Rice country, White House.

The boss of the rice country was in a hurry, and kept pacing back and forth in the office with his hands behind his back.

And a group of high-level officials, as well as a group of scientists, are also nervously waiting for the news to come.

This time, Huaxia did not take any live broadcast at all, and no one in the world knew the exact news, so they could only wait. Everyone only knows that Huaxia may immediately test the big Ivan today.

But I don’t know when, I don’t know the exact time. I don’t even know the exact location.

The boss of the rice country raised his head a little angrily and roared: “Is there no news? Why is there still no news?”

The secretary lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

The boss of the rice country pointed at his nose and yelled, “Go out and find out for me!”

“Sir… Now, there’s no way to look it up. There’s no way to find out. ”

“What about spy satellites?”

“There is no news from the spy satellite, because Big Ivan is not very large, only 6-8 meters in length. It’s so easy to ship that no one knows where it’s going. Nor does anyone know exactly how it will be transported and where it will be tested for explosion. ”

The boss of the rice country roared: “Listen to Huaxia’s information.” ”

“Sir… Since last week, Huaxia has begun to officially launch the ‘Micius Quantum Satellite’. All their messages are transmitted and received in the form of quantum encryption, and no one in the world can discover the secrets of quantum satellites. ”

Quantum satellites…

Everyone muttered, and there couldn’t help but have some complicated looks in their eyes.

When the quantum satellite was first launched, everyone already had a hunch that China’s ‘information age’ was estimated to be decades ahead of the world. But there is no clear concept in everyone’s hearts, and they didn’t expect that this day would come so quickly.

It was just proposed by Li Hao some time ago, and scientists all over the world have just invested in the most primitive research. And Huaxia has been… Got it?

All the high-level officials in the country looked at the secretary blankly, and for a while, they couldn’t say a word.

This…… It’s kind of outrageous.

Quantum satellites, this, this is already used?

The boss of the rice country was silent for a while, and then said: “That… Does that mean, if there’s something Huaxia doesn’t want us to know, we won’t know it anyway?”

The secretary bowed his head: “Yes.” Theoretically, yes… It’s not that we don’t know, unless Huaxia takes the initiative to tell us, we can still know. ”


The rice boss roared with red eyes: “Waste.” You say this like a retarded person. What do you mean unless someone tells us the initiative and we’ll know?

The secretary trembled aggrievedly: “But… Theoretically, this is indeed the case. ”

“Get out!”




“Inquire of me, inquire of me. Try your best to use the most primitive means to go to Huaxia to inquire about these news. Big Ivan, is it going to explode or not?”



The White House is in a hurry.

Whether this big Ivan explodes or not, but it is related to whether the United States is still the first military power in the future.

The United States can only build a hydrogen bomb with a yield of 20 million tons. China, on the other hand, can theoretically build a hydrogen bomb with a yield of 150 million tons. Now, they are afraid of shattering the glass of their home, so they have reduced it to 50 million tons of equivalent…

However, the United States could not make it. 、

The world-destroying weapon that Huaxia can get, you can’t get it in the whole world. Of course, China is the largest country.

And…… Secretly there is also a geophysical weapon that has not been made public at all.

There are known geophysical weapons, seismic generators.

And it is not known if there are any unknown, other geophysical weapons.



Helicopter queues, all the way south.

Li Hao sat on the plane and looked at “He Conjecture”, but his attention was never on the book. Take a look, keep rubbing your eyes and look at the scenery outside the window. Silently.

Xu, the commander of the guard company next to him, thought that it was a roundworm in Li Hao’s stomach, and immediately said: “I will immediately inquire about the progress of Big Ivan.” ”

Li Hao nodded silently.

Xu Bing immediately called and began to ask his superiors for instructions.

After a while, Xu Bing hung up the phone and said excitedly: “Expert Li, the plane carrying Big Ivan has now taken off. The test tipping point is about to be reached. However, China’s ships and planes have arrived at the scene in advance to clean up the sea area to ensure that there are no fishing boats or passing merchant ships, and no innocent people will be harmed. And half an hour ago, the specific nuclear explosion test site was announced to the world, announcing urgent news all over the world… No one will enter that area. And all flights on that route will be grounded for two days. ”

Li Hao nodded, and said a little casually: “What about the pilot…”

Xu Bing said embarrassedly: “No, I don’t know.” ”

Li Hao looked at the Chinese mountains and rivers speeding by outside the window, and sighed faintly:

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“Big Ivan’s explosion was very fast, and they set the optimal height to explode at 10,000 meters. The parachute carries a 28-ton Big Ivan, although it will slow down, but it won’t slow down much, it’s too heavy. It will explode at 10,000 meters. And the plane, which left Big Ivan in the stratosphere at 30,000 meters, had to fly forward at full speed. Otherwise, the detonation second difference is only 188 seconds, and he can’t fly out of the explosion circle. ”

Xu Bing gasped: “That transport plane is the most advanced transport aircraft in China, although its speed cannot reach the supersonic speed of a fighter, but it is also close to the speed of sound… Leave Big Ivan, he, can’t run away?”

