only in the video playback that had been sorted, analyzed and annotated after the war, he could clearly see the fleet's navigation trajectory.

It was a sinuous red line on the virtual screen. Calmly pass through the gap opened by other bandit warships from the outside, and cut all the way to the center. When the bandit warship formation came along this line, the surrounding Western warships had either just been pulled out of position, or they had just hit their gun muzzles.

And this line is just one of countless interlocking lines in the tactical coordination of the bandit army. Countless threads formed a huge meat grinder, ruthlessly grinding the Xijiao reconnaissance fleet into pulp.

The three of them looked at the screen quietly. After a long time, Moore took a deep breath and said to Sobol: "General, in my opinion, the combat effectiveness of the bandit army has exceeded that of any ace army in the world. Their only weakness may be their military strength.”

Sobol was silent. After a while, he half-closed his eyes and nodded thoughtfully: "You're right, this is their only weakness."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Moore and suddenly said: "If I told you that there is an artificial intelligence in the bandit army, would you believe it?"

This sentence was like a bomb that stunned Moore.

The young, round-faced staff officer stared at Sobol blankly with his eyes widened. The precise tactical coordination and routes of the bandit warship formation instantly appeared in my mind. At the same time, he also recalled the seemingly meaningless conversation between Sobol and the little girl when he first entered the office.

He lowered his head.

The beautiful little girl looked up at him quietly.

In his ears, Sobol's voice echoed.

"This is not an ordinary war. However, no matter how special the war is, there is always some place, time or person that is the key to it."

"The key to this battle is to defeat the bandit army." Moore looked into the little girl's eyes and unknowingly took over Sobol's words.

He murmured: "We must destroy the enemy's left wing at all costs."






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