"Don't leave Xu Fu!"

Seeing Xu Fu standing on the high platform with a very obvious figure, Fan Kuai said with great joy.

He had spent a long time with Wang Li and even gave up the opportunity to lead the other two generals before he reached the position of the vanguard of the entire cavalry.

The purpose was to capture Xu Fu alive with his own hands, so as to repay Fusu's kindness to him.

Although he was a butcher, Fan Kuai had been motivated since childhood. In addition to practicing martial arts hard, he also learned a lot of military skills, but he never had the opportunity to show it..

When Lu Gong said that he wanted to recommend him, Fan Kuai regarded it more as a joke.

However, he did not expect that His Highness Fusu, the God of War of the Qin Dynasty and whom Fan Kuai admired the most, actually took a fancy to him.

And he directly transferred him to Fusu. He was trained among Su's personal guards.

Fan Kuai was also very ambitious and performed very well in the army. He rose from a small soldier to the position of captain of a hundred cavalry.

After Fu Su established the navy, Fan Kuai was the first to respond, relying on With the advantages of being proficient in water and understanding military and strategic skills, he became a frigate captain and won the opportunity to be a pioneer.

Therefore, Fan Kuai was very grateful to Fusu.

And the news from home made Fan Kuai even more He was completely prepared to die.

Because today's Pei County has begun to implement preferential policies such as free official education and agricultural tool subsidies like Xianyang Hanzhong, Fan Kuai's relatives and friends have lived a good life.

Even in Pei County, there is a After visiting several medical clinics, not only was it much more convenient to seek medical advice, but all the expenses were subsidized by the Prince's Mansion.

All the people in Peijun worshiped Fusu as a sage, and Fan Kuai was no exception!

And now, finally, Now is the opportunity to serve Fusu!

"All soldiers, charge with me!"

Fan Kuai shouted, took the lead, directly led the five thousand cavalry, and launched a charge!

The unprepared Fusang natives were immediately trembling with fear and could not even hold the weapons in their hands.

For them who were ignorant, Even Xu Fu can be worshiped as a god, let alone Fan Kuai and others.

The cavalry of the Qin Dynasty, in the eyes of these Fusang natives, are simply heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals!

How can mortals go against heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals?

Many Fusu natives simply knelt on the ground, Trembling and powerless!

Xu Fu was completely desperate!

He never expected that his sweet dream would be completely ended just after he had had it for a while.

Gritting his teeth, Xu Fu was ready to crawl into the tunnel and escape.

The cunning rabbit has three caves and always behaves The cautious Xu Fu had already left a way out for himself.

This tunnel led straight to several miles away, where there was a continuous mountain range.

Once he got into the mountains, the thousands of cavalry could not find him at all!

Moreover, Xu Fu was still in the mountain and had prepared some food and support personnel.

However, before Xu Fu could escape to the tunnel entrance, he was blocked by others.

"With just this little ability, is he worthy of going against His Highness the Crown Prince?"

The Jinyiwei spies looked at the horrified Xu Fu with disdain, and defeated Xu Fu in just a few rounds.

"His Royal Highness?"

A look of disbelief flashed in Xu Fu's eyes.

When did Da Qin have a prince?

This is impossible?

Didn't Qin have no successor after Ying Zheng?

Xu Fu closed his eyes in despair......

"Your Highness, I am very happy. General Fan Kuai has led his army to attack the enemy chief's palace and defeated the enemy in one fell swoop. The enemy chief Xu Fu was also captured alive!"

"All the Da Qin rebels were killed or captured alive, and not one escaped!"

"In addition, General Fan Kuai also seized a large amount of loot from Xu Fu's puppet palace!"

A staff officer rushed into the Chinese army's main tent excitedly.

"Yes, Fan Kuai is indeed a good prospect for Pioneer!"

Fusu nodded with satisfaction, took a look at the battle report handed over by his staff, and couldn't help but feel a hint of joy on his face.

This time in the expedition to Fusang Island, the Daqin Navy had a calculated calculation without any intention, and it had superior strength. Victory is natural.

However, Fan Kuai was able to achieve complete victory without anyone dying and only dozens of people were injured, which fully demonstrated his leadership ability. The future marines of the Great Qin Navy can fully trust Fan Kuai.

And the capture is also Unexpectedly rich.

Due to the fact that it has rarely been cultivated, although there are not many plains on Fusang Island, the land fertility is stronger than most of the land in Daqin that has been cultivated for thousands of years.

Coupled with the seeds and farming techniques Xu Fu brought from Daqin, the land fertility in a short time In just a few years, Xu Fu was able to reserve millions of stones of grain and grass.

Now all of them have been captured by Da Qin, which greatly reduced Da Qin's logistical burden.

It is said that Fuso Island is rich in gold, silver and copper mines, but it is not an exaggeration.

In Xu Fu's puppet palace alone, more than 10,000 kilograms of gold, 70,000 kilograms of silver, and millions of kilograms of copper ingots were seized, which can be converted into Daqin currency, at least more than 30 million yuan! There is also a resource distribution map of Fusang Island. With Fusu in hand, he is very clear:

Although Fuso Island is short of oil, its gold, silver and copper reserves are not low at all.

The entire Fuso Island's silver reserves exceed 10,000 tons, of which there is only one stone mountain. , more than 6,000 tons!

Beezi Copper Mine once ranked first in the world in terms of copper production, with total reserves of more than 650,000 tons!

Although the gold mine is slightly inferior, the Lingyi gold mine is not only of extremely high quality , and the reserves are close to 200 tons, and there are a large number of associated silver mines.

If all these precious metals are mined, the Qin Empire will no longer have to worry about having no minted money.

These are real hard currencies!

Fusu He made up his mind in an instant to hollow out and evacuate the entire Fuso Island in the shortest possible time!

As for labor, the aborigines on these islands are the best candidates!

After all the resources on Fuso Island are emptied, the aborigines will probably be The consumption is almost over.

By then, the entire Fuso Island will be as clean as possible.

We can immigrate some of the people of Da Qin here, so that it can completely become Da Qin's Fuso County and an important base of the Da Qin Navy, so as to radiate the entire East Pacific!

Fusu knows very well that there is no sympathy for the struggle between ethnic groups.

The best principle is: leave the island but no one!

Completely cut off the hope of these hateful Fuso people to stand up!

"Following the order, the three-pronged army will completely sweep the entire Fuso Island. All Fuso people wherever they pass will be captured as long as they do not surrender!"

"Anyone who dares to resist will be shot without mercy!"

"After the cleaning is completed, notify the craftsmen in the fleet to bring the tools and Fusu indigenous prisoners and prepare to mine!"

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