“Raise funds from the entire Daqin using equity?”

“Even if ordinary people are willing to invest, their financial resources are not as good as those of businessmen. Ten million dollars may require hundreds of thousands or even millions of investors.”

“With so many equity holders, it might be difficult to control them, right?”

Ying Zheng thought for a while and asked.

Not only the courtiers, but also the main source of income for Ying Zheng’s internal treasury comes from the equity dividend income of the workshops under the Prince’s Mansion. Therefore, the share distribution system has already been established A certain understanding.

However, in the past, these shares were directional subscriptions, tied to individuals, and could not be traded. The number of shareholders was relatively small, making them easier to manage.

But now, the stocks proposed by Fusu are directly open to the entire Daqin , the number of shareholders is probably too many to count.

“The previous joint-stock system was for the powerful and large merchants.”

“What Erchen said this time is that in the face of scattered investors, the management methods must also undergo certain changes.”

“The original purchase cost of a single share after the change can be very low, such as ten yuan per hundred yuan, or even one yuan!”

“And as long as you are in the corresponding stock exchange, you can also trade and resell stocks at any time.”

“And it also allows stocks to rise and fall to a certain extent.”

Fusu explained the concepts of stocks and securities trading to Ying Zheng in detail.

Even in later generations, stocks were one of the important means of investment and financial management for the people, let alone in Da Qin.

Its scope of application is wider than bonds. There are many more, and the entry barrier is extremely low.

It can absorb idle capital from the public to a great extent, and it can also cultivate people’s financial awareness and concepts, and teach financial lessons to the entire Daqin

“If the stock can still rise or fall, isn’t that just like gambling?”

Ying Zheng frowned and said.

Da Qin has always been very strict about prohibiting gambling. Officials and citizens who set up gambling privately can be punished with a tattoo at most. Even for leisure entertainment, once the bet exceeds a hundred dollars, they can be punished.

“Father, there are always losses and profits in business. This is a law of nature and cannot be changed.”

“This stock investment is actually a kind of business. It just turns the goods bought and sold into stocks.”

“Is it better for people to invest their money in this stock than for them to be bored and gamble secretly?”

Fusu said with a smile.

“Although it makes some sense, the rise and fall of this stock still has a significant impact.”

“It’s okay if it makes a profit, but if it suffers a large loss, I’m afraid it will cause a lot of resentment and twists and turns!”

Ying Zheng thought for a long time and said

“This point that my father is worried about can actually be restricted through the entry threshold of the stock exchange.”

“That is, workshops that want to issue stocks must go through strict review to ensure their operational health and investment prospects before they are allowed to go public and issue equity to raise funds.”

“In this way, it can be guaranteed that most people can make profits from stocks, and even if there are losses, they will be within a relatively controllable range.”

Fusu explained patiently. The reason why stocks in later generations are losing money for nine and a half out of ten retail investors is that the biggest problem is the lack of supervision, which has led to many listed companies playing tricks and tricking retail investors.

To put it bluntly, it’s not If there is a problem with the stock market, it is a problem with the people who are qualified to control it.

In any case, once the executor has a problem, it will be completely hopeless.

In fact, if a company has real potential, going public to raise funds will not only help itself Bringing enough funds to accelerate development, and investors can also get good returns through the development of the company, which can be said to achieve a win-win situation.

For example, the development of this new continent, whether it is Australia in the south or the American continent further away, has great potential Yes, as long as it works well, you will definitely make a profit without losing money.

Although the short-term returns may not be high, for the people of Daqin who lack investment value-added channels, as long as they can rise, it is already quite good.

In addition In addition, Fusu also plans to include some of its high-quality workshops in the listing.

The funds raised can be used to expand production, or invest in other heavy investments such as steel and postal services, involving people’s livelihood. The return of capital is slow or even loss-making, and must be controlled by the imperial court.

As long as the review is in place to ensure that all high-quality stocks are listed, even if there is an occasional drop, it will not bring too much loss to shareholders. On the contrary, because most of the shares are The reasons for the increase can allow most investors to achieve profits.

Once this is implemented, people will naturally discover the benefits and will be more enthusiastic about investing in stocks, driving the development of the entire industry chain.

It is difficult to estimate the current situation among the people in Daqin Once the wealth is fully entered into the stock market, let alone tens of millions of dollars, it is not impossible to increase it ten to eight times.

As long as the stock market develops healthily, the court can obtain a large amount of funds to accelerate development, and the people will have more opportunities to invest and increase value. channels, and can continue to benefit from the development of Daqin, forming a virtuous cycle

“If according to what you said, Fusu, the control can be in place, it is indeed feasible. Ying

Zheng thought for a long time again, nodded slightly and said:”This stock is indeed much more cost-effective for the court than bonds.””

“Not only can it save interest for the court, but the back and forth transactions of this stock also require taxes. If you add up, the total amount of taxes in the future will definitely be beyond imagination.”

“This is how real money makes money”

“Moreover, my father, if such a large amount of funds are left among the people, they can easily be taken advantage of by people with ulterior motives and directed to the stock exchange controlled by the imperial court. This will not only allow the imperial court to have more capital for operations, but also make the imperial court more efficient. Peace of mind, why not?”

Fusu said with a smile.

It’s not just the imperial court that is keeping an eye on idle funds.

No matter how strict the laws of the Qin Dynasty are, as long as the benefits are big enough, it is inevitable that someone will do the illegal thing of cheating and abducting.

Even if they are investigated and punished later, the people It is difficult to recover all the losses.

It is better to channel them into stocks and use them for the court. Moreover, if they are listed, we can take the opportunity to control some big private businessmen in a less detectable way and better control these people.

Once a businessman becomes a Without capital, things can easily change.

Fusu, who has learned lessons from later generations, will not let Da Qin’s capital escape control.

Don’t forget, Da Qin is a centralized monarchy.

What is given to you is yours.

Dare to make trouble Yes, do you really think that the swords of Fu Su and Ying Zheng are just decorations?

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