Create a swarm technology tree in Konoha

Chapter 680 There are always more and more problems that can be studied

The transformation of Zhou Wenming's geomagnetic force field technology went smoothly.

In just one year, Shengyangyu first successfully completed an experimental electromagnetic force field on a newly produced first-class giant transport ship.

This time, a transport ship was built that could smash into an asteroid of the same size, shocking the jaws of countless descendants.

Since then, Long Xin and Alchemy have cooperated to perfect the electromagnetic force field system, and have successively implemented functions on exclusive battleships, planetary fortresses, space stations, and spacecraft of level four or above.

From then on, units and buildings with a length of more than 300 meters initially became indestructible. At least until the energy was exhausted, Zhou Wenming himself could not think of any way to destroy the electromagnetic system.

The work of the two top descendants was not to complete one installation, but to complete it multiple times on the same facility and summarize enough technical details.

Even within the scope of spacecraft, fully automated construction factories have been completed and have entered the stage of fully automated construction and modification.

After that, under the auspices of Ash Bones, Zhou Wenming successively successfully implemented electromagnetic force fields on the bodies of gamma bugs, knight bugs, and even thunder beasts. These giant beasts with a body length of more than 300 meters can do it, and within a certain period of time, Invincible within a certain period of time.

In the subdivision of large insects, Zhou Wenming finally has the ability to compete with the Zerg of the fourth-level civilization.

At the same time, Otsutsuki Kaguya's work encountered unprecedented setbacks. She also loaded her Ten-Tails with an electromagnetic force field, but it has been unable to transform it into her own strength.

This made Kaguya feel seriously depressed and defeated.

But in this case, Otsutsuki Kaguya still noticed Aburame Tetsumaru's emotional changes and felt her man's hard work and exhaustion.

After getting to know Aburame Tetsumaru in the seal, Otsutsuki Kaguya's personality has undergone tremendous changes, and she is no longer the goddess Uno she was a thousand years ago.

She suppressed her troubles with tenacity, wrapped Aburame Tetsumaru's tired soul with feminine gentleness and tenderness, and helped him persist until the first emotional torrent arrived.

Until Aburame Tetsumaru cleansed his mind in the emotional torrent and greatly improved his emotional state.

As Ōtsutsuki Kaguya extracted new information about Ōtsutsuki civilization, Aburame Tetsumaru gained a way forward and strong self-confidence.

Otsutsuki Kaguya didn't tell her difficulties and troubles to the most trusted and closest person until she was sure that Aburame Tetsumaru had no problem.

Of course, Aburame Tetsumaru was very satisfied with a beautiful woman who could think of him in this way, and his love for Kaguya grew explosively.

Of course, you must go all out to solve your own woman's difficulties.

Aburame Tetsumaru pulled the white-haired beauty into the central ecological warehouse of the Kunlun Mountain, and began to check the status of the Ten-Tails, looking for the reason why it could not be accommodated back to the body by Kaguya.

As for the troubles accumulated by Otsutsuki Kaguya, that is not a problem that needs to be solved now. It will be easier to deal with it until the root cause of the troubles is solved.

For people who are in love, as long as there is no continuous source, no amount of emotional accumulation is a problem.

The biggest problems can be completely solved through a hearty exercise. If it doesn't work, you can try it again.

You must know that Aburame Tetsumaru is not an ordinary person. His physical fitness makes him very confident. One day and one night at a time is not a problem.

The two came to the central ecological warehouse, but unexpectedly discovered that a white flesh wall blocked the entrance, and the soft flesh wall was bulging outward.

Aburame Tetsumaru stretched out his hand and touched it, recognizing it from the soft touch. He asked in surprise: "You invited a living dragon to help?"

Otsutsuki Kaguya was also a little confused at this time, and nodded blankly: "It is true, but I didn't expect that she is so big."

Aburame Tetsumaru sighed. He knew that this was because Otsutsuki Kaguya ignored the physical data of the living dragon when it was promoted. It was so huge that it affected the balance of the continental plates.

After being promoted, the living dragon offsets its own body weight through the electromagnetic force field, and compresses the body into a human form through material superposition, solving the problem of excessive size and weight.

However, the electromagnetic force field is stable, but the superposition of matter is not. In particular, maintaining a human form is very uncomfortable for living fish.

Slug once said that transforming into human form feels like a fat man with a five-foot-waist, breathing in to retract his belly and then constricting it with a belt.

Very very uncomfortable.

However, after her body is superimposed by matter, it will be very difficult for her to fully expand. She has to constantly fight against some kind of magical force to release enough of her body from the superimposed state.

It feels a bit like standing on tiptoes to reach your height. This feeling is also very bad.

Therefore, the living dragon does not like the human form and prefers to maintain a body length of two thousand meters. This is the most comfortable state for her.

