Counterfeit Hero

Volume 10 Chapter 77 Burden

Time moves forward minute by minute.

The battle in the Double Star Horn Corridor entered a fever pitch with the full-scale exchange of fire between the fleets of both sides. On a front line that was hundreds of thousands of kilometers long, one fleet after another was strangled into a ball. The collision of thousands of giant steel ships was like a huge wave crashing onto a rock, with broken jade flying and shaking the earth.

The brutal battle made every Fei League general on the command platform sit on pins and needles. "Sobol has exerted his strength!" Macchia raised his head and stared at the comparative data of the two sides' battle damage rates above the electronic sand table, with a solemn look on his face.

Admiral Barras nodded and said: "In the stalemate stage of the battle, the force factor ranks first, and Sobol has an absolute advantage in this aspect. If we fight head-on, we will suffer a lot. Moreover, the battle will be fought on all three fronts, left, center and right, and the pressure will be on the command. Not only an increase of ten times and a hundred times. Even though Marshal Hastings is a military god, he is still an old man in his seventies after all. In terms of economic energy and calculation ability, it is impossible to compare with Sobol who is at his peak.", While speaking, five Feiyang battleships and a dozen destroyers in the central theater were reduced to ashes in the shelling of the Western Fleet.

The West York fleet is using its terrifying firepower and overwhelming fleet to reverse its previous disadvantage bit by bit. As more fleets joined the strangled battle group, the previously flexible and exquisite cooperation of the Fei Alliance fleet began to become difficult.

"Sobol's command skills are not inferior to those of Marshal Hastings." Takeshi Fujii said: "Look, Feiyang's 60th Group Fleet..."

The generals looked along Fujii Tsuyoshi's finger.

On the screen, the three fleets of Feiyang's 60th Group were rapidly advancing along the left side of the central axis of the battlefield.

More than two hundred destroyers, more than one hundred cruisers, sixty battleships and three space carriers formed a huge trident. Destroyers and cruisers were located on both wings, stretched out far away, like fast-running cavalry, trying to surround the two A-class fleets of the Monterey Empire from the front from both wings. The battleship cluster in the center rushed forward in a huge umbrella formation. While marching, a salvo fired every two minutes and forty seconds, destroying the sky and the earth.

In terms of formation, speed, and resolute execution of tactics, the Sixty Group fleet was impeccable. However, this high-speed assault did not achieve the indestructible effect that the Feiyang fleet had for many years across the universe.

With the high-speed insertion of the Fei Alliance patrol fleet, the patrol group of the Monterey Empire fleet also began to spread out to the two wings. Although the execution time of its tactical actions was far behind that of the Fei Alliance fleet, the speed at which the entire fleet deployed was no slower than that of the Sixty Group fleet. Almost as soon as the Femen destroyer group broke through the center line, they had already seized the peripheral blocking lines and attack positions on both wings.

Although the fleets of both sides have not yet come into contact, when the Fiji League generals present saw the destroyer cluster of the Monterey Empire fleet turning around at the far end: when they saw their cruiser clusters forming an angle with the main formation in the center, everyone was stunned. Everyone knows that the Feiyang Sixty Group fleet cannot take advantage of anything.

Theoretically speaking, the opponent has tactically defeated the Sixty Group fleet's plan to outflank the two wings. Well, in order to eat these two Monterey fleets, the Sixty Group fleet must move further. In fact, other Western fleets in the distance have already blocked the tactical space of the Sixty Group fleet.

The reaction of the Monterey Empire fleet shocked all the Fei League generals.

In terms of combat effectiveness and military strength, the Monterey Empire was far from the opponent of the Feillan Republic. Excluding command factors, the three Feiyang A-class fleets can completely defeat the Monterey fleet that is twice or even three times the size of their own.

The reason why the two Monterey Empire fleets in front of them were able to react so quickly was obviously not because of their own improvement in strength, but because of the chilling prejudgment of the commander behind them, Sober!

The same situation occurs in every corner of the battlefield.

"Whether it is the left-wing theater, the center theater or the right-wing theater," the Fiji fleet cannot continue to maintain its advantage.

As soon as the stalemate phase began, Xijue made full use of its military advantage to suppress the Fei League. The ratio of battle losses between the two sides has rapidly increased from the previous 3:7 to 5:6, which is almost the same!

