Historically, although Da Qin had a navy, it was more like a logistics transport fleet, only responsible for transporting food and not participating in direct combat.

The required boats are all temporarily built, and the boatmen collect them directly from the people.

After the war, the recruited boatmen would return to their hometowns. Most of the boats were left unmaintained and quickly damaged.

Previously, Fusu had spent a lot of effort recruiting operators for the five-tooth giant ship.

Fortunately, Da Qin is a centralized system. There are no restrictions on maritime prohibitions. To prosper maritime development, we only need to let the people understand the benefits of opening up the sea.

Not to mention much, just a fishing trip when the navy went out to sea for training, bringing back a huge amount of sea fish, coupled with newspaper publicity, was enough to shock the entire Daqin.

Businessmen who see business opportunities will naturally flock in, and various shipyards and fishing teams will follow.

The large influx of marine fish not only allows merchants to make a lot of money, but also reduces the price of fish and shrimp on the market to a low enough price that ordinary people can afford it.

After the people can consume it, the demand will increase and the enthusiasm for fishing will be higher, forming a virtuous cycle.

In the end, businessmen make money, people have cheap fish and shrimp to eat, their lives improve, and the court can collect taxes and be happy.

On this basis, Fusu could also guide the Qin people to go out of the offshore sea and march towards the distant sea.

Finally opened, the era of great navigation that belongs exclusively to Da Qin

"I never imagined that there are so many benefits in this sea! Ying

Zheng said with a pleased look on his face:"Fusu, you have taught my father another lesson about the ocean!""

Waving his hand, Ying Zheng continued to be the boss as always.

Anyway, the future of Da Qin belongs to Fusu, and it can be used to train Fusu.

Ying Zheng only needs to wait to see Nei Shiteng report happily. Just increase the revenue from the treasury.

Ying Zheng has always been very decisive in the way of employing people.

The suspects are not used, and the suspects are not used. This is the fundamental reason why the entire Qin Dynasty, both inside and outside the court, and in the army, are completely loyal to Ying Zheng.

The First Emperor's magnanimity and wisdom in employing people are definitely at the level of an emperor throughout the ages.......

After returning to the Prince's Mansion, Fusu began to organize the plan for the Qin Dynasty to open the sea.

Thanks to Fusu's efforts, the great Qin Dynasty has quietly arrived. After successively defeating the Xiongnu, Da Yuezhi, and Donghu, it has become the world's most powerful military power without a doubt. With the continuous development of commerce, comprehensive Its strength also gradually grew apart from other empires.

In this era, those that can be compared with the Qin Dynasty are the Maurya Dynasty, the Roman Empire, and the Alexander Empire that split into Macedonia and other kingdoms, and the Carthage Dynasty.

Among them, the Maurya Dynasty has the largest population, but the weakest combat effectiveness. It is still in civil strife. Just one Donghu is enough to make the Maurya Dynasty miserable, not to mention that Zhang Liang and Han Xin are already on their way to Donghu to supervise the war.

With these two historical-level sages and warriors here, Fusu basically does not need to worry too much about the direction of the Maurya Dynasty.

The Alexander Empire, since Alexander's death, has also fallen into long-term civil strife and split into several large forces. Among them, the Kingdom of Macedonia is the most powerful. However, due to its expansion in Illyria and Asia Minor, it has had many conflicts with the Roman Empire. , is now in the midst of the First Roman-Macedonian War. Both sides invested a large number of troops, but failed to achieve a decisive victory.

The Carthaginian dynasty originated in the Mediterranean. It relied on its monopoly of maritime trade in the Western Mediterranean and occupied many city-states on the edge of the Mediterranean. Its navy was extremely powerful. It was now at war with the Roman Empire over the competition for maritime trade.

According to Fusu's memory, in a few decades, the Kingdom of Macedonia and the Carthage Dynasty would be destroyed by the Roman Empire and enter the heyday of the Roman Empire.

And this is the best opportunity for Fusu.

Although the Roman Empire would eventually win in history and enter its heyday, the Romans, who are currently fighting on two fronts and suffering heavy losses on both fronts, are actually suffering.

Moreover, these Western powers are still in the period of slavery, and are more like a city-state alliance, somewhat similar to the previous Hun Kingdom on the grasslands, which are all supported by the prestige of the monarch.

In a real fight, this loose alliance of city-states was definitely no match for the centralized and united Great Qin.

It's just that in history, the second emperor of Qin Dynasty died, and the later Han Emperor Liu Bang abandoned his martial arts and was overwhelmed by the Xiongnu, so he missed this best opportunity to expand to the west.

But now, due to Fusu, the threat of the grassland no longer exists. The caravans of Great Qin are heading west along the Silk Road that was opened in advance. The furthest point has passed the Mauryan Dynasty and entered the tribe of Alexander the Great after the Alexander Empire split. The Seleucid Empire founded by Seleucus.

According to the reports from the carrier pigeons, Antiochus III was shocked that such a powerful empire existed in the East. Suffering from repeated battles with Rome but failing to win, he had made up his mind to ask for help from the Qin Dynasty. The envoy led by Prince Seleucus IV had already On the way to Xianyang City.

This is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity for Fusu.

It can better understand its opponents and better consume the strength of Western countries.

Anyway, with Dong Hu, the biggest cannon fodder, Fusu was not worried about losses at all.

And Zhang Liang and Han Xin, the golden partners, can also get more experience and enter their peak state earlier.

This also reminded Fusu that Da Qin could no longer miss the opportunity to open the sea.

Fortunately, the first batch of five-toothed giant ships are about to be launched, which is about five to six hundred tons in later generations. After system optimization, the five-toothed giant ships have improved their speed and navigation performance. They are definitely giants on the sea. Combined with the catapult and the divine arm crossbow, it will definitely make the navies of Rome and Carthage look formidable.

Moreover, these Western powers are also the best partners for Qin to trade with.

The Silk Road opened in advance and the Maritime Silk Road being planned by Fusu will inevitably become a source of huge profits for Da Qin.

"Whether it is for profit or to realize the great dream of an empire on which the sun never sets, the ocean is the key point that Great Qin must conquer. If one day, tens of thousands of giant ships can sail freely on the sea, the whole world will belong to Great Qin!"

Fusu wrote an inspiring sentence at the end of this volume as a conclusion.

"Your Highness, why haven't you rested yet? What are you writing?

Yu Shu walked in with a plate of breakfast and said cheerfully.

Only then did Fusu realize that it was already dawn, and he had actually been writing all night.

"I am compiling some discussion about the sea, would you like to read it too? Fusu smiled and said


Yu Shu sat down next to Fusu, opened the manuscript and started reading.

Just after reading two pages, Yu Shu exclaimed:"It turns out that we actually live on a sphere, and there are so many powerful people. s country."

Yu Shu's heart has already been completely tied to Fusu. He trusts everything Fusu says, and there is a hint of admiration in his big eyes.

"Today's Great Qin is already in a leading position. Although these countries all have good military strength, their culture and economy are much worse than them."

Fusu said with a proud smile.

With him here, Da Qin's comprehensive strength will definitely be outstanding.

This must be the best era for Da Qin!

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