And this volume is slightly smaller than the size of the central ecological warehouse of the Kunlun Mountain, so it should not be packed like this.

But at this time, in the central ecological cabin, there was also a very large Ten-Tails and almost 4,000 Zhou Wenming's brainworms.

So it’s not surprising that it’s so stuffed that the meat bulges out.

This is Kaguya's miscalculation problem, and it is also her old problem.

This beautiful woman just doesn't like to read a lot of text, nor does she like to listen to lengthy explanations. She even hates a series of numbers. Missing specific numbers in intelligence is a common thing.

Otsutsuki Kaguya's white eyes drifted up and down, left and right, showing her inner uneasiness and shyness. Considering that she was in a sad mood at this time, Aburame Tetsumaru said nothing.

He smiled and patted Bai Shengsheng's soft flesh, transmitting an electromagnetic wave containing the request into the slug's body.

When the entrance was tightly blocked, it was impossible to make the living snakes feel the existence of Aburame Tetsumaru by shouting.

Moreover, after Slug was promoted, his main nervous system has been replaced by an electromagnetic wave system.

Although the original five-sense system was still there, when she showed her huge size, the old five-sense system was very weak and was far less clear than the electromagnetic signal.

After receiving the electromagnetic information from Aburame Tetsumaru, the body of the living slug immediately began to shrink, and a large amount of volume returned to the superposition state. The mountain-like slug quickly shrank.

The living dragon did not stack up all the way into a human form, but stopped at a size of about three hundred meters and stopped shrinking its body.

At this time, the living dragon was lying on the Ten-Tails who was pressed on the ground. She danced her eyes and said with a smile: "Master Tetsumaru, long time no see."

"Long time no see. We haven't met in reality for six years." Aburame Tetsumaru took Kaguya Otsutsuki's hand, flew in front of the live snake, and asked with a smile: "How about this Ten-tailed monster?" Since it’s pressed like this, it must have been carefully inspected, are there any problems found?”

The live snake's eyes swayed from side to side, and he said sheepishly: "No, everything looks normal to me. The electromagnetic force field is also operating smoothly, and I can't find any problems at all."

"I'm so sorry that I couldn't help."

Aburame Tetsumaru shook his head and said: "No, no, no, Sister Huobi, if you can confirm that there is no problem with the electromagnetic force field, you have helped me eliminate many wrong options. It has been a great help."

"There is no problem with the electromagnetic force field. There can only be a problem with the connection between the electromagnetic force field and the chakra system. This is a very clear direction for investigation."

Then he looked at the living dragon and said with a smile: "You happen to be here, big sister living dragon. I will use your material superposition operation process as a comparison. I believe that the problem will be found soon."

"Shengyangyu has also made a lot of achievements in the research on matter superposition. In my opinion, it is just a step away from completing the research on matter superposition."

Aburame Tetsumaru smiled confidently and said to the two powerful women: "Let me use my insight to see the difference between material superposition and sealing the tailed beast. Maybe I can solve these two problems at once today."

The living creature nodded repeatedly, and she let out a clear laugh: "That's great. If I can understand the superposition of matter, I can guess the possibility of my next step."

"Hahaha, although my guesses are always wrong, at least I don't have to be as ignorant and unable to guess as I am now."

"Okay, let's get started." Aburame Tetsumaru turned to look at Otsutsuki Kaguya and asked, "Have you done all the things I want you to prepare?"

Kaguya Otsutsuki reached out and pulled out a ball of orange fur from her sleeve. It was Yang Jiuwei with straight eyes, and said with a smile: "Well, I'm ready."

"Then let's start."

It was suddenly pulled out of the seal, compressed into a juvenile form in an instant, and then put into the big sleeve. I don't know what happened.

In Kaguya's sleeves, the seal endured by Yang Jiuwei is even more terrifying. It is a seal without any skills and is purely made of high-quality chakra.

If the seal imposed by the Uzumaki clan in the past was an iron cage, then the current seal is pressed down by a real mountain.

Kaguya Otsutsuki didn't use any skills to deal with Kyuubi, and she didn't need any skills. It was like a human holding down a mosquito. That finger was really incomprehensible to the mosquito.

Kyuubi just stayed in the sleeve. He didn't know how long it took, but he was suddenly caught again. It took him a long time to realize that he was caught by a big boss.

This was a real boss. He was held in his grandma's hands. Wrapped in the strong aura of the Ten-Tails, Nine-Tails' thinking quickly froze again.

Apart from shivering as a natural reaction of the body, Kyuubi could not do anything.

In Kaguya Otsutsuki's opinion, the little Kyuubi is the product of his son cheating on his mother and dismantling the little figurine made by his own Ten-Tails.

If Aburame Tetsumaru hadn't made the request, he would have destroyed the Ten-Tails easily when he synthesized it.

