Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 393 The Daimyo of the Land of Fire is also dead

The Jounin of Konoha accepted the Hokage's decision, and naturally had to make a series of arrangements next, such as confirming the details of the alliance with Aburame Tetsumaru, strengthening the security on the northern border, and monitoring daimyo and nobles. .

Although there were many things to do, because the general direction had been determined, various arrangements were completed quickly and the meeting ended.

After most people left, Nara Shikaku went to the Fourth Hokage and asked: "Hokage-sama, you didn't arrange communication with the daimyo just now. Do you want the ANBU to do the work?"

"No." Namikaze Minato shook his head and said, "Aburame-senpai told me before that if I decide to join forces with him, I don't have to worry about the daimyo."


Nara Shikaku's face was covered with black lines. He had long known that Aburame Tetsumaru was an extremely cunning ninja, but this was too unscrupulous.

He even communicated with the Hokage in advance about dealing with the Fire Daimyo. Was this because he was confident that the Hokage would agree to join forces with him, or was he confident that the Hokage would not be able to change anything even if he knew about it?

I can’t even think about it, it’s really terrible.

Namikaze Minato put away all the things and couldn't help but sigh. Such a weird thing came out of Konoha Village. The layout was impeccable in all aspects. The Hokage was forced to follow his arrangement. It was really unacceptable. I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse.

"Is it a blessing or a curse?" Aburame Tetsumaru heard his disciple's question and thought for a while before replying, "I can't say it's bad, but no matter what, Konoha will definitely accelerate the consumption of its lifespan if I do this. "

Hinata Hinata was shocked and blurted out: "Will Konoha Village be destroyed in advance?"

"The end of life is not destruction." The old god Aburame Tetsumaru said, "Hinata, you have also studied materialist dialectics, and you should know that everything must end one day."

"It's just that the ways of ending are completely different. Some have reached the point of destruction due to their own shortcomings, while others have completed their historical mission and exited the stage of history gloriously."

Aburame Tetsumaru looked at the sky and said: "I hope that Konoha Village can complete her historical mission and disappear naturally because history has entered a new stage."

"Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara ended the Warring States Period. Due to various reasons, they could only stay in the stage of confrontation in the Ninja Village. Unfortunately, they missed a historical opportunity that truly brought peace. Namikaze Minato and I will cooperate to complete the Ninja Village. The unification of the world.”

Speaking of those heroic words, Aburame Tetsumaru couldn't help but touch his chin. There was not a single hair on his smooth, crystalline chin.

In fact, not only is his beard gone, Aburame Tetsumaru's eyebrows and hair have also recently fallen out, so much so that he feels that he has definitely become stronger, with such a clear "strong" demeanor.

The renewal and transformation of his cells is shifting from the internal organs to the skin. In the past two days, all the hair follicle cells in his body have died, so all the hair has fallen out.

That's right, there was no hair left on his body, and his skin tone became three shades brighter.

Moreover, except for the vital organs and head, the pores in other parts of the body seemed to be shrunk and closed, and the hair follicle cells were not regenerated at all.

Aburame Tetsumaru was also helpless about this, and could only comfort herself that this was the legendary "leak-free body", and she hoped so.

I originally wanted to draw fake eyebrows and get fake hairbands, but Aburame Tetsumaru lost energy due to her transformation and kept forgetting things. In the end, she could only put on a hat and wear bigger sunglasses as a cover-up.

Hyuga Hinata rubbed her chin like a teacher, and said quietly: "But I will miss Konoha Village."

"What are you thinking about? Konoha Village will not disappear. It will just change its function as the military management center of the Country of Fire. It will even become more prosperous because it is more open."

"Eh? Won't it disappear?"

Aburame Tetsumaru shook his head. The location of Konoha Village is really good. The Country of Fire is the core of the Ninja Continent, and Konoha Village is the core of the Country of Fire.

The unification goal of the ninja world is to eliminate the remnants of the feudal system, but its essence is to break down the obstacles that hinder economic development. Unification can only make the status of Konoha Village higher and its development more prosperous.

To put it bluntly, without the barriers of the country, countries such as the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Snow, which were established in bitter cold lands, will experience large-scale decline.

"Teacher, someone is here."

"Well, the person I'm looking for is here."

Within a few minutes, five agile ninjas appeared in front of Aburame Tetsumaru. Their uniform waists were girdled with furry imitation tails as a symbol, but they decorated themselves with five colors to show their distinction. It was the gold exchange that was very famous in the ninja world. The loud Xuanyuan crowd.

