Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 627 Capital’s erosion of gods begins

However, it didn't matter if the magician suddenly stood on the opposite side.

Because the Sark Empire was gone, it was just a formal final blow at this time, officially ending this empire that was born less than three years ago.

As the third largest force after lords and priests, magicians are feared by Aburame Tetsumaru because they have knowledge in their minds and because they hold power in their hands.

But it was wrong for them to stand up at this time. The timing was simply speechless and could not change any outcome at all.

In Aburame Tetsumaru's concept, the power of magicians is not suitable for use alone, but is an important amplifier. Only when they are assisted by a powerful force can they maximize their power.

But the capital of the Sac Empire was not really much of a city. It had a population of just over 200,000, and the number of troops guarding it was pitiful.

To be honest, there is no room for magicians to play anymore.

However, Aburame Tetsumaru still underestimated the power of the magician.

The magicians in the special forces of the Red Army warned that they felt that this city contained huge magical energy. There were at least forty magic towers that coordinated the frequency band of magic and formed a magic resonance.

In addition, there are more than sixty magic towers that connect the earth veins or energy dimensions, extract magic power to support the rune framework, and build the magic source.

Aburame Tetsumaru, whose mind was full of questions after hearing this, frowned and looked at the magicians, and asked in confusion: "What do you mean by this?"

The magicians in red military uniforms realized that they had said too many awkward magic terms, which made their colleagues and top leaders feel unhappy.

So they elected the oldest magician, and he explained nonchalantly: "To put it simply, the sky above this city is covered with a magic shield, layer upon layer, at least..."

A dozen magicians discussed with each other and then gave an estimated number.

"...At least four hundred floors, and at most six hundred floors."

At this time, a magician with a brown-black complexion said: "Sir, there was absolutely no such powerful magical power in Sac City before, at least not when I traveled here three years ago."

Aburame Tetsumaru asked, "Do you know the exact increase?"

The brown-skinned magician replied: "In my memory, there are only about ten levels. The increase this time is indeed very exaggerated."

The magicians expressed their surprise and pointed out that the number of magic towers was also very unusual. There were sixteen magic towers three years ago, but now they have increased to more than a hundred.

Aburame Tetsumaru thought for a while, then suddenly asked with a smile: "Generally speaking, how long does it take to build a magic tower?"

The magicians replied: "At least one year, if it is a large magic tower, it may take five years."

"With so many magic towers and so many layers of protective shields, I don't think they can be more powerful than our construction capabilities." Aburame Tetsumaru already had a clear guess in his mind.

"They should not all be magic towers. Most of them are replacements. The defensive power may not be too bad, but the durability cannot be as strong as it should be."

Aburame Tetsumaru stood up. He no longer hesitated at all, and issued an order loudly: "Order the artillery to retreat five kilometers and not appear in the enemy's sight. This time we will use a beyond-visual-range attack. attack."

"In order to make up for the loss of artillery accuracy, I order: increase the amount of ammunition prepared by five times, take out ten base shells, increase the one-hour fire preparation time to five hours, and smash this city to pieces! !”

As his order was issued, steam monsters lowered their towed heavy artillery along the twelve-kilometer-long front, and the soldiers deployed the artillery skillfully or unfamiliarly.

The huge steel bracket of the heavy gun propped up the gun body and lifted the thick wheels. The huge gun hoe to resist the recoil was inserted diagonally into the dug hole.

The gun barrel was slowly raised under the control of the soldiers, aiming at the city ten kilometers ahead.

More steam monsters swarmed in, unloading shells full of shells from each gun emplacement, piling them up into hills.

As the three hundred and thirty heavy artillery pieces completed their battle preparations, the atmosphere on the battlefield quickly became tense.

When the cannon was deployed, the magicians of the special forces determined the locations of more than a hundred magic towers by infiltrating through ground tunnels and even flying over at low altitudes in airplanes.

At the same time, it was also confirmed that most of the so-called more than one hundred magic towers are just altars that have completed the ritual of fixing the magic source.

Although the level of magicians in the Red Army is relatively low, and they cannot accurately point out the location of the magic nodes of the protective shield, these magic towers and altars must be the most important nodes.

They were certain that by knocking down these magical buildings, they would be able to destroy the entire city's protective shield.

