"The Wusun Kingdom presented five thousand catties of gold, fifty thousand taels of silver, and a glass treasure to wish the Wusun of Great Qin everlasting friendship!"

"Donghu offered 10,000 catties of gold, and the Mauryan Dynasty captured 100,000 people, as well as some jewels. Congratulations to the Great Qin Kingdom for its power!"

"Jingjue Kingdom presented three thousand catties of gold, thirty thousand taels of silver, and ten beauties.!"

"Tu Anguo presented a thousand catties of gold and several treasures......"

Looking at the generous gift lists, the smile on Ying Zheng's face grew stronger.

The total value of these gifts is at least more than 20 million yuan. No wonder Nestern is so happy.

"Father, these gift lists are only part of it. The real fat sheep Seleucus is still on the way!"

Fusu said with a slight smile.

Although Alexander's empire has fallen apart, this broken ship still has a few pounds of nails. It inherited the Seleucid Kingdom in Persia. Even if it cannot defeat Rome, this royal collection will definitely not be missing.

The reason why no gifts have been sent yet is because the scale is not good enough.

However, the initiative lies with Da Qin. Fusu can completely raise the price without worrying about Seleucus IV not falling for it.

For Da Qin, there is Without Seleucus, the impact was not big.

For Seleucus, even if he teamed up with Macedon, he was beaten by the Romans. Without strong foreign aid, the country would be ruined. A phoenix is

not as good as a chicken, but it is still alive. They can survive.

As for the royal family whose country is broken, there is really no way out.

The men will definitely be hunted down by the Romans, and the fate of the women will only be more tragic, completely reduced to the playthings of the victors.

As long as Seleucus allows Seeing the strength of Great Qin, I believe that the entire Seleucid IV will make a wise choice.......

Amid much anticipation, the day finally came when Da Qin's new treasure ship was launched.

Early in the morning, envoys from various countries had lined up neatly at the embassy, waiting for the carriage team to take them to the shipyard on the banks of the Weishui River.

This also includes Seleucus IV, the Great Elder Donghu, King Tuan, King Uzi and other heads of state.

In the past few days, this group of kings, princes and envoys have been trying their best to ask for a meeting with Fusu, but all of them have been rejected. Now that they finally have the opportunity to meet Fusu and Ying Zheng, everyone is extremely excited.

Especially Seleucid IV was extremely anxious.

Since entering the prairie, Seleucus has been living a life of astonishment.

First of all, the prairie with a radius of thousands of miles, countless horses, cattle and sheep, and the fierce prairie cavalry were all under the control of Great Qin.

Then there is the long, endless galloping road as far as the eye can see.

The advancement and convenience of Chidao were completely beyond Seleucid's reach.

The endless flow of horse-drawn carriages and the orderly order made Seleucus IV sigh at the power and civilization of the Qin Dynasty.

After arriving at Xianyang City, the entire Seleucid envoy was completely dumbfounded.

In the West, the city of Rome is already considered the largest, with a population of 200,000, and its roads are well developed, and it has the reputation that all roads lead to Rome.

But compared with the capital of Great Qin in front of me, it was nothing at all!

The entire Xianyang City is dozens of miles in circumference.

According to the envoy who came to greet him, the resident population exceeded half a million.

Including the surrounding counties, the entire Xianyang area has a population of over one million.

In the West, this is enough to establish a middle-level country.

What is even more shocking is that there is not a single ragged person in Xianyang City.

All the common people were wearing clothes that, in Seleucid, only nobles could afford.

And all of them had smiles on their faces, and when they saw these foreign envoys, their eyes were full of curiosity, confidence and disdain!

The degree of commercial development in Xianyang City is far beyond imagination.

Wherever you pass along the way, there are endless shops in the streets and alleys, and a dazzling array of products.

Tea, silk, paper, etc., which were considered treasures in Seleucid, can be found almost everywhere here.

The domineering power of the superior country is completely displayed without any explanation.

As for the road that the Romans were proud of, it was where Great Qin had the greatest lead.

The previous Chidao had already amazed Seleucus IV, but at least we can still see how Chidao was built.

After arriving around Xianyang, the straight concrete road immediately made all the Seleucids dumbfounded.

In order to analyze the materials of this magical road, a Seleucid envoy even quietly drew his sword and chopped at the edge of the cement straight road, hoping to bring back part of it for study back home.

However, his sword was broken, but the white-grey road only had a few more marks.

Everyone was stunned.

This kind of material is absolutely indestructible when used to build fortifications.

As a result, in Da Qin, it was so extravagant that it was used to build roads.

After consulting the envoys of Da Qin, the responses they received shocked them even more.

"Da Qin can just attack, why should we defend?"

This domineering power directly frightened the Seleucids who were suppressed by Rome.

However, they had to admit that Da Qin did have this strength.

It was well-deserved to be called the Great Kingdom of Heaven.

For this reason, Seleucid IV always wanted to They asked to see Fusu and Ying Zheng, but they never got the chance.

Now that they finally had the chance, how could they not be excited?

And along the way, the Seleucid envoys were quickly shocked again.

Because along the way, What they saw was not just people, but people.

Along the dozens of miles long road, there were people of Qin Dynasty dressed up in costumes and preparing to attend the ceremony.

There were so many people that they couldn’t even be counted.

"Didn’t I say that there are only 500,000 people in Xianyang City?

Seleucid IV murmured to himself:"But I saw more than just this along the way!""

"If the launching ceremony officially begins, wouldn't the audience be at least one million people?"

"This Great Qin Empire is too terrifying, right?"

The Seleucid envoys nodded one after another.

Many people suddenly realized why Great Qin did not receive them before, just to let them understand the gap between Great Qin and Great Qin.

However, they had to admit that even Alexander's empire did not Even if they are divided, they cannot be the opponent of the Great Qin Empire!

Even if there is another Roman Empire, they will not be able to compete with the people of Great Qin! The lead of Great Qin is definitely not unilateral, but leading in all directions.

The most terrible thing What makes me angry is that Da Qin, which is already far ahead, is developing at an unparalleled rate!

A group of foreigners were suddenly hit with a lack of confidence and began to become dejected.

Da Qin is really terrible!

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