Fusu smiled faintly.

He is already the respected prince of the country. If he had not refused, Ying Zheng would have given him more rights.

The reward was like a floating cloud to him, but to Gong Shuyue and the craftsmen she represented, it was completely different.

Although the scholars, farmers, industrialists and merchants of the Great Qin Dynasty were not as strict as the strata that were difficult to cross in later generations, a considerable gap had already formed.

Especially after the great development of commerce, the influence of businessmen has gradually surpassed that of craftsmen.

After all, the merchants at least had money, and unreasonable clauses such as merchants not being allowed to go out in fine clothes on the streets were gradually abolished.

Businessmen who have made enough contributions still have hope of becoming knights.

On the contrary, it is the craftsmen who have neither fame nor money, and their status is now the lowest.

Even the former generals and young masters were held concurrently by a clan member.

But now, Yingzheng rewarded Gongshu Yue heavily, promoted him to the rank of general Shaofu, and raised his title to the ninth rank of the fifth doctor, which was enough to give the craftsmen hope.

You must know that in the Great Qin military merit and title system, each level has���Real benefits.

The ninth-level five officials do not need to bow when they see a county official, they are exempted from military service, and they can also own food.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, many generals will never be able to fight for this title in their lifetime.

Now, Gongshuyue can achieve such an official position and title by assisting Fusu in inventing and manufacturing various instruments. It can be said to be an unprecedented honor for craftsmen, and it will definitely refresh the spirits of all craftsmen in Da Qin.

It is also an extremely beneficial publicity for Fusu to open engineering majors in Daqin University.

As a time traveler, Fusu knows the importance of engineering.

Liberal arts, such as Confucianism, can allow the people of Great Qin to know honor and disgrace, practice morality, and obey the law. However, if they want to truly improve Great Qin's scientific and technological strength, they must also study engineering.

A later foreign scholar raised a famous"Needham problem", which is:"Although the Xia Kingdom made many important contributions to the development of human science and technology in ancient times, why did the scientific and industrial revolution not occur in the Xia Kingdom in modern times?"

In According to Fusu, the problem is actually very simple.

Because of the historical category described by Joseph Needham, the Xia Kingdom was in a feudal period.

In the history of later generations, since Dong Zhongshu of the Han Dynasty deposed hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism, Confucianism became the dominant one, which actually completely squeezed the soil for scientific and technological development.

People are extremely realistic. Whatever way can bring benefits to them, they will definitely choose that way.

Since Confucianism is the most powerful and people who study Confucian culture have the opportunity to become officials and become superior people, then everyone must study Confucianism.

Therefore, there is a saying that"everything is inferior, only reading is superior".

Reading here actually refers specifically to reading Confucian classics.

Under such circumstances, it is difficult to find successors to the art of craftsmanship, and we can only rely on the method of masters and apprentices to be passed down bit by bit.

Since most people are illiterate, word-of-mouth transmission is very inefficient, so technology chronology often occurs.

In addition, the two major theories of craftsman inheritance, Mohism and Gongshu, were heavily suppressed by Confucianism. From Qin to Han, many technologies not only did not improve, but fell behind because they were lost.

Later, although the Central Plains was rich in resources, a group of outstanding craftsmen appeared every once in a while to create some new inventions, but they were unable to do their best because they lacked support.

Later, when people saw what happened to the senior craftsmen, they were unwilling to continue studying the art of craftsmanship, and instead studied the Four Books and Five Classics. As long as they became a scholar, they would have real benefits.

In addition, after the Confucian family became dominant, it was inevitable that Xia would turn from a technological leader to a technological laggard.

On the contrary, after the foreigners came to the Xia Kingdom to learn from the scriptures, they took various inventions back as if they were treasures and carried them forward. In turn, they humiliated the Xia Kingdom and made the Xia Kingdom pay a heavy price.

To put it bluntly, the craftsmanship has always been ignored and placed at the bottom of society.

Fortunately, today, the Qin Dynasty is still in the best period of a hundred schools of thought contending and the atmosphere is open. The Mohists and losers all have a certain degree of influence. It is not difficult for Fusu to change the minds of the people.

All we need to do is to promote Gongshuyue as a public loser and publicize it, so that the people of Daqin can see the hope of engineering, and then provide enough positions so that people who major in engineering can actually enjoy it.

With reputations and benefits already on the rise, there is no need to worry about anyone studying engineering.

Daqin's technological development will inevitably continue to advance as engineering becomes more and more important.

As long as technology remains at the forefront, Da Qin will definitely be the only big country in the world.

Fusu made up his mind.

The view that science and technology is the primary productive force must be resolved and implemented.

Daqin University was Fusu’s first experimental site.

"Fusu, what are you thinking about, so entranced?"

Ying Zheng asked curiously

"My son is thinking, today in our country, Qin, there is still a shortage of good enough craftsmen."

"For example, although this catapult is very powerful, it also requires very high technology. Yue Ji gathered all the elites of the public losers and searched the entire general's residence. It took a long time to build such a catapult."

"Among major private workshops, production capacity is often insufficient due to a lack of outstanding craftsmen."

"Therefore, Erchen is planning to set up a special craftsmanship course at Daqin University, hoping to cultivate more outstanding craftsmen so that they can create more magical weapons."

"Moreover, I hope that if the other craftsmen achieve great achievements, they can also be converted into titles."

Fusu said in a deep voice.


Ying Zheng pondered for a moment and nodded.

Fu Su's many inventions have always improved the strength of Da Qin.

And since even the status of merchants can be improved, the promotion of craftsmen still depends on Ying Zheng. within the acceptable range

"In this way, I would like to thank my father on behalf of all the craftsmen in the world."

Fusu said with a slight smile.

Gongshuyue beside him, his beautiful eyes were even more brilliant. His eyes looking at Fusu were full of unbreakable affection.

The other craftsmen were also inexplicably grateful to Fusu.

As expected. His Highness the Crown Prince, who cares about the world.

The craftsmen can finally turn around.

It is really not easy!

Even many disciples from the Mohist family are no exception.

Since they can be promoted to nobility by concentrating on craftsmanship research, then they still have to Why are you doing this propaganda of"universal love but non-aggression" that everyone has begun to doubt!

Wouldn't it be better to study craftsman skills honestly?

After the loss of the public, the Moh family was also conquered by Fusu!

PS: I was delayed for a while on the road, If I owe an update, I will find an opportunity to make up for it later. I wish everyone a happy National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival in advance!

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