Looking at the arduous and fierce battle of the frontline fleet, Fujii's eyes were half-squinted and his face was iron-faced.

"Why aren't we allowed to return to the fleet command at this time?" His words were like a big stone thrown into the calm water. Several allied generals around him were talking about it. .

After the pre-war meeting, eighty A-class fleet commanders had rushed back to the fleet to command operations before the war began. However, the coalition commanders of the major member states of the Fiji Alliance had been left in the base camp, doing nothing.

At the beginning, everyone thought that this battle of unprecedented scale would not develop so fast.

Based on their previous experience, an ordinary large-scale battle may last several days before the trial. Not to mention the super decisive battle in the A3 galaxy where the total strength of both sides exceeds 300 fleets and is related to the future outcome of the two major military alliances.

It would not be surprising if Hastings and Sobel cautiously tested each other for a month!

Therefore, when the Western York army pressed forward across the board, everyone was still calm and calm. After all, Hastings is in charge of the fleet and he didn't let everyone leave, so there must be more important things to discuss. The battle situation must be under his control and will not get out of control.

But no one expected that the battle situation would evolve so quickly, so fast that everyone could hardly recover!

What made everyone even more unexpected was that when the battle entered a stalemate, when the bloody Allied fleets needed their top commanders to take charge, Hastings did not let everyone rush back to their respective units. It means commanding the battle!

"What do you mean by leaving us at the base camp after the fight is like this?", "This is my first time fighting such a battle. The troops are fighting on the front line, and I am here chatting with my hands behind my hands..."

"Come to think of it, I felt something was wrong with the pre-war meeting just now. Logically speaking, we are the first executors of tactics, and the pre-war meeting should be for tactical communication. But in the several-hour meeting, except for Skynet instructions Except for synchronization, battleship registration, logistics supply, captain's name, command and communication password confirmation, there was not a word about tactics. I was still confused about whether to attack or defend. Know"

"The instructions from the base camp directly bypassed us! Now, the marshal's instructions are directly issued to the squadron commander's tactical computer, and the instructions from the base camp are directly issued to the captain's tactical computer. This command system is fundamentally There is no place for us!”

"No, why do I see that Admiral Russell, Fei Owen, Mickey, Fei Yang, Siliyak Federation, and many generals from Chakna of the bandit army have gone back?"

"Hey" is a bit strange to say. Look, who are the people who were returned to their respective fleets to take command? "

"What do you mean? We have been deprived of military power?"

"Hey, I'm afraid, it's really that interesting."

The generals were talking and speculating, making the atmosphere a little restless. Many people looked at each other with shock and emotion.

When it comes to this level, everyone still doesn’t understand it, and their lives have been in vain for so many years.

Which of these generals present is not the elite of the elite, an extremely intelligent person? Even if they didn't react for a while, it was because the war in front of them attracted all their attention.

The scene of three hundred fleets concentrating on an interstellar corridor that was only a few hundred thousand kilometers wide was a rare sight in a thousand years. Not to mention the privilege of being a participant in it.

At this time, the topic was raised by Fujii Go, and everyone freed their minds from the fierce battle. After a second thought, I discovered something fishy.

It’s not like the base camp didn’t release people back to the fleet. The only ones left were the generals who challenged the bandits in the conference room!

This is already a disguised form of imprisonment.

The troops below naturally obey the orders of the base camp. Little did he know that his commander was in the base camp and had no chance to participate in the war command operations.

Everyone is sitting on the command podium looking at the Skynet screen doing nothing. In the entire battle so far, there are only two people who have actually participated!

That's the thin and pale Hastings and the fair and fat Fatty LeRae on the command seat!

There were two particularly bold and dissatisfied Fei League generals who immediately started making noise.

The battle was raging, and countless battleships turned into flying fireballs in space. In the flashing red light of the screen in the command hall, the busy staff officers of the base camp looked back and saw that the command platform was already in chaos.

"Ignore them."

Hearing the clamor of the Philip League generals, Hastings waved his hand, and McKinley led several military policemen over.

The sound suddenly disappeared.

"Old man..." The fat man sighed sadly, "You are putting me on the fire to roast me."

