Slowly take the tiger cubs out to bask in the sun.

Since there were suddenly many new orcs in the tribe, those people were not used to Slow's face. Every time they saw her, they would be involuntarily attracted to her. Some people often looked at her too intently. I accidentally bumped into other people or things, which caused a lot of conflicts.

In order to avoid this situation from happening again, Xuanyuan wears a sunscreen every time she goes out and does not show her full face to others.

Although this is still attractive, it is much better than before.

There was an animal skin blanket spread on the grass. She knelt on it and watched the tiger cubs rolling around on the grass.

Muxiang was sitting next to her, with a pile of cotton cloth and needlework in front of her, her hands constantly threading the needle and thread. She planned to make clothes for Jiuyuan and Fenglan respectively, and now she has made a semi-finished product.

While she was working, she said, "Why don't you make clothes for the four of you?"

Although Xue Ling has not officially mated with Xuanyuan, he has been living in Xuanyuan's house, and everyone has regarded him as Xuanyuan's partner. Xuanyuan didn't say anything about this, which was regarded as acquiescence.

Smiling slowly: "With my little skills, I can barely make a skirt. Anyway, it just needs to sew two pieces of cloth together, and there is no technical content. But if I want to make a dress seriously, Then forget it, I don’t think I’m that good, so I’d better not waste needles, threads and fabrics.”

The clothes at home are all made by Bai Di and Sang Ye, and their craftsmanship is very good. There is no room for slow display of skills in this aspect.

Mu Xiang laughed and asked mysteriously: "I actually want to ask you, when do you plan to mate with Xue Ling?"

He was stunned for a moment.

She hesitated: "Why do you suddenly ask about this matter?"

Mu Xiang's eyes were full of narrow-mindedness: "To tell you the truth, it was Xue Ling who asked me to help find out what you said. He wanted to know when you plan to truly accept him."

Xuanyuan was a little embarrassed: "Why didn't he come and ask me?"

How can you talk to outsiders about such private matters? How embarrassing.

Mu Xiang smiled heartily: "You don't have to be shy, we are good friends, and I basically know about your family's situation. You can tell me any ideas you have, and we will go over the details together."

Su Yan tried to change the subject: "Is the neighborhood committee very busy recently? You actually still have the time to worry about my family's affairs."

"Your home is also under the jurisdiction of the neighborhood committee. It is our job to maintain family harmony and promote single older males to find partners. We are here to serve everyone, don't you think?"

Xuanyuan couldn't laugh or cry: "You are still reasonable."

Mu Xiang approached her and said, "I'm serious. You were pregnant before and couldn't mate. Now that you finally gave birth to the child, shouldn't you seize the opportunity to settle the serious matter between you and Xueling?" "

He looked at her slowly, his heart moved, and he suddenly asked: "Sister, tell me honestly, how many benefits has Xue Ling given you to let you be a lobbyist?"

Muxiang coughed twice and said righteously: "What are you talking about? Am I, Muxiang, the kind of orc who would betray my friends for benefits?!"

"If you don't tell me, forget it. I'll ask Xue Ling later. He will definitely be happy to tell me."

Mu Xiang immediately grabbed her wrist: "No, if you go to find him, it means my mission has failed."

"So you came to me to trick me on purpose to complete the mission," Xuanyuan said clearly, "What was the mission reward he gave you?"

Muxiang raised a finger and whispered: "A red crystal."

"He's really generous."

Mu Xiang muttered: "If it weren't for Hong Jing's sake, I wouldn't be so shameless as to tell you about this matter for him."

"Is my friendship with you only worth a red crystal?"

Mu Xiang blurted out: "Of course not, how could our friendship be as precious as the red crystal?!"


Mu Xiang quickly changed her words: "Bah! No, I mean our friendship is far more precious than the red crystal! Not to mention one red crystal, even ten red crystals, Xue Ling can't even think of buying me!"

"That's pretty much it."

Mu Xiang smiled flatteringly and said: "How are you going to answer Xue Ling? Whether you agree or not, just tell me so that I can do business later."

He slowly raised his fingers at her.

Mu Xiang immediately put her ear closer.

He said slowly: "Tell Xue Ling to come to my room tonight. I have..."

She was just halfway through her words when she saw the sky suddenly darken.

The sun in the sky is gradually disappearing!

All the orcs were stunned.

Some older orcs ran home and shouted in horror: "The sun is going to be eaten by the devil. Everyone hide quickly and don't stand outside, otherwise they will all be eaten by the devil!"

The younger orcs saw "the sun being eaten" for the first time, and they were all frightened.

The panic spread quickly, and the orcs all ran towards their homes like crazy. Some of them who were far away from home simply found a sheltered place nearby and squatted down and hugged their heads.

Mu Xiang also stood up immediately, carrying half of her clothes, and shouted to Xuanyuan: "Go back quickly! If you stand outside, you will be eaten by the devil!"

He slowly glanced at the sun that was gradually "disappearing" in the sky, and asked in a low voice.

"Xiaoba, is the sun really eaten?"

The system said: "You are a college graduate with nine years of compulsory education, so you would ask such a stupid question. Didn't your elementary school textbook explain how a solar eclipse comes about?"

"I also think it's a solar eclipse, but after all, this is not the earth, and we can't use common sense to judge this world, so I'm a little unsure."

Slowly pick up the two tiger cubs on the ground to prevent them from being stepped on by the panicking orcs.

She tried to reassure Muxiang not to be afraid.

Mu Xiang was extremely anxious: "The sun has been eaten by the devil, how could I not be afraid? Stop standing here stupidly and come back with me!"

He was slowly dragged a few steps by her.

At this time, the entire Rock Wolf Clan was in chaos, with orcs running for their lives everywhere. Some cubs were scattered in the panic and fell to the ground, wailing in fear.

At this time, Baidi Shuangyun Sangye and Xue Ling all came out.

They found Xuanyuan and the tiger cubs at a glance among the crowd. Xue Ling picked up Xuanyuan mother and son and prepared to fly back directly.

Mu Xiang was also taken back by Jiu Yuan and Feng Lan.

Huan Huan quickly pointed to the still crying cub and said, "The child fell down, pick him up quickly."

"Leave it to me!" Shuangyun strode over and picked up the cub.

He looked around and frowned when he saw the mess in the tribe.

Xue Ling had already flown back to the rocky mountain with her mother and son in her arms.

Distraught parents who have lost their cubs are searching the world for their children.

Shuang Yun returned the cub in his hands to his parents, and then returned home with Bai Di and Sang Ye.

He said worriedly: "The sun was suddenly eaten. This is an ominous sign."

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