Inside the prison.

Ant-Man pursed his lips.

The scene was a little embarrassing.

In the video, he is full of confidence.

After shrinking, it hit the door with a bang.

Without the protection of the suit.

It must have been disfigured.

Ant-Man smiles

"After all, it was my first time, so I wasn’t that skilled."

The prison guard laughed.

"Yeah? Kathy's mother said,"You were very skillful the first time.""

Ant-Man: ???

What the hell?

Are you and your wife chatting so passionately?

Are you talking about your love life with your ex-husband?

I admire you so much!

Ant-Man couldn't help but admire him.

He looked at the video.

In the video at this time, there was a fight. Training scene.

Ant-Man smiles at the corner of his mouth

"This comes to my area of ​​expertise"

"My skills are so flexible"

"Fighting is out of the question."

The prison guard laughed.


"what do i think"

"Will you be beaten violently?"

Ant-Man said confidently:

"We’ll see!"


【Fighting training room】

【Ant-Man and Hope appear here together】

【Hope only wore a sports suspender belt】

【Muscular body】

【She is responsible for giving Ant-Man special training】

【Hope: Even after you shrink, your weight remains the same.】

【If you punch too fast, you can easily kill someone.】

【Too little strength, like a mosquito bite】

【So, you have to learn how to punch】

【Ant-Man suddenly felt happy】

【Ant-Man: After being in prison for so long, I already know how to punch】

【While in jail, Ant-Man was often beaten】

【In other words,"discuss" with the inmates"】

【There, he learned a lot of wild fighting skills】

【So the current Ant-Man dismisses Hope's advice and says,"Fifty-seventy.""】

【Hope: Come on, try punching me.】

【Ant-Man immediately punches】

【The power of the fist is so light that there is no strength at all.】

【Hope: That sucks.】

【Ant-Man: Are you sure you want to teach me how to punch?】

【Hope was too lazy to speak and just took action】

【Ant-Man received a solid punch and fell to the ground.】

【Pim: She has wanted to hit you for a long time】


Inside the prison.

Ant-Man is turned to stone.

Face full of surprise

"This is impossible!"

"I was in prison and was beaten by that big fat man every day"

"The ability to withstand blows has been trained long ago"

"How could he be knocked down with one punch?"

"This woman must have poisoned her breakfast."

The prison guard said with a smile:

"Scott, don't be too confident."

"There's no one in the prison who knows how to fight."

"Their punches are without any rules"

"There's no way to hit the mark!"

Ant-Man wanted to cry but had no tears.

The ridicule in the chat group came one after another.

【Tony: What level? He was knocked unconscious by a punch from a woman.】

【Captain America: A woman’s fist can easily last a whole day】

【Nick Fury: As long as you don't hit my blind eye, I will never be knocked unconscious】

【Banner: Scott, your resistance to fighting is too poor. I suggest you let Hulk help you train.】

【Widow Sister: Banner calm down, once Hulk takes action, Scott will be ostracized】

【Rocket Raccoon: Hahaha! It made me laugh. It’s really embarrassing for a grown man to let a woman punch her down! 】

Looking at the ridicule and ridicule in the group.

Ant-Man shrank into a ball.

I am simply too embarrassed to see anyone.

He began to comfort himself

"The road to a hero is always bumpy."

"I've just started, I'm sure I'm going to have to endure some hardships"

"The road ahead will definitely be smooth!"

I have to say that Ant-Man knows how to comfort himself.

He is originally an optimist.

Any sorrow and distress can be resolved by himself.

The premise is that there are no more embarrassing scenes to irritate him.


【Pim: It’s time to introduce our partners in this operation.】

【Ant-Man: Oh? And action partners? It's really great】

【Ant-Man believes that partners are at least human beings】

【But I never expected it to be an ant!】

【Pym and his daughter began to train him to cooperate with ants】

【Ant-Man shrinks and enters the ant hole】

【Hope: First up is the Orthotrichia longhorned ant, also known as the crazy ant.】

【Fast as lightning and able to conduct electricity】

【Can be used to destroy enemy electronic equipment】

【At this time, Ant-Man enters the ant hole】

【He saw a crawling ant】

【Ant-Man: This doesn't look so crazy. How cute.】

【He wants to hold an ant like a dog.】

【However, one after another ants swarmed up】

【It’s so densely packed that it’s a nightmare for trypophobia!】

【Countless ants completely buried Ant-Man】

【Ant-Man's complexion suddenly changed and he returned to normal size.】

【On the ground, Ant-Man breaks out of the ground】

【Pim and Hope looked at him helplessly】

【Ant-Man: You have no idea how scary it was just a minute ago!】




Inside the prison.

