Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 307 Here I come, Six String Star

Kakuzu was walking in the woods. It had been two days since he came to the mountainous area at the junction of the Country of Whirlpool and the Country of Fire. He had also captured several targets in the past few days, all following the main target Yugao. I picked it up on the way.

But this main target was extremely slippery. He knew that it would be difficult for him to completely clean up his traces, so he simply left a lot of real and fake traces, which seriously interfered with Kakuzu's tracking.

After he carefully inspected the traces, he shook his head regretfully. It was a pity that he was following another false target this time.

Fortunately, Kakuzu is no longer the rootless wandering rebellious ninja he was a few years ago. He has a much better character. Faced with another failed tracking, Kakuzu didn't get angry. He just calmly packed up his belongings and continued to search. Next clue.

Just when he was walking out of the woods, Kakuzu stopped, hid his body in the shadow of the woods, and asked warily: "Who are you?"

There was a sound of fluttering wings, and a blue-haired woman with wings on her back fell from the sky. She said to Kakuzu: "Mr. Kakuzu, I am Shiro from the Akatsuki organization. I am here to hope that you can join us. "

"Hey, hey, hey, I've been recruited by Xiaonan from the Akatsuki organization. Do I want to reveal my identity?" Kakuzu is an organized person now. When encountering such a thing, the first step is of course to call the organization behind it.

Kakuzu is also an old member of Zhou Wenming, and as an Adventer he also has a high status, so his call was quickly answered.

The webmaster in charge of intelligence work was the first to go online: "Hey, I found you so quickly? Xiaonan, doesn't she know you?"

Kakuzu said: "Obviously, I know them both, but they have never met me."

The webmaster immediately suggested: "Since we don't know each other, Kakuzu can completely conceal his identity and join the Akatsuki organization. Our intelligence on the Akatsuki organization will be more accurate in the future."

Yaye suddenly interrupted: "I object. The Akatsuki organization is not an enemy, and Kakuzu's identity cannot be concealed for a long time. It is not a good idea to deal with their easily exposed deception."

"Baye is right, you can do whatever you can to deal with your enemies, but the Akatsuki organization can be regarded as neutral and friendly to a certain extent, so you can either hide it or just be honest." Aburame Tetsumaru came online, and he gave a straightforward order The order, "Kakuzu, you directly identify yourself, and then tell Xiaonan that you can join the Akatsuki organization as a representative of Zhou Wenming."

"Just like the mission I told you in advance."

"I understand, Cocoon Maker."

Kakuzu raised his head and looked at Xiaonan with blue eyes, and said loudly: "Xiaonan from the Akatsuki organization, I am Kakuzu, a member of Zhou Wenming. I have just obtained the consent of the cocoon maker to join as a civilized observer. Akatsuki Organization, I wonder if you can accept it?"

"Huh?" Xiaonan didn't expect that the person she selected was actually a member of Zhou Wenming, and actually agreed to join the Xiao organization.

This confused Xiaonan. She had no idea whether she could accept this matter, so she could only ask: "Mr. Kakuzu, are you from Zhou Wenming?"

"Yes, even though you and Nagato have never met me, I know you." Kakuzu said calmly, "I joined the Akatsuki organization as Zhou Wenming's representative. I will obey Akatsuki's orders at the same time, and I can also serve as Zhou Wenming's representative. A bridge of communication between Civilization and Akatsuki to avoid conflicts.”

"Oh, that's it." Xiaonan scratched her hair irritably, "I can't decide on this matter. Why don't you and I go to Nagato and let him make the decision."

"Okay, there's no problem with that. Let's set off now."

"Mr. Kakuzu, can you fly?"

"Of course, as a descendant, I can fly. Also, please don't use honorifics. It makes me feel weird. Just call me by my name."

"Okay, Kakuzu, follow me."

A few hours later, in a secret cave, Kakuzu saw Pain Tendo, and unexpectedly found that Tendo's expression had become richer and more delicate. It seemed that Nagato's recovery had also greatly improved these reincarnation eye puppets.

Pain and Konan said a few words, then thought for a moment and asked: "Mr. Kakuzu, although it is very rude, I still want to confirm, for what reason do you want to join the Akatsuki organization?"

"First, please call me by my first name. I'm not used to honorifics."

"Okay, I understand, Kakuzu."

Satisfied, Kakuzu began to explain to Konan and Pain, including the tragic incident when he started taking leave but was caught by the leader on a mission.

