“Haha, these foreign barbarians looked like they had never seen the world before, and they were frightened stupidly by Da Qin’s flying artifact.”

“Old Liu, weren’t you so frightened that you almost fell down before?”

“Yes, when the artifact took off, I saw Old Liu kneeling down too!”

“I saw His Highness ascending and prayed for His Highness’s blessing. It was different from them.”

“Your Highness is my Highness Da Qin. Is that called awe?”

“Haha, but this flying artifact is indeed enough to scare the shit out of those barbarians!”

The people were talking loudly, with faces full of pride.

Today’s Qin Dynasty is constantly expanding its territory, and its territory is far larger than that of previous dynasties. The people of the past have reached as far away as Persia, which is thousands of miles away. An area that was completely unknown.

The national pride of the people of the originally martial and masculine Great Qin Dynasty had completely boiled over.

Moreover, when Great Qin went on foreign campaigns, not only did it not resort to militarism and defeat the national power as those rotten Confucianists said, but it continued to gain more and more resources from foreign lands.

There are many resources and benefits, and they are fed back to the people through various benevolent policies of the court, so that all the people can really feel the dividends of expanding the territory.

Under such circumstances, how can the people support Da Qin to continue to expand the territory and complete the unification? What about the great aspirations of the world?

How could you not feel the supreme honor of being born in Great Qin?

Today’s Great Qin is a true heavenly kingdom. No matter who comes to Great Qin, they must abide by the etiquette and laws of Great Qin.

Any foreigner dares to Anyone in the Qin Dynasty who does not respect the etiquette and laws of the Qin Dynasty will be beaten up by the people who can’t stand it, and sent to the government for investigation.

The people of the Qin Dynasty will be treated as honored guests no matter which country they go to, and they dare not show any disrespect, otherwise The Protectorate of the Western Regions of Great Qin will teach him how to behave.

Women from surrounding countries are even more proud to marry people from Great Qin. The powerful and wealthy families in various countries are trying their best to obtain household registration in Great Qin.

The nomadic barbarians on the grasslands who have threatened the Central Plains for thousands of years are now has been completely crushed by the Great Qin. Touman Maodun and King Yuezhi are still touring all over the Great Qin. Donghu, who is living an ignoble existence, has completely become the cannon fodder of the Great Qin.

And all this stems from being regarded by all the people. The patron saint of Great Qin laid the foundation for the prosperous age of Great Qin, and now His Highness the Crown Prince has invented the flying artifact of Great Qin.

The people of Great Qin, who have become wise, see more than before, are more grateful to Fusu’s kindness, and cherish this hard-won treasure even more Live and work in peace and contentment, and look forward to a better tomorrow.

“This guy is really different from others.”

Yu Ji murmured, looking at Fusu with eyes full of admiration and admiration.

People who love beauty are the same, regardless of men and women. The same goes for girls who are handsome and extraordinary. It also has terrible lethality.

Moreover, Fusu is not only like a banished immortal, unmatched by anyone, but also has great achievements and is so outstanding that people cannot stop him.

Yu Ji can no longer hide her heart.

Yu Zi next to her Qi sighed heavily.

Although he still had some grudges about his sister falling in love with Fusu, Yu Ziqi had to admit that Fusu was indeed the most outstanding man in the world.

He was also the most benevolent man throughout the ages. , it is completely reasonable for my sister to fall in love with Fusu.

Even the Feitian Artifact was created by Fusu, what else can Fusu not do?

Moreover, Fusu also made the lives of all the people in Daqin better than before. After a lot of success, what qualifications did he have to be dissatisfied with Fusu?

Yu Ziqi was silent for a long time, and then suddenly said:”Is it still too late to register for the Daqin Military Academy?”

“Brother, you figured it out.”

Yu Ji was stunned for a moment, then she realized what she was doing and said with a look of surprise on her face.

“That’s right!”

“But this time, the eldest brother has to rely on his own strength to enter the Daqin Military Academy.”

Yu Ziqi said in a deep voice.

He also wants to save face. If he relies on his sister to enter the Daqin Military Academy, he will be completely unable to hold his head high in the future.

And he is very confident in himself.

He can’t do those martial arts. She was promoted to Jinshi.

Yu Ji blinked her eyes cutely.

Now that Yu Ziqi had given in, wouldn’t there be another layer of barrier between her and Fusu.

The girl’s heart was very sweet…….

“The flight time this time is still too short. When the next opportunity comes, we will fly thousands of miles away and inspect every county in our Daqin from the air, all the way to the ends of the world!”

Ying Zheng stepped down from the hot air balloon, still feeling unfinished.

This feeling of being from a high place, looking down at the heaven and earth, really made Ying Zheng intoxicated.

“Hot air balloon, no, traveling around the world via cloud shuttle is not impossible, but it requires many conditions.”

“The first and simplest point is to make the hot air balloon bigger and set up more supply stations along the way to replenish fuel and living supplies.”

“Secondly, as Erchen introduced before, where the cloud shuttle flies mainly depends on the wind, and there must be a suitable wind direction.”

“Therefore, for the time being, the Cloud Shuttle is more suitable for flying in the mainland of Daqin.”

“If you want to fly faster and further, you need more technological breakthroughs, at least to the level of airships. Fusu said with a smile.

Compared with hot air balloons, airships are not only larger, more buoyant, and carry more fuel, but also fly more flexibly and faster due to their own propulsion devices.

The difference is somewhat similar. This is due to the difference between a sailboat and a motor sailboat.

In addition, because the airship is large enough, the passenger cabin can also be set up to be closed, and the passenger comfort will also be greatly improved.

“My father doesn’t quite understand these things, but all I have to do is wait for the good news about you, Fusu. Ying

Zheng said happily:”The current cloud shuttle can fly in the mainland of Daqin, which is quite good. If my father goes on a patrol, it won’t have to be so strenuous.””

“As for when you can tour various countries, it’s up to Fusu.”

Fusu spread his hands helplessly. If the First Emperor continues to patrol, won’t he have to continue to supervise the country and continue to face mountains of memorials?

Fortunately, hot air balloon flight is indeed faster than canal ships. If you are well prepared, it only takes one day and one night. You can reach Jiangnan or Liaodong, which is much more convenient and faster than taking the canal.

It is completely incomparable with the land route. Once you go on patrol, you can return in a month at most, which is much faster than before.

Moreover , The First Emperor went on a tour, so he could go on a tour too!

At most, one in the south and one in the north, one in the east and one in the west!

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