Ant-Man was completely silent.

Well, it’s not that easy to be a hero.

Especially one like Ant-Man, which requires special skills.

When it becomes bigger or smaller.

The world would make a huge difference.

Ant-Man must do it and adapt as soon as possible.

But that's what he lacks.

Ant-Man is lying on the bed.

The bed boards in prison are cold

"Tired, destroy it."

The prison guard laughed.

"Are you about to give up now?"

"This is just watching videos"

"If you experience it personally in the future"

"How broken do you have to be?"

Ant-Man recalled the scene in the video.

He felt numb all over.

There were so many ants jumping on him.

I can't imagine how terrifying it was.

It was like hundreds or thousands of dogs.

They all jumped on you.

What did you do? What do you think?

Ant-Man fell silent.

He felt that being a hero was too tiring.

But the prison guard said:

"Scott, you've accepted your fate."

"Destiny cannot be changed"

"you have to go on"

"If not for yourself, think of Cathy"

"What would Cathy do if the world was destroyed?"

Ant-Man's only weakness is his daughter.

This is also his only motivation.


Ant-Man sat up suddenly.

He looked at the prison guard with a complicated expression.

"I really didn't expect that at this time"

"It's you who's trying to persuade me"

"You are a good person."

The prison guard laughed.

"I just don’t want one less superhero in the world."

With the encouragement of the prison guards,

Ant-Man became more confident again.

He watched the video

"No matter what happens next"

"I will deal with it calmly"

"Come on, let me see Ant-Man's growth path!"


【The next scene is more tragic and bloody】

【Ant-Man trains constantly】

【In the fighting room, being beaten one after another】

【It was not easy, but Hope suffered a loss.】

【As a result, Hope used new moves to subdue Ant-Man again.】


【In the yard, Ant-Man keeps entering the ant holes】

【Then I was constantly scared and broke through the ground】

【In the yard of Pim's house】

【Already full of holes】


Inside the prison.

The prison guard was trying his best not to laugh.

He had just finished giving Ant-Man chicken soup.

Ant-Man also became angry.

In the end, reality gave me a hard slap.

Ant-Man from the future.

Still in training. struggling

"Laugh if you want."

Ant-Man's eyelids twitched. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He immediately gave up resistance.

The prison guard laughed.

"Sorry, I know it's rude to laugh now"

"But I just can't help it"

"I hope you can forgive me."

Ant-Man chuckled.

"Forgive me, I'm so sorry"

【Star-Lord: Scott, are you okay? If not, just give me the Ant-Man suit!】

【Tony: Fury, you should take Scott away and train him】

【Nick Fury: Totally agree, Natasha, you are responsible for training Ant-Man. ]

Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

The widowed sister looked at Nick Fury doubtfully

"Boss, are you serious?"

"Let me train Scott?"

"He simply couldn't bear it."

Even if I want to train others,

I must start from the dolls.

Ant-Man already has his own dolls.

The skeleton is finalized.

A lot of training, even if he starts now[]

It was too late.

Nick Fury said:

"At least teach him one and a half moves"

"Seriously, if it wasn't for Clint, he couldn't beat you."

"I just let Clint get on."

Eagle Eye:???

"Fury, why did you take me with you?"

Hawkeye is speechless now.

He has never beaten the widowed sister.

I'm afraid he will be talked about for the rest of his life.

The Ant-Man Society should obviously die.

Why is it his turn?

Hawkeye is speechless.

The widowed sister:" Clint, don't be sad."

"In terms of physical skills alone, you really can't beat me."

Eagle Eye:...

This is true.

The widowed sister received agent training from an early age.

It really comes down to fighting skills.

She is stronger than Captain America.

In the world view of the movie, the widowed sister did not inject serum to transform her body.

She She is just an ordinary person.

Unlike the comics.

After all, in the comics, she also used genetic medicine.

With a mortal body, she participated in a battle at the level of the Avengers.

It was really awesome!

At this moment, Nick Fury spoke

"I think we probably don’t need to train anymore."

