But this kind of fantasy thing currently only happens in the Slot Empire.

Players come from all over the world, and different empires have different methods for targeting players.

In the Southern Continent, except for the Slot Empire and Su Wenlier, their attitude towards players is unanimously to expel them from the country.

The more extreme ones, such as the country of astrology, Sanatado, the moment the players appeared, Sanatado, which has always been neutral and kind, adopted a policy of bloody massacre against the players.

Of course, these countries have limited ability to distinguish players. They can only order all cities and small town guards to work in shifts day and night. Whenever they find a silver portal, they will squat down and kill someone on the spot if they come out of it!

The wilderness and small villages will have to be left alone for the time being.

The Principality of Winter in the Northern Continent has taken similar measures, expelling players. There are even many players who were unlucky enough to be born in the Far North and Dragon Island, where Titans and Dragons belong. The moment players appear, they are These terrifying legendary creatures were crushed into pieces!

With this comparison, being born in the Slot Empire suddenly became something worth showing off.

As the number of players increases, the world channel becomes more and more lively.

Thousands of messages are sent every second.

[Family members, where were you born? I was turned into a hedgehog by those long-eared monkeys in the Emerald Forest! Woohoo! 】

[Brother, I am now in the stomach of a giant dragon. It really stinks. Half of my body has melted. It hurts a lot...]

[I was in the St. Rodia Empire. We were captured by the Royal Guards. They chopped off our hands and feet and put a gag on our mouths to prevent us from committing suicide! I feel like we will be sent to the experimental platform next! 】

[The Slot Empire is better. Not only were we not driven out, the town also gave us various tasks. Although some tasks are strange, they are all for invasion points~]

[Same goes for Su Wenlier... Cleaning the pig pen is considered a task, hahahaha~]

Among the many messages, there is this one.

[TMD, the Black Nest Empire is having a biochemical crisis, is anyone taking care of it? 】

But because there were so many messages passing by every second, no one responded.

On the contrary, most players are asking about the coordinates of the resurrection point, the location of the old bird, and the coordinates of the Slott Empire and Suvenril, planning to move there directly after resurrection.

In a certain jungle, a group of more than fifty players smashed a second-level mountain wolf leader to death with stones and wooden sticks. A silver treasure box appeared on the body of the mountain wolf. The leader of the players opened the treasure box, and a silver treasure box popped out of it. When he picked up the purple prop and looked at it, he saw three big characters "Village Building Order" written on it.

Similar scenes are happening all over the world.

There are many players, and everyone has their own opportunities.

Someone fell off a cliff and found a gold treasure chest that opened the best props from inside; someone relied on his extraordinary mind and vision to win the recognition of the villagers in the small village and established a novice village without a village building order, and a resurrection stone appeared in the center of the village; some people were unaware of the ghost. Join the imperial army unknowingly; some people learn super skills from wandering knights or wandering mages.

Of course, most players don't survive long in their first life.

Especially the Black Nest Empire.

"Jin Dae Ri, aren't you an old player? Not only do you not help us, you also drive us new players out?!"

Royal City of Airland.

Thousands of new players were screened out and gathered in the open space at the entrance to the royal city.

Nowadays, the speed of players appearing has obviously begun to slow down.

Jin Dae Ri planned to expel some players first, and then conduct a second sweep.

At the same time, the capital of the Black Dragon Empire is also doing this.

The leader is Medlaco and some pickle players.

"What old player is not an old player? I am a diplomat of the Black Nest Empire! I am not an old player. You intruders are allowed to go to the wilderness. Your majesty has already spared you. Don't be shameless!"

Jin Dae-ri put one hand on his hip and held a golden sword in the other hand. With a cold smile on his face, he denied his identity.

"Oh, God! Damn it! You're just playing a fucking game, aren't you?"

A white player yelled.

Due to the existence of translation system.

Even if they are from different countries, the players speak the common language of mainland China, so there is no chance that they cannot understand each other.

Faced with the clamor of his compatriots, Kim Dae-il had only one way to deal with it.

He waved his hand vigorously: "Open the city gate!"


The gates of the Imperial City suddenly rose.

The players were also pushed and pushed out of the city by the monster army.

"Jin Dae Il, just wait for me!"

"What are you dragging? Sooner or later we will catch up with your level! Then we will kill you so hard that you can't get out of the resurrection point!"

"We'll see!"

Seeing that they could not change the outcome of being kicked out no matter what, many players took advantage of their last chance to say harsh words.

Jin Dae-il watched all this expressionlessly.

He didn't know whether the levels of these players would catch up in the future, but he was very sure of one thing, the Black Dragon Emperor would not make it easy for these players.

"Boom Ka——"

As the heavy city gate of King Airland closed again.

Jin Dae-il also started the second wave of sweeps with monsters.

According to the Black Dragon Emperor's wishes, he must ensure that the frequency of players appearing in the entire royal city cannot interfere with the surrounding craftsmen who are repairing the royal city.

Outside King Airland's city.

A group of cute new players looked at the tightly closed city gate and were speechless.

The main mission requires them to find old players to get help and guidance for novices.

As a result, they finally met an old player.

But what this old player did was to pick them out one by one and drive them out.

It is impossible to say that I am not angry.

But facing the vicious monsters, they have no other choice.

They are indeed not afraid of death.

As a new player, you have not yet understood the limitations of the resurrection mechanism.

But they are afraid of pain.

There was a player who just walked a little slower and muttered a few curses, and then the jackal chopped off his arm with an axe. He rolled on the ground in pain, and his screams were like a pig being killed during the New Year. .

"What should we do now?"

"Would you like to visit nearby towns? There is an old saying in China, if you don't stay here, you will find a place to stay~"

"Let's take a look, there are quite a few small towns near the royal city~"

Amidst a burst of discussion, the players hit it off immediately. From the map, you can see that there are more than ten small towns near the royal city.

The royal city wouldn't let them stay.

It’s impossible for them to stay in these small towns, right?

However, when they arrived at a nearby town, they only saw Fire Rabbit soldiers patrolling near the town, although these Fire Rabbits did not wear mechas.

But the bulging muscles and the height of more than two meters brought a terrifying sense of oppression.

Plus those scarlet eyes.

It was such a shock that a group of players did not dare to set foot in the town.

Three days passed.

Players in the Black Nest Empire basically spend their time in the wilderness.

However, many players have obtained village building orders and established novice villages.

Although the conditions were very simple, they at least had a place to stay. Just when they thought they could develop safely, the Scourge Legion returning from the Fallen Dragon Valley Fortress began to appear in the wilderness areas of major cities in the Airland Empire with a cloud of haze in the sky.

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