As a result, everyone looked at each other in confusion. What is a vacation? You even have a vacation? How come we haven't heard of it?

When Xiaonan couldn't help but ask, they learned about the concept of vacation, humanistic care, and productivity recovery. They all immediately forgot about it. Their final understanding was that they could get paid even if they didn't work.

Then another question arose that troubled the two people: What is the salary?

Kakuzu could only continue to explain helplessly, and it took a lot of effort to make the two people understand. Finally, he said: "Now in the country of water, wages should start to appear, although it is also a very meager income."

Pain Tiandao said with emotion: "The salary is not a question of salary, but a question of security. Xiaonan, can we pay wages?"

Xiaonan was stunned by this question and didn't know how to answer it at all. As the chief accountant of the Akatsuki organization, Xiaonan had never studied accounting, and Jiraiya taught him simple mathematics at will.

Xiaonan couldn't answer whether the Xiao organization could pay wages, because she already understood that wages were people's stable income, which was also the fixed expenditure of the organization. She couldn't figure out whether her family's income could support it.

Kakuzu noticed her embarrassment and asked tentatively: "How about you tell me the situation of the Akatsuki organization and I can do the math for you?"

Xiaonan's eyes lit up and he looked at Tiandao, and Tiandao nodded without any hesitation. In his understanding, Zhou Wenming is a super powerful organization, far more powerful than the five major countries combined, and it is not even on the same level at all. Yes, they don't care about the little money from the Xiao organization.

Xiaonan is a woman with a delicate mind. She knows the Akatsuki organization's money very well and quickly reported all the data. Kakuzu processed all the data into tables at a faster speed and got it quickly. in conclusion.

"No, Xiao organization does not have enough confidence to pay wages. The income model is too simple. It relies entirely on unstable income such as task money, and the amount is seriously insufficient."

Kakuzu began to talk eloquently, proposing that the existing assets of the Akatsuki organization should be reintegrated, that it should have its own industry, and that it should establish a stable source of capital income.

"Even secret organizations can control trading companies, land, factories, and mines through white gloves, agents, etc., and earn stable and huge profits."

"Ideals are very important, but if you want to develop and grow, you must receive sufficient financial support. Only in this way can members have great confidence in the future. Only by allowing your own people to live well can everyone firmly believe that the organization can succeed in the future. The future brings a better life to the world.”

Pain Tiandao and Konan, who listened intoxicated, couldn't help but applaud Kakuzu. The education they received when they were young was too shallow. They stumbled around in ignorance and didn't know how to realize their ideals.

When the three of them were all present, Yahiko was the determined leader. Even though he didn't know what to do, he was able to lead everyone forward resolutely, and the situation was a little better.

But after Yahiko was tricked and killed by Hanzo and Danzo, Nagato inherited Yahiko's ideals and also modified the means to achieve his ideals, intending to use violence to achieve peace.

But there are many differences between means and results. After Nagato killed Hanzo in revenge, he didn't know what to do.

Nagato thought that he should create a powerful weapon and foolishly used his own chakra to strengthen the heretic golem. He thought that he should promote his ideas, so he made money to expand the Akatsuki organization.

Although he and Xiaonan also knew that there were still some intermediate steps and steps to achieve between the ultimate ideal and reality, they had no idea what was missing, and they didn't even know who to ask.

So much so that later Uchiha Obito pretended to be Uchiha Madara and easily deceived Nagato and Konan. His whole life's energy and life paved the way for the so-called Infinite Tsukuyomi Plan.

But today, after hearing Kakuzu's talk from a financial perspective, they suddenly felt that the foggy future suddenly became clear, and a straight road led directly to the final peace.

"Mr. Kakuzu, welcome to join the Akatsuki organization." Nagato manipulated Tiandao to directly grab Kakuzu's hands and welcomed him sincerely, "Why do you want to join the Akatsuki organization? Hey, this is not important anymore, please You must establish a complete financial system for the Xiao organization!"

“Most importantly, please teach me what peace is and how to achieve it!!”

"Ah? Ah, ah!" Kakuzu was startled, "It is my mission to join the Akatsuki organization, but I don't know much about this kind of political stuff. You should find real experts."

Xiaonan also came up and held his hands, and said sincerely: "No, in my opinion, you are already an expert. Let's learn from you first, and then ask real experts for advice after we have a basic understanding. "

"Yes, that's it, please!"