Aburame Tetsumaru looked over, but found that he could no longer remember their faces, but remembered that he seemed to have forced them to change their names.

"I remember that I asked you to change your name. It should be called 'Jiahe Zhong'. Why are you using the name of Xuanyuan Zhong now?"

The leader, the white-haired middle-aged man in red clothes, quickly knelt down on one knee and said anxiously: "I'm very sorry, sir. My father once used the name Koga Zhong, but..., but this reputation just doesn't appeal to people for some reason. It was difficult to get the task, so I had to..."

He raised his head and glanced at Aburame Tetsumaru secretly, and continued with sweat on his face: "I had to change it back again, and after the change, there were a lot more tasks..."

His voice became smaller and smaller, and he gradually did not dare to speak anymore. Under Aburame Tetsumaru's cold eyes, he sweated more and more, and even his body was trembling slightly.

The other four people were also silent, not daring to breathe, waiting for the Aburame Iron Pill to be triggered.

"Hmph!" Aburame Tetsumaru closed his eyes and said softly, "Get up, the world is big, and eating is the biggest thing."

"After completing this mission, you will no longer need this name when you enter the Kingdom of Wind and hold other positions."

The five ninjas breathed a sigh of relief and kowtowed hurriedly: "Thank you for your forgiveness, sir!"

"Tell me about the mission."

"Yes, sir." The white-haired middle-aged man was the leader of this generation of Xuanyuan people. He reported his mission.

It turns out that these guys were recruited by the Fire Daimyo under the orders of Aburame Tetsumaru, and became prominent in the Daimyo's rapidly expanding ninja army.

After the Fire Temple was turned into a truly Buddhist and peaceful place by Namikaze Minato, the Daimyo desperately wanted to reorganize his own ninja organization. First, he needed powerful ninjas to work for him, and then manage the increasingly large ninja group for him. They were organized into a fighting ninja organization.

Therefore, Xuanyuan Zhong, who was powerful and famous, especially with excellent professional ethics, was favored by the daimyo and was recruited as his confidant.

However, Xuanyuan Zhong said that they only took people's money to eliminate disasters. They were not loyal to the daimyo, but to their salary. As long as the daimyo always paid his salary on time, they would naturally eliminate all enemies for the daimyo.

As a result, the Fire Daimyo admired the Xuanyuan people even more, and often appointed them as his personal bodyguards to show his favor.

It is a pity that these ninjas have been defeated a long time ago. They were subdued by another more powerful ninja and have long been paid by another huge organization.

Zhou Wenming gave him too much, including a fixed basic salary, bonuses, mission rewards, long-term mission allowances, disability insurance, pension savings, and death benefits.

In addition to money, Zhou Wenming will also distribute merit points according to the difficulty of the task, which can be used to exchange for various ninjutsu and secret techniques.

Xuanyuan Zhong, a small ninja organization, has long been raised by Zhou Wenming to be arrogant and arrogant. The small amount of money given by the Fire Daimyo is really looked down upon.

Another important point is that the Fire Daimyo thinks he is a polite and virtuous corporal, but in fact he is full of condescension.

The daimyo's attitude fell into the eyes of Xuanyuan Zhong, making them feel very awkward, especially compared to Aburame Tetsumaru's fair treatment, which was totally different.

The money, the money was not enough, and the attitude was condescending. Naturally, one cannot blame Xuanyuan Zhonghui for attacking the daimyo with peace of mind.

"The Daimyo has put blasting bugs into his body, but he is a mortal and the chakra in his body is very thin. It is not enough to support the growth of bugs and cannot achieve the most shocking death."

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded and said: "Death is enough, there is no need to make it so beautiful."

"Do it, and then you guys will go to the Kingdom of Wind and accept the management of Dice there. He will arrange new jobs for you."

"Yes, sir!"

The five ninjas retreated and then quickly disappeared into the forest. On the other side of the forest was the capital of the Land of Fire and the residence of the daimyo.

"Teacher." Hyuga Hinata said with unbearable heart, "If you don't deal with those two thousand ninjas, why don't you just kill the daimyo?"

Aburame Tetsumaru said: "I know that after the death of the daimyo, these ninjas will lose the trust of the daimyo and the nobles, and then they will not be able to get money."

"If there are only groups of three or five ninjas, they will leave in silence, but when more than two thousand ninjas gather together, there will definitely be careerists."

"They will form a ninja team of hundreds of people, and then rob and kill the nobles, and these nobles will have no ability to resist, which in turn will further inspire the ninjas' confidence and tyranny."