"Look, this guy Scott"

"Already mastered the skills……"


【With training day after day】

【and Hope’s heart-to-heart exchange with Ant-Man........】

【Ant-Man's abilities are getting better and better】

【Everything is on track】

【The journey of the hero has also begun for the most part at this time.】

【Famous Scene 6: Ant-Man’s first mission!】

【It's time to test the results of your training】

【Ant-Man’s training results in various aspects】

【Meet Pim's requirements】

【Now, in Pym's view】

【Ant-Man can now carry out missions independently】

【Pim arranged a practical battle】

【On the plane, Ant-Man and a group of ants are waiting】

【They are flying to some destination】

【Ant-Man: It's too cold at high altitudes. Can't we put flannel in the suit?】

【Pim is speechless: Your mission is to get a prototype, which I invented when I was in S.H.I.E.L.D.】

【Hope: We need it to deal with Cross' communication jammer.】

【Although Pim dislikes Cross as a student,】

【But I have to admit that this guy is very capable!】

【In order to be absolutely sure, you must be fully prepared】

【Pym: The prototype is in a warehouse in upstate New York. That's Howard Stark's warehouse】

【This warehouse is basically abandoned】

【You sneak in and get it, no problem】

【Soon, at the coordinate point, the plane arrived over the warehouse】

【Thick clouds obscured Scott's sight】

【Pym: Get ready to leave the cabin!】


Inside the prison.

Ant-Man couldn't help but get excited.

Finally... finally a highlight scene!

The hero's first mission.

They are all memorable and inspiring!

Although his mission is just to steal things.

But the process of stealing.

Just a testament to what Ant-Man is capable of.

Ant-Man is still very excited.

The prison guard sighed:

"Unexpectedly, the first task after your training……"

"Still stealing things"

"Scott, you are the prison food of your life, and you really don’t want to eat it."

Ant-Man doesn't feel embarrassed.

"I used to steal things to save my daughter’s little world."

"But now I steal things to save the world!"

Although it is suspected of bragging,

I have to admit that it is true.

As long as you steal something and crush Cross's conspiracy, it is really equivalent to saving the world.

At this time, someone in the chat group was unhappy.

【Tony: You save the world, but you steal from my house? 】

Tony is numb.

Avengers save the world every time

My home will be bombed once.

Now Ant-Man saves the world.

Are you going to bring trouble to your own warehouse?

Is this so fair?

Tony was really speechless

【Ant-Man: For world peace, Tony, you'll understand】

【Nick Fury: Tony, don’t be so stingy, it’s all about saving the world】

【Captain America: Tony, be generous.】

【Rocket Raccoon: Yes, I will steal Bucky’s arm in the future to save the world.】

【Winter Soldier: Shut up, you reindeer!】

【Rocket Raccoon: I'll say it again, I'm not a reindeer, you idiot!】

【Star-Lord: I stole the cosmic spirit ball, so I am also a hero in 2.9】

【Tony: Since you said so, keep an eye on your wife and don’t let me steal her.】

【Pepper: What are you talking about?】

【Tony: Honey, don’t get me wrong, don’t pull your ears, I’m talking nonsense! 】

Inside Stark Industries.

Tony's ear almost got screwed off.

Even so, he still didn't dare to get angry.

He coaxed Little Pepper in a good voice.

Tony said:

"My house is going to be stolen"

"Pepper, can't you comfort me?"

Little Pepper:"That's also to save the world."

"However, the warehouse in the north is actually in a good location."

"I don't think it should be abandoned."

What the Stark family has.

Pepper knows everything.

The warehouse in the north is in a good location.

It can be developed and utilized.

As for what to do, Pepper has not thought about it.

It is better to leave it to Tony.

But Tony was temporarily He couldn't think of it for a while.

After all, the northern suburbs are too desolate.

Shopping malls cannot be built unless factories are built.

While he was thinking about it, in the video screen, the movement officially began


【Ant-Man rides on ants and flies downwards】

【The airflow hits the ant's wings, making the flight not very stable.】

【Ant-Man has already started and can deal with it easily】

【when decreasing with height】

【When I saw the face of the warehouse】

【Ant-Man suddenly went numb!】

【Ant-Man: Guys, we're in trouble!】

【The clouds gradually break through】

【Ant-Man: Didn’t you say this is an abandoned warehouse? Not at all!!!】

【The top of the warehouse, shown in the camera】

【In the shot showing the big A's one by one】

【And this A is the symbol of the Avengers……】

【Ant-Man: This is the fucking Avengers Base! 】.

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