Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 664: Adjustment of Civilization Science and Technology Research Priorities

As the main questioner, Aburame Tetsumaru raised a more in-depth question to Shengyangyu: "If there is an enemy with more powerful weapons that can defeat the electromagnetic force field in one fell swoop, how can we deal with it?"

Sheng Yangyu thought for a while and then said: "If it can achieve this kind of destructive power, we will have no way to deal with it."

"According to the current data, the power of the electromagnetic force field is almost unsolvable in a mathematical sense. Being able to break through the electromagnetic force field defense with one blow can only be because the enemy's technical level is too much higher than ours, and they have already entered the next spearhead. It’s beyond the shield’s technical stage.”

"Such a situation is impossible to fight. The enemy's advanced technology will not only be used in attack. Defense, reconnaissance, communications, and transportation will all present overwhelming advantages."

"In such a war, we suffer a lot." Sheng Yangyu lowered his voice and said, "We are not as great as the cutest people."

Aburame Tetsumaru thought for a while. In fact, he was very satisfied with the performance of the electromagnetic force field in all aspects, but he still asked again: "How to bypass the limitations of unique mind control? How to make the bugs afford powerful calculations?" ability?"

An idea flashed in his mind, and he told himself the answer: "Establish a separate control center for the bioelectromagnetic force field!"

Shengyang Fish raised his thumb and praised: "You are right, it is to use the measured data of the living dragon to control its own electromagnetic force field to create a biological computer that can specifically control the entire electromagnetic force field system."

"Biocomputer is a ready-made technology, and the electromagnetic force field has also been transformed from a theoretical design into a real object with surprising and powerful functions."

"Other than making it by hand, there is no problem."

This solution is very convincing and can bypass the problem of multi-core dislocation in large battleships and planetary fortresses as well as the problem of insufficient brains of a single bug.

Of course, units that are not large enough and cannot carry a sufficient energy system cannot be used.

This means that the key technology of this civilization has a limited scope of application. It can only be applied to large facilities and combat units.

As individuals in civilization, only the living dragon and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya can use it, because the living dragon itself is large enough, and the ten tails that Ōtsutsuki Kaguya shares his life with are also large enough.

Everyone else has the problem of not being physically large enough to carry the electromagnetic force field system.

"Perhaps I should work harder to digest life substances and strive to reach the required minimum body size standard as soon as possible." Aburame Tetsumaru asked curiously, "What is the minimum standard?"

Shengyangyu rolled his eyes and said angrily: "The minimum standard is a weight of two hundred and forty tons. If there is no breakthrough in the technology of intelligent life materials, you will be able to survive."

"However, your efforts are in the right direction."

"What's really surprising about this breakthrough is the phenomenon of material superposition, which is the use of stable time oscillations to superimpose matter into other dimensions."

Uchiha Sanae asked in surprise: "In other dimensional spaces, can they only be high-dimensional spaces?"

"Sister Huobi has also upgraded her dimension?"

Sheng Yangyu was confused by the question, and he said nonchalantly: "This, this, I don't know. I have not ascended the dimension, nor do I have eyes or instruments that can observe the four-dimensional space..."

Sheng Yangyu's voice became lower and lower as he spoke, and even sounded a little aggrieved.

Oh my god, how can any scientist do research without relying on instruments and rigorous thinking, but instead relying on mutated eyes or even super personal strength?

Sheng Yangyu couldn't help but muttered: "What the hell, I have to work hard to increase my strength from now on, otherwise I won't be qualified to engage in research work."

Isn’t it said that poor people rely on mutation, and rich people rely on technology? A wealthy scientist like me now has to rely on mutation to engage in technology.

Is this still a matter of science?

There were so many chaotic thoughts of complaint, but they all flashed through his mind. On the surface, Shengyang Yu had no reaction at all and still looked a little aggrieved.

But in fact, he had made up his mind in an instant and temporarily used his time to strengthen himself and become stronger quickly.

The performances of Aburame Tetsumaru, Uchiha Sanae and others have proved indisputably that the current Zhou civilization is in a special period, where the speed of personal growth is much higher than the speed of civilization's technological explosion.

This is the reality, so focusing entirely on scientific research is a wrong decision.

Scientific research cannot be given up, because it is the foundation for the development of a civilization. Only by laying a solid foundation can Zhou civilization face various risks calmly.