This level of intelligence is enough for artillery to launch an attack.

Now it's time for the heavy artillery to appear.

Because the enemy does not have a strike force with a range of more than ten kilometers, and the air force gives up its bombing function and fully protects the air superiority of the artillery position.

Therefore, the heavy artillery troops can launch the attack wholeheartedly and start the first round of bombardment towards the attack target marked by the magicians.

Justice with a caliber of 122 mm spoke, and the roar of artillery sounded on the position. Thirty seconds later, the low-speed heavy bomb was intercepted over the city and turned into balls of fire. That was the scene of the artillery shell exploding on the protective cover. .

After the first round of artillery bombardment was intercepted, the frontline observation team transmitted the hit coordinates to the rear, as well as the information that it was intercepted by the magic protective shield.

The artillerymen launched rapid fire according to Aburame Tetsumaru's plan without hesitation, and immediately the artillerymen fired continuously according to their respective targets.

Warheads weighing more than 90 kilograms followed a fixed arc, spanning a distance of ten kilometers, and poured firepower towards the target in a controlled manner.

Looking from a distance from the observation post, the entire city was shrouded in the storm of explosions. The magic protective shield that intercepted the shells in mid-air was blown out by layers of ripples in the explosion, and then shattered into magic light spots all over the sky.

The protective shield shattered so quickly that magic light points rained down one after another, like a large fireworks display.

Aburame Tetsumaru watched quietly, and through the magic phenomenon that was so strong that it could be seen by ordinary people, he finally noticed the existence of magic power.

He stretched out his right hand, and after brewing for a long time, a small, flickering flame finally appeared in his palm.

The power of this flame is not even as good as the flame of a lighter, and it is even worse than the fire escape created by ninjutsu, but it is indeed a flame ignited by magic power.

This is Aburame Tetsumaru's breakthrough in understanding magic from zero to one. It is the second most important breakthrough in the exploration of the new world, second only to the understanding of God and higher than the research on dragons.

The artillery roared ferociously, and more than sixty shells per second hit the city's protective shield, forming a spectacular war spectacle.

There was still an hour before dawn, which was the darkest period of the night. The gorgeous explosion of artillery shells and the magnificent rain of magic collapse light were a feast for the eyes of the 100,000 red-coated soldiers who were ready to go.

Although soldiers standing on the artillery position cannot see the gorgeous fireworks show, they can feel the vibration of the ground when the cannon is fired, and even feel the wonderful pleasure of the earth bumping.

In fact, most of this wonderful pleasure comes from imagination, imagining the pleasure of being destroyed by explosives ten kilometers away, shaking more violently, buildings collapsing, the earth shattering, and towers toppling.

This is the pleasure derived from destruction, which most men can feel instinctively, and then the secretion of adrenaline accelerates, resulting in more intense excitement and happiness.

Seeing themselves constantly destroying, but the other side couldn't even fight back, this absolute advantage was actually achieved against the magician, and pride naturally emerged in the hearts of the artillerymen.

This is the power of industry and organization, this is the pride of conquering the old era on behalf of the new era, and this is the pride that the enemy must surrender to.

The redcoat army was very happy, but standing in a city ravaged by intensive shells, the feeling was extremely bad.

All magicians in the city can feel that under the fierce bombing, the elemental structure of the city is rapidly collapsing, and the protective cover is collapsing faster than anyone can imagine.

This feeling is really too bad. This feeling of suffocation is like that in the game, as a MT warrior, someone is blocked in front of the copy and is surrounded and beaten by the enemy.

If you want to be unable to move around, if you want to fight, you can't hit the enemy, and your health bar will continue to decrease, then you really want to die.

A magician left his position and gave up maintaining the magic circle. He walked to the city wall with a face full of frustration and despair.

Seeing the explosions all over the sky and the magic light spots like rain, he knelt down on the city wall in despair and howled loudly.

At dawn, in the rising sun, the last layer of magic shield shattered.

The dense shells poured into the city instantly, turning into a storm of death and raising smokey mushrooms.

The magicians' carefully prepared positions, magic cannons, magic puppets, magic traps, poisonous agents, etc. were all destroyed in the indiscriminate fire.

