Chaotic civil war on the space carrier.

Still going on

【In front of the blown propeller】

【Tony wears armor and analyzes the situation at the scene】

【Captain America stood on the deck, acting as a foil】

【Captain America: Stark, I'm in position!】

【Tony: Very good. I need to get the system working first】

【The turbine is so clogged with debris that the propeller won't turn.】

【Tony: Captain, I need you to go over to the box and tell me which switches are overloaded.】

【Captain America immediately jumped up, jumped over, and opened the box】

【Tony: Which ones are overloaded?】

【Cap: Well, this looks like just some ordinary circuit boards】

【Tony: Okay】

【Regardless of whether Captain America is frozen or not】

【He can't understand these switches.】


Stark Industries.

Tony sighed helplessly

"Really unreliable"

"Why can't I have someone who understands me?"

"Where is Dr. Banner?"

"It would have been nice if he had been there."

Little Pepper reminded:

"The video just appeared"

"Dr. Banner is transforming"

"Big and green."

Tony looked stunned.

"This aircraft carrier is too intolerant of explosions"

"If it were me, I would definitely use high-strength materials"

"Definitely not like Nick Fury"


Pepper is noncommittal.

When it comes to weapons,

Tony has always been generous.


Arctic Ocean.

Captain America's face turns red

"I actually held Tony back."

"Having said that, current circuit boards"

"Has everything become so complicated?"

The circuit board that Captain America has seen.

It's basically just a wire and a switch.

Then it's gone.

The circuit board in the video is extremely complicated.

He really can't understand it.

"This time I lose."

Captain America reluctantly admitted


【Inside the space carrier cabin】

【The chase between Hulk and the widowed sister】

【Still going on】

【The widowed sister ran away】

【Hulk is in hot pursuit】

【Crash and damage a lot of equipment】

【The widowed sister’s speed has finally slowed down.】

【Hulk slapped her away】

【The whole person fell under the wall, legs bent】

【Face full of fear, extremely weak】


Corvo Labs.

Banner sighed.

He was full of hope and wanted to meet his widowed sister.

Never imagined.

Scared the widowed sister like this

"How to restrain the Hulk?"

"He is too dangerous"

"Not controlled at all."

The Hulk is like a weapon.

Don't be afraid of being powerful, be afraid of being uncontrolled! No one will like an uncontrolled weapon

, no matter how powerful it is.

"If Hulk's muscles"

"plus my wise brain"

"A perfect individual must be formed."

Dr. Banner has an idea.

He is even prepared to conduct such an experiment.

His own brain, plus the power of the Hulk.

It is exciting to think about it!"



The widowed sister's heartbeat quickened.

In the video, Hulk's oppression is too strong.

Huge muscles.

Roaring like a beast.

Being targeted by such a big guy.

It's simply despairing.

Looking at the widowed sister with eagle eyes


"it's all my fault."

Although the two of them quarrel with each other on weekdays, when something really happens, they must support each other.

The widowed sister smiled.

"It doesn't matter"

"This is not your intention either."

Nick Fury praised:

"I didn't expect that either"

"And what Natasha is afraid of"

"It can scare you like this."

Sister Widow:...

To be honest, the self in the picture is indeed a bit weak.

I usually pride myself on being brave.

But when I faced the Hulk, I was so frightened that I was sweating profusely.

I could only run around.

Sister Widow Can't help but feel embarrassed

"Fury, this is all your fault."

Nick Fury:???

"Why do you blame me?"

"If you didn't convene the Avengers, this wouldn't happen."

Nick Fury:……

"OK, OK, it all depends on me."

Nick Fury didn't argue.

He looked at the light screen

"Can you escape?"

The widowed sister sighed.

"I'm afraid I can't escape"


【The widowed sister was forced to die】

【Hulk rushes towards the widowed sister】

【Suddenly, a figure rushed over】

【He knocked Hulk over and rolled several times on the ground.】

【Sol immediately got up】

【Hulk stood up and gritted his teeth.】

【Thor: Banner, we are not your enemies, calm down!】

【For Hulk, the word Banner is taboo】

【Hulk hates weak things】

【Banner is a weak thing, so Hulk doesn't like him】

【When Banner was mentioned, Hulk's anger level skyrocketed.】

【Sol also became increasingly angry】

【He stretched out his hand and summoned the hammer】

【This means he is getting serious!】



The widowed sister breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Thor is on the aircraft carrier.

This is a god.

Definitely not afraid of the Hulk

"When gods fight, mortals suffer"

"Let the two of them fight"

"I just stood aside and watched the show honestly."

Nick Fury mused.

"Who do you think will win between the two?"

The Widow Sister and Hawkeye were silent.

It's really hard to say!

Although Thor is a god, but with the strength he has shown so far and his silly character, it doesn't look like he can win.

Hulk can only be angry. He is everywhere. Smash, smash, smash.

It doesn’t look like it’s going to win.

It seems like neither of them will win.

Widow sister:"I guess it’s a tie.

Hawkeye:"I think so too."

He just finished speaking.

Widow Sister and Nick Fury.

They all looked at Hawkeye.

A look of surprise.

Hawkeye looked confused

"What do you see me doing?"

The widowed sister said:

"Do you have the nerve to guess here?"

"Why don't you guess, what are you doing in the video?"

Nick Fury added:

"He must have sneaked into the cabin and was preparing to cause trouble."

Hawkeye was instantly embarrassed.

Why did he bring the topic back?

He went dark once.

It would be embarrassing for the rest of his life.

Hawkeye also wanted to know.

At this time in the video, what on earth was he doing?


Corvo Labs.

Banner breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that the widowed sister was saved.

He was even more fortunate than his widowed sister. can not imagine.

If Hulk really beat the widowed sister to death.

How uncomfortable will you feel?



Sol, stretch your muscles.

"I'm coming"

"My battle with the Hulk!"

"Brother, who do you think will win?"

Loki replied without hesitation:

"Of course it is you, my dear brother!"

"Hulk is just a human being"

"Impossible to be your opponent!"

Saul nodded in agreement.

"I also think so!"

The brothers continued to watch the scene


【The battle between Thor and Hulk is evenly divided】

【But obviously, Saul didn't kill him】

【The man in the video has been trained on the earth】

【Character has already matured】

【Thor knows very well that reunion is not about fighting and killing, but about human relationships.】

【So much so that in the battle with Hulk】

【Sol is gradually at a disadvantage】

【This battle ended in nothing. 】

The barrage is full of regrets

…‘It's a pity that the two of them didn't finish the fight here.’

…‘If you really want to defend yourself, Hulk may not be your opponent.’

…‘It's really hard to say, but there will be a duel between the two later.’

…‘Take a look at the video, their second duel is also cut out!’

【Famous scene 6.5: The second battle between Thor and Hulk]

Everyone:? ? ?

What is Famous Scene 6.5?

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