With his intelligence, he naturally knew the purpose of Hastings' doing this. .

Since the Philippine Alliance troops moved south, there have been many internal conflicts. If Hastings is healthy, this won't be a problem at all. No matter how domineering a general is, he still has to be obedient and submissive in front of Hastings. Even if there were some complaints, it was only a small-scale communication, and they would not dare to openly fall out with Hastings even if they were beaten to death. They even dare not disobey the orders of delaying the base camp, or pull their own troops to do anything detrimental to the war situation.

But once Hastings could no longer command the battle due to physical reasons, and handed over the command to himself... Fatty knew with his ass that this gang had always been biased against the bandits and had different interests. It is not clear whether it is pride or arrogance and stupidity, but what will happen to the generals of the Fei League who are not convinced by anyone except Hastings.

However, Fatty considers himself kind-hearted and innocent. If you want to conquer this group of generals, let your performance speak for itself. The worst case scenario is that they can be persuaded one by one in private, and if it is no longer possible, they will be beaten quietly, "beating him until he cannot take care of himself", and then he will naturally stop.

But he never dreamed that the old man would be more ruthless than him. In the name of a pre-war meeting, these thorny generals were gathered on the "Headfield" and imprisoned in disguise. This is simply unreasonable and unreasonable!

"That's your business." Hastings didn't look back. While directing the battle, he said to the fat man: "Continue class."

"The key points of [Cobra Tactics] are circular defense and straight-line attack. The timing of the transition between the two is the key. When transitioning to attack, it must be concealed and sudden. Therefore, it is very important to use terrain cover.—— "

The fat man's eyes followed Hastings's fingers and landed on a very inconspicuous local battle group on the tactical computer screen.

On this battlefield located on the edge of an asteroid belt, a Lane squadron consisting of twelve cruisers and forty destroyers is relying on the asteroid belt behind it to fight with the Western York fleet, which has nearly three times its strength. .

Lane Squadron adopted the Cobra formation. The "Cobra tactic" used in conjunction with the Cobra formation is a classic tactic used in space fleet combat command to defend and block attacks.

On the screen, the Ryan fleet was like a frightened cobra, with its tail coiled up, its head held high, and its body swaying left and right with the enemy like a reed in the wind. This form is the origin of the name of the Cobra tactic, and it is also this A typical characteristic of tactics.

Forty Ryan [Frost] class destroyers formed the long snake body of the Cobra.

They are lined up in a row, interlocking, forming a ring surrounding the twelve [Lava] class cruisers in the center. While firing, it wandered around the periphery and the asteroid belt at high speed. The entire formation is like a long chain, firmly holding the attacking position in the flow. As soon as one warship fired its guns and left, another warship came in to replace it. The shelling every two minutes became continuous as the formation changed.

The warships that wander to the front of the formation attack the enemy, while the warships at the rear of the formation provide cover for the warships in front. The defense range of the entire defense chain is even more varied. Suddenly it expanded into the West York fleet group, and then it shrank into a very small circle. No matter how the West York fleet attacks, it remains extremely resilient. Coupled with the cover of the asteroid belt behind him, for a moment, it looked like a dragon looming in the clouds. It's impossible to capture.

The twelve [Lava] class cruisers were arranged in a diamond shape under the escort of destroyers, hidden in the formation.

If the outer destroyers are a wandering shield, mainly responsible for defense, then these twelve cruisers with more powerful firepower and defense are like venomous snake-like guns, mainly responsible for entering whenever they find an opportunity. At any time, they will suddenly emerge from the formation and bite the enemy like lightning.

Above and below, front and back, left and right, the extremely malleable diamond formation, coupled with the cover of peripheral destroyers, allows them to launch suddenly at almost any angle and at any time. The attack was very sudden. It makes people hard to guard against. The West York fleet must be very careful when attacking the destroyer fleet outside Lane.

Because no one knows when this poisonous snake will suddenly lean out from behind the cruiser and bite him.

Under the command of Hastings, the Lane fleet used this tactic to perfection. Although the Western attack fleet had a strength advantage, there was nothing they could do for a while. They can only wander around the periphery and use long-range attacks to consume the strength of Ryan's fleet bit by bit. .