Li Hao said in a deep voice: “I can only pray for him.” Everyone in my Chinese is like a dragon, and every life is incomparably precious. I regret it a little, maybe creating Big Ivan was a wrong decision. I don’t want anything to happen to him. ”

Xu Bing was silent for a moment, and said calmly: “He will definitely be fine.” And expert Li, don’t blame yourself, Big Ivan’s test explosion will completely let the world see the strength of Huaxia and the heritage behind him. A big Ivan will make the world realize how many years their military level is wrong with China. They will have awe, and with awe, there will be many, many fewer wars in this world. ”

“Big Ivan is a world-destroying weapon. But it may also represent a factor in bringing peace to the world. It can also save countless lives, because it will really shock the world and bring peace to the world!”

Li Hao listened to Xu Bing’s words, nodded a little absentmindedly, but remained silent.


At this moment.

The world exploded.

In the England office.

“Soon, Huaxia announced the coordinates of the experiment. 10,000 meters above the Pacific Ocean, 87 degrees east longitude and 62 degrees north latitude. ”

“Hurry up and send urgent news to all the shipping companies and airlines. All of them are forbidden to go to sea, and all navigation and aviation routes within the area of 100,000 square kilometers of test explosion will be urgently closed!”



The boss of England stood up suddenly, and said excitedly: “Immediately dispatch the aerial reconnaissance drone.” Immediately head to the Pacific Ocean at 87 degrees east longitude and 62 degrees north latitude. Real-time surveillance and reconnaissance footage is transmitted, and if necessary, up to 10 drones can be sacrificed to shoot at close range, or even go to the center of the nuclear explosion to shoot. ”


“Yes, Cross. ”

“Oh my God. The cost of ten aerial reconnaissance drones is more than 800 million pounds, so sacrificed?”

“That’s right, it’s worth it, it’s a good deal, if we can witness the true power of Big Ivan after losing weight, we’re a good deal. ”




At the launch center in England, more than fifty supersonic unmanned reconnaissance aircraft departed. ,

Take-off is the speed of sound.

‘Boom’ sounded, heading over the Pacific Ocean.

White House.




In the hallway, hysterical voices were heard. Three secretaries rushed into the office from three directions.


“Huaxia announced the location of the test explosion, which was over the Pacific Ocean. 87 degrees east longitude, 62 degrees north latitude. The transport plane had already taken off from Huaxia and had deliberately slowed down, expecting four and a half hours to reach the site of the explosion. The world is now informed that the site of the explosion has been disclosed. Four and a half hours later, there will be a test explosion. So give the whole world four and a half hours to stop all commercial transport, military transport and traffic within that range. ”

“Four and a half hours?”

“Yes. The theoretical radius of the explosion is about four kilometers, but the shock wave may return to seventy or eighty kilometers. So, in four and a half hours, any ship can evacuate the area. ”

The Minister of Defense said in a deep voice: “Immediately notify all shipping companies and airlines in the United States to stop all trans-Pacific traffic.” For two days, planes were grounded and ferries were forbidden to cross the Pacific Ocean. Two days later. ”


The boss of the rice country stood up and yelled excitedly:

“Spy satellites, immediately lock on to the skies over the Pacific Ocean. Target, 87 degrees east longitude, 62 degrees north latitude. ”


“Pearl Harbor Airport. ”

“In. ”

“Immediately launch fifty supersonic reconnaissance drones to the target location for aerial reconnaissance. I’m going to send back all the images of the nuclear bomb site, all the pictures of everything. Far, near, medium, and even the center point of a nuclear explosion. All, all!”

“It’s… It’s a no-go back. ”

“It’s worth it to go and never go back. As long as you can see these nuclear explosion scenes, it’s worth it. ”

At this time, a nuclear engineering expert said in a deep voice: “However, it is impossible to transmit back the picture of the center point of the nuclear explosion.” ”

The boss of the rice country was surprised: “Why?”

The expert said in a deep voice:

“Within 1 nanosecond of the moment of a nuclear explosion, the signal cannot exist. A large part of the area within the range of a nuclear explosion will become a signal vacuum. Even if the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft is too close, it will lose control, lose the remote control of the headquarters, and thus enter the automatic driving mode. It is even possible to be destroyed and dropped, and we don’t even know it. But anyway… At the moment of the start of the nuclear explosion, the signal is cut off, and the video signal has a delay of 0.5S (seconds). And within this 0.5s, it will not have time to transmit any picture of the moment of the nuclear explosion, and it will be cut off by the nuclear explosion in an instant!”

“All signals, all will enter one – vacuum period!”


Everyone was dumbfounded. Na Na was speechless.

Vacuum period…

This, and this statement?_

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