"In the end, all the daimyo's family will die, the nobles will be so weakened that they will no longer be able to cause trouble for us, and the internal troubles in the Fire Country will naturally disappear."

Aburame Tetsumaru saw the unbearable look on Hinata Hinata's face, and he said calmly: "This is the effect I want, and I also know that many tragedies will happen during this period, but I am not the kind of person with mental mysophobia Stupid."

Hinata Hinata said calmly: "But we have the ability to stop them from doing evil."

Tetsumaru was very happy about Hinata's kind-hearted Aburame, but he still asked: "Hinata, did I invite these ninjas?"

Hinata shook her head.

"The daimyo wants to be our enemy. I'll kill him. Is there any problem?"

Hinata continued to shake her head.

The principle of ninja is that the enemy should be killed, and after receiving the education of Aburame Tetsumaru, Hinata does not think there is anything special about the daimyo, and it is normal to kill the daimyo.

Aburame Tetsumaru continued: "We have the ability to stop these ninjas from doing evil, but the result is that our enemies will survive, and those seemingly innocent brats will also survive. They will all know that we killed the daimyo, even if they don't know They'll say the same thing."

"They will say: You didn't do it, why are you here to save people?"

"Then they used this as an excuse to incite hatred, deceive the Konoha ninjas into conflict with us, exaggerate the results of the conflict, and continue to incite hatred... In the end, the Fire Nation and us broke out into violent conflicts, and the ninjas suffered numerous casualties."

"But they stand far away and continue to incite hatred. By the way, these ninjas are idiots."

Hyuga Hinata sighed and said nothing more. Compared with the children of these nobles, they are naturally more important partners of Konoha and Zhou Wenming.

Aburame Tetsumaru rubbed Hinata's head and said to her, "There is no need to pity these children. They are born in such a family. They are born with rich clothes and fine food. They don't have to do any work, and they can enjoy hundreds of times as much as ordinary people." of luxury life.”


"Farmers' children have been hungry since they were young. They have to work hard before they grow up. They are tired and out of breath, but they still may not have enough to eat because the food is taken away by the nobles through taxation."

"Nowadays, ninja children have no worries about food and drink, but they have to practice hard since they were young, and they have to fight with their lives before they grow up, in order to earn a decent income."

"The nobles have enjoyed so much since childhood, so they naturally have to bear the tragic fate of overturning their nests. Otherwise, it would be too unfair to others."

After listening to Aburame Tetsumaru's explanation, Hyuga Hinata did feel much better. It was indeed the case. Rights and obligations should be equal. They enjoyed so much, so naturally they should not complain when facing death.

As for the ordinary people who serve the nobles, there is no need to worry. The Fire Daimyo has a very good vision. The ninjas he recruits are of high level, and there are very few bitches among them who will attack ordinary people.

And these garbage didn't even have to wait for the daimyo to die before they had already unleashed their violence on ordinary people, so they had all been dealt with, and it was Aburame Tetsumaru and Hinata Hinata who did it.

That night, the Fire Daimyo suddenly fell down clutching his heart during a banquet, and his son also fell together.

You don't need to think about it to know that this is an assassination, and it is an assassination by a ninja.

The nobles immediately jumped up and mobilized the twelve warriors guarding the daimyo to investigate the newly recruited ninja.

Those famous ninjas and ninja combinations immediately stopped working. They felt that the nobles were responsible for the assassination of the twelve warriors through communication with them, and they wanted to investigate the twelve warriors in turn.

The nobles were so well protected by the Konoha ninjas that they exerted pressure regardless of the severity, which finally led to a armed conflict between the ninjas on both sides.

At first, both sides were restrained and only used Taijutsu, but soon they used kunai. When the blood spurted out, everything was completely out of control.

The killing began. Although the Twelve Guardians were selected elite ninjas, comparable to the ANBU of Hokage, the ninjas recruited by the daimyo were also ruthless characters who licked blood at the edge of their swords.

More importantly, the number of people guarding the Twelve Soldiers was too small. Without the leadership of a shadow-level ninja, the number of people was the greatest strength, so all the Twelve Soldiers were quickly killed.

After the battle, the ninjas calmed down, and they soon realized that they were in big trouble, as a noble died in the chaos.

It wasn't the ninjas who did it, but he fell to death when he ran away in a panic, and more nobles were injured in the fall.

Seeing the nobles with broken necks and the nobles with broken legs who were still cursing and claiming to hire Konoha ninjas to kill these wandering ninjas, the ninjas' eyes gradually became fiercer.

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