"Okay, but I have a request."

"Mr. Kakuzu, please speak."

"Stop using honorifics to me. I'm really not used to it."

"Ah, okay."

As Kakuzu joined the Akatsuki organization, under his guidance, Zhou Wenming's financial system was implanted into the Akatsuki organization, and through Aburame Tetsumaru and politicians, he improved the action plan and development plan for the Akatsuki organization.

The Akatsuki organization has undergone earth-shaking changes, rapidly changing from a disorderly idealistic group to a well-organized political group.

Soon, Kakuzu established a strong capital chain system. With the abundant capital injection, the Akatsuki organization developed rapidly, its manpower continued to expand, and the organization became more rigorous and orderly.

I don’t know if Uchiha Obito and Black Zetsu would feel unfamiliar and afraid of the new, huge and powerful Akatsuki organization when they joined.

Moreover, apart from personal strength and the method of perfecting the Heretic Golem, Uchiha Obito has no more value. Whether he can obtain a transcendent status within the Akatsuki organization is a question mark.

In the outer orbit of Jupiter, the huge celestial portal is in operation. This is the warm-up that lasted for two full days and finally reached the end.

After repeated inspections and calculations, Alchemy finally confirmed the accuracy of the data, but he still wanted to check again uneasily.

Aburame Tetsumaru stopped Alchemy's movements: "Okay, Alchemy. This is already the fifteenth time you have checked. You haven't found any problems six times in a row, right?"

Alchemy took a deep breath and said, "This is the first time I've been far away. I really can't feel at ease. Just let me check it again."

Meteor laughed loudly: "Tiewan, just let Alchemy check it. After all, he is the chief engineer. Not only will Alchemy feel at ease if he checks again, but the number of sixteen times also makes me feel comfortable."

Aburame Tetsumaru let go of his hand and asked Alchemy to start the test from scratch again, checking every detail and calculating every data. After more than an hour of intense work, Alchemy finally nodded.

Meteor looked around at the descendants and clones who came to see him off, and smiled: "The first step out of the house is mine, everyone wish me good luck."

"Good luck to you! Good luck to civilization!"

Meteor turned on the gravity controller at the waist of the suit, and used the ultra-light heavy rock technique to fly to the distant spaceship, and all the senders also flew towards the door to the sky.

When the Gate of Heavenly Sending begins to operate, the eight thousand kilometers will be an extremely dangerous space folding area. Except for the central part, the folding changes in other places are difficult to control. Who knows where people will be bounced.

Soon Meteor entered his exclusive spaceship, which was a particularly huge brood spacecraft that carried a huge amount of supplies and a huge swarm of insects.

The spacecraft also carries a large amount of spore groups, and the materials carried can be used to quickly create insect swarms.

Both the insect swarm and the spacecraft itself can be reborn repeatedly in emergencies, at least five times.

The Gate of Heaven's Delivery began to operate, and the space gradually folded. In the eyes of outsiders, the spacecraft gradually became shorter and turned into a flat cylinder.

The folding of space continued, and after several hours of operation, the spacecraft finally turned into an existence like a thin piece of paper.

Now that everything is ready, we are waiting for the final launch opportunity. The voyage is half a light-year long and sailing at twelve times the speed of light, leaving very limited operating space for the pilot.

It is impossible to respond very effectively to emergencies during the entire process. The safest route must be planned, so the requirements for the time window are very strict, and no error can be made even by one millisecond.

After all, in the upcoming super-light voyage, the error of one millisecond is close to 40,000 kilometers, which is enough to be fatal.

As time passed, the time for launch arrived. Before departure, Meteor gave everyone his departure speech.

"Here I come, Six String Star!"

The entire Tiansong Gate shook. The spaceship in everyone's eyes suddenly became tens of thousands of miles long, or hundreds of thousands of kilometers long, and then completely disappeared in the next moment.

Cao Thief said: "Okay, let's disperse. The meteors will be at super-light speed for the next fifteen days. During this period, we will have no contact with him at all."

Soon the descendants and clones dispersed, and everyone began to look forward to their reunion fifteen days later in the Star Sea Hall.

Hey, I've added another update.

I would like to say to everyone: Happy New Year!

Because I have something to do in the afternoon, the two chapters tomorrow morning may not be 100% guaranteed.

If there is a missing chapter, please don't worry, I will make it up as soon as possible.

thank you all

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