Just got caught up.

The silly roe deer suddenly or 2, with a gloomy face, and suddenly felt that... her absolute advantage seemed to be gone again.

She regained her senses and wanted Xiao Rin to help her wear the ring, but she was ruthlessly rejected by a certain "hatred of the rich" heartbreaker.

It was Emilia, who kept holding the crystal on the ring in her hand, then suddenly turned her head and asked with a blank face, "Then, who gave the ring to the dead arrogant?"

Hearing this, the silly roe deer suddenly got the point, and hurriedly pricked up his ears.

Rin waved his hand: "Of course it's the poor ghost swordsman, for the sake of my uncle raising her."

"It's actually Sister Xiye?"

The silly roe deer blinked, always feeling a little weird, but it seemed that there was nothing wrong.

Although Sister Xiye is an "illegitimate daughter", she and Xiao Rin are also "pro" siblings. The siblings are closer, but it's not too much.

Waste Miao also felt a little strange, but her focus was different from that of silly roe deer.

Her thinking is different from that of normal people, and many things are directly transformed into graphics in her head.

For example, Xiye gave Rin a ring, and Rin happened to have the same ring as Roezi, and then gave himself a ring. This is the circuit diagram of the relationship... It's strange.

Chapter 85 Tie him up and put him on it! Plus 2

The next few days were very quiet and spent every day studying.

Of course, it's worth mentioning that, even the top student, Emilia, who was the top student this school year, still only got 30 points in the math exam.

Fortunately, it is still stronger than the previous single digits.

What made Rin more uneasy was the curse on himself. Although it seemed that it had not recurred because of the previous suppression by the Demon King, it was still a ticking time bomb, and Su Yu had not appeared for several days.

I didn't want to see the Demon King before, but now, I'm starting to worry about not seeing her Rin.

Not only worried about his own curse, but also worried about his transaction with Suyu.

As everyone knows, the former Demon King has been very anxious recently.

She hadn't slept well for several days, and as soon as her head was free, she would think of the previous kiss scene.

After that, Lord Demon King would turn hot and toss and turn, no matter how much she shook her head, she couldn't shake her head off. Only by reading some interesting books and entering deep meditation could she restrain her memories.

At this time, Lord Demon King was lying on the bed, and his mind was once again filled with pictures of kisses. He was flustered and irritable. He changed several sleeping positions and turned into maggots.

"Too hateful!"

Qi Yu suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint black appeared under the corners of his eyes. He sat up and scratched his hair in a mess, not at all calm, graceful and charming as usual.

Patting her flushed face, Qi Yu took a few deep breaths, and then she couldn't help touching her lips to cover her still hot face.

Qi Yu, who has a lot of wisdom, is now at a loss and doesn't know what to do.

The last time I was so helpless was when I learned that my mother had disappeared.

Even if he was usurped later, Qi Yu was already mentally prepared, and he had already planned an escape route for the final defeat, and he had never been so flustered.

Different from the feeling when my mother disappeared, it would be panic, sadness, sadness and loneliness, but now, my heart is itching, shy and longing... but also with joy and confusion.

"Huh, what should I do?"

Qi Yu knew that she had to find someone for help in this situation, otherwise she would definitely not be able to rest in peace for a long time.

But choosing who to turn to is a big problem.

Her own subordinates must not be, otherwise the majesty of her demon king will be completely defeated, and it is naturally impossible for strangers. She has not let go of her dignity to that point.

After thinking about it, she thought of a friend she had never met.

A pen pal, to be precise.

The first time she came to the capital with this identity two years ago, because she was lazy and eager to send messages, she adopted a rare and expensive method...sending letters.

Of course, it was not an ordinary letter, but a letter that marked the spatial coordinates and was already counted as a magic device.

There was an accident at that time, the letter was not delivered to the target, but fell into the hands of the pen pal.

Fortunately, there were only a few short sentences in the letter, and her identity was not revealed, but the other party kindly sent it back, and by the way, she read her letter and apologized because the address was not marked.

At that time, Sui Yu was also curious, so the two of them became pen pals.

Su Yu usually recommends those books or tells about things in the academy, and that one has always complained about his heavy work and the tight control of the elders at home.

Those are not important, the important thing is that the other party has always revealed that she has rich experience in love, so...

After hesitating for a while, Qi Yu made a secret decision, spread out a piece of space magic letter paper, marked the coordinates, thought and thought, changed and changed, and finally closed the letter and sang silently.


On the other hand, Queen Eve was also very tired today.

After dealing with two thick piles of documents, my hands were sore, the key was the great psychological pressure.

Her dear Queen Mother has always wanted to retire early to grow flowers, so she is eager to nurture her, and now she handles more than 80 percent of the decree documents.

That's fine, there are meetings from time to time to fight with a group of old foxes, to understand the movements of the various associations across the country, to grasp the situation on the Demon Race side, and to appease the soldiers and the common people at the same time.

It can be said

, she sleeps less than six hours a day.

Although she is a spiritual magician and can control her sleep well, but... that kind of bone

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