‘Knock, knock, knock’

The church bells rang.

The entire Stockholm City Hall fell silent in an instant.

On the red carpet. One after another celebrities, politicians, and scientists walked the red carpet. Step inside the town hall.

The Nobel Prize Ceremony is about to open in this city hall.

Everyone knew that this time it would be the King of Sweden himself who would present the award. This is a great honor, and at the same time, it is also a grand event for scientists from all over the world.

The auditorium was filled with 200 seats.

As far as the eye can see, all of them are men in black tuxedos, and women in solemn black evening dresses.

Regardless of age, at this moment, here, everyone is a gentleman.

Journalists are all in place.

It’s not like other occasions where reporters stand around.

Here, even journalists have their place. One more is not too much, one less is not too much. All of them are full, and there is not a single spare “zero thirty-seven”.

And outside, from the red carpet to the door of the auditorium. It is guarded by the solemn Swedish royal guard of honor with loaded guns. Checking every invitation. Only those with an invitation letter will be allowed to enter.

Whoever you are, without an invitation, all will be kept out. Even if you’re the president of a country, it’s no exception.

‘Ding-dong, Ding-dong’

The melodious piano sounded.

In one corner of the auditorium, the international pianist sat on a chair smiling and looked down at the gentlemen and ladies who participated in the event.

The hands work on the black and white keys like flying, flowing smoothly.

He didn’t play any world-famous songs, nor did he play any fixed tunes.

He’s just improvizing. Moments, affecting everyone in the seat.

With the emotions of the people in the field, it goes up and down, and it goes bright and dark. Emotions are sometimes passionate and generous, and sometimes tactful and twisty.

And no matter who you are, in such a piano music, you will seem to see the tragic story in the depths of memory one after another. Something unique comes to mind…

This is the ability of a world-class piano master.

Piano sounds. Everyone closed their eyes, listened quietly, and waited.

The organizing committee has not yet entered the venue.

The main guest has not yet arrived.

None have come yet. They are waiting.

At the same time, Stockholm Airport in Sweden.

The Boeing 747 landed.

In the first class, Li Hao stood up and took off his casual clothes with a solemn face.

He spread his arms.

The four top domestic stylists behind him walked over solemnly with a piece of clothing.

This is a set of black and red Hanfu.

Real Hanfu.

At this Nobel Prize ceremony, Rao is Li Hao will also be solemn and serious.

Because going to the award with a ‘it doesn’t matter’ attitude doesn’t show that you’re awesome, and it doesn’t show that you’re cynical. You can only appear ignorant, arrogant, and rude in front of the whole world.

The Nobel Prize in Physics is the first time that it has been awarded to a Chinese person in a real sense.

Because the first two times, when the awards were awarded, Hua was not strong enough at that time, and his fists were not firm enough. Therefore, European countries squeezed out China, so that Chinese people had to change their nationality to go to present awards.

But this time, it was the upright Hua, a native of China, who went to receive the award.

Li Hao represents not only himself, but also the entire Chinese nation. and the solemnity of China in front of all countries in the world.

Awarded Nobel, can only be dressed in a tuxedo, or a citizen.

Li Hao is obvious and will only wear his own national costume.

– Han Chinese.

– Hanfu.

The black and red Hanfu robe is woven from Chinese and Zhejiang silk.

The back is a dragon and phoenix entrenched pattern, which is Suzhou embroidery.

The cuffs and hem are a cloud pattern. It is also Suzhou embroidery.

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There are more than a dozen patterns on the body, all of which are Suzhou embroidery.

The neckline is gold.

It’s not just a color, it’s the highest technique of the Han Dynasty, and it’s also the highest skill in the clothing industry today – gold wire embroidery.

A total of 69.69 grams of 999-karat gold is used for the collar, and gold wire made from smelted gold is carefully woven out. Tight, yet majestic.

The gold of the cuffs is also woven with gold wire.

In order for Li Hao to present the award this time, the state specially arranged to notify the most outstanding people in the Chinese clothing industry one month in advance, and tailored this set of Hanfu for Li Hao.

Its total cost is 16.72 million RMB!

It took 27 days and 3 hours.

Ten masters of traditional Chinese skills were mobilized. Twenty of the top domestic designers in the clothing industry, as well as 50 women with traditional skills who are good at Suzhou embroidery, and 30 women who are good at traditional silk weaving. Made.

It’s more than just a piece of hanfu.

It is also a work of art. A real work of art.

In the world, only China has this heritage to create a super artwork.

It represents the rich historical heritage of China for 5,000 years, and also highlights the national strength and prosperity of China for 5,000 years.

Yes, such hanfu has been around for thousands of years. Thousands of years ago, in order to show their wealth, the nobles would wear such Hanfu to show their strength0…..

A piece of clothing. It’s not just for covering. The knowledge contained in it will make any foreign scholar who studies Chinese history feel shocked, and at the same time feel hopeless and helpless.

None of them. Because there is too much cultural heritage contained in this Hanfu.

Every stitch has its own knowledge.

Every thread has a reason for its existence.

Even each piece of silk has its own story.

This is something that no other country in the world has. This is also something that any nation in the world envies, but cannot have.

We call this kind of thing — the foundation.

The four stylists carefully gathered together the priceless Hanfu, and then slowly put on Li Hao’s sleeves.

The sleeves are shrouded, and the Hanfu is added.

The two stylists holding the skirt in the back hurriedly knelt down, not daring to let the skirt of the Hanfu stick to a little dust. Then quickly gather together.

And the skirt just reached Li Hao’s feet.

Not an inch more.

Not a little bit.

A fifth stylist walked up, holding a delicate belt in both hands. Gently, from the left and right sides, the band was pierced, and then a knot was carefully punched.

Linglong, what is Linglong?

It is twelve white marbles, guarding the thumb-sized emerald in the middle, which is exquisite.

Hiss –

Li Hao closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

He felt not only the weight of this Hanfu, but also the weight of the 5,000-year-old history of the Chinese nation, as well as that sense of heaviness.

All the 4.8 distractions in my heart, after this set of priceless Hanfu is added, everything is gone.

The four stylists took their respective tools, surrounded Li Hao, and began to arrange Li Hao’s style nervously and hurriedly.

It only took a minute, and it was all processed.

“Mr. Li, it’s time to go. ”

Li Hao nodded and walked forward.

Taking the first step, the people around me just felt their hearts sink. It was a kind of sinking that was pressed by the atmosphere of the tiger and the wind.

All the way off the plane.

All around, there was silence.

No one spoke.

No one was gasping.

Because after the addition of this set of clothes, it made the atmosphere of the scene solemn and solemn.

The flight attendant looked at Li Hao’s departing back obsessively, looked at the back of the black robe, and her eyes flashed with obsession. Muttered:

“I’m obsessed with him. ”

Next to her, another flight attendant sighed: “And your rival in love will be women all over the world.” ”


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