But now I realize that it was a good thing that I was merciful at that time. Otherwise, where would I have made a tailed beast in such a hurry for comparison experiments?

Aburame Tetsumaru helps Kaguya seal the Nine-Tails. The goddess Uno is naturally different. Not only can she seal and pull away the Ten-Tails at will, she can also seal two tailed beasts without any pressure.

While operating the seal, Aburame Tetsumaru asked: "Is Kushina of the Uzumaki family okay?"

Kaguya thought for a while before replying: "It's okay, it's no different now than before. I know most of the secrets of chakra. After extracting the Kyuubi, I helped her recreate the exact same chakra environment in her body."

Aburame Tetsumaru nodded and said: "For Uzumaki Kushina, what you did is actually a good thing."

"If you don't draw the Kyuubi today, in five or six years, when Kushina reaches seventy years old, she will be like Mito-senpai back then, facing death due to physical breakdown."

"At that time, Namikaze Naruto will probably find me and ask me to extract the Kyuubi so that his mother can rest in peace."

"Kaguya, your operation of rebuilding the chakra environment in the body is really clever. What aging people are most afraid of is change. After all, the Nine-Tails is a living creature. It will produce considerable fluctuations that are difficult to control. This is very difficult for the aging Jinchuuriki. All were fatal injuries.”

Otsutsuki Kaguya, who received the compliment, proudly boasted: "Anyway, I am also the ancestor of chakra, so I am certainly good at playing with chakra."

"Besides, I have not wasted time in Zhou Wenming these years. I learned all the courses from scratch. I finally got rid of the situation of controlling chakra based on instinct. Of course, I will make great progress."

Under the curious gaze of the living creature, the two of them finished the seal while chatting and laughing, sealing the ignorant Nine-Tails into Kaguya's belly.

This sealed space that had already suppressed two Ten-Tails was obviously too big for the Nine-Tails. It was so big that it gave it the illusion of being exiled to an unknown space.

The next moment after An, Nine-Tails was taken out of the seal again, and appeared in the central ecological warehouse of the Kunlun Mountain in the shape of a mighty and domineering fox.

At this time, the fox was nearly forty meters tall at the shoulders, equivalent to the height of a twelve-story building for humans. Coupled with the blazing flames of the tailed beast's chakra, it looked even more majestic.

The only problem is that the life of the fox watching at this time is really extraordinary.

The ancestor of chakra is now his jinchuriki, but this one is obviously different from all the jinchuriki before. He can easily grab the scruff of the neck of the Nine Lamas' fate and cannot be offended.

There was another very tall and strong man. Although he always smiled, his aura that was as deep as the sea was more terrifying than Kaguya Otsutsuki. Kyuubi felt that he was going to die at a glance, and he was even more untouchable.

There is also a slug. In the past few decades, Kyuubi has seen her several times and is barely an old acquaintance.

But something was wrong with the familiar plump blue-and-white-striped slug today. It was too big, and it was no smaller than a fox lying there.

A strange coercion emanates from this body. It doesn't feel like a slug, but like a planet in the sky, the kind of star that emits infinite light and heat.

In the corners of this strange place, you can also see many gray-white monsters. They are not big in size, but their length really frightens the fox. They look like walking brains.

These monsters had no eyes, but they still gave Kyuubi a strong feeling of being watched. This feeling was so strong that it felt frightened.

The heavy pressure made the mighty and domineering fox dare not even make a sound, so he put away the chakra flames from his heart, shrank in size, and lay on the ground obediently.

The performance of the Nine-Tails surprised Otsutsuki Kaguya. She said, "These little things made by Hagoromo are a bit interesting. I didn't pay attention to them before, but now it seems that their spirituality is much higher than that of the Ten-Tails..."

Kaguya thought for a while and made an evaluation: "Some of the nine tailed beasts that Hagoromo removed from the Ten-Tails look like intelligent creatures, rather than biological weapons like the Ten-Tails."

Aburame Tetsumaru agreed with Kaguya's view: "You are right, I also ignored the spirituality of the tailed beasts. The fact that the ten tails themselves are quite intelligent caused a lot of misleading to me."

"Looking back now, Kaguya, when your Ten-Tails reunited, it only replenished the Nine-Tails' chakra and did not absorb the Nine-Tails' soul. However, the Ten-Tails' intelligence did not suffer any loss."

"To a certain extent, this also proves that the spirituality of the Nine-Tails does not originate from the Ten-Tails. This question is very interesting."

Aburame Tetsumaru said with a smile: "Let's put this problem aside for now. There are always more and more problems that can be studied, but today we are here to solve the problem of the superposition of electromagnetic force fields and matter."

"Boy, my insight is ready. The current observation scale is 0.3 nanometers. Let's start with this level."

"Okay, Iron Pill."

"No problem, Cocoon Maker."

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