But the time for studying science can no longer occupy all of one's time as before. The growth rate of personal strength far exceeds the rate of scientific and technological progress, which can provide huge help to scientific research.

The moment Shengyangyu made his decision, he suppressed these things in his heart, and then concentrated on answering everyone's questions: "As for the superposition of matter in living creatures, is it superimposed into a high-dimensional space?"

Having said this, Sheng Yangyu's eyes shone brightly, and he answered the question excitedly: "No, it's not just high-dimensional space."

"We analyzed the body state of the living dragon and found that her body matter is mainly superimposed into the three-dimensional space. There is also matter that has entered the high-dimensional space, but it is definitely a small amount."

This answer was so shocking that Aburame Tetsumaru opened his mouth in shock, but couldn't say anything.

Most of the descendants can't say anything, because this means that there are major secrets in the three-dimensional space itself, and even most of them are secret and unknown existences.

Finally, the slightly naive Uchiha Sanae, who was still well protected, broke the silence. She exclaimed: "Three-dimensional space?...It's hard to understand."

Sheng Yangyu nodded and said: "It is indeed difficult to understand, but it is the truth."

He added: "Unless there are fatal errors in my monitoring, analysis and calculations."

It is too common for errors to occur in scientific research. Shengyang Fish will never dare to be 100% sure before it has been verified many times and in various ways.

But after all, he is Zhou Wenming's scientific authority. Although he himself said that he might be wrong, there have indeed been cases where his judgment was wrong before.

But the person who has always been able to find out the mistakes is Sheng Yangyu himself. Others are indeed not as capable as him in this area, so no one takes the possible mistakes to heart.

Most of the descendants are thinking about how to help Shengyang Fish verify the matter of material superposition. There are also a few impatient descendants who are already thinking about how to use the phenomenon of material superposition.

If the material superposition phenomenon can occur, there will definitely be huge utilization prospects, and it will definitely not only allow living squids to solve the problem of huge body size.

Of course, just solving this is amazing and valuable enough.

For example, Alchemy is currently considering how to use this phenomenon to realize the reality of space capsules.

Aburame Tetsuwan is considering how to further enhance the amount of material carried by the final product, whether it is possible to stack the materials and then load them into the built-in space capsule.

He shook his head. It was difficult, very difficult, even impossible.

Material superposition itself is an application of space rules, and space capsule is also another application of space rules.

The application conditions of the two spatial rules are completely different, and there is probably no way to be compatible. Even if it can be achieved through certain methods, the difficulty will definitely be very, very high.

"In short, the phenomenon of material superposition is very interesting and has great potential." Shengyangyu asked with a smile, "Is anyone willing to help me study this phenomenon?"

In an instant, a forest of arms erected among the research-oriented descendants. At least one hundred and twenty people were willing to join Shengyangyu's research team.

In fact, there are definitely more adventers who are willing to join, but most of the adventers have jobs that are difficult to get rid of, and they consciously do not raise their hands.

There are also some descendants who are more proactive. They want to lead a research direction by themselves, and they don't care even if they compete with Shengyang Fish.

I would rather have a chicken head than a phoenix tail.

There are always people who are unwilling to be assistants, which is not a bad thing. Even if they fail, they can still provide a lot of research experience.

After all, Zhou Wenming is not a poor rabbit. They have enough resources to squander. Supplying members of the civilization to engage in competitive scientific research is not a problem at all, let alone waste or luxury.

When cultivating a group of core leaders on a daily basis, the resources invested in repeated experiments are a huge wealth that far exceeds the imagination of ordinary people.

But that is only one ten thousandth of the total daily resource output of the Zhou civilization. This is the capital of a civilization that has mastered the transformation of stellar energy and matter.

The sun in the ninja world releases an average of thirty trillion trillion kilojoules of energy every day, 40% of which is absorbed and transformed by the Dyson sphere.

Another 35% or so of the energy is consumed immediately to combat solar wind and radiation, and to protect the Dyson ring from being destroyed.

The remaining energy is reflected back to the sun itself.

At the same time, the sun also blows out about 500 billion tons of hydrogen and helium through the solar wind, 80% of which is trapped and converted into energy and various other elements in the polymerization furnace.

In terms of productivity standards, Zhou Civilization has undoubtedly reached the pinnacle of the second-level civilization.

But technically, it was difficult for Zhou Wenming to evaluate his own level. The existence of chakra caused huge confusion in their technological level.