The bombardment continued for another two hours after dawn, destroying all the buildings in the city.

Including the city walls, no building could be more than two meters above the ground. All the exquisite magic products brought by the magicians were smashed to pieces by the rough cannons.

At least three hundred magicians died or disappeared in this man-made natural disaster. Their attempts to teach the Red Army a lesson and improve their status failed miserably.

The naive attempts of the magicians caused their pride to be annihilated under the roaring gunfire, and the status of the magicians suddenly collapsed.

The war was won, the invested capital finally began to be converted into profits, and the time for capital carnival arrived.

The profit that capital seeks is money, but it is not just money.

What they want is gold, silver, jewelry, famous paintings and other floating wealth, as well as fixed assets such as mines, workshops, castles, farmland, houses, water canals and other fixed assets. What they want more urgently is farmers, craftsmen, doctors, veterinarians and other useful labor forces.

Capital wants to take possession of anything that can create profits.

Capital, which is still in the stage of ignorance, even attempts to obtain privileges such as road construction rights, dock construction rights, mineral mining rights, etc., and even attempts to get involved in national rights such as coinage rights.

These attempts were unceremoniously rejected by Aburame Tetsumaru. He also severely punished the few who reached out, and punished more capital chaebols in a row to make them remember for a long time.

This is a key point concerning whether capital controls political power or whether the political power controls capital. There is no room for sloppiness.

However, capital is still useful now.

Aburame Tetsumaru needs capital to help him solve the feudal system. He needs capital to shake people's faith on a large scale and fundamentally attack the faith in gods.

Therefore, he did not punish the thirteen chaebols severely, and continued to give them considerable support, and even began to provide them with armed forces.

The endangered beast is the most dangerous, and the feudal system will definitely launch a fatal counterattack at this time.

Moreover, in the previous war, in order to speed up the progress of the war, Aburame Tetsumaru not only spared the magicians, but also tolerated the church organizations of the gods, and even ignored the land occupied by the priests.

These are all hidden dangers, so not only cannot capital be killed, but capital must also be equipped with sharper fangs and claws. As for the fangs, you don’t need to worry about Aburame Tetsumaru, that is the innate ability of capital.

After the war, massive infrastructure construction began.

Aburame Tetsumaru deliberately relaxed the restrictions on capital, and the thirteen chaebols involved hundreds of millions of people in this grand feast, changing people's beliefs at an exaggerated speed.

At this time, the gods finally noticed the changes in people's hearts, but the degree of attention was far from enough.

In order to cover the actions of No. 4 Aburame Tetsumaru, and to make the gods realize that this problem was actually fatal a few months later, No. 3 Aburame Tetsumaru launched a new round of offensive.

He commanded the swarm to expand its territory, from space, from the ground, from the ocean, from the underground... The swarm began to attack from every position it could reach.

The eyes of the gods were immediately attracted, and the power that the priesthood could control was almost fully invested, and the insect swarm launched a blockade and interception everywhere.

For a time, the entire new world was ignited with extraordinary war.

When the gods took out their trump card, angels, dragonfly angels suddenly appeared among the insect swarms. They faced tit-for-tat with the angels of the gods without showing any weakness.

The appearance of the Dragonfly Angel frightened the gods inexplicably. All their attention was focused on the insect swarm, and they truly felt provoked and fatally threatened.

But they all understood it wrong. Dragonfly angels cannot kill the gods, but capital can.

In March of the second year after the war ended, it was time for spring flowers to bloom.

At this time, people's outlook on life has undergone earth-shaking changes in just one winter.

Capital takes advantage of the pursuit of people's hearts and alienates everything. Family affection, love, pride, faith, everything has retreated to the second line.

Money has become the benchmark by which everything is measured.

Even a god needs money to measure his size and ability.

Under the guidance of Aburame Tetsumaru, the rabbits' belief model gradually penetrated in, which is a business and an exchange.

I believe in you and worship you, so you must protect me instead of testing me, otherwise... you are an evil spirit, a demon, and an evil that steals our Lord's authority.

With such a belief, how can there be any pious belief?

In May, when the weather was getting hotter, the God of Music suddenly fell asleep and appeared without any warning.

Then a series of gods fell asleep for no reason, and the gods were afraid.

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