While giving command, Hastings explained the key points of various space fleet tactics to Fatty in detail.

"Snake tactics", "turning tactics", "hot wheels tactics", "avalanche tactics", "closed door tactics", from the left wing to the right wing of the battlefield, from the salvo of battleships, the assault of cruisers to the detour of destroyers Outflanking, to the timing of the release of space carrier fighters, and the coordinated protection of various ship types. Although Hastings explains from beginning to end, these are the least unusual basic tactics in the eyes of others, and there is not even a word about advanced compound tactics. He had mentioned it before, but Fatty felt that the battle examples he had been spoon-fed by Russell and his experience on the battlefield over the past few years were being integrated with Hastings' explanation and observation of the details of his command. .

The battle on the front line was stalemate and fierce.

The West York fleet, under the command of Sober, rushed upward like a tide. The Fei League fleet was like a reef, crushing the huge waves that were coming towards them time and time again.

Fatty didn't know how many battleships were pierced, burned, exploded, and torn apart by energy cannons in space. No one knows how many fighter planes turned into a ball of flying fireballs. All he knew was that as the battle entered a stalemate, Hastings's command became increasingly difficult and his face became increasingly pale.

"Fat man, this is all I can teach you." Hastings sent an instruction with trembling fingers and leaned back on the chair tiredly.

From the pre-war meeting to now, the old man has not closed his eyes for a full twenty hours. Especially these few hours of combat command, which were exhausting and exhausting, almost exhausted all his mental energy. He was already seriously ill and now he looked even more frail.

Hastings looked at the fat man and smiled slightly, his deep eyes as peaceful as the universe, "Now, the new interstellar passage you have discovered has a bandit armored regiment that is far more powerful than Binart's Advocate Legion. It has warships that can penetrate deep into free shipping lanes, have stealth technology, have brats, and have the support of Chakna, Sarga, Putitok, Tatania, Siliyak and other countries. Plus I Leading the coalition fleet heading south, your strength is enough to influence the direction of the war..."

"Why are you talking so much?" The fat man said with a bitter smile: "You won't leave the problem to me at this time?"

"This war has nothing to do with me in the first place." Hastings said calmly: "The burden is yours, I just helped you carry it until now."

Seeing the fat man's eyes widening and opening his mouth to speak, the old man waved his hand and said unreasonably: "Shut up!"

The fat man was so wronged that he almost cried.

"I have given you all my assets, including the fleet, seven trillion in capital, Fali and Haig, my subordinates who have followed me for many years, a lifetime of experience, and" Hastings turned to look at Margaret. He said with some distress: "My most beloved granddaughter."

He stared at the fat man fiercely: "Don't tell me, you can't even beat Sobol!"

"Old guy, if you can't beat Sobol, it's up to me!" The fat man muttered in a low voice, and his heart was full of complaints.

When the war broke out, he was just a small mechanic.

When he was on the run for the 21st time, all he wanted to do was return home alive, and his strongest belief was that he could not die a virgin.

But who knew, in a daze, the burden of maintaining human peace and saving the world would fall on his shoulders.

Is there anyone in the universe who is more unlucky than myself?

"The survivors of the Li Fo and Nademik dynasties are nothing to worry about. People who can only play small conspiracies will not achieve anything." Hastings looked up at the starry sky outside the floor-to-ceiling portholes in front of the command hall and said slowly: " Your real enemy is Sobol, the little girl who played with Li Fu, and also played with the entire human civilization, and the people behind her."

Having said this, Hastings looked at the starry sky quietly, seemingly in a trance.

After a long time, he sighed, controlled the wheelchair, and drove down from the command seat under the surprised eyes of all the Fei League generals.

As he passed the fat man, the old man said softly: "It's up to you how to fight the next battle. I must admit that Sobol is more powerful than I thought."

"You gave up?" the fat man asked.

"I'm tired." The old man smiled slightly. "I will lose only if you lose!" "

When Margaret and a group of medical staff came over quickly, Hastings, whose lips had completely lost the color of blood, turned his head and asked: "What was your first order after becoming the commander of the Allied Forces?" ?”

"Retreat!" Fatty stared straight at the tactical computer screen without looking back.

Hastings laughed!


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