The old man led the way, and Dalabengba also followed him, always keeping a distance of about one meter. He was also observing the situation of this small village along the way.

A very ordinary house made of yellow mud, surrounded by some thin stone flakes, covered with thatch and asparagus leaves on the roof, and moss growing around it. It looks quite old. This is the Anlius area. The common customs and customs in the village are not much different from those in his hometown. The main emphasis is on the word "poor".

Finally, the old man led him to a stop in front of a house that looked even more dilapidated. The weeds around the house were almost half as tall as a man because no one had cleaned them. Before he even entered the house, a musty smell accompanied by the smell of blood came out. Coming at you.

"The patient is inside, let's go in." The old man turned his head and glanced at Dalabengba, paused and reminded again:

"Don't panic no matter what you see after you go in. You just need to understand that this disease can be completely cured with the herbs obtained by the Holy Beast. Do you understand?"

Darabengba nodded after hearing this.

Do as the Romans do, and whatever the old man says is true.

And he doesn't think any disease will scare him.

He has experienced diseases as terrible as Aya's.

"Creak-" The old wooden door was pushed open, making a harsh noise.

The smell of blood became stronger, mixed with the spicy taste of herbs.

The room was very dark, and you could vaguely see the skulls and furs of beasts hanging on the wall. There was also a rusty battle axe, a fierce bow, and a few feather arrows on the table near the door.

The owner of the house should be a hunter.

The old man brought Darabonba to the hunter's bed, and saw a skinny man lying on the bed. There was a sarcoma the size of a human head on his neck, and his body was covered with raised red blood vessels.

His breathing was weak.

It seemed that he was dying.

Darabengba's pupils shrank.

The symptoms on this hunter are exactly the same as those on Aya!

Dalabengba suppressed his words and just lowered his head to observe silently.

"Mailis, I came to see you, and I got some herbs to treat the disease. Thanks to the gift of the holy beast, your disease will be cured soon."

The old man talked nonchalantly.

But the old hunter lying on the bed did not respond at all. His consciousness had fallen into a coma and he was completely unaware of everything happening in the outside world.

"He is the only hunter in our village. He walks and hunts in the mountains all year round. He is the only one in the village who can catch fire rabbits, so Mailis is indispensable to our small village."

The old man threw the herbs into the pounding bowl while introducing the hunter's situation to Dalabengba.

"He is not the first person to suffer from necrosis... It started last month. I don't know what happened. Suddenly one day someone in the village got this strange disease. It started with a young man. He The whole body was full of ulcers, and there was a big tumor on the neck. Everyone was frightened. Later, people got sick one after another. We were desperate at that time, but it was impossible to go to the Royal City of Andrius to find a priest. We had no money."

The old man sighed:

"It's hard to live these days. How can we afford to see a doctor? But fortunately we met the Holy Beast..."

"Lord Holy Beast? Is it that jackal?"

Darabengba asked.

"That's right." The old man nodded.

He poured the crushed concoction into another bowl.

The concoction was blood red and had an unpleasant smell. Then he found a fire seal from under the stove of Orion's house and handed it to Darabeng:

"Can you light a fire for me, an old man?"

Of course Dalabengba would not refuse.

He lit the ready-made dry firewood with a fire stick.

The old man put the bowl of concoction on the flame and continued:

"The Holy Beast found us rare herbs. It told us that as long as we give these herbs to sick people, their diseases can be cured. In return, we must believe in the gods it serves."

"I didn't believe it at first." The old man smiled, shook his head, and continued:

"But we fed the herbs to the patients according to the requirements of the Holy Beast, and they got better. After that, we began to believe in the god that the Holy Beast served..."

At this time, the liquid medicine has been heated, and the "呲呲" is steaming. Just when Dalabengba thought that the old man was going to feed the liquid medicine to the hunter, he saw him untiing the hunter's clothes with one hand, and then splashing the liquid medicine On the hunter's exposed chest, especially the horrible big tumor on his neck.


A piercing scream suddenly exploded, echoing throughout the house. Dalabengba frowned in irritation, but the old man looked as normal and was obviously used to this.

"The medicine is working."

The old man smiled at Dalabengba. The wrinkles on his old face were piled up, and it was obvious that he was in a very good mood: "Just wait a little longer. You will see him recover soon."

The blood-colored smoke obscured the situation on the bed, and the screams ranged from sharp to wild, and then overlapped together. Dalabengba couldn't tell whether it was the hunter who was screaming, but he could vaguely see the figure in the blood mist. Struggling violently.

"Don't look at the current scene as scary, this is actually a necessary process."

Seeing Dalabengba's pensive expression, the old man thought he was afraid, so he hurriedly spoke out to comfort him.

A long while.

The hunter who was struggling on the bed regained his composure.

The blood mist that filled the surrounding area gradually dissipated.

Only then did Dalabengba realize that the blood mist was actually a blood-colored flying insect the size of a sesame seed.

But now, they are all dead and scattered densely around the hunter.

The hunter's illness has completely disappeared.

Darabengba looked at the hunter who had fully recovered in surprise, feeling extremely excited in his heart.

It was obvious that the hunter's disease was scarlet corruption, and the holy beast in the old man's mouth could bring herbal medicine to cure scarlet corruption. In other words, Aya's illness was cured.

"Uncle Bliven...what am I?"

The hunter's weak call came from the bed. He had already opened his eyes and looked at the old man and Darabengba in confusion.

"You are suffering from necrosis, but I have asked Master Holy Beast for medicine, and your disease has been cured."

"So that's it... Praise the Holy Beast, praise my Lord..." Even if the hunter is lying on the bed, he will raise his hand and tremble in the direction of the altar to make the sign of the cross and salute. It can be seen that he is also the unknown god. believer.

"You rest here first, and I won't disturb you."

After saying that, the old man took Darabengba and left the room. No one was around. Darabengba could no longer bear the urgency and bowed to the old man and begged:

"Old sir, my sister also suffers from a similar disease. I have been looking for ways to save her. Unexpectedly, I happened to find herbal medicine to treat the disease here. I wonder if you can give me some such herbal medicine. I will do my best. Give me the reward you need."

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