At least in terms of space technology, Zhou Wenming's technology has reached level three or above, and may even exceed the standards of level four civilization.

What the entire civilization lacks most is time. Only time can complete the accumulation of technology and expansion of territory.

Therefore, exchanging a little resource for rapid technological progress will be taken for granted by all descendants.

As the leader of the scientific research system, Shengyangyu was very familiar with the related descendants. He only spent a little time selecting more than sixty descendants as if reading names from an existing list.

This is how a new team studying matter superposition was formed.

He raised his head and looked around, found Uchiha Sanae, and then extended an invitation to her.

"Ah?" Uchiha Sanae looked confused, pointed to his nose with his finger, and asked in confirmation: "Me? Can I also participate in research work?"

"Isn't it natural? You have a pair of eyes that can see the four-dimensional space."

Sheng Yangyu calmly explained: "More than ten percent of the material superposition has entered a higher-dimensional space. This proportion is not small. I have to find a way to know what happened."

"Sanae, your eyes are miracles, you must come and help me."

Uchiha Sanae nodded repeatedly and agreed without hesitation: "No problem, Senior Shengyangyu."

This forty-year-old "little girl" was extremely excited. As for the battle sequence in The Advent, her brain was not very good.

In the past, Zhou Wenming's science and technology had advanced rapidly, and Uchiha Sanae could only use the functions of the Star Sea Hall to reluctantly chase the progress of science and technology.

Like most scientific idiots, Uchiha Sanae has longed for scientific research systems and is full of curiosity.

Now that she has the opportunity to join in, she is very happy, how could she refuse?

Besides, Uchiha Sanae joined as an auxiliary researcher, which is better than Kakuto joining the research team as a research subject.

Seeing Uchiha Sanae jumping happily, Shengyangyu looked at Aburame Tetsumaru with a smile.

He didn't say anything yet, but Aburame Tetsumaru knew what he was going to say and said directly: "Okay, I agree to prioritize the material superposition project first."

Shengyangyu nodded with satisfaction and said, "Then I will arrange the dispatch of personnel and resources to ensure the efficiency of the first sequence."

"In addition, before starting this work, I will first complete the drawing output of the electromagnetic force field. Analytically speaking, who will take over the work of the electromagnetic force field?"

Long Xin stood up and said: "Leave it to me next. I will preside over the construction of the first electromagnetic force field warship and determine the relevant construction process data."

This was a veteran, and no one had any objections to Long Xin taking over the job.

However, there are several Adventers who are willing to join the Dragon Heart work and accumulate relevant construction experience. They are Adventers belonging to the industrial system, and their interest in specific practices far exceeds the research of unknown things.

Now Zhou Wenming's industrial system has a very high degree of automation. As long as enough data can be accumulated when building the first warship, a large amount of work can be converted to automated production starting from the second ship.

Generally speaking, the tenth battleship does not require any adventers to participate. At most, a few core leaders can be deployed to take care of the fully automatic production line, and large-scale mass production can be achieved.

On the contrary, the production of the insect swarm's combat units is more troublesome, because the final thing that needs to be adjusted is the brood. It is too difficult to make adjustments in the already huge brood system.

Aburame Tetsumaru had complained more than once in the past that his own brood contained more and more systems. Although the related functions were divided into separate buildings as much as possible, they were still becoming more and more complex and looked more and more like a huge building. Xiangshan.

No matter which function of the Brood is adjusted, various and bizarre errors may occur.

And no one dares to explore what went wrong, so they can only continue to add more systems to correct the problem.

As long as the goal can be achieved, as for eliminating errors from the root of the problem, that is a huge problem that no one dares to accept on his own.

Often, fixing a trivial problem, such as changing the white spots that appear on the surface of the brood nest at some point, can actually cause the brood nest to fall off.

What could be the relationship between the two?

On a whim, a descendant named Sen Chengyu used his utmost determination to explore the problem of white spots. As a result, more and more problems were triggered as he pursued it.

During this process, the mother nest inexplicably displayed problems such as rickets, reduced production, circulatory collapse, disordered pheromone recognition, and the production of deformed insect swarms.

Sen Chengyu, who admitted his failure, restored the nest to its original state step by step. However, after the restoration, the nest fell apart without any warning.

The cause of death is still unclear, and there are no clues. It is simply making people crazy.

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